Will Britain declare a state of war?

I live in a world in which confidence disappears as soon as it arrives because this crashing Empire which I witness in the West is desperate. It can only cause chaos around the world but never any order. So yes...I also think something is brewing while those huge events capture the world's attention. Perhaps a stunning change from its slow crash. The grotesques never let an opportunity go to waste.
It's also interesting that Hitlerism came from Austria, because otherwise Hitler's obsession with the Slavs cannot be understood. In Austria between the late 1800s and the Nazi time there was a lot of ethnical tension between the Germans and the Slavs (this being the Habsburg Austria-Hungarian Empire). The Germans had many grievances, many of which justified, against what they perceived to be an overly pro-Slav policy. For example, the decision was taken that public servants had to speak both Czech and German in certain provinces, which meant Germans had a hard time because most of them didn't speak Czech, whereas the Czech did speak German. Also, the government stirred things up by appointing Czech clergymen to German parishes, and many other such issues. Then there were many Jewish immigrants settling in Vienna at the time, further upsetting the balance. Hence a nationalist, pan-German movement grew in Austria - the typical dialectic.

It was all extremely unlikely that an Austrian guy became the German dictator, so you gotta wonder. From a hyperdimensional perspective, if part of the agenda was to attack the Russians and kill Slavs (among other things), this timeline makes sense though.

Yeah, what’s the deal with Austria in that period? It was cosmopolitan cafe central from what I’ve read, at the height of Europe during its golden (imperial) age. Freud, Trotsky, Tito, Hitler, and Stalin were all in Vienna in 1913 apparently. Was it just the place to be for intellectuals, in particular young revolutionaries, or was there something else more coordinated going on?
Yeah, what’s the deal with Austria in that period? It was cosmopolitan cafe central from what I’ve read, at the height of Europe during its golden (imperial) age. Freud, Trotsky, Tito, Hitler, and Stalin were all in Vienna in 1913 apparently. Was it just the place to be for intellectuals, in particular young revolutionaries, or was there something else more coordinated going on?

Just to add another data point, it was also around this time, late 1800s to early 1900s, that Austrian economics, a favorite among American Libertarians, was being developed. Don't know how this fits into everything, but it's interesting that so much intellectual activity was centered in Austria during this time.
I found an excerpt on a french tweet :

Here's the traduction of the text of the tweet :
British MP Andrew Bridgen is warning the world that NATO is planning a false-flag attack on a European city using a nuclear "dirty bomb" and blaming Russia.

So, what are they going to do ? Such a desperate attempt, or release the virus during Paris Olympic, both ? or none of these ? As the C's warned us, in January, that it was their plan at this moment, could be worth it to ask them now if their plan changed in the meantime ? Or, this guy, Andrew, was informed about a false information, and the good guy he is warned about, but all of this could be a trick, he was given false information, in order to create noise & fear, so when all look in the direction of the "thread of a nuclear bomb on one EU city" they can prepare their other plan being less annoyed by all these conspiracists.
he was given false information, in order to create noise & fear
This seems most likely. He says that a dirty bomb "may have been set off in the Donbass already." That hasn't happened and any such event would be obvious to hundreds, if not thousands of journalists. Seems like the "war analysts in the [security] services" he refers to are yanking his chain.
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