Woman dead at her desk 4 days before coworkers noticed


The Living Force
This incident likely resulted from the COVID plandemic which had several nefarious goals, including isolating and disconnecting people from each other. Though she was died at her desk, the only reason she was discovered was due to attempts to trace the source of a foul smell, which led to her cubicle.
Seriously? There were other people in the office and nobody interacted with her for 4 days? Nobody noticed she wasn't doing her job?

Now the other employees are scared and need counselling? I hope the women's death was quick and painless, poor thing.
*shaking my damn head* People never cease to disappoint me anymore.
So true @jacygirl, people just don't seem to care anymore. It would've cost nothing for anyone to check in on her desk, but no-one did. If someone had found her on the first night she may be alive today? The polarisation of STS/STO impulses and values is making our society a more precarious place for sure. Time to align with the folks who you know have some spiritual quality to them.
Very few comes to office even in dense states like New Jersey. Some days I go to office, where I can see 1 or 2 in a floor where few hundred supposed to be. This incident is in Arizona. Generally, cleaning people go to each desk, even if there is 1 or 2 persons comes to office. I guess, cleaning people didn't even bother to go to desks in this case.

My company wants people to come to office twice a day, but most people don't even wants to come to office once a week. This is nothing to do with covid scare. People are pampered to the convenience of working from home.
My company wants people to come to office twice a day, but most people don't even wants to come to office once a week. This is nothing to do with covid scare. People are pampered to the convenience of working from home.
This is happening more and more in UK. I think working from home must be a huge temptation and convenience for people. The worry is the lack of human contact, especially for those living alone. My sister-in-law worked hybrid. Two days at work and three at home. They had to use company computers which were set up with software to detect their working hours and how long a lunch break they took, plus start and finish times.

To be quite honest I am surprised that the terrible smell of a decaying body did not alert people sooner. I suppose if the building had air con this would damp down the smell for the first few days. No doubt the office cleaners will have some explaining to do while they are searching for a scapegoat.

Most sad is that she had no one who cared about her outside of work to raise the alarm that she was missing.
I agree. This is the saddest thing.
Very few comes to office even in dense states like New Jersey.
I thought this was true (I'm in a densely populated area of the northeast, too) and that it would alleviate road traffic. But traffic is still as bad as ever. There has been a large population increase and enormous demographic shift at the same time (after many years of relative stability) that I believe is not reflected in official statistics. Drivers licenses have also been granted to previously undocumented non-citizens. Reflections are obvious in the still dense traffic, the housing shortage, and mass construction of apartments in and near the big city.

Vaccine-induced, HAARP-amplified, 5G-activated, programmed, hypnotized, entranced "machines" with limited awareness and lacking any internal dialogue--zombies
Ir is also possible that she was discovered by one or more who just didn't want to deal with it.
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I guess we could chalk this up to one of the signs of the times... one among too many. It seems increasingly like there isn't much of a positive work experience in terms of relationships, and less and less positive interactions with people outside of work, since it seems that the woman didn't have anyone concerned that she might be missing outside of work. :-(
Vaccine-induced, HAARP-amplified, 5G-activated, programmed, hypnotized, entranced "machines" with limited awareness and lacking any internal dialogue--zombies--not paying "strict attention to objective reality right and left".
Oh my Gawd, this is the most perfectly worded, run together “truth” rant I’ve seen to date!
Man, you must be brilliant out there, when you're telling the neighborhood brats and punks to “Stay off my Lawn”!:lol:

Seriously, it is epic, can I please copy and use it?

If you give the ok, Do you want a credit added?
What name would you like used, if so?
Very few comes to office even in dense states like New Jersey. Some days I go to office, where I can see 1 or 2 in a floor where few hundred supposed to be. This incident is in Arizona. Generally, cleaning people go to each desk, even if there is 1 or 2 persons comes to office. I guess, cleaning people didn't even bother to go to desks in this case.

My company wants people to come to office twice a day, but most people don't even wants to come to office once a week. This is nothing to do with covid scare. People are pampered to the convenience of working from home.
Not so much "covid scare" causing this trend, but more the "new normal" of remote work from home due to lock downs ushered in by the "covid scare".
Oh my Gawd, this is the most perfectly worded, run together “truth” rant I’ve seen to date!
Man, you must be brilliant out there, when you're telling the neighborhood brats and punks to “Stay off my Lawn”!:lol:

Seriously, it is epic, can I please copy and use it?

If you give the ok, Do you want a credit added?
What name would you like used, if so?
Ranting's easy these days. Being "externally considerate" in individual encounters is much more of a challenge! Feel free, no credit necessary :lol:
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