Why vegetarian mammals do not have fatty acid?

Kisito said:
If I want to do this regime to stem the chronic fatigue. I tried a little to be vegetarian, I stopped because I love meat and smell .. Now I eat fruits and vegetables before meat, I reduce it sugar and gluten, I am still a bit tired, but this is perhaps due to my social status?

The reducing gluten, but not eliminating it is a problem because eating any gluten, even a crumb, still makes a mess out of our immune system, body and mind. It takes 6 months for all of the gluten to exit the system.

Eating fruits is eating sugar so if you are still eating sugar and fruits you are eating a LOT of sugar. But gluten should be the first thing to eliminate.

Kisito said:
To understand ... it takes energy, when energy is lacking there is a tendency to rush on the way, and just get lost or stumble.. Thank you for this wakeup call Nienna.

The thing is going into something, anything, blind (no knowledge) can lead to many mistakes, some of them very uncomfortable. Reading the material not only answers the questions you have, but shows the things that were done that were mistakes and how they were corrected.
Keit said:
Well, Laura is right, vegetarian mammals, specifically cows, sheep, goats (and any other animals that have four stomachs) have very different digestive systems.

I just saw an image on FB, that can clarify the above point even further!

Which of these pictures most closely resembles the digestive system of a human? It appears somewhere between that of a non ruminant herbivore and a carnivore to me, with carnivore being the closest match. The Vegetarian Myth also does a great job of explaining this point using comparative statistics.
Kisito said:
While fatty acids would deploy more energy potential than manufacture the mitochondria, making us more energetic and protecting us from various diseases.
Also I wonder why vegetarians mammals do not need to consume fatty acids? Is it the fact that their body develops enough ketone or their mtDNA is better protected?
I am not a vegetarian and I love bacon, but I can not reconcile the fact that to live well he must killed, rather than being vegetarian as the horse or elephant?

In fact herbivores rely heavily on fatty acids. Volatile fatty acids (VFA) are essential for their survival:

Microbes in the rumen ferment carbohydrates into volatile fatty acids which are absorbed through the rumen wall into the blood stream. Some of the volatile fatty acids are lost during eructation.

Volatile fatty acids are the main energy source for ruminants, providing approximately 70% of the total energy requirements. They are used primarily by the microorganisms for reproduction and growth, with the excess production being used by the ruminant itself.

The three main volatile fatty acids produced in ruminants are acetic acid, butyric acid and propanoic acid.
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