Will Britain declare a state of war?


The Living Force
Open question, will the UK declare a state of war later this year after the elections?

A UK election has been unexpectedly announced for the 4th July and Rishi is calling for "National service"

I personally believe the national service thing is a "testing the waters" experiment hence why Rishi is calling for it. It makes sense it's him as opposed to Starmer (new PM incoming) as then the intel received from Rishi's announcement of national service can inform Starmer's strategy on this matter.

Ultimately it's a uni-party here in the UK.

Laura says she's never visited the UK as she has bad vibes about it. Well, Laura, what can I say, the British elite are indeed dark and the country is bathed with all sorts and the level of brainwashing is beyond comprehension but you know, this is one of the places where the action is at, soooo, if you're suicidal and like a bit of chaos, please do visit! 🙉
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Open question, will the UK declare a state of war later this year after the elections?

A UK election has been unexpectedly announced for the 4th July and Rishi is calling for "National service"

I personally believe the national service thing is a "testing the waters" experiment hence why Rishi is calling for it. It makes sense it's him as opposed to Starmer (new PM incoming) as then the intel received from Rishi's announcement of national service can inform Starmer's strategy on this matter.

Ultimately it's a uni-party here in the UK.

Laura says she's never visited the UK as she has bad vibes about it. Well, Laura, what can I say, the British elite are indeed dark and the country is bathed with all sorts and the level of brainwashing is beyond comprehension but you know, this is one of the places where the action is at, soooo, if you're suicidal and like a bit of chaos, please do visit! 🙉
i can only agree with laura having bad vibes regarding the uk, having worked with them.
It very much seems the Tories are clearing a path for Labour and Starmer. With all the resignations, miles behind in the polls, crazy announcements like national service, the Rwandan farce falling apart and the country in the toilet. Looks like it’s ready for Starmer to flush it all down. We’re screwed 🙂
I've felt a slowly growing sense of doom since Charles 3's coronation. Frankly everyone here is so inert, so hopelessly propogandised that nothing will be done. The 'election' is an obvious farce - what we need is a revolt not an election but that will never happen. The bloody horses and the problems with Big Ben are all omens in my opinion. The establishment are wanting a war at all costs and this is one that will fail and likely destroy the country.
I've felt a slowly growing sense of doom since Charles 3's coronation. Frankly everyone here is so inert, so hopelessly propogandised that nothing will be done. The 'election' is an obvious farce - what we need is a revolt not an election but that will never happen. The bloody horses and the problems with Big Ben are all omens in my opinion. The establishment are wanting a war at all costs and this is one that will fail and likely destroy the country.
I share your sense of doom but I just can’t see anyone signing up to fight, barring a false flag on uk soil but even then I’m not sure.
When I put my tinfoil hat on and see all these fighting age men imported here and in hotels in every town and city up and down the country, what will they be used for? Is it just votes?
When I put my tinfoil hat on and see all these fighting age men imported here and in hotels in every town and city up and down the country, what will they be used for? Is it just votes?

You know that was almost word for word what someone told me awhile back at work when the subject of the migrants came up. They will likely be sent to fight for their 'right for citizenship' or something nefarious like that. (Which makes it all feel planned far in advance.) I also can't see anyone else signing up to fight there's the whole 'it doesn't even feel like the country I was born in anymore so why fight and die for it' kind of thing.
Andrew Bridgen reckons an election's been called because "Rishi Sunak wants out" before "it's officially announced that we [the UK] are at war with Russia" sometime later this year because "Rishi doesn't want to be a war-time PM."

The 'Two Alexes' reckon that, even though this election could result in a Labour landslide, the Tories won't mind because Labour is once again under Establishment control, thus they're agreeing to holding an election quickly because they can, once again, shut out any real opposition from 'their' democracy. Same as in the EU, where this has been taken to its logical extreme: only fellow Eurocrats can 'vote' for Von Der Leyen to 'win' a second term. The actual demos can go to hell.

It very much seems the Tories are clearing a path for Labour and Starmer. With all the resignations, miles behind in the polls, crazy announcements like national service, the Rwandan farce falling apart and the country in the toilet. Looks like it’s ready for Starmer to flush it all down. We’re screwed 🙂

That's my take too. The national service idea is so obviously not popular that it almost assures a Conservative defeat, which we then have to assume intentional, to allow that absolute creepy-robot-with-a-head-cold, Starmer, in. He gets my vote for being an "undergrounder". :lol:
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the Tories won't mind because Labour is once again under Establishment control, thus they're agreeing to holding an election quickly because they can, once again, shut out any real opposition from 'their' democracy

For sure. If you look at the overt UK political establishment today, there is literally NO representation for ANY popular opinion. The unelected Whitehall 'mandarins' are fully in control both behind the scenes and in front of them.

I don't think the change up is for 'war time' though, I think it's more likely the same reason as always: to give the illusion of a 'change' and thereby keep the people quiet and ignorant for a while longer, they hope. The Conservatives have a bad record over Covid, so I think the Mandarins, in their wisdom, have decided that it would be better to have a 'different' govt. in power for the next 'pandemic'.
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Starmer is a v good candidate for an undergrounder. I see him as quite authoritarian.

The problem with the undergrounders as far as every other human is concerned is they want us all dead so they can take over the whole planet. So Starmer, assuming he's one, doesn't have good intentions for Brits. So we can only assume he'll push through policies that are good for the undergrounders to achieve their goals but very very bad for the rest of us.

I personally wouldn't be surprised if a "state of war" was announced at some point so that the government can assume emergency powers. I don't think that they necessarily need to go to war with Russia but I think it can be announced on the pre text of the UK preparing to be "attacked" by Russia. Under such emergency powers, people can be forcibly drafted and even injected with all sorts under threat of prison or similar. Basically it can be used as pretext for identifying and dealing with dissidents.
In this terrifying island the war is primarily psychological and its diversionary. Its a mental violence before the amunitions are issued. Information terrorism backs the official narratives but the cartels lose by the day their grip on the narratives. All wars are merciless but more so those caused by unhinged panics for the elites losing their long standing position of disparity. In the meantime censorship.

I do wonder what the sudden switch up is for, but it seems now Corbyn is swapped out it will be business as usual, and the young labour supporters in the UK will see this as a win.

It also seems like the tide is turning against support for Israel in the EU/UK governments, and maybe it's an indicator that conflict will die down soon. Will be interesting to see if Starmer starts making promises about support for Palestine and defending Israel.
It's become quite obvious that both the UK and the US drag a Zionist ball and chain from their ankles, and it's been this way for ages. Who killed JFK? RFK? 9-11? Who dominates international espionage through sexual blackmail via Epstein honeytraps? Since 1948 they've been slowly strengthening their influence on the west, and now we see the 5 eyes alliance is an assortment of Beast Operatives.4d STS is the west in a real sense, though its reach is global. That's what we're up against, but we have awareness and logical, factual truth on our side so ultimately I still feel optimistic. The objective data cannot be trumped in debate, they can only marginalise us. The question remains how long will it take for the masses to awaken and question MSM orthodoxy? In the back of my mind I look at this summer as being very significant; We have the Euro 24 Football championship, Wimbledon 24, Paris 24 Olympics. That's 3 big sporting events over a span of 8-10 weeks, totally capturing the world's attention. I think something's brewing and the lid may blow off the kettle this summer.
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