Wind Energy - "green energy" scam?

This woman worked for 7 years as a policy advisor for an Australian liberal senator and her area was in regards to windpower and to clear up the mess which liberal policies in that regard had caused. In effect she says that Australians pay AUD 40 billions a year to subsidies for these wind projects and that the money goes overseas. As she explains it, the farmer gets AUD 12000 a year to lease the land to the wind company, which then gets between AUD 600000-900000 a year in subsides per turbine. AUD is short for Australian dollars ( 1 AUD = 0,60 Euro).

yes, wind power is scam and it is ugly. burning coal is using the gift of earth elaborated in the past. does not australia export a lot of coal? what happens to this coal?
coal is like the yolk of the egg which serves to build up the chicken. it is a gift from earth, as oil is. the co2 is not harmful, but the stupidity and greed of some people is...
The part that is particularly interesting is when she speaks about the amount of energy that wind turbines consume for their operation and grid balancing. It seems that that part of energy analysis is missing from the general public, perhaps intentionally? Here is what one guy had to say about that:

Whatever the actual amount of consumption, it could seriously diminish any claim of providing a significant amount of energy. Instead, it looks like industrial wind power could turn out to be a laundering scheme: "Dirty" energy goes in, "clean" energy comes out. That would explain why developers demand legislation to create a market for "green credits" — tokens of "clean" energy like the indulgences sold by the medieval church. Ego te absolvo.

Talk about delusions...

Only wind energy doesn't work. And to the very, very small degree that renewables do work, they don't provide base load supply - for that you need coal, nuclear or natural gas. What's more, you need to balance out the unreliable renewables, which only works with power plants that you can easily turn up or down - which only works with natural gas!! So if they don't want coal or nuclear, then I know someone who's gonna like the plan:


yes, i do not understand why "they" cant see the absurdity of their plans. either they are blind of fear or they have a hidden agenda = they are lying...
yes, i do not understand why "they" cant see the absurdity of their plans. either they are blind of fear or they have a hidden agenda = they are lying...
A lot of it is simply a scam to make tons of easy money for the "Green Industrial Complex" and its tax-funded cronies, IMO. There's a reason for the recent scandal in Germany where family and business ties ran right across "green" ministries, NGOs and "green" businesses. These networks are all over the place and hugely profitable.
Here is another video with comparison of running cost between petrol and electric version of cars. And again, the electric version costs more to run.

And another cargo ship is on fire because of electric cars on board:

An electric car was suspected in the blaze raging aboard a cargo ship off the Netherlands on Wednesday, which authorities fear could burn for days and threaten nearby natural sites.

Fires on car-carrying ships were increasingly the source of major losses, insurers said.

Last year the Felicity Ace sank of the coast of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean with some 4,000 vehicles from German car maker Volkswagen on board.

About the last year ship accident:

After the incident, electric vehicles onboard were widely suspected as the culprit that contributed to the intensity of the blaze. As a result, some auto shipping companies have since refused to transport used EVs, opting to lose that business instead of risking a potentially devastating fire.

It's estimated that Japan's Mitsui OSK Lines suffered a $500 million loss due to the ship's sinking. There have been no known attempts to reach the wreck at the bottom of the ocean.

I saw this video about the Tesla solar roof, and it was interesting to watch it, but I was wondering about one thing. I will timestamp the moment where he shows the pricing of electricity in California, and I would like to know how do these prices compare to the pricing that our forum members get, particularly in Germany with the highest electricity price in Europe.

In my country, we don't have this Summer peak rate, but I would say that overall pricing is better in California than in my country. For example, in California Off-Peak rate is 5.5 time lower than Peak rate (in my country 4), and the Off-Peak rate lasts 13 hours (in my country 8). Plus we have the Red rate, if we consume more than 1600 kWh per month, when the prices double. If we consume less than that, prices are similar to California.

They say that Germany generally has a flat rate:

The flat rate podium: Germany

Smart meters are a must for dynamic rates. In Germany, these are completely lacking. Traditionally in many countries, especially those highlighted in blue for the peak/off-peak rates, it was usual to have two meters in the meter cabinet (sometimes even three): one registered the off-peak hours and the other registered consumption during the peak hours. Even before EV become popular, peak/off-peak tariffs existed in those countries. In Germany, historically this was never a thing: that is why nowadays it is still very common to have a flat rate.

But even when some companies do offer off-peak hours, the difference is less than 3 cents:

That means that somebody in California would pay 10 times less money for charging their EV car during the off-peak hours than somebody in Germany. I understand why people in California would be happy to drive EV cars, but I don't understand why would Germans want to do it.

The UK has off-peak hours:

According to MoneySavingExpert, while suppliers’ average daytime ‘peak’ rates ranges from around 39p–45p per kWh, when it comes to the overnight ‘off peak’ rate this drops to between 14p and 22p depending on your supplier.

Mountford explains: “At the moment, EDF is the best offer when it comes to the cheapest night rate on an Economy 7 tariff, but it’s worth noting it does come with the highest day rate.”

Based on an EDF economy 7 tariff, the day rate for electricity is 44.97p per kWh, whilst the night rate is 14.85p per kWh.

France also has it, with a small difference of 6 cents:

But where will they get so much gas? And how much will the hydrogen cost?

EU’s largest economy spending billions to replace nuclear power

Germany is set to make a large investment in four gas-fired plants, the government has announced

Germany is set to spend €16 billion to construct four gas-fired power plants as it seeks to ensure an adequate supply of electricity after scrapping its nuclear reactors, the Economy Ministry announced earlier this week.

This comes as part of a major overhaul of the country’s energy grid, according to the ministry.

The new gas-fired power plants will subsequently be converted to run on hydrogen between 2035 and 2040. A market-based capacity-boosting mechanism will allow power generation to be expanded by 2028, German officials said in a statement.

The plants will have a total capacity of up to 10 gigawatts (GW), which will come “in addition to the consistent expansion of renewable energies,” and are expected to be vital to ensuring steady electricity supplies “even in times where there is little sun and wind.”

German energy utility Uniper, which will reportedly be involved in the construction, said it was “relieved” that the decision to build the new plants has been made, adding that “swift action is urgently needed because the approval process and the actual construction of power plants and storage facilities will take several years.”

The EU’s top economy, which prior to the Ukraine conflict fueled its industry with Russian gas, had to ramp up electricity imports last year after the government decided to scrap nuclear power as it moves toward renewable energy sources.

Last April, Germany shut down its last three nuclear reactors despite warnings that doing so would actually cause more fossil fuels to be burned.

Germany has set itself a target of cutting greenhouse emissions by 65% by 2030, a plan even more ambitious than the one set by the EU as a whole. However, a report last year by the Federal Environment Agency showed that the goal is likely to be missed as the protracted energy crisis has pushed the switch to renewables in the country down the agenda.

The following article writes about how wind farms in Sweden just don't make a profit and that many are on the way to bankruptcy. This despite having very favourable conditions including big subsidies.

Three things stand out here.

One is that Sweden does not appear to have our system of constraint payments:


Second is the fact that low winds mean high market prices, and vice versa. Obviously wind farms make their money when the wind blows, so low prices at those times drastically impact earnings.

In the UK, the CfD subsidy protects wind farms from these fluctuations, whilst ROC subsidies are generous enough to offset low market prices.

And thirdly, the article rightly notes that wind farms don’t have to pay for grid adaption and other wider system costs.
This recent Canadian study, “Wind turbines: Vacated/abandoned homes study – Exploring research participants’ descriptions of observed effects on their pets, animals, and well water,” suggests it’s harmful to people’s (and animals’) health to live close by wind turbines. The study concludes that anyone who lives within a radius of up to ten kilometers of wind power plants must expect serious health impairments – including malformations, miscarriages and cancer.

In forest animals, the cortisol level was increased by up to 264 percent, which indicates massive stress. In addition, the domestic and farm animals became much more aggressive. The people examined showed higher cancer rates and an increase in still births and miscarriages. Even the water quality in the wells of the region deteriorated significantly.

The study mentions a distance of 10 kilometers. I had a look at the distance policy within European countries, and it varies.
- Denmark maintains a distance of about 1 kilometer (the owner of the wind turbine has to pay a fine to the property owner if their house decreases in value);
- in Belgium it’s 350 meters, but in practice many turbines are only 150 meters from houses;
- England and Wales have no regulations and distances of about 350 meters are observed;
- in France, in practice 500 meters seems observed (there is only limited noise legislation);
- in the Netherlands new rules dictate a distance of 500 meters;
- limits vary in Germany per state, but I found a minimum distance of 300 metres in a ‘standard region’ based on the noise level protection.
Other countries vary as well, usually around 500 meters, which is super close. In Holland it is noticed that the value of a property that’s close to a turbine (2,5 kilometer), decreases, but only by 2.6%. I guess people don’t care that much. My friend lived within 5 kilometers of several wind turbines for some 10 years. She developed an aggressive type of breast cancer. After going through all kinds of surgery and therapies, she survived and they moved far, far away from turbines. Today she is healthy and well.

An aspect that is possibly still far too little noticed as a side effect of the construction of wind turbines, is the thematic influence on groundwater which was researched in the study. The change or contamination of the groundwater – even by visible dirt particles – takes place not only through the wind turbines themselves, but also through electricity pylons that are not carefully insulated.

According to the study:

“Baseline testing conducted prior to IWT construction, and testing during construction reported that at least one local well had a “14,000 times increase in black shale particles.”[43] Several years after black shale had appeared in well water, analyses found that sediments were raising more concerns than before including “excessive sediment, problematic gases and potentially infection-causing biofilm,” and that these were among the problems “plaguing water-well owners” in the area.[34] Findings included that:

* The sediments that have been continuously discharging into a number of water wells since wind farms were constructed in North Chatham-Kent have been found to contain Kettle Point Black Shale.

* Kettle point black shale is a material considered an Environmental Hazard in Canada because it has been shown the material contains heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, and uranium.”[34]

FWIW, I thought to include some “fun” wind energy facts for the Netherlands:
- The government aims to spend 20 million euro’s from 2024 to 2027 on subsidies for small wind turbines;
- The Dutch Statistics Agency says that without subsidies, wind energy is not economically viable. They have spent about 3 billion euro’s over the past 20 years already.
- If a land owner (farmer) agrees to have a wind turbine constructed on his property, he receives a yearly stipend of about 40 to 50K euro’s, which in today’s world is quite a lot imo.
- The PTB in Holland believe in wind parks in the North Sea, yet Dutch major player Eneco dropped out of the bidding race in March of this year, citing increased inflation, high interest rates, increased cost for material, labour and construction vessels, as well as hefty fines if the construction isn’t ready on time. We have to wait and see what the impact will be on other players and the plans of the government.
Just saw this and it appears that people in New York will pay around 4 times more for wind energy. Despite not being sustainable as an investment, it is pushed through to fulfill some ideological goals with the consumers picking up the tab.

New York To Pay $155 Per Megawatt Hour For Wind-Power, Current Rate Is $36 Per MWH​

SATURDAY, AUG 24, 2024 - 09:10 PM
Authored by Mike Shedlock via,
It currently costs NY about $36 per MWH for energy. But the state demanded wind. Let’s discuss the amazing bottom line results.

So Much for So Little

The Wall Street Journal asks Why Is New York Paying So Much for Wind Power?
New York state signed a contract in June to buy electricity generated by two large wind farms, Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind, off the coast of Long Island. The projects are expected to begin in 2026 and 2027, with power delivered to Brooklyn (Empire) and Long Island (Sunrise). The state will pay $155 and $146 per megawatt-hour, respectively. These prices are steep, at least four times the average grid cost paid over the past year.
States agree to pay wind-power operators—known as the “offtake price”—based on a project’s “break-even cost,” the estimated bill for building and operating the wind farm over its useful life. That is undoubtedly part of the problem. The offshore wind business off the East Coast is in turmoil. Operators have canceled projects from Massachusetts to Maryland that were due to be constructed in the next four years. Some have been delayed, while others have renegotiated their contracts at prices 30% to 50% higher than originally promised.
Two widely quoted sources of break-even costs are the U.S. Energy Information Administration and Lazard, an investment bank. In its most recent estimates, the EIA suggests the average break-even cost of offshore wind farms, adjusted to 2024 prices, is $131 per megawatt-hour, not counting government subsidies, and $101 per megawatt-hour after allowing for basic tax credits. The latter figure is what matters, because every offshore wind farm expects to take advantage of investment or production tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act.

EIA Says Wind is Not Economical

Let’s pause right there because wind is absurd by any measure.
The cost of wind is $131 per MWH without credits and $101 with $30 in tax credits according to the EIA.
A handout of $30 is an 83 percent subsidy (30/36) and the deal still is still nearly 100% per MWH in the red, losing $35 per MWH over the cost of buying energy at market rates.

A Sweetheart Deal

The deal (thank you team Biden and New York), will pay $155 and $146 per megawatt-hour, respectively to Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind.
The owner-operators of the two farms—Equinor for Empire and Orsted for Sunrise—are two of the top five global wind-farm investors and operators. Equinor is Norway’s state oil company, while Orsted previously was Denmark’s.
With a break even cost of $101 (thanks to subsidies), Equinor will make $54 per MWH and Orsted will make a mere $45 per MWH on something whose total cost should be $36 per MWH.
The Journal calculates Equinor and Orsted (foreign corporations) will each receive a total subsidy of more than $3 billion courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.
The Journal asks “Did New York sign an agreement that allows large wind-farm operators to earn unreasonably high after-tax profits at the expense of its residents?”
I believe the math speaks for itself.
Not only will New Yorkers pay over four times the going rate for energy, the US will send $3 billion to foreign companies to do so.
Congrats team Biden and New York State.

Another Green Energy Company Declares Bankruptcy

Meanwhile, Another Green Energy Company Declares Bankruptcy, Thank Biden’s Tariffs
And in case you missed it Ford Loses $132,000 on Each EV Produced, Good News, EV Sales Down 20 Percent
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