djewlew said:I say, America better NOT invade other countries again.
Pete02 said:Hi djewlew,
Just to clarify with you, it really isn't Americans responsible for invading these other countries. Yes, I know our troops are out there but I as an American don't want them there and neither does anyone I know. Unfortunately there are higher powers at work here and I don't believe our president has even been calling any of the shots for quite some time. We probably will suffer for invading the countries that our troops have but rest assure, the bad guys will most likely get away to cause more damage somewhere else and the innocent left here will suffer the consequences.
I think the reading that Laura and cholas have recommended for you would help you to see the bigger picture. ;)
djewlew said:Agree, as far as most of the victims of invasions being the innocent bystanders. America better stop thinking that it is another little junior christ trying to fix the wider world for the prosperity of the next generations. It doesn't go that way. Man is the wolf of man with much rage and revenge in the bloodstream. America is on the way to empire bankruptcy. What next, then? Invasion by a stronger wolf?...
OK, point accepted. But please, then enlighten me on the reason we're wolves - and America thinks it is a [little, junior] christ to redeem the beasts. WHO is the BIG BAD WOLF?anart said:djewlew said:Agree, as far as most of the victims of invasions being the innocent bystanders. America better stop thinking that it is another little junior christ trying to fix the wider world for the prosperity of the next generations. It doesn't go that way. Man is the wolf of man with much rage and revenge in the bloodstream. America is on the way to empire bankruptcy. What next, then? Invasion by a stronger wolf?...
Hi djewlew,
It seems you might not have understood the points that were made to you thus far. It is not America that is the problem, per se, it is the forces that control America and the rest of the world. As long as you focus on American alone, you're missing the whole point, since it is a global force, though America has certainly taken center stage!
djewlew said:OK, point accepted. But please, then enlighten me on the reason we're wolves - and America thinks it is a [little, junior] christ to redeem the beasts. WHO is the BIG BAD WOLF?
djewlew said:WHO is the BIG BAD WOLF?
To sum it up in a nutshell, I couldn't have said it better myself. ;)shijing said:If I understand you correctly, I think the most concise answer to your question is that the 'big bad wolf' is 4th density STS, who act largely through the medium of 3rd density psychopaths who are placed strategically in our world and reality. These psychopaths don't feel loyalty toward any particular nationality, although they may exploit other people's feelings of connection and patriotism to their respective countries. The global chessboard is ultimately set up to exploit us, as food and resources for 4th density STS.
shijing said:djewlew said:OK, point accepted. But please, then enlighten me on the reason we're wolves - and America thinks it is a [little, junior] christ to redeem the beasts. WHO is the BIG BAD WOLF?
If I understand you correctly, I think the most concise answer to your question is that the 'big bad wolf' is 4th density STS, who act largely through the medium of 3rd density psychopaths who are placed strategically in our world and reality. These psychopaths don't feel loyalty toward any particular nationality, although they may exploit other people's feelings of connection and patriotism to their respective countries. The global chessboard is ultimately set up to exploit us, as food and resources for 4th density STS.