Woman restores analog meter to protect husband


The Cosmic Force

Posted on September 8, 2011 by admin
Susan Beckman, a children’s TV show producer who lives near Lompoc in Santa Barbara County, has removed a Smart Meter from her home and replaced it with an analog meter to protect her husband. In response to this act Susan stated a PG&E representative has threatened to “bring the police and turn off her power.”

Misled by PG&E into thinking she could refuse the new meter when the installers arrived, a Smart Meter was installed without her knowledge. She started to hear a buzz and a loud hum in the house and noticed feeling extremely fatigued with aching joints, a rash and feeling flu-like. After some investigation she discovered the new meter on her house. She was also very concerned about her husband. She writes, “My 89 year old husband has had cancer removed and the smart meter installed a few feet from where he spends about 80% of his time in his den.”

Susan then called PG&E and spoke to several representatives with whom she said made “demeaning comments” and they refused to remove the meter. Finally, she talked with one who was actually sympathetic who told her she could buy an analog meter and replace it, which she did, with her own hands, with guidance from an electrician. She said she, “wore gloves, turned the main power off, clipped the lock, took the collar off and used a lot pressure to pull it off.” The electrician checked it out and verified it was done correctly.

She then sent registered letters, reviewed by her attorney to PG&E. In an email to the California Public utilities Commission Susan writes that PG&E Smart Meter agent “Dennis Weidman, before losing his patience and hanging up on me, said tomorrow he will bring the police and turn off our electricity.”

To be continued…
thank you for posting this, I was just looking at this info about the smart meters and health problems yesterday, and everyone has been sick at my house since it was installed at the beginning of the summer. The article I read said the meters put out 100x the radio frequency exposre as your cell phone. I was sorry to hear she had to do the actual change over herself, but I imagine any electrician who did the changeover could get blacklisted. I was going to send a registered letter to my electric service company demanding they change it out because of lack of my consent to have any inside data collected about consumer habit data, as well as lowering property values for having the harmful radio frequency being emitted by their product, which was not disclosed before installation, and the resulting harm to our health. If I receive no reply, I can sue for damages and a court order in small claims. They would undoubtedly appeal at local district court, so I would have to respond to appeal.
Curiously, are there any independent studies (data)
that can prove short-term and long-term health-effects
by these EM-meters? One would think having this data
on hand could only help before the court? Perhaps...

Replacing your meter for analog may help, but also be
aware of your neighbor's meters... Alas, all of the metro
areas have EM-meters, and there is no escape... only if
one chooses to remain put, as it were.

It seems to me, this is part of the PTB plans, to place
harmful EM-generators in each home with overlapping
coverage so that no one can escape its EM exposure,
especially in areas of high density residential and office
housing. I shudder to think of building structures where
meters are all clustered together...

But one may have a choice: get away from the cities,
move into rural or low density areas where there is minimal
power infrastructures, and if possible, move the meter
to a pole as far away from living quarters as possible?

I'm just learning about this new threat myself, but this page appears to have a lot of good info.


This free book is worth the download, LOTS of good info!

I'm glad someone is taking a stand against those meters. I live in a rural location that is outfitted with a 'smart' meter, but as there is no cell phone coverage here, PG&E still has to come out every month and 'read' the smart meter. Makes me wonder if it still tries to transmit every few minutes, or if they disabled it? Also makes me wonder if there is something I could just hang over it to dampen the EM transmissions.

Thanks for sharing, Guardian!
yesterday I messaged our public utility commission about removing the smart meter and returning the analog; here's the answer I got today:
"At this point in time, Smart Meters are not optional in the state of Texas. As they are the property of the utility, you will not be able to request that it be moved."
monksgirl said:
yesterday I messaged our public utility commission about removing the smart meter and returning the analog; here's the answer I got today:
"At this point in time, Smart Meters are not optional in the state of Texas. As they are the property of the utility, you will not be able to request that it be moved."

How that is written is just ignorant. Of course you can request it. It may not happen, but they can't stop you from requesting it. Idiots. They installed the smart meters here about a year and half ago. I haven't noticed any major issues with it, but we swim in such a swamp of EM pollution that it would be difficult to tell, I think.
SOTT carried an article on Smart Meters sometime ago. :)

anart said:
How that is written is just ignorant. Of course you can request it. It may not happen, but they can't stop you from requesting it. Idiots. They installed the smart meters here about a year and half ago. I haven't noticed any major issues with it, but we swim in such a swamp of EM pollution that it would be difficult to tell, I think.

We don't have them yet, but we could be on the list.

What I'm wondering is what, if anything, the anonymous community is going to do about/to the "smart meters?" People are being POISONED, for profit, with devices that are apparently fairly easy to hack for those skilled in the art? This could get funny if they invented some space laser super cyber slingshot that lowers the power bills of people FORCED to use "smart meters?"

Yup, I'm betting the hackers are MUCH smarter than the meters, so this could get real interesting :lol:
Vulcan59 said:
SOTT carried an article on Smart Meters sometime ago. :)


Yup, I think that's what actually made this woman's story click for me. What I thought was interesting is that this woman just changed her own meter, without permission. Go granny!!!
Vulcan59 said:
If you need it Guardian, there is a lot more information in his thread called Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain. It was merged with the C is for Cancer and a whole lot of other cancer related topics. :)

Thanks Vulcan. I'm fairly well up to speed on what the threat is, right now I'm looking at various ways to defeat it. I really like granny's idea, just change it, only I'm wondering if it wouldn't be fun to be a little less direct, like "I thought yawl changed the meter since I complained about my health? It looked like one of your trucks?" Analog meters are only about $25.00 a piece :evil:
There is more: gooble: "Smart meter programming"

See: _http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/23179/
(the guts - and notice the antennae - can snoop wifi?)

See: _http://www.linkedin.com/groups/SMART-GRID-PROGRAMMING-SMART-METERS-3792736.S.54052476
("Agents" are discussing programming possibilities to DSM)

So, perhaps there is no limit to what can be done in programming -
it has a computer chip, AMI communications (phone home), (and
Gawd knows what else is inside), they could gather data, spy and
control many things.

I could speculate wifi snooping, given gooble wifi data gathering
efforts. I also wonder if it is possible to send out a signal to shut
down power to a large area so that there can be surge-power for
something else - like for federal use to power SDI devices? Ah..
I am speculating of course.

Sounds like *many* things are being programmed, step-by-step
until the programming is complete?

dant said:
Sounds like *many* things are being programmed, step-by-step
until the programming is complete?

Yeah, well if worst comes to worst, I'll stick a jammer up on a pole. Then I'll tell the neighbors, and Duke (if they call) we're using witchcraft to block the evil emf. Put on my robes, sword, light some frankincense and smoke up the place real good, etc. when I hear the Duke truck coming. You get the idea. Bet we get our analog meters back pretty quick. :evil:

Unfortunately, a jammer would actually increase the emf pollution, but we've got about 20 acres to work with.
Perhaps I'm a a fool for asking, but seems to me that these "smart meters" could be compromised quite easily with either a jamming frequency or either a "bot virus"... maybe if the PTB refuse use
Tesla's ideas, the people will.... free energy for all

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