Xinoehpoel, Sollog and September 11th


The Force is Strong With This One
On the anniversary of the 9/11 I thought it might be fitting to say hello to all on this site and give my regards to Laura who was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively. 

I'm quite surprised and dissappointed though that the only ONES on this planet that predicted and warned of what will in the future be considered the beginning of the end of the United States and perhaps one of if not thee most important date in modern history, has for the moment, been forgotten.

Whatsmore, I wonder if anyone realizes Xin was also the FIRST and only one who revealed on 9/11 2001 that the attacks were perpetrated by a faction of the US GOVERNMENT, not muslim "terrorists".  The truth of the conspiracy only began to surface long after if not month or years later, and as many who witnessed xins prediction unfold, either forgot or see nothing of significance. Truly sad commentary on the intelligence of this generation in the INFORMATION AGE. 

With all the facts and physical scientific evidence, the most obvious and blatant conspiracy of all time continues to be successfully hidden, ignored, and ridiculed by elected US officials, mainstream media and the majority of americans who claim to be "intelligent".

The War on Terror is the greatest LIE of this generation, America actually believes a war on terror can be won, and Christians, Muslims and Jews are all about to lob nukes at each other to prove their god and path is right.

It seems most have failed to realize the importance and implications of XIN and Sollogs words, prophecies and warning about the coming age of nuke terrorism and that mankind is about to enter the darkest times ever seen on this planet soon.... So be it.

Perhaps the only way to save this planet, really is for a massive CLEANUP to occur as Xin and Sollog have suggested which does appear to be SET for this timeline. Perhaps MANkind needs to learn a great lesson of what its Nuclear technology can do in order for such technology to be outlawed in the future.  An interesting footnote to think about  from Michel N and Cayce, to Xin and Sollog as it relates to FREEWILL.. Its is an ILLUSION. If it weren't, they couldn't have prophecized or foreseen such future events, if they haven't already happened.

So how many billions of this generation need to die to save Billiions of future generations? Such is the judgement and decisions of "Gods"... what human can possibly ponder such a question, let alone answer it.

welcome to the matrix



and finally an interesting post comes to mind today

L9 said:
On the anniversary of the 9/11 I thought it might be fitting to say hello to all on this site and give my regards to Laura who was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively.

Here is a transcript dealing with Sollog :

11142001 session said:
Q: Was this guy writing these posts on the newsgroups the same as Sollog, the so-called prophet?
A: Yes.
Q: Is he involved with the Israelis?
A: No.
Q: How did he know about this event?
A: Fourth Density STS contact.
Q: Is this another instance of when they can be stunningly accurate when they choose?
A: Yes.
Q: So, this guy was not an insider in the plot?
A: No.
Q: Well, I find that hard to believe.
A: Patience.
Q: Was he being set up to look accurate so people would buy into his rant?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, Sollog did predict that this would happen in 1997. But then, then, the guy on the newsgroup predicted that something was going to happen in seven days... That was bizarre. He didn't say what, but the message was headed with 9/11. If he had known what was going to happen, I think he would have at least hinted. (A) But that would be too dangerous for him.
A: Yes. More like a miss.
Q: How did they get those guys to agree to fly those buildings into those planes and commit suicide?
A: Mind control.
I am very confused by this post. It seems pretty clear that the view here of this Sollog personality is that this personality is either a part of the evil forces resposible for the state of the world over these millenia or at the very least that this personality is a willing cooperative tool of the evil forces. Yet L9 finds that this view is objectively true and even respectful. It seems to me that L9 has a deep identification with this personality, wanting this personality to be remembered (even to the point of being emotionally saddened that such is not the case). It seems that L9's identification is even promotional and almost adorational.

I find it odd that L9 would think that promotion or adoration of this personality would not be viewed as promtion and adoration of what is perceived as evil.

So I don't know what to make of it (this post). Are the readers supposed to feel saddened also that this personality is not venerated, but forgotten as L9 implies? Are the readers of this post supposed to fall for the promotion of the great warning and believe it is all just about mankind learning a lesson about the dangers of nukes and not heeding the great words of an adored personality?

But we know about political ponerology. We know about the psychological deviants and processes used that direct and control the average person. We know about the adamic and pre-adamic man and we also know about the high probability of hyperdimensional forces behind the scenes as it were.

So this post comes off as very contradictory within itself.

L9, perhaps you would like to introduce yourself over here:

What's on your mind
Come in an introduce yourself, talk about anything on your mind, within reason that is...

Maybe if we know a little more about you, we will be able to better understand where you are coming from and why you posted this. Maybe we can find out your understanding of the psychological processes involved in this current reality and other things about you also that you may want to share.
Since I know more about this subject and issue than anyone else due to my years of research from the beginning back in 1995 and direct involvement in supporting sollogs writings since then, I'll reply and ask you some questions since it appears you either know very little about sollog and this subject, or have a bias.

Here is a transcript dealing with Sollog :

TRANSCRIPT  FROM WHERE AND WHEN???????????????  theres no CONTEXT whatsoever.

11142001 session said:
Q:  Was this guy writing these posts on the newsgroups the same as Sollog, the so-called prophet?
A:  Yes.

TOTALLY FALSE... Leo Phoenix had no connection to sollog whatsoever other than another Fan who supported him as I did and do.

11142001 session said:
Q:  Is he involved with the Israelis?
A:  No.
Q:  How did he know about this event?
A:  Fourth Density STS contact.

ARE YOU SPEAKING ABOUT SOLLOG OR LEO?  because they aren't the same person... And WHO is making these assumptions that
his knowledge/source comes from STS contact?  Perhaps you've heard of the RA material then... Sollogs knowledge and source is far beyond even that source or Density.

11142001 session said:
Q:  Is this another instance of when they can be stunningly accurate when they choose?
A:  Yes.
Q:  So, this guy was not an insider in the plot?
A:  No.

VERY TRUE... Leo received a warning about the event exactly as he explained... a "voice" whispered in his "head" and was directed or
MOVED to give the warning... Clearly a very unique pyschic experience to have been chosen as a vehicle to bring a warning about the
biggest event in modern history.

11142001 session said:
Q:  Well, I find that hard to believe.
A:  Patience.
Q:  Was he being set up to look accurate so people would buy into his rant?
A:  Yes.

Whats meant by "SET UP"? by whom?  to buy WHAT RANT?  anyone with a BRAIN who looks at the FACTS surrounding that event and in the warning he gave, will see it wasn't a coincidence and also what its purpose was... and when you've done a full investigation into sollogs writings from an unbiased and objective perspective, you'll see the truth that most can't or are too afraid to consider.

11142001 session said:
Q:  Well, Sollog did predict that this would happen in 1997. But then, then, the guy on the newsgroup predicted that something was going to happen in seven days... That was bizarre. He didn't say what, but the message was headed with 9/11. If he had known what was going to happen, I think he would have at least hinted.


11142001 session said:
(A) But that would be too dangerous for him.
A:  Yes. More like a miss.

True seers on the highest of levels prognosticating events against their NATION know or have learned about PERSECUTION.

THE WARNING LEO GAVE and HOW HE GAVE IT WAS GENIUS when you look at the context and understand it was intended only to be fully understood by TRUTH SEEKERS on Higher Frequencies and consciousness... from that perspective, it was crystal clear that Leo's warning was talking about the attack on the WTC... sure it would have been so much more satisfying for him to have been able to describe what was to happen in DETAIL... but the SOURCE that conveyed the information had a reason for not giving it in the way most might want or expect.  A similar situation occurred back in 1997 with Sollogs prediction of DIANAS death... something which convinced me Sollog was for real and led to my decision to become one of his most supportive fans.

11142001 session said:
Q:  How did they get those guys to agree to fly those buildings into those planes and commit suicide?
A:  Mind control.

One of the biggest mysteries that may never be fully understood or exposed is whether mind control was involved in moving "middle eastern men" accused of the deed to fly the planes into the tower.... OR were the planes even the same planes that were supposedly hi jacked....

regarding that though,,, what is CLEAR is that NO PLANE hit the pentagon and THE TOWERS didn't collapse because of being HIT by PLANES

It was a MISSLE on the pentagon and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION that took down the 3 WTC TOWERS

Sollog, Xinoehpoel and 911

>L9, perhaps you would like to introduce yourself over here...

To answer your invitation, I replied in the other thread which may answer a few of your questions or confusion...
Re: Sollog, Xinoehpoel and 911

L9 said:
>L9, perhaps you would like to introduce yourself over here...

To answer your invitation, I replied in the other thread which may answer a few of your questions or confusion...

Well L9, i read your post after that question has been asked and i do not see any answer there.

To my understanding, your second post did not answer the question asked by Xman.
I would say that L9 is Sollog/LeoPhoenix himself, trying to crank up some publicity.
L9 said:
Since I know more about this subject and issue than anyone else due to my years of research from the beginning back in 1995 and direct involvement in supporting sollogs writings since then, I'll reply and ask you some questions since it appears you either know very little about sollog and this subject, or have a bias.

You are still not making any sense L9.

Your first statement to this board was:
On the anniversary of the 9/11 I thought it might be fitting to say hello to all on this site and give my regards to Laura who was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively.

This does not make any sense. Continuing to ignore this fact just makes your continuation of posting even more contradictory and reveals a lack of psychological understanding on your part.

Perhaps you can point out what you mean by "Laura who was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively." ???

What coverage are you talking about? The only coverage I am aware of (and it could be that I am not aware of something Laura has written in this regard), the only coverage I am aware of points to the fact that Sollog / Xinoehpoel is viewed as part of the pathological evil.

In your opening statement: "was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively", one would have to conclude that what you so highly approve of is this:

I don't think that we necessarily have to think that he is an "insider" in the 3rd density conspiracy. But that he is a "contactee" of those forces behind it, who are pulling the strings from some deep level of reality, is evident. In this sense, this is a clue to the hyperdimensional reality behind all the manipulations of our world. It is, indeed, the "signature" or "sign" of the forces of darkness that, in their hubris, they are compelled to identify themselves.

I have placed in bold the comments of "X" as well as certain subject headers and/or dates of note. I have underlined a couple of things that I think are particularly interesting. So, from the beginning, as you start reading, keep in mind that this is a member of the conspiracy. Note carefully everything he says, even if it is a bit disorienting to try to read a series of emails posted to a newsgroup without reading all the other responses. For the most part, the posts he is responding to are included at the bottom of his own comments, though in some cases, he interlines his responses.

Notice how he "plays" with his prey - see how he hates Christians and casts aspersions on Moslems. And most of all, see how he promotes "Sollog" as "God." Here, he is joking. But there is a certain cunning seriousness behind the jokes. This is a very sick person. And there are a lot more of them. And then note his final fling at the Moslems - the most revolting remark intended to be totally sacreligious to any worshipper of Allah.

This would lead readers here to conclude that the objectivity praise you are giving concurs with the evaluation that these are very sick pathological personalities who are in the scheme with the forces of darkness.

Yet your line of posting is that it makes you sad that darkness incarnate does not get recognition?

Do you see how this is confusing. It makes it appear as if you yourself are a bit discordant psychologically with yourself. I mean which is it? Do you approve and agree that Sollog / Xinoehpoel is part of the forces manipulating people and if so then none of your post makes any sense.

Here's the contradiction - Sollog / Xinoehpoel is evil and darkness - Sollog / Xinoehpoel is great I am here to promote him???

Another possibility is that your opening statement was just your own psychological manipulation that is seen over and over on this board by trolls with an agenda.

It goes like this:
1) Say something nice to appeal to readers that makes them lower their guard, say something to gain confidence (flattery, the con).
2) Proceed with your agenda once the bait is offered and the hook is set.
3) Be selective - do not answer questions and contradictions that you are caught in. Ignore them. Continue with you agenda as someone is bound to not see the psychological tricks and all can just be built on utilizing this selectivity.

You have ignored the request to post in the Intro area and tell us something about yourself. To be clear you did not entirely ignore it, you just used another psychological manipulation. You posted what is in effect [I will answer you over here], pointing back to this thread. And you have not answered anything of that request to introduce yourself, tell us something about you, perhaps provide your understanding of the psychological processes involved in this current reality. Although it is becoming apparent that you know how to use psychological methods to serve what you want.

Back to this

lnine:Since I know more about this subject and issue than anyone else due to my years of research from the beginning back in 1995 and direct involvement in supporting sollogs writings since then, I'll reply and ask you some questions since it appears you either know very little about sollog and this subject, or have a bias.

There is no sense in responding to this. It is obvious that this is a manipulation to further your agenda. It is just the display of a chest puffer, selectively ignoring to answer for his own contradictions and continuing with the hook to impose his agenda on others.

Nice psychological dig at demeaning the audience and elevating your own greatness.

Yes the bias and identification is very easy to spot.

L9 said:
Here is a transcript dealing with Sollog :

TRANSCRIPT FROM WHERE AND WHEN??????????????? theres no CONTEXT whatsoever.

This just shows you know zero about this site and zero about Laura. It is more evidence that your opening paragraph was just a psychological manipulation, basically lies to flatter and put at ease and slip in your agenda.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
Q: Was this guy writing these posts on the newsgroups the same as Sollog, the so-called prophet?
A: Yes.

TOTALLY FALSE... Leo Phoenix had no connection to sollog whatsoever other than another Fan who supported him as I did and do.

You are just looking more silly. Selectively ignoring and continuing your agenda.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
Q: Is he involved with the Israelis?
A: No.
Q: How did he know about this event?
A: Fourth Density STS contact.

ARE YOU SPEAKING ABOUT SOLLOG OR LEO? because they aren't the same person... And WHO is making these assumptions that his knowledge/source comes from STS contact? Perhaps you've heard of the RA material then... Sollogs knowledge and source is far beyond even that source or Density.

This is incomprehensible. You agreed that the Sollog / Xinoehpoel personalities was handled objectively and now you are arguing against that objectivity. Which lie are we to believe?

This just shows you know zero about this site and zero about Laura.
You are just looking more silly. Selectively ignoring and continuing your agenda.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
Q: Is this another instance of when they can be stunningly accurate when they choose?
A: Yes.
Q: So, this guy was not an insider in the plot?
A: No.

VERY TRUE... Leo received a warning about the event exactly as he explained... a "voice" whispered in his "head" and was directed or MOVED to give the warning... Clearly a very unique pyschic experience to have been chosen as a vehicle to bring a warning about the biggest event in modern history.

Not a unique psychic experience. Many evil forces manifest as such. In fact if you knew something about this site and Laura you might be aware that direct contact like this has a high probability of being either corrupt or a direct manipulation from hypothesized hyperdimensional realms (and not the good guys).

You are still selectively ignoring and continuing your agenda.
You are still showing you know zero about this site and zero about Laura.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
Q: Well, I find that hard to believe.
A: Patience.
Q: Was he being set up to look accurate so people would buy into his rant?
A: Yes.

Whats meant by "SET UP"? by whom? to buy WHAT RANT? anyone with a BRAIN who looks at the FACTS surrounding that event and in the warning he gave, will see it wasn't a coincidence and also what its purpose was... and when you've done a full investigation into sollogs writings from an unbiased and objective perspective, you'll see the truth that most can't or are too afraid to consider.

Not having the slightest clue as to what this is just shows:

You know zero about this site and zero about Laura and is more evidence that your opening paragraph was a psychological manipulation to attempt to get your foot in the door an do as you please, impose your agenda.

You are arguing against the objectivity you praised. You make no sense.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
Q: Well, Sollog did predict that this would happen in 1997. But then, then, the guy on the newsgroup predicted that something was going to happen in seven days... That was bizarre. He didn't say what, but the message was headed with 9/11. If he had known what was going to happen, I think he would have at least hinted.


Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing against that which you found objective in your opening statement.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
(A) But that would be too dangerous for him.
A: Yes. More like a miss.

True seers on the highest of levels prognosticating events against their NATION know or have learned about PERSECUTION.

Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing against that which you found objective in your opening statement.

I like the little psychological pity me persecution bit though, nice touch. Poor forces of darkness, pity pity.

L9 said:
THE WARNING LEO GAVE and HOW HE GAVE IT WAS GENIUS when you look at the context and understand it was intended only to be fully understood by TRUTH SEEKERS on Higher Frequencies and consciousness... from that perspective, it was crystal clear that Leo's warning was talking about the attack on the WTC... sure it would have been so much more satisfying for him to have been able to describe what was to happen in DETAIL... but the SOURCE that conveyed the information had a reason for not giving it in the way most might want or expect. A similar situation occurred back in 1997 with Sollogs prediction of DIANAS death... something which convinced me Sollog was for real and led to my decision to become one of his most supportive fans.

Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing against that which you found objective in your opening statement.

It would appear you are selectively continuing with your agenda.

Nice psychological technique there - "it was intended only to be fully understood by TRUTH SEEKERS on Higher Frequencies and consciousness"

You still show you do not have a clue of what this site is about or Laura.

L9 said:
11142001 session said:
Q: How did they get those guys to agree to fly those buildings into those planes and commit suicide?
A: Mind control.

One of the biggest mysteries that may never be fully understood or exposed is whether mind control was involved in moving "middle eastern men" accused of the deed to fly the planes into the tower.... OR were the planes even the same planes that were supposedly hi jacked....

regarding that though,,, what is CLEAR is that NO PLANE hit the pentagon and THE TOWERS didn't collapse because of being HIT by PLANES

It was a MISSLE on the pentagon and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION that took down the 3 WTC TOWERS


Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing against that which you found objective in your opening statement.

It would appear you are selectively continuing with your agenda. Trying to force an audience into your agenda when it is perfectly clear that you do not have a clue as to who that audience is.

Why did you pick this site?

It seems pretty clear that your praise of objectivity was just a psychological ploy, for when pieces of that objectivity are posted, you don't even know what it is. Your responses show you haven't even got a clue what the sessions are, you have no idea about the psychological research many people here work in, you have no idea about the research carried on regarding all the monotheistic religions and their origins, or the dozens of other things researched here.

So this all comes off as someone just praticing psychological techniques of manipulation to hopefully impose their agenda on an audience.
Laura said:
I would say that L9 is Sollog/LeoPhoenix himself, trying to crank up some publicity.

Well, all the psychological identifiers are there. The FRV fingerprint also seems to be a match.
>You are still not making any sense L9.
>Your first statement to this board was:
>On the anniversary of the 9/11 I thought it might be fitting to say hello to all on this site and give my regards
>to Laura who was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively.
>This does not make any sense.

I'm having trouble understanding WHAT exactly isn't making sense to you there.

>Continuing to ignore this fact just makes your continuation of posting even more contradictory and reveals a lack
>of psychological understanding on your part.

of what? I assure you any misunderstanding going on here is hardly due to my lack of psychological understanding.
But i'll delay any assumptions i might have of you, to a simple misunderstanding for the moment.

>Perhaps you can point out what you mean by "Laura who was among the very few i've seen that covered the story of
>Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively." ???

Did not Laura Knight write an article on Xinoehpoel?

>What coverage are you talking about? The only coverage I am aware of (and it could be that I am not aware of
>something Laura has written in this regard), the only coverage I am aware of points to the fact that Sollog /
>Xinoehpoel is viewed as part of the pathological evil. In your opening statement: "was among the very few i've seen
>that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively", one would have to conclude that what you so
>highly approve of is this:

I do believe that is the article... so the question i have then first is,,, are you suggesting or admitting that her
comments were not objective or respectful? After reading the entire article, I see two sides to what
she wrote... On one hand I see her criticism or disdain which seems to stem from her religious views,
assumptions, opinions, lack of understanding and ego. On the other hand, compared to the viscious attacks and lack
of context, intelligent arguments or discourse I've seen over the years, that article was quite civil.
So although she never condones, agrees with or carries a more positive criticism, the tone of her
criticism is to a certain extent, not malicious or disrespectful in my opinion.

>I don't think that we necessarily have to think that he is an "insider" in the 3rd density conspiracy. But that he
>is a "contactee" of those forces behind it, who are pulling the strings from some deep level of reality, is
>evident. In this sense, this is a clue to the hyperdimensional reality behind all the manipulations of our world.
>It is, indeed, the "signature" or "sign" of the forces of darkness that, in their hubris, they are compelled to
>identify themselves.

you're insinuating and assuming his sources or overall nature are aligned with "forces of darkness"

yet thats nothing more than your opinion... which i'd say was based on a lack of research or
investigation and even truth seeking. Something apparently your ego hasn't been able to
overcome or perhaps your frequency isn't high enough yet to SEE between the lines.

>Here's the contradiction - Sollog / Xinoehpoel is evil and darkness - Sollog / Xinoehpoel is great I am here to
>promote him???

the only problem with that what you claim to be "evil" or darkness is merely YOUR perspective and OPINION
which stems from what I'd call (with all due respect) a retarded concept of "God", TRUTH or Reality.

>Another possibility is that your opening statement was just your own psychological manipulation that is seen over
>and over on this board by trolls with an agenda.
>It goes like this:
>1) Say something nice to appeal to readers that makes them lower their guard, say something to gain confidence
(flattery, the con).
>2) Proceed with your agenda once the bait is offered and the hook is set.
>3) Be selective - do not answer questions and contradictions that you are caught in. Ignore them. Continue with you
>agenda as someone is bound to not see the psychological tricks and all can just be built on utilizing this

You're suggesting or asserting the entire "sollog" or "xin" subject and/or agenda is based on trickery, deception or
some kind of scam. My response is that it is NOT. You can claim that I'm sollog or xin yada yada all you want as
many and most do... yet the fact is, i'm not. Just as Xin and Sollog are not the same person. Something all
3 of us have challenged those who make such idiotic assumptions and claims, to prove. In fact several times
we've taken steps offering proof and each time those making the claims fall silent, disappear or sometimes
continue repeating their claims like a parrot. JAMES RANDI is another thats been exposed as a fraud after
his challenges were accepted. Long story...but its all been documented publically for anyone to see along with
many others over the years who claim sollog and xin are frauds, charlatans etc.
If you've ever read any of my writings/posts on the net/forums/google/alt.'s etc (and there's thousands), you'd

realize I'm quite direct, unwaivering and always invite intelligent respectful discourse. Yet in over 90% of
the cases, I come across everything but.

>You have ignored the request to post in the Intro area and tell us something about yourself. To be clear you did
>not entirely ignore it, you just used another psychological manipulation. You posted what is in effect [I will
>answer you over here],

I disagree. Had I not responded at all, then it might be fair to characterize it as IGNORING.
I was simply pointing to that reply as my first and initial attempt at answering a few areas that I felt needed to

be addressed before any further discussion. You feel differently. FINE. Now lets move on...

>Back to this
>lnine:Since I know more about this subject and issue than anyone else due to my years of research from the
>beginning back in 1995 and direct involvement in supporting sollogs writings since then, I'll reply and ask you
>some questions since it appears you either know very little about sollog and this subject, or have a bias.
>There is no sense in responding to this. It is obvious that this is a manipulation to further your agenda. It is
>just the display of a chest puffer, selectively ignoring to answer for his own contradictions and continuing with
>the hook to impose his agenda on others.
>Nice psychological dig at demeaning the audience and elevating your own greatness.
>Yes the bias and identification is very easy to spot.

Nothing more than your OPINION.... however wrong, you do have the right to it and at this point not
worth arguing. NEXT...

>Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
>Here is a transcript dealing with Sollog :
>TRANSCRIPT FROM WHERE AND WHEN??????????????? theres no CONTEXT whatsoever.
>This just shows you know zero about this site and zero about Laura. It is more evidence that your opening paragraph
>was just a psychological manipulation, basically lies to flatter and put at ease and slip in your agenda.

I've already given an answer to your assumption however wrong it is. Next...

>Quote from: 11142001 session
>Q: Was this guy writing these posts on the newsgroups the same as Sollog, the so-called prophet?
>A: Yes.
>TOTALLY FALSE... Leo Phoenix had no connection to sollog whatsoever other than another Fan who supported him as I
>did and do.
>You are just looking more silly. Selectively ignoring and continuing your agenda.

I'm still having a problem understanding what exactly you think i'm "ignoring". I simply responded to
initial areas I saw as SILLY or another type of "agenda" since you seem to like that term. If this is a snip
from a xin passage, then show the context since there's literally hundreds of posts and yes, there may
be some i've missed or don't remember. I could play the same stupid game your playing, but sorry, I'm
not that interested in YOU or LAURA or this site yet to waste my time with... especially if these are the
types of petty mind games you like to play.

>Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
>Quote from: 11142001 session
>Q: Is he involved with the Israelis?
>A: No.
>Q: How did he know about this event?
>A: Fourth Density STS contact.
>ARE YOU SPEAKING ABOUT SOLLOG OR LEO? because they aren't the same person... And WHO is making these assumptions
>that his knowledge/source comes from STS contact? Perhaps you've heard of the RA material then... Sollogs >knowledge and >source is far beyond even that source or Density.
>This is incomprehensible. You agreed that the Sollog / Xinoehpoel personalities was handled objectively and now you
>are arguing against that objectivity. Which lie are we to believe?
>This just shows you know zero about this site and zero about Laura.
>You are just looking more silly. Selectively ignoring and continuing your agenda.

<YAWN> your line of questioning is quickly deteriorating... you obviously the same type of
understanding about sollog of xin you claim I do of Laura when I barely went into
any detailed analysis or criticism of what she wrote. I didn't come here with any "agenda"
nor the intention to argue petty idiosyncrisis. I explained above my perception or
assessement of the article. If you don't agree or believe it, thats your problem. NEXT.

>Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
>Quote from: 11142001 session
>Q: Is this another instance of when they can be stunningly accurate when they choose?
>A: Yes.
>Q: So, this guy was not an insider in the plot?
>A: No.
>VERY TRUE... Leo received a warning about the event exactly as he explained... a "voice" whispered in his "head" >and was directed or MOVED to give the warning... Clearly a very unique pyschic experience to have been chosen as a
>vehicle to bring a warning about the biggest event in modern history.
>Not a unique psychic experience. Many evil forces manifest as such. In fact if you knew something about this site
>and Laura you might be aware that direct contact like this has a high probability of being either corrupt or a
>direct manipulation from hypothesized hyperdimensional realms (and not the good guys).

I didn't come here to ANALYZE, do an indepth investigation of Laura or CRITICIZE since
it was LAURA who did an article on XIN. So I was responding to that article which seemed to offer some insight and the issue/material in full context which many others haven't done. Something to me, compared to others, was
far more civil and unbiased.

Your characterization, assumption or conclusion that their sources are forces of evil, is simply an
assertion and not based on fact or an absolute. Its your OPINION that again stems from a retarded
concept of GOOD AND EVIL being separate. ITS ALL ONE.

>You are still selectively ignoring and continuing your agenda.
>You are still showing you know zero about this site and zero about Laura.


>Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
>Quote from: 11142001 session
>Q: Well, I find that hard to believe.
>A: Patience.
>Q: Was he being set up to look accurate so people would buy into his rant?
>A: Yes.
>Whats meant by "SET UP"? by whom? to buy WHAT RANT? anyone with a BRAIN who looks at the FACTS surrounding that
>event and in the warning he gave, will see it wasn't a coincidence and also what its purpose was... and when you've
>done a full investigation into sollogs writings from an unbiased and objective perspective, you'll see the truth
>that most can't or are too afraid to consider.
>Not having the slightest clue as to what this is just shows:
>You know zero about this site and zero about Laura and is more evidence that your opening paragraph was a
>psychological manipulation to attempt to get your foot in the door an do as you please, impose your agenda.
>You are arguing against the objectivity you praised. You make no sense.

answered........ <yawn>

If your eluding to a certain line of questioning that took place...then be specific as to what you're
assuming i'm "missing" since there are many areas either i don't remember, didn't read or
saw no relevance to addressing. and yes, I still fail to see the importance, relevance or context
of what you feel i don't have a clue about... even if its passages within the xin postings... there's thousands.

but then okay,,, feel free to Enlighten me o wise one! LOL

>Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
>Quote from: 11142001 session
>Q: Well, Sollog did predict that this would happen in 1997. But then, then, the guy on the newsgroup predicted >that
>something was going to happen in seven days... That was bizarre. He didn't say what, but the message was headed >with
>9/11. If he had known what was going to happen, I think he would have at least hinted.
>HAPPEN. thats the most important portion so few GET or want to accept.
>Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing
>against that which you found objective in your opening statement.
>Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
>Quote from: 11142001 session
>(A) But that would be too dangerous for him.
>A: Yes. More like a miss.
>True seers on the highest of levels prognosticating events against their NATION know or have learned about
>Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing
>against that which you found objective in your opening statement.
I like the little psychological pity me persecution bit though, nice touch. Poor forces of darkness, pity pity.
Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
THE WARNING LEO GAVE and HOW HE GAVE IT WAS GENIUS when you look at the context and understand it was intended only
to be fully understood by TRUTH SEEKERS on Higher Frequencies and consciousness... from that perspective, it was
crystal clear that Leo's warning was talking about the attack on the WTC... sure it would have been so much more
satisfying for him to have been able to describe what was to happen in DETAIL... but the SOURCE that conveyed the
information had a reason for not giving it in the way most might want or expect. A similar situation occurred back
in 1997 with Sollogs prediction of DIANAS death... something which convinced me Sollog was for real and led to my
decision to become one of his most supportive fans.
Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing
against that which you found objective in your opening statement.
It would appear you are selectively continuing with your agenda.
Nice psychological technique there - "it was intended only to be fully understood by TRUTH SEEKERS on Higher
Frequencies and consciousness"
You still show you do not have a clue of what this site is about or Laura.
Quote from: L9 on Today at 02:44:21 PM
Quote from: 11142001 session
Q: How did they get those guys to agree to fly those buildings into those planes and commit suicide?
A: Mind control.
One of the biggest mysteries that may never be fully understood or exposed is whether mind control was involved in
moving "middle eastern men" accused of the deed to fly the planes into the tower.... OR were the planes even the
same planes that were supposedly hi jacked....
regarding that though,,, what is CLEAR is that NO PLANE hit the pentagon and THE TOWERS didn't collapse because of
being HIT by PLANES
It was a MISSLE on the pentagon and CONTROLLED DEMOLITION that took down the 3 WTC TOWERS
>Until you can answer to your contradiction and apparent deceptions, you are talking to yourself here, arguing
>against that which you found objective in your opening statement.
>It would appear you are selectively continuing with your agenda. Trying to force an audience into your agenda when
>it is perfectly clear that you do not have a clue as to who that audience is.

your continued failure to show context of what exactly you're talking about or have a problem with or i'm supposedly evading is beyond OLD now... i'll just wait for your return to reality if you so choose.
L9 said:
Since I know more about this subject and issue than anyone else due to my years of research from the beginning back in 1995 and direct involvement in supporting sollogs writings since then, I'll reply and ask you some questions since it appears you either know very little about sollog and this subject, or have a bias.

Ok doo, you are the expert, and we know very little about this subject.

Have-you read The "Ultimate Truth" ?

Have-you an idea of the purpose of this forum?

L9 said:
TRANSCRIPT FROM WHERE AND WHEN??????????????? theres no CONTEXT whatsoever.

You come here , you say that you are an expert and you do not know anything about the C's and the transcript.
And you can not read the date 11142001???????

L9 said:
TOTALLY FALSE... Leo Phoenix had no connection to sollog whatsoever other than another Fan who supported him as I did and do.

You mean Fan as in FANATIC. And we know what fanatics are able to do and the way they think?

L9 said:
Perhaps you've heard of the RA material then... Sollogs knowledge and source is far beyond even that source or Density.

Ok doo again, he is far beyond RA and the 6 Density. 9, 10, 15 density, who knows?

Again you have no idea what is the purpose of this forum?

L9 said:
and when you've done a full investigation into sollogs writings from an unbiased and objective perspective, you'll see the truth that most can't or are too afraid to consider.

You said that you were a fan. I doubt that a fan is able to see objectively the truth.

L9 said:
and led to my decision to become one of his most supportive fans.

Again you say fan - well, fan = fanatic. What a way to be objective?

Maybe you are not at the right place.

It is not a "fan" forum
Laura said:
I would say that L9 is Sollog/LeoPhoenix himself,

and I would say your frequency isn't as high as it used to be... perhaps
you should make an appointment with toby alexander.

But anytime you'd like to take the challenge thats been put forth over the past 10 years on
that idiotic assertion/claim, let me know. In the meatime, how about presenting
an intelligent argument and engaging this subject with intelligent discourse.

Laura said:
trying to crank up some publicity.

that would suggest you think this site is far more popular than it really is....
L9, or Lenine or whatever it pronounces, stop being injurious and ridiculous.
I suggest you reread this except from your first post in this thread and to meditate its implications :

L9 said:
Perhaps MANkind needs to learn a great lesson of what its Nuclear technology can do in order for such technology to be outlawed in the future. An interesting footnote to think about from Michel N and Cayce, to Xin and Sollog as it relates to FREEWILL.. Its is an ILLUSION. If it weren't, they couldn't have prophecized or foreseen such future events, if they haven't already happened.

So how many billions of this generation need to die to save Billiions of future generations? Such is the judgement and decisions of "Gods"... what human can possibly ponder such a question, let alone answer it.

Thinking by yourself is the best thing you can do to yourself.
Oh, welcome to the matrix, mister smith!
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