Would this be a possible solution to my junk food cravings?


A Disturbance in the Force
For as long as I can remember my junk food cravings have just been out of control and I don't know what to do and it's just been a real source of depression for me particularly because here's the catch, I'm not worried about my weight, I believe my worry about my food intake is unique from most others, the thing is that I've read that junk food can weaken the brain and lower creativity and I'm worried I may lose my creative mind and ability to see things the way I do and focus on my thoughts, so I've just been so desperate, one idea that's been going on in my mind for a while is to have a tube feeding so I'd get only healthy fluids through a feeding tube, thus relieving hunger and providing only healthy acids and fluids by way other than oral consumption so I won't be hungry and crave for junk, because I've tried and tried making myself switch to health foods but once I ate it the boring taste just made me crave junk food all the more. Is a feeding tube a reasonable solution to my problem? Thanks.
Is a feeding tube a reasonable solution to my problem?
No, in a broader sense. Do it yourself.

From what you've written so far, it's basically addiction? A lot of people may provide help and information here but you have to be very precise and specific in your descriptions.
A feeding tube seems kind of extreme and an illogical way to provide energy. We are supposed to receive food through our digestive system. It also looks to be avoiding the issue, which is the fact that you are eating junk food that is no good. A better way would be to just eat more healthily.

Have you read the Life Without Bread thread? Here you will learn what is optimal to eat and how our standard diet creates health problems. It will be hard at first, and you can't just change all at once. But once you start gradually acquiring information, you can make changes slowly and will start to feel better. I'd recommend Life Without Bread and Primal Body, Primal Mind to get started with gaining the necessary knowledge. Good luck and take care. :)
Sirius said:
No, in a broader sense. Do it yourself.

A lot of people may provide help and information here but you have to be very precise and specific in your descriptions.

I really think I was being as straightforward and precise about my situation as I possibly could, I think you're missing the point, I have really tried and tried to do it myself but it just didn't work.

3D Student said:
A feeding tube seems kind of extreme and an illogical way to provide energy. We are supposed to receive food through our digestive system. It also looks to be avoiding the issue, which is the fact that you are eating junk food that is no good. A better way would be to just eat more healthily.

Have you read the Life Without Bread thread? Here you will learn what is optimal to eat and how our standard diet creates health problems. It will be hard at first, and you can't just change all at once. But once you start gradually acquiring information, you can make changes slowly and will start to feel better. I'd recommend Life Without Bread and Primal Body, Primal Mind to get started with gaining the necessary knowledge. Good luck and take care. :)

I really don't mean to be rude and I really do appreciate your answers but I think one thing that needs to be understood is that I am doing my best not to be avoiding the issue, I have tried everything and nothing worked, and you are absolutely right I can't just change it all cold turkey, I need at least a short time away from oral contact with food entirely to adjust myself to getting used to the change, sort of as a meditative method of making the adjustment, the reason I've had uncontrollable craving for bad food is because of my fear of oral consumption because of knowing that if I tried to eat something I'm not used to I would just instinctively eat bad food again, so I need a way of getting my physiological hunger nursed by way other than oral consumption thus easing my psychological scream for bad food out of my mind, gradually preparing me to be physiologically ready to consume other foods. I guess in short I'm wondering if I would get the procedure of the feeding tube done or if it is illegal unless one has a problem rendering them unable to consume food, and I thought through a feeding tube it does go through our digestive system but just by the way it goes in through the tube, the kind of feeding tube I have seen is the one that is out in through the belly area where the nutritional fluids are flowed in through a machine. I'm sorry for the such long message and I do appreciate any answers.
What is your current diet?

Most people here practice a low carb paleo diet here.

As there is a tonne of information on this forum and in the recommended books on diet, all I can tell you is that for me, when I switched to this diet, cravings stopped after around 2 - 3 weeks.

If I spike my blood with carbs/sugar, then I feel cravings for the whole of that day.

And yes pretty much all junk food involves sugar in various forms.
benzoate said:
I need at least a short time away from oral contact with food entirely to adjust myself to getting used to the change, sort of as a meditative method of making the adjustment, the reason I've had uncontrollable craving for bad food is because of my fear of oral consumption because of knowing that if I tried to eat something I'm not used to I would just instinctively eat bad food again, so I need a way of getting my physiological hunger nursed by way other than oral consumption thus easing my psychological scream for bad food out of my mind, gradually preparing me to be physiologically ready to consume other foods.

Hi benzoate, I don't understand the bolded part but I gather that you are desperate to make changes. I agree with 3d student that this tube idea seems an extreme way of feeding oneself. I would suggest doing some research on what you are actually eating, really understand what and why you cannot seem to resist. Sott.net has heaps of articles on all the evils of junk food and it's companion illnesses in mind and body. If you were satiated by the right knowledge and healthy fatty foods you would be much better equipped to work from your condition, without this unnatural intervention.

In the bold part I am saying that by abruptly eating something I'm not used to my body will only scream for bad food all the more, so I need a different way of easing my hunger, it has been a long time but only recently have I realized that I may never be free of my eating disorder unless I do take this "unnatural intervention".
Hi benzoate,

Unfortunately we're not equipped to give medical advice. If you're not already, you may want to consider seeing a counselor that specializes in eating disorders.

Have you already tried fasting? I don't mean of one or two days but approximately a week. This may help a lot.

Yes I have, and as I said I just ended up eating bad food again because of the hunger caused by it.
benzoate said:

In the bold part I am saying that by abruptly eating something I'm not used to my body will only scream for bad food all the more, so I need a different way of easing my hunger, it has been a long time but only recently have I realized that I may never be free of my eating disorder unless I do take this "unnatural intervention".
I see (sort of). You seem to want to fight an obsession from an obsessive state of mind, insisting on this 'realization' (only way out, tried everything else- blinder) and denying advices given. I agree that seeking counseling would be something to consider, if you can tolerate unagreeing feedback at all.
You are hungry and crave junk food simply because you are not getting the nourishment your body needs. Thus, when your brain scans your blood it says "no nutrition here, turn on hunger!"

Just read the entire "Life Without Bread" thread in the diet and health section before attempting to continue this discussion.
benzoate said:

In the bold part I am saying that by abruptly eating something I'm not used to my body will only scream for bad food all the more, so I need a different way of easing my hunger, it has been a long time but only recently have I realized that I may never be free of my eating disorder unless I do take this "unnatural intervention".

It seems to me that what you`r looking for it`s just a shortcut. No knowledge can come from this approach.
I`ve been personally went trough junk food addiction and others such as alcohol (mild), marijuana (quite strong) I thought I would have been never able to abandon such things.I also remember thinking :-"Oh good this work on adjusting metabolism etc..it`s such a huge thing, probably I`ll never be able to do this".
Right now this cravings are all gone (although sometimes I`m still craving chocolate,but mildly) thanks to the precious advices from this forum and his members.
Here you can really find tons of materials which can help you, but the first thing is to reach this breaking point where you have enough of your habits an you are really willing to change, I mean, something like a "moral bankruptcy".
To me working on the food issue is a great teaching about myself and in this light it is really becoming an adventure that is energizing me as soon as I discover something new about how my body work.
"Cravings" for knowledge are stronger than the ones for food, and makes them appearing as really silly.

A tread that helped me a lot in understanding what might be a cause of some addiction of mine, was this about Serotonin deficiency:


Once adjusted with 5htp most of the issues where downhill for me

Although nothing compares to the life without bread tread :)

Best wishes for your journey

Thank you for your answer, I think I understand better now, I do hope I will at least slowly make the change.
I do hope I will at least slowly make the change
This post could help you structure your endeavour: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,22916.msg308827.html#msg308827

Still, you have to understand first and foremost that you're hooked and that junk food cravings are by design initiated and sustained by that food itself.
Apart from all the forum info about that, a good reminder of this may also be found here:


The best way to avoid all this would be to stop eating that stuff in a step by step process as indicated above. It will be tough as you already know, but it can be done once you fully understand why it's necessary. And as stated by others: you will learn quite a lot about yourself while trying. A feeding tube would bypass all this learning and accomplish nothing of real value. Good luck!
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