Without warning (1994)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This is a teleplay film from 1994 and the subject is asteroids that fall on earth. It is a strange movie, I see it as a sort of comedy, but it is play seriously.

A television program is interupted by a news network announcing that three meteors have hit the United States, France and China. At first it seems natural but after interviews by scientists and eyewitness seems to suggest that it is not. Three more meteors are coming and the various Earth governments combine forces to stop them.


All the movie looks from a news net-work. (That makes me think about that maybe the majority of what it is seen from news networks are maybe just plain fiction). It is not a fantastic movie but some facts are said about asteroids and the impact by them if they fall on our planet. The movie is full in Youtube. Did you see it? I don't put the link because I don't know anymore if it is correct to put that sort of links. :huh:

The director is Robert Iscove. I thought it was a good idea to see a movie about asteroids just today, when one big asteroid was passing near earth. :)


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Just saw this movie. It was an interesting movie but not fantastic as you say.

If you don't want spoilers, read no further.

The first three impacts were hit in a mathematically precise way. There were strange ear-piercing radio signals from the impacts and asteroids crippling aircraft flight and also seemed to interfere with the reporters broadcast at the scene. Some believing aliens are behind them, while the US government did not, it was thought that we had declared war with them by the US then shooting down one new asteroid with nuclear weapons. Well into the movie they shoot nuclear weapons to destroy three new asteroids headed at Moscow, Beijing and Washington DC successfully. With scientists able to finally decipher the two witnesses from the first impacts speaking in gibberish was that from recordings of the Voyager space probes, it ends with hundreds or thousands of asteroids coming at earth then the film ends.

Also, in the film an entire town of people go missing into thin air leaving behind a ghost town.
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