'Why Is My Kindergartner Being Groomed for the Military at School? '


Dagobah Resident
Viges had grown up playing dress-up with his father's, grandfather's and uncles' old military uniforms. "What we tell small kids has such a huge effect," he told Truthout. "I didn't want to be the one telling him to dream about the military."

As the mother of a 6-year-old, I know what he means. My partner and I, as longtime antiwar activists, work hard to talk to our daughter about war, violence and peace in age-appropriate ways.

That's why we were shocked this November when, shortly after Veterans Day, our daughter came home from kindergarten with a worksheet that asked the children to decide which branch of the military they would like to join.

Excellent article Kalibex

It's up on SOTT: Why are Kindergartners being groomed for the military at school?

It's really disturbing that schools are "grooming" children for later military recruitment. :evil:

The author gave some interesting history about No Child Left Behind Act which is still in effect and what parents can do to opt out:

Shifts in legislation over the past decade and a half have opened schools up to the military more than ever before. Just after 9/11, President George W. Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. The act, which has since been renewed by President Obama, took drastic measures to implement standardized curricula and testing in the nation's public schools. It also gives recruiters unprecedented leeway, according to a report by the Constitutional Litigation Clinic at the Rutgers School of Law: "schools receiving federal funds must give military recruiters the same access to students as they give employers and college recruiters," including the names of all junior and senior students.

Parents can sign a form to "opt out" of giving recruiters access to their child's time and information, and "the NCLB and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) require that parents be told that they have the right to keep recruiters away from their children." However, according to the Rutgers report, "high schools throughout the State [of New Jersey] do not notify parents of this right adequately, or at all." In addition, the report found that "schools throughout the State give recruiters much greater access to students than is required by law" and that "lack of oversight allows recruiters to present students with unrealistic and false portrayals of military service." A report from the US Army War College arguing in favor of unfettered recruiting notes that "access to the high school population remains critical to DoD [Defense Department] efforts to man the force as propensity for military service drops dramatically for most groups after the age of 18."
Thanks for sharing kalibex. It's quite insidious and pernicious that type of propaganda can seep into young minds.
whitecoast said:
Thanks for sharing kalibex. It's quite insidious and pernicious that type of propaganda can seep into young minds.

Isn't it amazing?? It's like that alleged Jesuit saying:
"Give me a child for for his first seven years and I'll give you the man"
In a Dictatorship, run in part by a totalitarian Military Industrial Complex ..... you groom the children and "draft" Mom?

Guess, you can't beat-up the neighborhood Bully any more - if he taunts you with, "Your Mom - wears Combat Boots!"

Draft America’s Daughters Act will require millions of women to sign up for draft (Photo of Commander n'chief)

Be careful what you wish for.

Feminists agitate for gender “equality”. And so, heeding their call, the Obama administration decided to open all U.S. military combat roles to women, including the elite Navy SEALS and Army Rangers.

Last December 3, Defense Secretary Ash Carter made that announcement, effective in the new year, which means 2016. To that end, Carter ordered the Marines and Army, along with the other service branches, to open about 225,000 combat jobs to women candidates – the last remaining occupational specialties that had barred female troops.

In so doing, Carter had rejected a request from the Marine Corps for a partial exception so as to keep the infantry, machine gunner, and fire support reconnaissance men-only. Carter said no: “We are a joint force, and I have decided to make a decision which applies to the entire force.” (See “Obama opening combat to women means they will need to register for Selective Service“)

Since Carter’s announcement, U.S. military services have been submitting plans for incorporating women into all of their ranks, a process that could take months or years.

Now, the expected consequence of Obama’s decision is here.

Travis J. Tritten reports for Stars and Stripes, Feb. 4, 2016, that two House Republicans introduced a bill Thursday requiring eligible women in the United States to sign up for the military draft.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., a Marine veteran, and Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Minn., a retired Navy SEAL, filed the Draft American’s Daughters Act to stoke debate over the military’s historic move to fully integrate female troops into all combat roles. If the bill is passed, women from 18-26 years old would for the first time have to join men in registering with the Selective Service program and potentially be forced to fight in future wars.

“This is a very important issue that touches the heart of every family in America, and I believe we need to have an open and honest discussion about it,” Zinke said.

Hunter and Zinke maintain that the Obama administration made the policy change despite research and reservations from the Marine Corps and special operations community, and without adequate debate among lawmakers.

Hunter said in a statement: “If this administration wants to send 18, 20-year-old women into combat, to serve and fight on the front lines, then the American people deserve to have this discussion through their elected representatives.” For his part, Zinke said in a statement: “My daughter is a damn good Navy diver. I know women play an invaluable role in war. Many times women can gain access to strategic sites that men never could. However, this administration’s plan to force all front-line combat and Special Forces to integrate women into their units is reckless and dangerous.”

Two days before the bill was introduced, on Feb. 2, Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley had testified to the Senate that they believe there no longer should be an exemption in the draft for half of the country’s population now that the military is all inclusive.

The Marines completed a study last summer that found women get injured more often and perform below males in combat. During an oversight hearing in the Senate on Tuesday, lawmakers repeatedly referenced the study and said they are worried the military could lower standards to accommodate more women in combat occupational specialties.

Zinke said the decision now means the country must contemplate changes to the draft. The Draft America’s Daughters Act will require millions of women to register beginning 90 days after it is signed into law.

Men, who historically filled combat roles, are required to register with Selective Service when they turn 18 years old in case a draft is again needed. Women have been excluded from the Selective Service System, a decision that was upheld by a 1981 Supreme Court ruling that said as long as women weren’t allowed in combat units, they shouldn’t be subjected to it.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Rep. Duncan Hunter said in an interview that the change in policy “is a change to over 200 years of warfare in the United States.” Hunter urges his fellow lawmakers to ask themselves: “Do I think we have come far enough that my daughter should be drafted?”

Hunter said he will try to bring his bill to the floor so all members of Congress will have to vote on the issue because “This should involve every member of Congress. This isn’t a military thing, it’s a family thing, it’s a cultural thing.”

Advocates for women in combat roles dismiss the bill, saying that requiring women to register wouldn’t have much practical effect, as a draft hasn’t been used since the Vietnam War.

The issue of registration for women could become a campaign issue, depending how far the bill progresses.

On Wednesday at a townhall meeting, Hillary Clinton expressed her concern that the policy change could change the definition of an all-volunteer force. She said she wasn’t sure all women should register for the draft on the grounds that “I have a hard time imagining the kind of national emergency that would require the use of the Selective Service System.”

Note Just a thought - What's all the hoopla about ... if your Drafting Mom and Dad and grooming the kids ... of stripping the Public of their "right to bear Arm's" ???^$%#%@
Comes down to this, Perpetration, Indoctrination, Utilization under impressions of Patriotism.

But it is far from the truth (as we know).

Brainwashing 101 young at a most venerable age, easy manipulated, and left with impression's of Captain America imagery imprinted in fragile minds.

The Canon Fodder of the futre for an idea .....unwinnable

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