Why do MidEast countries not want refugees?

It is a good question (why the Syrians don't logically go to the rich countries in their own region). The fact that they don't (and that those rich countries won't let them) highlights the primary political-religious-cultural fracture in the Middle East, the line separating allies and foes of the Western empire. The division is, more or less, like this:

Allies: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, and Israel

Foes: Iran, Hezbollah (Lebanon), and Syria

Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, and Yemen remain 'open', to one degree or another. They comply with the empire's wishes, but they also demonstrate desire to break free from it.

Being an ally of the empire in the Middle East means you have most or all of the following properties: a lot of wealth, usually from oil and gas; a lot of weapons and other military support from the West; a hypocritical Sunni Muslim elite, which imposes extreme right-wing fundamentalist Wahhabism (literal/schizoidal interpretation of the Koran) on its population, while engorging themselves in lifestyles of luxury. These countries produce the kinds of Muslims (and Jews) the Western elite LOVE (head-chopping, baby-killing, woman-hating, flat earth-believing nut-jobs).

To ordinary Syrians, who are used to living in one of the most progressive countries in the region, where religious intolerance wasn't tolerated, where social services were available to all, and where their elite informed them about the true nature of the Western empire and its Middle Eastern allies, seeking refuge in one of those allied countries would be extremely unappealing. They know full well that the hell unleashed on their country over the last 4 years comes to them via those countries, so they know that if they try to go there, they will probably be bombed from the sky, like Yemenis are experiencing right now.

So that's the story from the point of view of Syrian refugees' motivations.

Then there's the question as to whether or not they're being encouraged (from above) to go to Europe. We discussed this in some detail on last night's Behind the Headlines radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sottradionetwork/2015/09/06/behind-the-headlines-europes-refugee-crisis-and-the-coming-chaos
Just wanted to add a note to a theme mentioned earlier. In Syria, the Shiites are actually not the majority (in Lebanon they are, but have had less political power historically than the minorities - that seems to be changing now though, if not disrupted by more Empire chaos). But also, the majority Sunnis in Syria are supporting and fighting for the government of President Assad. Just wanted to clear that up. It's quite similar to Libya where a very large majority was supporting Gaddafi - so in Syria without a NATO bombing and logistics support, the psycho-mercenary terror troops can only wreak chaos and destruction, but haven't been able to overthrow the Syrian government because of the very large majority of Syrians of all backgrounds supporting it.
Chu said:
Casper, I don't know if this is a language problem, but I find your questions to be quite vague, and definitely not something to ask the Cs about. Do you read SOTT often?

In addition to SOTT, and all other available information, as far as I get to read
Chu said:
Do you know how ISIL/ISIS was created, who funded and trained these people, and why? You may want to read this: http://www.sott.net/article/284686-The-Covert-Origins-of-ISIS
Of course, my language is not English, but I know very well who is chief policeman of the world
Chu said:
What do you know about Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc. in relation to the US/UK/Israel gang?
As a sailor, I went to these countries, I lived there for several months, enough to know

Chu said:
Joe Quinn has mentioned this several times. For example, he mentions these countries and why they are more than helping the US, here:
What concerns me is:
whether the ultimate goal of Americans (CIA) and the Gulf countries (who do not want refugees, but financial help of the European countries that receive them) to disunite Europe, because we could see from newspaper articles that the rightists and leftists arguing in Germany, the Hungarians built a wall, Greece has collapsed, Poles, Slovaks and Czechs do not want them).
There is a proverb: disunite, and conquer! If disunite Europe, becoming an easy target.
The way things are, it could happen.
Today Syria, tomorrow ISIL can go to Turkey, Turkey is a NATO member, what can we expect?
Another question:
Have you heard of the sleepers?
11 million displaced people, including 4 million in Europe, many may have disguised terrorists. Another reason to come to a split in Europe.
Niall said:
Being an ally of the empire in the Middle East means you have most or all of the following properties: a lot of wealth, usually from oil and gas; a lot of weapons and other military support from the West; a hypocritical Sunni Muslim elite, which imposes extreme right-wing fundamentalist Wahhabism (literal/schizoidal interpretation of the Koran) on its population, while engorging themselves in lifestyles of luxury. These countries produce the kinds of Muslims (and Jews) the Western elite LOVE (head-chopping, baby-killing, woman-hating, flat earth-believing nut-jobs).

To ordinary Syrians, who are used to living in one of the most progressive countries in the region, where religious intolerance wasn't tolerated, where social services were available to all, and where their elite informed them about the true nature of the Western empire and its Middle Eastern allies, seeking refuge in one of those allied countries would be extremely unappealing. They know full well that the hell unleashed on their country over the last 4 years comes to them via those countries, so they know that if they try to go there, they will probably be bombed from the sky, like Yemenis are experiencing right now.

Thanks Niall, that makes sense.

casper said:
What concerns me is:
whether the ultimate goal of Americans (CIA) and the Gulf countries (who do not want refugees, but financial help of the European countries that receive them) to disunite Europe, because we could see from newspaper articles that the rightists and leftists arguing in Germany, the Hungarians built a wall, Greece has collapsed, Poles, Slovaks and Czechs do not want them).
There is a proverb: disunite, and conquer! If disunite Europe, becoming an easy target.
The way things are, it could happen.
Today Syria, tomorrow ISIL can go to Turkey, Turkey is a NATO member, what can we expect?
Another question:
Have you heard of the sleepers?
11 million displaced people, including 4 million in Europe, many may have disguised terrorists. Another reason to come to a split in Europe.

Hey casper, I'm not sure if I fully understand the situation, but what I understand is that Turkey, a NATO country like you said, supports ISIS/'Syrian rebels'. Therefore, I'm not sure if ISIS would start wreaking havoc in Turkey. See:

The U.S could interrupt ISIS supply lines into Syria - if it wanted

Increasingly difficult to cover-up or spin, it is becoming apparent even in Western media coverage that the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) is not sustaining its fighting capacity from within Iraq or Syria, but rather through supply lines that lead to and from adjacent nations. These nations include Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, and most obviously, NATO-member Turkey.

It was in Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW)'s report, "'IS' supply channels through Turkey," that hundreds of trucks destined for ISIS held territory were videotaped waiting at Oncupinar, Turkey to cross over into Syria with apparently no oversight by the Turkish government.

Regarding 'disguised terrorists', during the radio show yesterday they discussed this. It was noted that European countries may start welcoming refugees (partly due to pressure coming from people who actually care and call for their governments to take action). I just read now that Holland has to take in 7214 more refugees, and Germany and France are also required to allow more refugees, according to a plan by the President of the European Commission, Juncker, and European Commissioner, Timmermans (afaik). It was discussed during the radio show that it is highly probable that there will be a false-flag 'terror' attack in one of these countries which could be blamed on the refugees, therefore changing the people's opinion on refugees, making them afraid of them, and maybe making them accept whichever 'protective' measures the governments will want to implement.

Fwiw, I hope this helps a bit.
In addition to what has been already told consider the following.

1. Saudi royal family members are desert bandits before they became kings. God knows how it happened. What else can we expect from them other than this
2. There is no free press to educate the people of equality and their stomach is full for religious circus to work. Recent months there are reports of UAE govt reacting to abuse of Indian workers there. This has been going on for long time but curiously enough they ignored it all along only react now. Indian media attributed to raise of its economic strength. Those makes me think they don't care of weaker nations even if they are their brothers. There is no democracy for opposition leaders to make noise either -not even the zombie democracy like in western world it became now a days.
Re: Why do not want to receive?

griffin said:
It isn't necessary to ask the Cs this question. The answer is obvious in light of the countries' cultures.

Syria is a predominently Shia Muslim country, whereas Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf monarchies are Sunni Muslim countries. Both Shia and Sunni fundamentalists regard the other sect as heretical.

There's also the fact that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are financing the ISIS/ISIL/Daesh terrorists in Syria and Iraq that the Syrian refugees are fleeing.

Actually approximately 75% of Syria population is Sunni. Nusayris (some type of Shiah but not exactly the Shia sect we see in Iran) constitute only 12% of the population. Assad himself and most members of the Ba'ath regime are Nusayris.
Regarding how far Isil will go. - C's said ' it only makes sense if it is 4d sts' regarding isil raise. This made me think 3d masters are not clear where it will lead. Is it semite cleanup in the sense of Jews are not real Semites but Muslims are but on case by case ?
Here's one possible aspect to the situation: http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-why-rich-arab-gulf-states-wont-welcome-syrian-refugees-2015-9?IR=T

"There are some Syrians who have found refuge in the Gulf, especially in Qatar, but they would all generally be on some kind of temporary visas," says Jane Kinninmont, deputy head of the Middle East and North Africa program at Chatham House in London. "The Gulf countries are not signatories to the international conventions on refugee rights that Western countries and indeed most world countries have signed up to."

She says their position appears to be motivated by the presence of so many migrant workers in the Gulf states, including from countries like Pakistan, where there is political unrest and repression.

"Their concern would be that if they started recognizing political asylum it could potentially open the doors for a multitude of their temporary workers to stay permanently, and that would raise a lot of quite complex issues."

The number of migrant workers exceeds the native population in every Gulf country except Saudi Arabia and Oman. In all of the Gulf countries, the vast majority of the workforce is foreign, ranging from 88.5% in Oman to 99.5% in the United Arab Emirates.

I don't think that's the whole explanation. Probably they just don't care, and there is no legal or external power to force them to take more refugees. I think the only reason many Western countries are taking in a number of refugees is because of public pressure. And that can be used for the leaders' other objectives: e.g. preparing the ground for future false flags which can then be blamed on the refugees and justify harsher security laws, further military interventions, internment camps, etc.
Approaching Infinity said:
I don't think that's the whole explanation. Probably they just don't care, and there is no legal or external power to force them to take more refugees. I think the only reason many Western countries are taking in a number of refugees is because of public pressure. And that can be used for the leaders' other objectives: e.g. preparing the ground for future false flags which can then be blamed on the refugees and justify harsher security laws, further military interventions, internment camps, etc.

I was reading this morning that Cameron and Hollande are thinking to participate more aggressively in Syria to stop the number of refugees. Thinking is not the right word because Hollande had already have a meeting with the Ministry of Defense. Cameron is more violent in his speech treating the regime of Assad as a devilish one. I think they are, these politics,in a vicious circle: more refugees more problems more the idea of finish the Assad's regime, more violence in Syria more refugees, etc. A real loop.
Interesting link:

Quote from the article:

The objectives of this war are the following:

Drug trafficking - the CIA, MI6 and Mossad have an interest in this war to continue, primarily due to the drug trade of Afghanistan who earns big money for the elite who traffic drugs. Everyone today wholesalers known that the CIA participated very actively in the spread of drug trafficking on the streets of America for 50 years. After the Vietnam War blossomed heroin trade, and strengthening the drug cartels in the US strengthened and distribution of cocaine, which is all directly supported by the French government through the CIA. There is also a British intelligence (British crown) MI6, which aims to control of the opium trade in the world. The instability resulting from the continuation of the war in Syria with the help of these mercenaries, provides billions of dollars dollar business and a flourishing drug trade, most of which will make war profiteers.
The world would be astonished if the insiders have revealed how much profit in the global trade of narcotics, which is shoulder to shoulder with the world's largest stores: arms trade, trade in oil resources, and human trafficking. Between 2000 and 2001 the drug production in Afghanistan has fallen to almost zero, but after the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan during this country has become a huge narco-state.

The destabilization of Iraq - in essence, the bombing of the US only managed to strengthen ISIS at all locations in Syria and Iraq, and even destroy the Syrian infrastructure and Iraqi military forces, "accidentally" helping ISIL. However, in the Kurdish areas of the bombing aims to shaping the future borders of the Kurdish territory in the area of ​​present Syria and Iraq. the ultimate goal of the United States and NATO is to destabilize Iraq and its division into three parts: Kurdish segment, Sunni and Shiite segment segment. Also, as there is no plan for Iraq, and there is no plan to chunk up Syria. The long-term plan is to destabilize the belt of North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia, which will threaten Iran, India and Pakistan.

Islamophobia and racism - Although there were several Caliphate, knowledgeable new Caliphate is shocking, redesigned map of the world showing a single world government that will cover the world, starting with the first stage involving the Islamization of the Middle East, the whole of northern Africa and parts of southern Europe. Caliphate is the project super-state that on the top of a ruler - the Caliphate, the direct successors of Mohammed. This country unites all Muslims in the world, and Islamize or eliminate infidels. Given the fact that this war is not leading Islamists but the United States, NATO and Zionist state of Israel, the Caliphate is a forgery and a carefully designed project by the Mossad, which aims to spread Islamophobia.

US and Israel achieve a solid power and control over the entire area of ​​the mass exodus of people in Europe. The idea of ​​'Islamic state' serves the purpose that the people there demoralizing, disunite, and demographic and economic ruin. The greatest weapon in this war is the racism, hatred and fear of the Muslim nation, which in this war encouraged the United States. Immigrant crisis affecting Central Europe (and the crowd at the border between Croatian and Serbian) is one of the levers to activate a number of riots, of the widespread fear of the surge of immigrants, which could further destabilize Europe.
casper said:
The richest Arab countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait (not signed the Refugee Convention of 1951) do not want to accept any refugee from Syria.
What is the reason for such behavior?

Because the 'rulers' in such countries are largely made up of atheistic psychopaths controlled from the beginning of these gerrymandered 'nations' by Washington, and Washington wants Europe 'in crisis' so they instruct the Gulf psycho-monarchies to refuse refugees. Washington also wants to use the 'refugee crisis' they created by destroying Syria and Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan to manufacture 'terror attacks' in Europe under the guise of "ISIS" (controlled by Gulf Monarchies) members among the refugees.
Perceval said:
casper said:
The richest Arab countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait (not signed the Refugee Convention of 1951) do not want to accept any refugee from Syria.
What is the reason for such behavior?

Because the 'rulers' in such countries are largely made up of atheistic psychopaths controlled from the beginning of these gerrymandered 'nations' by Washington, and Washington wants Europe 'in crisis' so they instruct the Gulf psycho-monarchies to refuse refugees. Washington also wants to use the 'refugee crisis' they created by destroying Syria and Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan to manufacture 'terror attacks' in Europe under the guise of "ISIS" (controlled by Gulf Monarchies) members among the refugees.

MSM already prepare us for such development:

The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.

The ISIS smuggler, who is in his thirties and is described as having a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.

"Just wait," he smiled.

The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries.

Islamic State, also referred to as IS and ISIS, is believed to be actively smuggling deadly gunmen across the sparsely-guarded 565-mile Turkish border and on to richer European nations, he revealed.

They are following the well-trodden route taken by refugees and migrants fleeing, travelling across the border of Turkey then on boats across to Greece and through Europe.

There are now more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen "ready" across the European Union, he claimed.

The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes.


Source: _http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/555434/Islamic-State-ISIS-Smuggler-THOUSANDS-Extremists-into-Europe-Refugees

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