I think it's important to consider the current influence of past ponerized civilizations on our world as well. Even when a ponerized nation collapses the influence still retains it's impact through other nations in the future. Reed's Controversy of Zion demonstrates this. The difference of scale now is that the cumulative effect of past ponergenic infection is threatening the existence of all of humanity rather than just a particular nation. To reach such a scale we have to consider that our entire world 'has been affected by ponergenic processes to a large degree.' The US and Israel seem to be the current main centers though.hoangmphung said:My currently used definition of a ponerized society is narrower. I consider a society as ponerized only if it has been affected by ponerogenic processes to a large degree.
We can also see how this large degree of ponerization exists through studying the 4th way. Our programs and 'little i's' are different facets of understanding the same basic process of ponergenic infection. Ponerology seems at the essence of understanding the STS state at our 3D level.