Why is the North American Union so bad?


The Living Force
We all are to a lesser or more degree aware of the apparent intention of the global elite to accomplish a one world government and a one world currency, which are becoming very apparent again with the alleged North American Union. If you do a keyword search on "Amero", which is the proposed currency of the North American Union, there's plenty to keep you occupied for a while.

YouTube also have some clips on it:




My question is this: Why is this considered to be such a bad thing? One reason I would imagine would be that the stronger economy, in this case the US, would be weakened by merging with weaker economies? But explain to me why this kind of thing is considered to be sooo..."Orwellian"? Is it because total control of the masses is then so much more accomplishable?
Erna said:
My question is this: Why is this considered to be such a bad thing? One reason I would imagine would be that the stronger economy, in this case the US, would be weakened by merging with weaker economies? But explain to me why this kind of thing is considered to be sooo..."Orwellian"? Is it because total control of the masses is then so much more accomplishable?
I think that's a good question that definitely needs a serious critical analysis. Here are some of my thoughts on the matter, which of course can be wrong. One thing to consider is what is happening in US right now and in other countries. If it wasn't for people in other countries criticizing the policies of US so vehemently, then the chances that the citizens of US would ever see anything outside of the perspective that is carefully managed by their own mainstream media are pretty slim I think. Of course, one reason for this is because US is stepping on the "toes" of other psychopaths in power of other countries, so they have anti-US propaganda to try to put US in its place. But another reason is because the people of other countries are not subject to the same exact propaganda that the US is subject to (the US government does not own all the media in the world, mostly just their own media), so their perspective is naturally more objective about the actions US, though when it comes to their own countries and religions it may not be the case. But then again, some countries are less "ponerized" than others, and while the pathocracy is a global disease, it is not equally strong everywhere. Sometimes when it focuses on one part of the world I think it neglects the ability of the other, less ponerized parts, to interfere.

Or what happened with Nazi Germany - if other countries besides Germany did not exist, if the democratic society of Germany (as it was at the time) was actually a global civilization, what would happen when Hitler and the Nazis completely ponerized this society, only it was the whole world? There would be no one else to get in its way.

I think the problem is that Hitler "sold" his propaganda to his own people, but having no access to the media of other countries, the people of those countries weren't "sold" on specifically that propaganda. They were "sold" on the specific propaganda of their own megalomaniac psychopaths for leaders. And the psychopaths in charge of those other countries wanted to keep their power, and Hitler threatened it. But they couldn't of course use that as an excuse because that makes them just like Hitler, so they had to use their own propaganda to make Hitler look evil (which he was, but so were the leaders who were saying this) and to "defend the world" from evil so to speak, which in reality was "defend our interests".

As far as I understand it, the current situation in the world has been maintained this way for thousands of years. Humanity is divided by languages, religions, cultures, nations, etc. This makes it easy to pit groups of humanity against one another for any of the above reasons and more, constantly keeping people busy and in fear of one another. So actually I think dividing humanity into groups seems like a stable long-term strategy for the PTB, it has worked for thousands of years, so the question is, why change a strategy that has worked for thousands of years?

Well we know that the pathocracy needs fear to control. Historically it has always been some other group of humanity that was the threat - whether it was a different religion, culture, country, race, whatever. So if they are about to shift things around, why? Well, psychopaths ARE known for a stark lack of long term perspective and are blinded by their own wishful thinking and drive to get more and more power, often unable to see the consequences of this like scratching a healing wound because it's very itchy usually ends up tearing away the scab and causing a lot of pain, way more than the itch. They rise up, try to get way too much power way too fast, and historically always collapse on themselves or get taken over by someone else who inevitably also collapses and/or gets taken over, and the cycle just keeps happening. So they do mess up on a national level all the time, but they have not yet messed up on a global level. I think one possibility why globally they have not messed up like they do on a national level all the time is maybe because the people who are in control of the world are not the same as those who get to rule individual countries. Probably smarter, more careful, etc. But being STS no doubt have their share of wishful thinking, and something has got to "give" even with them eventually as their drive to ponerize the world and give themselves more power ultimately fails because.

I think the reason for that is that the people of the world are not psychopaths, they cannot function in a completely ponerized environment for too long just like a healthy body cannot survive after it is completely infected with a disease. The healthy body requires certain things to survive, a disease requires other things and it cannot see beyond its own needs. The more the disease tries to force a body to function according to its criteria, the sicker the body becomes, and eventually dies, which also kills the disease because it depended on the body for its own survival. So if the scab of your wound is itchy, you have an impulse to scratch it, it's an immediate "need" you feel. But if you consider your body's needs, you realise that you'll hurt your body (and therefore yourself) a lot more if you rip off that scab, or similarly if your eyes have allergies and itch, you hurt yourself a lot more by scratching them and causing them to swell and hurt even more, and itch even more. If you are like a psychopath, the more it hurts and itches, the harder you scratch to get rid of the itch, causing even more pain and swelling and itching and eventually leading to some very serious problems.

So would this compulsion for power and control be the driving force behind announcing an official one-world governmen? Because if this is true, why did they work so hard to separate humanity and pit it against one another for thousands of years? It would seem that the compulsion for power and control was responsible for this constant artificial separation in the first place, so how could the same compulsion lead them to do the exact opposite of what they've been doing? This suggests to me that there must be more to it. I think the reason is because something is different now that forces them to do it. Something that is different from the way things have been for thousands of years. But what? I think the probable answer is what is coming in the next few years - the comets, the Wave, and other surprises. Otherwise I cannot think of any other reason that would suddenly make the PTB go against their own methodology that was designed to control everyone in the first place.

Historically, a country that became "too ponerized" collapsed. But not until the ruler had everybody in the country in a completely iron grip of total control for at least a little while. So it seems to me that while having control over the world with many nations, they do not have total control. They could have total control with one world goverment, but it would probably collapse, and while the psychopaths do not see this, I think the global PTB know it, which is why they have not yet tried on a global scale what the low-level psychopaths constantly try on a national scale. But this time they ARE trying it, so why? I think the reason is as I said, what's coming up in the next few years. They want everyone in a complete and total control so they can manage the population during the catastrophes, and they're not afraid that this control will collapse because they expect the majority of the population to be wiped out by the cataclysms anyway. After the dust settles, they want to regain control, but I'm wondering if they'd want to continue a one-world-government control after that, or go back to how they've been doing this with artificial divisions again. The latter has proven to be stable long-term so probably that's what they'll go with. But the former total control version is not stable long-term, but it provides "relief" in the short term like scratching an infection or an allergy or a wound.

Anyway, these are my thoughts at the time, but as you can tell I'm not exactly clear on this stuff, I'm just brainstorming here trying to make sense of things. So take that with a grain of salt, it's definitely an important question.
That immediate itch that needs scratching might be the additional tax payers adding to the military budget. I see on wikipedia that the African Union also aims to have a single currency and a single integrated defence force. Let's hope that one happens on Africa time.
SAO said:
As far as I understand it, the current situation in the world has been maintained this way for thousands of years. Humanity is divided by languages, religions, cultures, nations, etc. This makes it easy to pit groups of humanity against one another for any of the above reasons and more, constantly keeping people busy and in fear of one another. So actually I think dividing humanity into groups seems like a stable long-term strategy for the PTB, it has worked for thousands of years, so the question is, why change a strategy that has worked for thousands of years?
It is a very good question. To add to the brainstorm, perhaps the PTB don't actually change that strategy but expand it? by introducing (or by imposition) a new enemy that is ultra/extra terrestrial in nature, the war on terror is waring rather thin, why not introduce a new level of ugliness? That would add a new dimension to the fear quotient, maintain a division and surely the surviving public would want (beg for) a coordinated global effort (one-world government) to fight off (or build temples for) a non-human invader?

Erna - A reason driving North American union may include the US trying to secure (steal) Canadian water resources - There is a recent SOTT article about this.
Yes, I can imagine the Canadian resources are too good to resist, and if the PTB have any extra terrestrial plans for the future...well...that's explains Mexico's involvement ;)
Erna said:
My question is this: Why is this considered to be such a bad thing?
good question.

the short answer is: it is the next step to an even more centralized system with a single point of control, a bottleneck, if you like.
This is conducive to psychopathic takeover (they like overarching control of most amount of resources with least amount of effort). As this centralized control of the many by the few grows, it gains power, increasing its control, which then stifles individual non-centralized creativity and eventually stifles and extinguishes life itself.

the long answer is.. ummm... well, have you read 'Political Ponerology' by Andrew Lobaczewski?
sleepyvinny said:
have you read 'Political Ponerology' by Andrew Lobaczewski?
I'll read that one next. Right now I'm busy with "Controversy of Zion", which shocks me to the core.
In talking to people I find it galling that hardcore Bush supporters also tend to be strong NWO opponents and independence-minded US "separatists," if you will. They seem to have to have no idea that GW is the NWO's main man in this part of the world. They tend to ignore the North American Union, the neocon support for globalization, not securing borders, illegal-alien amnesty, etc. Oh, the cognitive dissonance. Or maybe there just isn't much cognition going on at all.
Erna said:
sleepyvinny said:
have you read 'Political Ponerology' by Andrew Lobaczewski?
I'll read that one next. Right now I'm busy with "Controversy of Zion", which shocks me to the core.
ah. yes, I had the same reaction, even though I sort of knew what I was letting myself in for, when I started it. Actually it is so tough going I still haven't finished it yet. (I need to get back to it!)

'Controversy of Zion' is a very good real life case study of what 'Political Ponerology' describes in more abstract terms, so I think you will find that the two books complement each other extremely well.
These supranational entities (the EU, for example) serve to decrease the control that the people have over the government. That is why they are usually made up of the so-called "democracies." Things like the EU and any NA Union would make it even easier for the corporations and the financial PTB to go over the head of the people.

Parallel to this in the political realm is the military integration at those levels. There is already a NorCom or Northern Command in the U.S. military that has power over North America, even though the U.S. constitution was supposed to prohibit military control over the domestic polity.
DonaldJHunt said:
There is already a NorCom or Northern Command in the U.S. military that has power over North America, even though the U.S. constitution was supposed to prohibit military control over the domestic polity.
Oh, Donald, do you really think that the military is going to let that dusty, old piece of paper stop them from doing anything that they want to do? You know that they have no use for the constitution. ;)
A lot of people in the European Union don't realize that they are losing the ability to influence their governments. The power of national governments are being eroded by the European Union's centralized government of unelected officials. These officials are absolutely unaccountable for any breach of law. I read about one official working in finance, who was actually convicted of fraud but continues on in his position thanks to immunity.

I spoke to a young woman who spent a year in Brussels who said that she earned 2,000.00 euro a month working for the government, yet she had to beg for something to do. The person above her commented, "I make 5,000.00 euro a month and have nothing to do. How can I give you something to work on?"

It was initially promised that the European government would not take power out of the hands of national governments, but that has now been forgotten. It all started to change when English produce sellers were forced, on pain of heavy fines, to sell their produce in kilos rather than pounds. Of course, there was an outcry - in England, but the other countries of the European Union failed to recognize what was actually happening. The centralized government liars were asserting their power over national governments in the name of standardization.

It's obscene how much wealth is diverted into the pockets of unelected, self serving officials that continuously undermine the sovereignty of nations, hog tie small business owners (such as small French dairies) with legislation that protects big business, and increasingly impoverish the working class with 'liberalization' policies.
Hey, folks, anything done in the name of "improved security" and "free trade" and loved by the Council on Foreign Relations, The CD Howe Institute, the Fraser Institute, North American Competitiveness Council, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales and every other corporatist organization has got to be worrisome. Judicial Watch has published in PDF form a bunch of the released Security and Prosperity Plan documents as eight PDF files at the bottom of their summary article here:
The interesting thing in some of the YouTube clips were the timelines mentioned. One currency trader was saying "20 - 40 years", while another commentator mentioned 2010. Certainly this idea is going to be a hard sell given all the "patriotism" programming people in the US have received. But perhaps the idea is to have it ready to roll out in the event that another false flag event occurs?

Big business would most certainly want all the resources of Canada and the manpower of Mexico all in one bureaucratic framework. And in a fascist state by definition (which is what the US is now), the corporations have merged with the political hierarchy, so you can bet dollars to donuts that they have been drawing up the blueprints from day one in anticipation.
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