Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?


Jedi Master
This is an article from the website BIG THINK.

I find it interesting as it is something I have wondered about myself. It would be amazing to live in a time when such a thing occurred (another Newton or Einstein and an amazing new revelation that affects the entire world view). But with the way things are in the present day I wonder if anyone would even notice or if such a thing did occur would it be denied and fought tooth and nail to keep everyone ignorant?


Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?

Ask Ethan: Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?

In all of science, no figures have changed the world more than Einstein and Newton. Will anyone ever be as revolutionary again?


• The two most transformative figures in the history of science have been Newton and Einstein, who fundamentally changed our view of the Universe.

• To bring about the scientific revolutions that they did, they had to radically reformulate the fundamental rules that govern reality, while agreeing with all observations to date and making novel, testable predictions.

• Is such a task too ambitious for 21st century science? Would even the most brilliant mind, even a reincarnated Einstein or Newton himself, be unable to advance our understanding? It's a question worth exploring.

Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?
If you ask anyone who the greatest scientist in history was, you’re overwhelmingly likely to come away with two names: Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. Newton’s greatest achievements were his theories of mechanics -- describing the laws of motion for physical objects -- and of universal gravitation. For over 200 years, Newton’s ideas went unchallenged, until Einstein conceived first of special and then general relativity, superseding and replacing Newton’s ideas for motion and gravity. In all the time since, no other scientist has made even a comparable advance in revolutionizing how we conceive of the Universe.

Are those days over forever? That’s the question of Cameron Bishop, who observes and inquires:

“To me science has gotten quite complex. We [always hear about the] revolutionaries: the Einsteins and the Newtons. But, would you say these people are a thing of the past? Will new discoveries and new ideas come not from genius individuals but instead groups? I guess I ask this because, the more we know, the more you need to know to make a new discovery.”

Scientific revolutions are still possible. But the bar to achieve one is indeed so high that it’s hard to imagine how a single person could bring it about. Here’s why.

Continued at BIG THINK - Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?
Here is Soborno Isaac renamed after Isaac Newton. This boy speaks like a sixty year old Math Professor and he is
not yet twelve. Just saying maybe its Newton incarnated.


Soborno is the recipient of the ‘Global Child Prodigy Award’ from Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi. At the age of 4, Soborno had received recognition from former President Barack Obama for his accomplishments in math and science. At the age of 6, he had received recognition from Harvard University for his problem-solving abilities and was accepted into New York City’s gifted and talented program.

Some are born talented, some work hard towards developing talent, while some spend their whole life searching for that one spark of fire which we all call passion. And then comes the rarest of the rare known as ‘God-gifted’ or ‘Natural Talent’ who are born with special capabilities, perplexing brainpower, and the ability to invent a solid foundation for any field of subject. These people are among the very few who are selective of any century and stay forever in the memory of the world for their contributions, creations, and achievements that help the humankind in upgrading the way we all see and perceive anything.

We have among us an 8-years old Professor Soborno Isaac Bari, the Youngest Professor of the world and the Einstein of our time, to inspire us with his astonishing understanding of Science and Mathematics. Born on April 9, 2012, in New York, Soborno is a Bengali-American prodigy and has authored the book called ‘The Love’ in which he has tried to demolish the prejudice and hatred that stems out from religious differences and biases. It has been his attempt at spreading acceptance and love for all religions. This book is also an extension of his anti-terrorism campaign.

Soborno is the recipient of the ‘Global Child Prodigy Award’ from Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi. At the age of 4, Soborno had received recognition from former President Barack Obama for his accomplishments in math and science. At the age of 6, he had received recognition from Harvard University for his problem-solving abilities and was accepted into New York City’s gifted and talented program.

In January 2020, he was also recognized by the Principal Dr. Anurshee Lokur of Ruia College, Mumbai University, where he then joined as a Visiting Professor of Physics. He was also interviewed by Hollywood Legend and Oscar-Nominated Malisa McCarthy at Warner Bros Studio for NBC Little Big Shots. He is the only Bengali to have appeared on the show. Dr. Lisa Coico, President of City College of New York, titled Soborno as the “Einstein of our time” for his achievement on a series of tests in math and science.

Soborno had started talking in full sentences when he was just 6 months old. At the age of 2, his parents recognized that he was able to solve Physics, Math, and Chemistry problems very easily, after which they started recording his videos and shared them on social media which caught the attention of some local TV channels and colleges in New York. He was then invited by Medgar Evers College Vice-President Jerald Posman for an interview. Voice of America (VOA) also noticed him and invited him for an interview and to test his brilliant abilities. He became the youngest person ever been interviewed by VOA since its birth in 1942.

This little kid aims at spreading love among people and in trying to help the current generation of students understand the thrilling side of indulging in Science and Mathematics. He believes anybody can become an inventor or a discoverer or even an exemplar in these subjects provided that they don’t give up and instead try hard to overcome the challenges one faces while dealing with difficult questions and problems. He believes in not giving up and it is also the motto he imparts.

Probably the only greatest problem he feels that exists in the world today is the unsolved problems of Math and Science. The anxiety one feels towards Math, the unwillingness to understand the concepts of Science, the helplessness of finding the world as not a good enough place to live, the hatred towards other people who belong to another community, and the challenge of fighting our fate and life circumstances in order to contribute towards taking up our human race a notch higher are few things that can be dealt with if only we, as a human race, are willing to do so.

Here is a video of him in an interview in South Africa.
expanded science: the link below is to a very interesting text by wilcock on improved physics. i suggest it is well the worth the read.
Be careful with David Wilcock; he's a bit of a scammer.
Here's how dictionary.com defines a scammer, which is pretty much what I am saying:
a person who commits or participates in a fraudulent scheme or operation
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dear nienna, thank you. but, what is a scammer in this context?
Sorry, it is not nienna, but as I share her POV and I have a ready example at hand here we go. Remember the blue chicken? He will say anything in promoting his tunnel of purpose as long as it is profitable.
Very good question regarding new genius. As far as the sessions goes is that we may suspect the work of Enstein is incomplete. Keeping that in mind a genius will redefine many things that has been accepted by the scientific community. Especially all the theories regarding our reality. As the Cs said get one cat out of the bag and we have a whole feline nation. We cant build the future any further if there is a wrong understanding fundamentally. Also it doesnt mean that everything we know is wrong.
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