I don't necessarily think "authority" is a negative thing. In some regard I see certain situations as requiring levels of authority in order to function at an optimum level. This is not to say that people are surrendering "freedom" but simply choosing to work within a certain framework in order to maximise their chances of a favourable outcome. There are many things at play across the spectrum - certain people have more competence in certain things, others have personalities and character traits that make them better at "leading", others have more experience and wisdom in certain matters etc. Also you as an individual can't be competent or experienced on all matters that affects your life, it is simply impossible unless you are superhuman.
Yes, seems to have been the case through the ages. Caesar vs. Cicero, JFK vs. LBJ. Putin vs. Biden (politically speaking).
So the better defined question might sound akin to; 'On what basis do we accept authority?'.
Much context as to the basis of the authority; law, scholarly and so on and so forth, and probably most might accept authority if it is moral and just. As such, though, people may want to defer to the authority of a good engineer (probably accept traveling over a engineered bridge), or proper moral authority to help sort out those without any morals in civil society. Authority generally is earned or appointed (and if appointed it should always be earned). Moreover, to yield authority carries incredible responsibilities, which obviously is largely lacking as can be seen in societies today, when greed with no moral fortitude drives. The latter is also tied to things like institutional authority, that is either sound or it is ponerized. If the institutional authority is sound, that authority may also appoint lower authorities (and people will vote for people to be authorities on their behalf), and then hold them to task as to their ability to carry out their responsibilities in a fair, reasoned and incorruptible way. Good cop bad cope, judge, lawyer, political appointee, shareholder appointed CEO, medical, military et cetera.
On balance, it is apparent that it is not working out so well these days, and yet this does not mean that all the authorities appointed are not good people who try to hold to their earned moral and respected values within institutions, institutions that once meant something. Unfortunately, now more and more they themselves have fallen under authority levels that are full of termites (plain speaking) that undermine the very institution.
Then there is this stage:
“When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”
― Frédéric Bastiat
That may come down to part of what you said "
On what basis do we accept authority?"
All is not so easy, though, as many people did not, will not, accept unjust mandates placed upon them by medical and political authorities. Conversely, some 'grudgingly' accept due to their individual situation.
Many of us know the game of authorized fiat money and would not accept it, and yet it is not easy to work outside that monied authority that rules.
So, it kind of comes back to practical authority, moral and just authority, or the opposite (with contrasts) and it can be a struggle.
Looked at levels of authority during covid (still happening, albeit to a lessor degree in places), and it was interesting/scary to see even in the smallest possible way, people who suddenly would confer upon themselves unappoint authority, and sneer and lambaste for the smallest mask infraction, when all one was doing was buying a coffee; pull up your mask over your nose, type of authority (I'm sure many experienced it). For some these people, and many were teenagers, this was likely their first taste of having perceived authority that they ever have had, and they seem to have no problem with it. This then might look to the times of past tyrannies (Mao, Stalin, Hitler), when people without ever having been appointed authority had become emboldened to dish it out in the most inhuman ways, and for their efforts, as authoritarian followers, they often would receive granted authority to carry on.