For as long as I can remember my junk food cravings have just been out of control and I don't know what to do and it's just been a real source of depression for me particularly because here's the catch, I'm not worried about my weight, I believe my worry about my food intake is unique from most others, the thing is that I've read that junk food can weaken the brain and lower creativity and I'm worried I may lose my creative mind and ability to see things the way I do and focus on my thoughts, so I've just been so desperate, one idea that's been going on in my mind for a while is to have a tube feeding so I'd get only healthy fluids through a feeding tube, thus relieving hunger and providing only healthy acids and fluids by way other than oral consumption so I won't be hungry and crave for junk, because I've tried and tried making myself switch to health foods but once I ate it the boring taste just made me crave junk food all the more. Is a feeding tube a reasonable solution to my problem? Thanks.