Words starting with Cassi


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
I am sure you already noticed some words showing the same prefix as Cassiopaea. I don't know if there are some causal/logical links between those different words but I thought it would be interesting to share those links

Here are mostly French word I let English speaking members present English words starting with Cassi...

Cassi...s (it is a berry : blackcurrant. On a road, it describes a bump and a dip, it is also a town next to Marseille (southern France)

Cassi...en : Jean Cassien (see relating topic in this forum) see also Saint Cassien

Cassi...er : a Mediterranean acacia tree

Cassi...terite : a mineral (pewter oxide)

Cassi..ne : a small house in the countryside

Cassi...on : word created by Faraday designing any element that is likely to go to the positive side of a battery (Do Lizzion go to the negative one ? ;-))

Cassi...que : name of a bird from the Americas (oriolus citrinus)

The one who proposes Cassi...couille (ball beaker) will be definitely expelled from this forum ;-)))

Some other Cassi... words ?
I did some digging to see if I could find anymore and got sidetracked when I came across Cassandra.....Look it up for yourself...I got chills for a moment.
Hey Danny,

actually in greek Cassandra is written with a K, and i've seen it in english spelled like that too - Kassandra.

What a tragic character though; she knew the furture, but no one ever believed her!
Danny said:
I did some digging to see if I could find anymore and got sidetracked when I came across Cassandra.....Look it up for yourself...I got chills for a moment.
I got chills when I discovered the Cs messages too.

There's a famous French phrase that says "jouer les Cassandres" (to act like Cassandra) it means predicting unpleasant events

Depending on the perspective, we could say that Cassiopaeans and their not so comfortable and rosy messages act like Cassandra.

However it might be more fruitful to base our reasonings on not so optimistic but reliable information than on joyful but unreliable material.
Axel_Dunor said:
Depending on the perspective, we could say that Cassiopaeans and their not so comfortable and rosy messages act like Cassandra.
I thought about this too.
Some more Cassi... word :

* Cassi...odorus : roman statesman and writer (Vth century a.d.).

...when he retired from public life. With the object of providing for the transmission of divine and human knowledge to later ages, and of securing it against the tide of barbarism which threatened to sweep it away,...

Source : http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/CAR_CAU/CASSIODORUS_not_Cassiodorius_.html

* Cassi...us : Mount Cassius is located in Syria. For centuries a temple dedicated to the sun was located on the top of it. There's apparently a famous story about this temple :

...The court ascends Mount Cassius in Syria on top of which is a Temple of the Sun. A storm breaks while they make their ascent, and Hadrian has the priests conduct the ceremony in the rain. During the sacrifice at the altar, lighting strikes, killing the priest and the sacrificial animal together...

Source : http://www.antinopolis.org/litcalendar-4.html

* Cassi...ni : A family of famous architects, mathematicians, ... Paris observatory's main room is called the "Cassini room", 4 generations of Cassinis directed the observatory project.

Source : http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=65&p=2
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