Will America invade other countries again?

Los said:
djewlew said:

Good question. Much of the research here thus far points in the direction of psychopaths and specifically how their influence infects whole societies. Political Ponerology is the study of this influence and really is a fascinating read. If you choose to read it, you'll probably want to start with some basic texts on psychopaths like Hare's Without Conscience or Stout's The Sociopath Next Door.
Thanks for the suggestion to read. I will in time. Meanwhile, I let you know that I've read THOUSANDS of books in my lifetime, in two language [Portuguese/English] and have come across BAD WOLVES everywhere! Life is worthless and evolution cheated us! [Life is worthless, except when I look at my amaryllis...].
djewlew said:
Yes, let us go after those wolves to kill them to avoid sheep being attacked, and eaten alive, while being dismembered! We're not going to stand here idling by with no purpose in life but to allow wolves eat us! Let the WILD SHEEP rise!!
Hmmm... You didn't understand shijing's post, no?
And life is not worthless, it is what is is, it is.
djewlew said:
Yes, let us go after those wolves to kill them to avoid sheep being attacked, and eaten alive, while being dismembered! We're not going to stand here idling by with no purpose in life but to allow wolves eat us! Let the WILD SHEEP rise!!

Well, maybe -- I think it all depends on how exactly you plan to 'go after the wolves and kill them' (see what mkrnhr says directly above). What do you mean by that? If you mean literally going after people (even psychopaths) and killing them, then there is quite a bit to think about there in terms of what is STO vs STS (if you aren't too familiar with these terms, do a search -- it will bring up a lot -- and try to start reading to get a feel for what is actually meant by them). Also, I am not really sure how you would go about killing 4th density STS -- ignoring the moral aspect of killing, just practically speaking, I think that is presently beyond our means.

On the other hand, one of my favorite quotes from the transcripts is something to the tune of 'you aren't acting against another, you are acting if favor of your own destiny', which means that when something wants to eat you (literally or metaphorically) you have the right to refuse to be eaten. Deciding how to do that is a question which requires courage, insight and creativity, but it is essentially the task before us that we need to figure out in order to survive, evolve, and not be trodden underfoot by the wolves.
shijing said:
djewlew said:
Yes, let us go after those wolves to kill them to avoid sheep being attacked, and eaten alive, while being dismembered! We're not going to stand here idling by with no purpose in life but to allow wolves eat us! Let the WILD SHEEP rise!!

Well, maybe -- I think it all depends on how exactly you plan to 'go after the wolves and kill them' (see what mkrnhr says directly above). What do you mean by that? If you mean literally going after people (even psychopaths) and killing them, then there is quite a bit to think about there in terms of what is STO vs STS (if you aren't too familiar with these terms, do a search -- it will bring up a lot -- and try to start reading to get a feel for what is actually meant by them). Also, I am not really sure how you would go about killing 4th density STS -- ignoring the moral aspect of killing, just practically speaking, I think that is presently beyond our means.

On the other hand, one of my favorite quotes from the transcripts is something to the tune of 'you aren't acting against another, you are acting if favor of your own destiny', which means that when something wants to eat you (literally or metaphorically) you have the right to refuse to be eaten. Deciding how to do that is a question which requires courage, insight and creativity, but it is essentially the task before us that we need to figure out in order to survive, evolve, and not be trodden underfoot by the wolves.

If America invades other countries, will those invaded not have the right to call America the BIG BAD WOLF?!...
You see, a BIG BAD WOLF is only bad for a while, until he is hunted down and is no more! The tragedy of EVOLUTION is that we evolved to be WOLVES! OK, some are less "bad wolves". You might be one of them... more philosophical about the reason why wolves are so BIG and so BAD!...
Hi djewlew,

It's beginning to appear that you are here to incite, instead of to grow in knowledge with the rest of the forum members.

Maybe you are of the type geared more to motion rather than intuition or intellect. Motion not guided by instinct and information is destructive at worst, draining at best.

If America invades other countries, will those invaded not have the right to call America the BIG BAD WOLF?!...
You see, a BIG BAD WOLF is only bad for a while, until he is hunted down and is no more! The tragedy of EVOLUTION is that we evolved to be WOLVES! OK, some are less "bad wolves". You might be one of them... more philosophical about the reason why wolves are so BIG and so BAD!...

America will be hunted but with nuclear bombs like nazi Germany was bombarded in revenge. That is not the answer because you can't fight against hate with hate- you become what you hate in that way. Every other country would act like America if they had conditions for that because those who run politics are all the same either in USA, Russia, China, etc.... and every major country could have had role of USA. It's the lust for power that is the problem and we have issue of psychopathy. History repeats itself all the time. Normal peoples are the victims and we aren't evolved to be wolves, they made us that with system in wich you selfishly fight every day for survival. You can't accuse hole nation for something that was done by minority. About emotions there is one saying wich I use: fool reacts and warrior acts, when they made you angry and like them then they can control you, don't give them that pleasure. I see role of USA as the main character that will cause some nuclear war and then it will be excuse for NWO(New world order).

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