Why is the North American Union so bad?

AdPop said:
Hey, folks, anything done in the name of "improved security" and "free trade"
This post reminded me of my University days. The North American mass media would have you believe that all North American Colleges (Universities) are left-wing socialist entities. In my experience, I'd say that the professors themselves may have more socialistic viewpoints than the norm, but the course material (the key) surely does not. Most courses don't test the students on the opinions of the professor but the course material from textbooks.

Take economics for example. When in school, I was constantly fed the 'advantages' of free trade and for a few years, I actually bought it. Most textbooks which write about this idea are loaded with the benefits of an open economic world, with actual 'evidence' (basically some stat that disregards so many other factors as to why an economy could have grown, ie the Asian Tigers). When it comes to the 'disadvantages', they are basically 'speculation' (and they make sure you know it's only speculation) on what could happen if free trade is not properly overseen. I could give you the examples of both sides, but I think most of us already know what free trade has done to both 'first world' and 'third world' nations.

Our entire generation, those who went to post-secondary education I'd say between the early 90s to present, have been sold a lie about this. Even those who haven't been to these universities surely hear it from thier friends and family members everytime a little political debate takes place. It's like the beloved 'trickle down effect' of bogus knowledge.

This love of 'free trade' is one main factor allowing the populace of these 3 nations to go along with this Union. I bet of you ask people on the street if free trade is a good thing for both our nation, the poorer nations, and the world as a whole, 80% of them (generally those who haven't done much thinking on the subject) will say 'yes'. It's quite disturbing.

I always thought that Canadians would never go along with this, and there'd be massive riots and protests to this Union (as there may still be), but when they 'sell' it to us as simply opening economic borders (for now), I think many Canadians will jump on board. If there is one stat that is engrained in most Canadians, even those who don't pay much attention to news/economics, it is the one describing that over 80% of our exports go to the US. Because of this, so many of us will jump right on board, only seeing the benefits to this Union, while completely ignoring the disadvantages. The worst part is that many (mostly in the media so far, talking about these meetings coming up in Montebello, Quebec) are disregarding the fact that we already have 'free trade' with the US and Mexico! How much 'freeer' can it get?

If there is one thing that can combat Canadians love of hating the USA, and our identity of simply 'not being them', it's the bogus argument of free trade.
from: _http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=6346

Canadians Completely Unaware of Looming North American Union
Bush and Calderon to Visit Canada

by Kevin Parkinson

Global Research, July 17, 2007

In just over a month’s time, on August 20, the most powerful president in the world will be arriving in Montebello, Quebec for a two-day conference. President George W. Bush will be meeting with Stephen Harper and their Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon. So far, the silence from the Canadian and American media has been deafening.

Talk to 90% of people on the street and they won’t know about this upcoming conference, and if by a slim chance they do, they won’t know the purpose of the meeting or why the leaders of Canada, United States and Mexico are meeting in the dog days of summer under what amounts to a veil of secrecy.

So, what’s this upcoming conference all about, and why are the newspapers, radio and television keeping silent about it?

The purpose of the upcoming conference is to ratify the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, which was initiated by Bush, Martin and Fox in 2005 in Waco, Texas. Essentially, this so-called ‘partnership’ will result in what the politicians refer to as ‘continental integration’-newspeak for a North American Union- and basically a harmonization of 100’s of regulations, policies and laws.

In layman’s terms, it means that once this ‘partnership’ has been ratified which is a fait accompli; we will be following in the footsteps of the European Union. It will mean that Canada will become part of the North American Union by 2010, and that our resources, agricultural, health and environment issues, to name a few, will be controlled not by Canada, but by the government of the North American Union.

A huge ‘NAFTA’ highway, one quarter of a mile wide, is already being built in Texas, where private land is being expropriated, and will eventually reach the Manitoba border.

Water will be the ‘issue’ of this century, as more than 25 states in the U.S. are currently in desperate need. Where do you think they will get the water they need?

The United States is already guaranteed 60% of our natural gas resources from NAFTA, which mean that even during emergencies when we need energy, we will have to import it, while we are forced to export gas to the U.S. This is just one example of how Canada is being shortchanged, and it’s only going to get worse.

Why has there been absolutely NO public consultation on the biggest issue (North American Union) facing Canadians since Confederation? Why isn’t Guy Lauzon, our local MP for Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry, holding town hall meetings, bringing in cabinet ministers and explaining how the emerging North American Union will affect our Canadian way of life? Ask the citizens of Canada for their feedback. Isn’t that how democracy is supposed to work?

Folks, I suggest that Mr. Lauzon isn’t even aware of the SPP or the North American Union, which explains why the Conservative government has denied all Canadians information to which they are entitled. If he does have something to say about it, then let him raise the issue in our riding.

Furthermore, the example of the North American Union illustrates that our government claims to be democratic, but in fact, does it act like one, or does it prefer to make the big decisions at committee level behind closed doors, while masking its real intentions?

The ratification of the SPP, and the emergence of the North American Union have been organized entirely by government committees and private enterprise. I refer readers to my website at www.realitycheck.typepad.com

for further information on the North American Union.

If our citizenry allows the North American Union to come into existence, then our way of life will change drastically, for the years to come. With privatization of our resources, increased foreign ownership, and a Canadian government with less and less authority, our children and grandchildren will be come ‘North Americans’ and our quality of life will drastically decline.

The founding fathers of Canada must be rolling over in their graves.
And go to wikipedia to read what they say about the North American Union


The Independent Task Force on North America was a project organized by the Council on Foreign Relations (U.S.), the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, and the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. It was chaired by former Canadian politician John Manley and advocates a greater economic and social integration between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

It was launched in October 2004 and published two documents: Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010 (March 2005) and its final report Building a North American Community[1] (May 2005).

The final report proposed increased international cooperation between the nations of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, similar in some respects to that of the European Union.
What does everyone think about this 'theory' as to why and how they'll be able to get away with this NAU:

Right now, China has massive investment in the US, which if called could spell bankruptcy, not just for the US but for North American as a whole.

It is true that they are getting screwed by the dollar being devalued everyday. Thier holdings are worth less and less, but overall their 'return on investment" is still good regardless of the slight change in the value of the dollar.

Now if they were to call thier debts, there'd be hyperinflation but only after the debt has been called and the Chinese have exchanged thier holdings.

Basically for China right now, thier return on investment (interest on the loan) is greater than the loss taken due to ever devaluing dollar.

There will come a day as the US continues to print substantially more money than it should, and takes on even more debt than it should to fund its imperialist policy, that it will be more profitable for them to call the debt, then to allow the dollar to slide further. Basically, they'd be LOSING money to continue to hold that asset. Interest<the loss from the dollar losing value.

When that day comes, China obviously won't get all of its debt as the US will have to default on some of it, but it will also be the sole superpower of the world. So they are esentially trading a bit of cash, which they likely would have lost anyways, to be # 1.

China is basically just biding thier time, selling the US crappy products, and holding thier assets (investments). Once they've established an economy that could take a minor hit like a small default on debt, they'll no doubt call it.

Where the Amero comes in, is if the US can switch its currency before the bankruptcy doomsday comes, and value it at a much higher rate to the US dollar than it should be (it really works for them that no one really knows how many US dollars are in existance, cause no one can really call them on it -its basically like finding money to put towards the debt), than it should be, the US could switch all of it's debts over to this new currency, and not have the threat of hyperinflation should the debts be called.

Since the rich bankers of the world (mainly in Europe and North America) would take a huge hit by an American bankruptcy, they'll allow this unfair exchange of currencies.

The people of the US will love it, because it will save everyone from hyperinflation and a depression that has never been seen before. Everyone in the US will embrace this Union, and will realize this currency is the only way to keep thier standard of living. The frustrating part, is that many Americans will not even realize that this plan was in the works way way way before the US started printing money at will and overborrowing to fund its imperialist policy.

For those in power, this current middle east plundering will essentially be 'free' as they will continue to make thier own personal fortunes (through military equimpent and oil) and the society as a whole will not be any worse off. If you aren't worse off, there is less of a chance you'd 'call' them on thier shady plans.

If everything goes according to plan, they'll all get ultra-rich, and be regarded as heroes for saving the new North American population from bankruptcy.

Whomever the next president becomes will likely be regarded as that hero. "They" won't care who 'gets the glory' cause they'll all have made thier money. In ten years we'll be able to say, 'Bush was the worst pres in US history' but we'll also be able to say, 'thank god for (enter president) for saving us from bankruptcy. Do anyone really think Bush will care what people think of him while he's in retirement rolling around in all the cash he made personally during his presidency?

This is simply my own take on the situation and not copied from some critic or website. Had it been, I would have simply linked it instead of spending all that time typing it out.

It may be flawed and I may be 'way out in left feild' on this one, but it seems to follow what has been happening both in front of everyone and behind the scenes as of late. The predictive programming we've seen in the mainstrem over the last five years about China overtaking the US as the next superpower (and talking like there is nothing we can do about it) will also jive nicely with the idea that this Union will keep North America from economic hardships and having those 'evil communist Chinese' ruling the globe.

"We must unite to keep our 'way of life' and to make sure the Chinese can't take over the world and turn us all into communists!"
Here's the Council on Foreign Relations' paper on the North American Union proposal. $15 for the paper, but free to download in PDF form: http://www.cfr.org/content/publications/attachments/NorthAmerica_TF_final.pdf

It says:
The Task Force offers a detailed and ambitious set of proposals that build on the recommendations adopted by the three governments at the Texas summit of March 2005. The Task Force's central recommendation is establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter.
That means a single border, unified military, a new currency (and I hear a new judiciary, too), all just three years (or less) away. Yes, it's all being done behind closed doors and the orders for it surely came from whatever next-higher-on-the-totem-pole think tank the CFR reports to. There's a news blackout except for, weirdly, Lou Dobbs on CNN, practically every night. CNN doesn't report about it on the web at all, but Dobbs's rants against it are available in transcripts on the CNN site and of course, YouTube. I can't quite figure that one out.
AdPop said:
There's a news blackout except for, weirdly, Lou Dobbs on CNN, practically every night. CNN doesn't report about it on the web at all, but Dobbs's rants against it are available in transcripts on the CNN site and of course, YouTube. I can't quite figure that one out.
Maybe I can...

I'd figure that if the ptb were to actually implement this plan...it can't exactly be a TOTAL surprise to the mainstream. Enter Lou Dobbs. Seems pretty convenient to me. IMO, Dobbs merely serves as the ptb's mechanism for 'crowd control'. I say this as an observer of the show for over a year now...yea, like everyday.

If I was trying to figure out if my statements were accurate - I would begin by reviewing Lou Dobbs reports, reviewing the social and/or political events/climate in the U.S., and then making a correlation between Dobbs' reports and how the events/climate have been impacted.

It seems that the entire country could have cared less about illegal immigration and amnesty or anything else related to the issue, BEFORE Lou Dobbs began his rants on illegals. All of a sudden there are hordes of peeps in the streets getting angry at one another and everyone else. (Can you say, "Hysteria?") Well, of course the hordes of people in the streets probably didn't parade around because of Dobb's rants themselves, but because of the LEGISLATION that was being discussed in congress all of a sudden.


What, may i ask, could have possibly provoked congress to discuss the issue of illegals in this country? It's not like we just opened up the borders and have found out, all of a sudden, that people enter the country illegally...and that those folks enter illegally because they know that they will get paid to do a job over here...and that "now we [congress/gov't] need to do something about it." That's BS. Americans have known about this fact for ages...and our leaders have known about this ever since the border was 1st defined (how stupid could you think they are?)


I don't know, what do you guys think of my hasty analysis? Is Lou Dobbs slowly massaging the NAU information into the mainstream?
here are videos made by a French-speaking Quebecer.

for French viewers

Harper: protector of Canada?

Goodbye America

North American Union & european Unio : Bilderberg plan?
Bush has criminalised the anti-war movement, because it helps terrorists by "disturbing the peace efforts in Irak".
Canada is about to get under the thumb of the USA under the NAU when the SPP will be adopted.
So, logically, the anti-war movement will soon be criminalised in Canada also.
Then my heroes at the Council of Canadians will be outlawed.
Shame on you Harper and Bush.

If you want to know more about the SPP and NAU, globalresearch.ca have these articles.

Montebello SPP Summit: Canada's Sovereignty in Jeopardy: the Militarization of North America
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2007-08-17
Canada is contiguous to "the center of the empire". Territorial control over Canada is part of the US geopolitical and military agenda.

The North American Union and the End of Democracy in Canada
- by Kevin Parkinson - 2007-08-13
Security and Prosperity Partnership: Meet the Powerful Business Members of the North American Competitiveness Council

Canada and Bush's North American Union Project
- by Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay - 2007-08-09

'Hands off our water,' Canadians say
Washington think tank sets 'North American agenda' for resource
May 10, 2007
By Jerome R. Corsi

Two activist groups are launching a campaign to prevent what they fear will be a massive grab of Canadian fresh water, estimated to be one-fifth of the world's supply, engineered with the help of major U.S. think tanks supporting globalization.

The Council of Canadians, a public advocacy group opposed to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, and the Coalition for Water Aid, a Montreal group fighting for transparency in globalist discussions of water policy, have expressed concern over an April 27 three-day closed-door conference held in Calgary by politicians, businessmen, and academics from the U.S. and Canada.

Among the discussion subjects was a private report prepared by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, in conjunction with a Mexican university and a Canadian business trade group.

Secret think tank report leaked to press

It was Council of Canadians officials who leaked to the press a copy of the CSIS report, titled "The North American Future 2025 Project."

The "Project," according to the copy released by the Council of Canadians, was a joint effort by the CSIS, the Centro de Investigation y Docencia Economicas in Mexico, and the Conference Board of Canada, a group comparable to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

A search by WND of the CSIS website failed to find a copy of the report.

But the North American Future 2025 Project calls for a series of seven closed-door roundtables to be held by somewhere between 21 to 45 politicians, academics, and businessmen from the U.S., Mexico, and Canada (an equal number from each country) "to analyze, comprehend, and anticipate" North American integration trends between now and 2025.

The leaked report calls for a conclusion on the future of North American integration "to be presented in 2007 to the executive and legislative branches of the governments of North America."

The final report in September 2007 will be "produced in the three official languages – English, Spanish, and French – as part of an effective dissemination strategy aimed at maximizing the policy impact of the report."

North American continental water resources

The CSIS report notes that "fresh water is running out in many regions of the world."

In North America, the report stressed that "particularly the United States and Mexico will experience water scarcity as a result of arid climates coupled with growing populations and increased water consumption."

In the next paragraph, the CSIS report observed that, "Juxtaposed to the relative scarcity of water in the United States and Mexico, Canada possesses about 20 percent of the earth's fresh water."
CNBC talks about the Amero
A guy who I know through my blogging BMO has a rather good Socratic (?) revelation when doing a video story about the SPP and the Council of Canadians who were not allowed to hire a hall nearby.


"Undercover cops tried to incite violence in Montebello: union leader"

Here's the youtube video of the affair:


Quite interesting.
What do you think about Connie Fogal and her Canadian Action Party? "Crowd Control" too? or a genuine fighter?
I may be naïve, but I see them as "heroes" of the Civil Society. I haven't investigated them. They seem to be the only nationalist antiglobalist party in Canada that is worth anything, alongside the NDP (New Democratic Party).

As I live in Quebec, I vote for Bloc Quebecois in national elections, so I haven't really looked at the other alternatives from English-speaking Canada. (Although they are not much nationalistic anymore, Quebecers have a strong sentiment of belonging to the province of Quebec instead of federalist Canada, which is seen as negative by a large proportion of Quebecers.)
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