Xinoehpoel, Sollog and September 11th

What you all still don't seem to understand is that IT WAS LAURA WHO POSTED/COMMENTED/WROTE AN ARTICLE about Xinoehpoel and Sollog... NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! And since that article was publicly available and not within a private forum where the public had to register view it, nor were there any requirements to understand the PURPOSE of "this forum" to respond to it, or was anything in this forum specifically posted in the article that i saw, I was merely responding to the basics of that article and added some comments as it pertained to XIN and Sollog since it appeared the AUTHOR of it and those who read that authors article were in this forum. THATS WHY I PICKED THIS SITE. You also ask if I know anything about this site and its purpose... Yet I didn't know it was a requirement to post here commenting on an article that was written about "us". Had I come
here to post on any other subject other than that topic, then i'd understand the attacks I've gotten. So far, I see no reason for me to understand the "purpose" here in order to discuss what LAURA decided to write about on her own. HER ARTICLE technically invited a potential response by those she was criticizing and writing about since it obviously showed HER LACK of understanding or ignorance about a subject she went outside this forum to DISCUSS and write about. To me, its becoming more and more apparent that Laura and the members here are far more biased than I first thought... once again the topic of sollog and xin seems to produce and follow the same but extreme pattern of hostility, ignorance, lack of understanding and controversy.

oh well... my bad. sorry to bother and intrude.


Namaste said:
L9 said:
Since I know more about this subject and issue than anyone else due to my years of research from the beginning back in 1995 and direct involvement in supporting sollogs writings since then, I'll reply and ask you some questions since it appears you either know very little about sollog and this subject, or have a bias.

Ok doo, you are the expert, and we know very little about this subject.

Have-you read The "Ultimate Truth" ?

Have-you an idea of the purpose of this forum?

L9 said:
TRANSCRIPT FROM WHERE AND WHEN??????????????? theres no CONTEXT whatsoever.

You come here , you say that you are an expert and you do not know anything about the C's and the transcript.
And you can not read the date 11142001???????

L9 said:
TOTALLY FALSE... Leo Phoenix had no connection to sollog whatsoever other than another Fan who supported him as I did and do.

You mean Fan as in FANATIC. And we know what fanatics are able to do and the way they think?

L9 said:
Perhaps you've heard of the RA material then... Sollogs knowledge and source is far beyond even that source or Density.

Ok doo again, he is far beyond RA and the 6 Density. 9, 10, 15 density, who knows?

Again you have no idea what is the purpose of this forum?

L9 said:
and when you've done a full investigation into sollogs writings from an unbiased and objective perspective, you'll see the truth that most can't or are too afraid to consider.

You said that you were a fan. I doubt that a fan is able to see objectively the truth.

L9 said:
and led to my decision to become one of his most supportive fans.

Again you say fan - well, fan = fanatic. What a way to be objective?

Maybe you are not at the right place.

It is not a "fan" forum
L9 said:
you should make an appointment with toby alexander.

Toby Alexander has been in the field of healing facilitation for more than 15 years. He is an international spiritual teacher, Reiki Master, Soul Wisdom Psyche Doctor( :huh:), distant healing specialist, co-founder of the Higher School for Conscious Evolution, and author of the Great Master. He has been initiated into Babaji's ancient Kriya Yoga tradition and received initiations (shaktipat) directly from Babaji. He was also initiated as Mahaswami Shivananda Brahmananda into the Maitri Violet-Silver Chord Order - His sessions and teachings are given with a loving intent, are fear-free, and focus on how to remove the energetic blockages that prevent people from EMBODYING their Higher self, those levels of our consciousness that exist in higher dimensions, by removing auric attachments, karmic imprints, and then activating dormant portions of our DNA template. He also specializes in removing blockages in the heart chakra and activating people into unconditional self-love as he feels that this is the most important work on the planet right now. As a guardian (of who?), Toby understands the minute details of the Angelic Human and Indigo races, (what details, exactly??) the corresponding DNA templates of each, and specifically how to electrically dis-engage one's blockages via energy directing techniques, and activate one's dormant potentials. He works with people all over the world, in person giving workshops, or remotely via video conference, facilitating healing sessions and giving advanced training. His primary focus is on the Earth's ascension and helping to restore the original 12 strand DNA potential for humans so that we may ascend WITH the Earth in 2012.

Introduction and excerpt to The Great Master book:

Beloved one,
As promised I have come to thee, the brothers of the Great work have a message and you are the chosen one to create a portal in the written form that can reach those whose inner awakening is most important and crucial for the events unfolding in planet Earth.

Today you are to fulfill part of your higher contract and serve even more souls through activating not only their DNA but also their inner desire to reawaken the Great Master within them! All dormant strands of love and wisdom are ready to be reawakened in to their full potentiality. Your mission is to embody what we will give (for a price :halo:)to you in the highest of forms in all subatomic and sup-atomic dimensions of who you are.
You have reawakened the great master within, and it is humbleness, strength, truth and love that will guide your way through the steps of the Great Work for the Great Master, which is you, which in truth is the I AM presence of the Divine. Yet YOUR TRUE mission is to initiate others in to the Great Work to create the embodiment of the brothers and sisters of the white here on Earth.

I ask you my son, to receive this material we are giving and I ask for all those who receive this message to say YES. Open the divine trust channels and allow yourself to become the Master of your own destiny, THE ONE, who moves and breathes through the mission of the Great Work.

For you beloved Shivanandaji remember that you are at all times to breathe in and meditate all the messages. This is the first one of three portals thou shall receive from the great brothers of the white order.

For in the beginning was the work, and the work was the breath, and the breath was the word and the word became The Great Master as a reflection of the ever expanded source consciousness beyond the mental universe.

While you embody the Great work within this portal, be aware at all times children that all realms of the human experience are immediately impacted: The physical, the emotional, the mental, the psychic and the subtle. Perception, expression, processing and transcending will vibrate higher and higher on you all as you walk through the steps, and decrees we are giving to you my son, for the awakening of ALL THAT IS in the subtle realms of reality activating the divine shaktipat and finally realizing that we all are the co-creators of existence and the Great Architects of reality. For what you think and believe in, that same energy thou shall become.

Welcome back to the Great Work…
This is only the beginning

Sri Babaji

Who This Practice is Really For – Indigos:

One of the important purposes of my practice is to focus on helping a specific group of people, called Indigo children, awaken to realizing their own true reasons for incarnating here and then quickly removing their blockages by doing these sessions. By rapidly and easily freeing their consciousness, DNA template, and spiritual identity from unnatural energetic blockages and energy "vampires", to reclaim Chistiac self-sovereignty over their personal 15th dimensional anatomy, and perform the DNA bio-regenesis necessary for eventual complete bodily merkabic ascension. If you STRONGLY resonate with the information on my website and feel that this is the reason you are here, then you are probably an Indigo and there is no coincidence that we've come in contact with each other.

Even Indigo children need to remove their own energetic blockages, the karmic miasms they inherited from their parents at fetal integration, as well as raise their frequency through certain DNA activations, in order to be able to fully AWAKEN to what their purpose is here at this very important time.
How can you tell if you are an Indigo? A good way to "test" yourself is to answer the following:

Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn't set up for your kind?
Do you sometimes feel wise beyond your years?
Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?
Do you feel out of place in today's world?
Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?
Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?
Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?
Are you a truth seeker?
Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?
Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?
Misunderstood by family?
Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?
Are you emotionally sensitive?
Did you have a difficult childhood?
Do you often feel disempowered by too much authority?

If you can answer yes to these questions, then you are most likely an Indigo (or just a person living in a ponerized society :zzz:). But as you probably already realize, you still need to remove some blockages and clear some things in your biological, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies before you can realize your true purpose and potential. To help the people who resonate with this and who feel they may be on the same path as I am with sessions, knowledge, and guidance, so the person doesn't have to flounder around anymore and can awaken and realize their potential as soon as possible. But you don't have to be an Indigo to benefit from this work and I definitely don't want to label or separate people in this way as we are all ONE anyway.
What is required of you
As the coming new year approaches and I formulate my goals for 2005, I have decided to be a little more selective on who I work with and who I spend my energy on. I just do not have time to try to "prove" this work to skeptics or people who don't have the frequency receivers active in their DNA to "get" this. If you resonate with this information and have the attitude that you will do your part and are actually internally driven to obtain more knowledge about this, then I am sure you are right for this work and I will be honored to help FACILITATE the sessions for you.
What happens most of the time is that the frequency of my site is so high that when a person's Higher self guides them to it, the person doesn't have a high enough frequency to receive the information yet. So deep down inside, you know that this is right for you, however you just need a little "push" or "jumpstart" in your frequency to be able to fully understand and accrete this. This is what the first 4 sessions I offer are for. To raise your frequency to such a point to where you can start doing the techniques on your own, and guide you to the right books and information in the most beneficial and efficient order, so that once you remove your own energetic blocks, you can facilitate healing for the planet and others. Then I can help you with additional knowledge and frequency in the counseling or advanced coaching sessions.
One thing that is required of you is a great attitude. If you have a great attitude then things will be much easier, and I can facilitate just about anything that you set you intent on. At this point, I cannot allow my energy to be taken or spend my time trying to change people stuck in the victim-victimizer karmic loop, skeptics who cannot see the possibility of this work, or people only concerned with money, material things, etc. This practice is ONLY for people who are serious about their spiritual development and evolution. This MUST be your 1st priority if you want me to help you. My goal is to help you realize that you too have a 12th dimensional Christos Avatar self and together, we can remove the energetic blockages to you embodying this. When you achieve this SPIRITUAL mastery, then everything in the material world becomes A LOT easier.
I look forward to helping the Indigos and other motivated over-achievers that resonate with this work awaken to their true purpose and am excited to be re-focusing this practice on just that. It's an exciting time we are entering into and I am enjoying the reunion of old souls whom I come in contact with everyday. I'm greatly looking forward to the next few years and in us ALL working together as one.
All the love and best to you,
Toby Alexander
Dear Toby
Thanks for such a quick response. Ok so I'm an Indigo, now what? Here are some things I feel I need to share with you.
I have troubles with rage.
I am selfish
I'm frustrated and I don't know why.
I don't want to have the average life, that being the house the dog the 2 kids blah blah
I love leadership
I do have empathy, but no tolerance for stupidity
There are so many things I don't understand, I don't really know why. I want to know more, and I strongly want to become somebody. What does Indigo children mean?
I'll subscribe to the newsletter, I hope to here from you again.

Love Anna
Hi Anna,

Your question is so perfect I'd like to ask your permission to post it on my website and then answer it because a lot of people have been asking the same thing. You sound exactly like me and that's what is funny about your response, especially the part about not wanting the average life and being untolerant of stupidity. If you had looked at as many distorted DNA templates as I have, you can understand why people are the way they are.

Where do you go from here? Well, basically Indigos are here to help raise the frequency of the planet and everyone living here in preparation for 2012 - when the Earth moves up a notch in frequency. So if you like leadership, then this is the ultimate mission for you. But most people need to remove their energetic blockages, past-life and inherited karmic imprints, and activate their DNA to a point to where they can see the big picture and where they fit in to this drama unfolding now. It's a process of bringing the higher dimensional levels of yourself, like your Higher self, into your BODY. This will expand your consciousness and you can
think of it as incorporating your SPIRIT into your body. Right now, you can't fit "all of you" into your body, because of blockages and genetic distortions and your current frequency holding ability. You actually have a 15 dimensional anatomy that goes much farther than what you can see. You have a Soul level of consciousness, an Oversoul, an Avatar, and a Rishi level, which is right "below" Source. So that's what I do in the sessions - remove the blockages, help perfect the DNA template, and prepare your body to hold these higher frequencies of your self to where you can eventually embody even your Avatar self and then become AT-ONE with
Source, consciously.

Hope this helps you.

New for 2006: I am now offering individual one on one hour long intuitive counseling and consulting sessions for Indigos and others via video conference and Sightspeed. These sessions help one with removing subconscious blockages to manifestation, poverty consciousness inherited from family DNA, blockages to connecting to your Higher self, and anything else you desire to focus on. These sessions are especially helpful for future healing facilitators in helping them with being able to hold more frequency, become more intuitive and focused, helping them set up their healing practice, understanding 15th dimensional anatomy and structure of DNA templates, and learning how to read energy signatures remotely.


Egads! :O
Laura said:
I would say that L9 is Sollog/LeoPhoenix himself, trying to crank up some publicity.

Perhaps they occupy the same body with all three personalities sharing a deep need for attention.

L9 said:
What you all still don't seem to understand is that IT WAS LAURA WHO POSTED/COMMENTED/WROTE AN ARTICLE about Xinoehpoel and Sollog... NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! And since that article was publicly available and not within a private forum where the public had to register view it, nor were there any requirements to understand the PURPOSE of "this forum" to respond to it, or was anything in this forum specifically posted in the article that i saw, I was merely responding to the basics of that article and added some comments as it pertained to XIN and Sollog since it appeared the AUTHOR of it and those who read that authors article were in this forum. THATS WHY I PICKED THIS SITE. You also ask if I know anything about this site and its purpose... Yet I didn't know it was a requirement to post here commenting on an article that was written about "us". Had I come
here to post on any other subject other than that topic, then i'd understand the attacks I've gotten. So far, I see no reason for me to understand the "purpose" here in order to discuss what LAURA decided to write about on her own. HER ARTICLE technically invited a potential response by those she was criticizing and writing about since it obviously showed HER LACK of understanding or ignorance about a subject she went outside this forum to DISCUSS and write about. To me, its becoming more and more apparent that Laura and the members here are far more biased than I first thought... once again the topic of sollog and xin seems to produce and follow the same but extreme pattern of hostility, ignorance, lack of understanding and controversy.

oh well... my bad. sorry to bother and intrude.


So why the double-talk?
Your post doesn't look as discutting anything. When you discuss an article, you cites the article, the excepts you want discuss and present your data in respective way.
Actually, I am not a fellow or anything, but you say
L9 said:
To me, its becoming more and more apparent that Laura and the members here are far more biased than I first thought... once again the topic of sollog and xin seems to produce and follow the same but extreme pattern of hostility, ignorance, lack of understanding and controversy.
, you insult me, forum members, and the forum administrators, and Laura. Do you really think anyone will discuss with you with that kind of behaviour? Seriously? You self-victimize, good for you.
Oh, seems that you're new to the internet protocols : Writing in Maj means screaming BTW.
unlike certain members here, I initially neither attacked nor projected any hostility to
anyone personally here. An editor/writer or contributing founder of this forum wrote an article on,
criticized and commented on many aspects of a subject I have yet to see invited to respond to.
Yet I was still willing to ignore that fact and posted that she was in comparison to others, being far more civil
and respectful or informational.

The more I engage in discussion with members here, the more I'm realizing i may have been
premature in my assessment of her lauras article since its becoming more and more obvious her intention or tone is much more sinister, deceptive, and biased than i previously thought... even more disappointing is the agenda that I initially
wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt on.

as to what you're quoting below... I submit its YOU that should be doing the meditation on what I wrote.

but somehow I doubt your frequency will ever be high enough to even begin to understand it.

L9, or Lenine or whatever it pronounces, stop being injurious and ridiculous.
I suggest you reread this except from your first post in this thread and to meditate its implications :

L9 said:
Perhaps MANkind needs to learn a great lesson of what its Nuclear technology can do in order for such technology to be outlawed in the future. An interesting footnote to think about from Michel N and Cayce, to Xin and Sollog as it relates to FREEWILL.. Its is an ILLUSION. If it weren't, they couldn't have prophecized or foreseen such future events, if they haven't already happened.

So how many billions of this generation need to die to save Billiions of future generations? Such is the judgement and decisions of "Gods"... what human can possibly ponder such a question, let alone answer it.

Thinking by yourself is the best thing you can do to yourself.
Oh, welcome to the matrix, mister smith!
L9 said:
but somehow I doubt your frequency will ever be high enough to even begin to understand it.
Oh, thank you. I'm working on it anyway.

L9 said:
The more I engage in discussion with members here, the more I'm realizing i may have been
premature in my assessment of her lauras article since its becoming more and more obvious her intention or tone is much more sinister, deceptive, and biased than i previously thought... even more disappointing is the agenda that I initially
wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt on.
Seriously, do you call this engaging conversation??
uhhhhh, hang on a sec... AGAIN, it wasn't me who insulted or attacked anyone first or really at all until I was insulted and attacked... now, why would you expect me not to respond with the same venom or sarcasm etc in defense? lol

whats even more comical is almost the irony of your criticism since the ARTICLE by Laura is really quite insulting and hostile
as well as one-sided, opinionated and shows a lack of understanding about the subject she's commenting on... so what do you people expect from those who might support those she's criticising?

Whatsmore, I've written several replies here addressing that issue and others, and I have yet to see yours and some others who are attacking me answer those points i've made or that relate to issues you have a problem with. FOR EXAMPLE... you and others keep ignoring my replies in context, snip my replies or only reply to one part or END of it as you did in this message. why?
I specifically addressed and explained my reasoning or intention etc, and i see no acknowledgement or response whatsoever other than to quote the END of it and post a rhetorical question. LoL! so whatever then.

Then again, whats the point of these petty attacks, arguing petty idiosyncrasies and irrelevant issues? We're so far from
the original thread and topic its silly... I'm starting to believe its a complete waste of time debating here if you're incapable of
putting your ego's aside to discuss or debate the facts rather than only "feelings" or opinions.

I originally came here to comment on and now defend someone YOUR EDITOR/member or whoever she is, apparently attacked
etc... what do you expect the response would be to what I guess really wasn't as unbiased as i thought? Who attacked who first?
You call what she wrote a fair journalistic analysis? Even members here admit it wasn't respectful and unbiased... which really is a bit funny since i see no criticism of lauras behaviour and a rush to attack mine which simply defending or responding to her article!! sooooooooooo okkkkkay then... whatever

So why the double-talk?
Your post doesn't look as discutting anything. When you discuss an article, you cites the article, the excepts you want discuss and present your data in respective way.
Actually, I am not a fellow or anything, but you say
L9 said:
To me, its becoming more and more apparent that Laura and the members here are far more biased than I first thought... once again the topic of sollog and xin seems to produce and follow the same but extreme pattern of hostility, ignorance, lack of understanding and controversy.
, you insult me, forum members, and the forum administrators, and Laura. Do you really think anyone will discuss with you with that kind of behaviour? Seriously? You self-victimize, good for you.
Oh, seems that you're new to the internet protocols : Writing in Maj means screaming BTW.
L9 said:
The more I engage in discussion with members here, the more I'm realizing i may have been
premature in my assessment of her lauras article since its becoming more and more obvious her intention or tone is much more sinister, deceptive, and biased than i previously thought... even more disappointing is the agenda that I initially
wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt on.
Seriously, do you call this engaging conversation??

shall i quote and list the slew of comments/attacks etc i've been responding to which you coveniently ignore and that I should be asking the same question?
L9 said:
uhhhhh, hang on a sec... AGAIN, it wasn't me who insulted or attacked anyone first or really at all until I was insulted and attacked... now, why would you expect me not to respond with the same venom or sarcasm etc in defense? lol
Sorry, I thought you had a high frequency so that you do not react according to your ego. Sorry for the mistake.

I am not attacking you, I am just saying that you will not have any response if you react this way.

But if you'reare talking about the "double talk" issue, it is not an attack, just an observation. see :

One one side :
L9 said:
On the anniversary of the 9/11 I thought it might be fitting to say hello to all on this site and give my regards to Laura who was among the very few I've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively.
and one the other side :
L9 said:
whats even more comical is almost the irony of your criticism since the ARTICLE by Laura is really quite insulting and hostile
as well as one-sided, opinionated and shows a lack of understanding about the subject she's commenting on... so what do you people expect from those who might support those she's criticising?
The rest of the quote has nothing of an attack or maybe I do not see it, sometimes words go farther then thoughts. Forgive for I do not know, for I have no high frequency!

L9 said:
I'm starting to believe its a complete waste of time debating here if you're incapable of
putting your ego's aside to discuss or debate the facts rather than only "feelings" or opinions.
It's up to you. You're still talking about "believing", another aspect of subjectivity. Then you project on the others what you do (feelings opinions...). Glad to learn from you L9.
Guess I had to lower my frequency to reach some level of understanding that includes subjectivity here ... thats a joke btw.

as to your other point...
as i explained, in comparison to others and how i INITIALLY perceived lauras article, it wasn't as venomous and disrespectful
as most others I've seen have been... so i was sincerely commenting on that aspect which i guess wasn't fully explained in the beginning which I see now... so after the sarcasm and attacks i received, looking closer and in further context, I added a new or updated assessement... which agrees with what most here were, for all intents and purposes, wanting me to admit. BIZARRE.
But okay! lol

mkrnhr said:
L9 said:
uhhhhh, hang on a sec... AGAIN, it wasn't me who insulted or attacked anyone first or really at all until I was insulted and attacked... now, why would you expect me not to respond with the same venom or sarcasm etc in defense? lol
Sorry, I thought you had a high frequency so that you do not react according to your ego. Sorry for the mistake.

I am not attacking you, I am just saying that you will not have any response if you react this way.

But if you'reare talking about the "double talk" issue, it is not an attack, just an observation. see :

One one side :
L9 said:
On the anniversary of the 9/11 I thought it might be fitting to say hello to all on this site and give my regards to Laura who was among the very few I've seen that covered the story of Xinoehpoel respectfully and objectively.
and one the other side :
L9 said:
whats even more comical is almost the irony of your criticism since the ARTICLE by Laura is really quite insulting and hostile
as well as one-sided, opinionated and shows a lack of understanding about the subject she's commenting on... so what do you people expect from those who might support those she's criticising?
The rest of the quote has nothing of an attack or maybe I do not see it, sometimes words go farther then thoughts. Forgive for I do not know, for I have no high frequency!

L9 said:
I'm starting to believe its a complete waste of time debating here if you're incapable of
putting your ego's aside to discuss or debate the facts rather than only "feelings" or opinions.
It's up to you. You're still talking about "believing", another aspect of subjectivity. Then you project on the others what you do (feelings opinions...). Glad to learn from you L9.
L9 said:
Guess I had to lower my frequency to reach some level of understanding that includes subjectivity here ... thats a joke btw.

Talking about jokes, we wish you good luck on a more appropriated forum for you.
L9's agenda is too obvious and such 'debate' is a waste of time and energy. He's been removed.
Digging a little bit, i found that:


May 9–16, 1996

pretzel logic
Heavenly Justice
SOLLOG might have had a case if he hadn't played God.

By Howard Altman

A lot of wacky business takes place in the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Center.

There are murder trials and rape trials. There are burglary trials and car theft trials.

There are all manner of miscreants and human flotsam squeezing through the intestinal tract that is our legal system.

But there is only one God.

He was on trial and representing himself in Court Room 907.

Which, for four days in May, was pretty much a three-ring circus of religious mumbo-jumbo, tangled conspiracy theories involving the president, the governor and the mayor, and a flabbergasted judge who regularly sustained objections the prosecution never made.

No wonder Court Room 907 was the place to be.

"I had to see this," said noted defense attorney Peter Bowers, one of a flotilla of lawyers who took time out of their busy days to pop in on what quickly became known as the "God Trial."

The story begins in the wee hours of Feb. 5, 1988.

A man named John Patrick Ennis, who now calls himself SOLLOG — Son of Light, Light of God — and who believes himself to be a deity, was driving his rented Honda on Roosevelt Boulevard when one of two things took place.

According to the prosecution, a drunken Ennis bumped into a motorist twice before fleeing northbound on the boulevard. The motorist followed, then flagged down a police car driven by officer Sam D'Urso. D'Urso, according to the Commonwealth, then chased Ennis, who was moving at an ungodly speed of nearly 100 mph.

Bottled up at the intersection of Southampton and the Boulevard, Ennis stopped his car. D'Urso approached Ennis, who started the car again, hitting D'Urso with the open door.

D'Urso reached into the car to try and grab the keys and Ennis backed the car down an embankment, dragging D'Urso as much as 30 feet and injuring him to the point that he was finished as a police officer.

The cops chased Ennis to the back of the Neshaminy Mall, where he was arrested on two counts of aggravated assault (including one charge of intentionally causing serious bodily injury to a police officer), one count of recklessly endangering another person and one count of driving under the influence.

The defense, however, offered another point of view.

A point of view found in a lawsuit filed three days after the incident by D'Urso, who, according to the defense, won a $100,000 settlement from the rental company.

D'Urso claimed that he was traveling southbound on the boulevard, not northbound. And that his injury resulted from being hit from behind by Ennis, not from being dragged into a ditch after chasing Ennis.

The facts, however, did not make all that much difference in this case.

Even his former Defense Attorney A. Charles Peruto, Jr. — who was paid $5,000 by SOLLOG, then fired and threatened with a lawsuit for being "part of the conspiracy" — said that SOLLOG would have won had he stuck to the issues because the prosecution's case was "manure."

But God was on trial.

And after four days of listening to Ennis rant on about conspiracies, holy prognostications and his pending lawsuits against almost everyone associated with the case, the jury was in no mood to quibble over D'Urso's deviations.

Guilty, your honor, said the foreman on each of the four counts against SOLLOG.

Good riddance, God.

When I got a call that SOLLOG was on the stand, I knew I had to go see him.

He was, after all, the guy I reported to the FBI for making bomb threats against me. He was the guy who sent me dozens of faxes explaining the link between the Oklahoma City bombing and every natural disaster from hurricanes to earthquakes.

I wasn't SOLLOG's only object of affection.

Last September, the feds busted SOLLOG for making threats against the president.

The Secret Service has no sense of humor about such things and dispatched agents to SOLLOG's Society Hill Towers apartment to arrest him. Though the charges were dropped, SOLLOG was held because law enforcement officials found two outstanding warrants for SOLLOG's arrest.

One was from Maricopa County, Arizona, where in 1987, SOLLOG admitted to selling obscene materials. He was put on probation, but violated it with an aggravated assault later that year. When SOLLOG left Arizona, authorities issued a warrant for his arrest.

The other outstanding warrant against SOLLOG was for the incident with D'Urso. For whatever reason, the court had forgotten about his failure to appear in that case. Until he was arrested for threatening Clinton.

God was a bit chunkier than I expected.

And much better dressed.

He wore a green Hugo Boss suit. ("Boss, God, get it?" asked SOLLOG.)

He wore a black and gold Gucci watch. ("Black and gold are my favorite colors," he said.)

And a pair of "$1,500 alligator shoes."

SOLLOG makes more money than God, he said over lunch at Pizzazz Pizza, because he is a computer software programmer.

His first business, he said, was working for Arizona's largest porn purveyor, Peeps, a family-owned venture.

Maybe he should have stuck to porn.

Or become a lawyer, which is the next best thing.

Even rubber-faced judge Anthony DeFino, one of the fairest jurists ever to sit on the bench, said that, despite his antics, SOLLOG would make a fine attorney if he just stuck to the issues.

DeFino said SOLLOG should go to law school. And this after DeFino regularly turned red in the face and sustained objections that assistant district attorney Jodi Lobel never made when SOLLOG went off on his religious ravings.

"He's a brilliant man," said DeFino, moments after calling a shrink from the bench to evaluate "a man we have here who claims to be God."

"This is the most unusual case I have ever seen in my courtroom," said the judge.

Lobel also said the case was unusual, in that she never went up against someone defending himself. Especially someone claiming to be God.

In the end, however, God appeared to be merely mortal.

Making one last request that exasperated DeFino, SOLLOG asked if the sheriffs could wait a half hour while his wife, Nicole, popped out to the store to get a pair of sneakers.

"I have high arches, your honor, and the last time I was in jail, my shoes were killing me."

As he was being led off in handcuffs, God had one last message for me.

"The system doesn't work," God spaketh. "This is why it will be destroyed."

Ah, such wisdom.

SOLLOG, it's been good to know you.
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L9 said:
What you all still don't seem to understand is that IT WAS LAURA WHO POSTED/COMMENTED/WROTE AN ARTICLE about Xinoehpoel and Sollog... NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

Pompous evasion and selective redirection is another great tactic.

It is perfectly clear that Laura wrote many articles. It is also perfectly clear that not once did you identify what article or what material you were talking about, since there is more than one. Repeated requests have been made for you to be clear and and you continue to selectively ignore those requests and continue with manipulative psychological techniques.

Proclamations are just that, proclamations and bullying tactics.

L9 said:
And since that article was publicly available and not within a private

What article? The only materials specifically pointed out by anyone in this thread have originated from others and not from you.

You left it up to others as a guessing game as to what materials you were referring to. You gave no link, you pasted in no data. You used manipulative flattery as an intro. with no clarity at all as to what specifically you were speaking about. Many of the the actual pieces of data provided by others of what they were guessing that you were talking about, you responded dumbfounded to and did not even know what it was, had no clue. Your reactions to this were completely contradictory to your opening flattery.

Expecting others to respond in a particular way to your disjointedness and not even being aware of that disjointedness is behavioral data for all to see. An attempt was made here for you to provide that clarity yourself, but you selectively ignored that.

These are techniques used by manipulators - a fishing expedition, a promoter with an agenda, looking to throw out bait and get his little publicity stunt off the ground.

L9 said:
forum where the public had to register view it, nor were there any requirements to understand the PURPOSE of "this forum" to respond to it,

You are not the one to to determine what is or is not asked of a guest in someone else's home.
Your proclamations do not determine reality for others.

L9 said:
or was anything in this forum specifically posted in the article that i saw, I was merely responding to the basics of that article and added some comments as it pertained to XIN and Sollog since it appeared the AUTHOR of it and those who read that authors article were in this forum. THATS WHY I PICKED THIS SITE.

What article? The only materials specifically pointed out by anyone in this thread have originated from others and not from you. This is a technique of a manipulator - a fishing expedition, a promoter with an agenda, looking to throw out bait and get his little publicity stunt off the ground.

L9 said:
You also ask if I know anything about this site and its purpose... Yet I didn't know it was a requirement to post here commenting on an article that was "written about "us"".

"written about "us"" L9 / Sollog / LeoPhoenix ?? You are an "us"? You speak for all three personas? You are all three personas?

You are not the one to to determine what is or is not asked of a guest in someone else's home.
Your proclamations do not determine reality for others.

L9 said:
Had I come here to post on any other subject other than that topic, then i'd understand the attacks I've gotten.

You were not attacked. Simple basic requests were made of you, which you ignored selectively. Pointing out those tactics and behaviors is simply data on your psychological makeup.

L9 said:
So far, I see no reason for me to understand the "purpose" here in order to discuss what LAURA decided to write about on her own. HER ARTICLE technically invited a potential response by those she was criticizing

So now she wasn't objective. She was criticizing? Now what was proclaimed as objective in your very first paragraph is once again a point for you to argue, make clear, to correct. If it was objective why the need to correct and change everything about it? That would mean it was wrong, that it was not objective in your perception.

And you don't understand that basic psychological concept, the mind twist you are performing? I guess you can only see what you want to see, that these psychological techniques that you employ are so deeply rooted in who and what you are that you are totally unaware that they are even a part of you.

L9 said:
and writing about since it obviously showed HER LACK of understanding or ignorance about a subject she went outside this forum to DISCUSS and write about.

Now what was proclaimed to be objective and fair in your first paragraph is "LACK of understanding or ignorance about a subject".

And you are really totally unaware of the psychological contradiction you are exposing in yourself here as you go deeper and deeper into it with each passing attempt to make your proclamations?

L9 said:
To me, its becoming more and more apparent that Laura and the members here are far more biased than I first thought... once again the topic of sollog and xin seems to produce and follow the same but extreme pattern of hostility, ignorance, lack of understanding and controversy.

oh well... my bad. sorry to bother and intrude.


On the contrary. Your posting has been a great example for everyone on this forum of one of the Two primary Faces of God: Being and Non-being, and those who choose which path to take.
The thing about Sollog and his website/forum, it has always been a collection of fanatics who idolized him. In other words, Sollog presented himself as god's chosen messenger and as is inevitable in such a situation ended up being surrounded by faithful unthinking worshippers as anyone who had a clue laughed and moved on. Like attracts like. So even if this wasn't Sollog himself, it could've easily been anybody who used to frequent his website/forum and therefore idolizes him.
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