'Year Zero': WikiLeaks publishes 'Vault7', CIA cyberwarfare exposed

Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

Here's an interesting tidbit, if true:


On Tuesday WikiLeaks began releasing a series of encrypted documents dubbed “Vault 7,” detailing the surveillance activities of the CIA.

As part of the release, the organization posted to Twitter a password for “Vault 7” that read as follows: “SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds.”

That password was a subset of words spoken by President John F. Kennedy 54 years ago, only a month before he was assassinated:

“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind,” were his exact words, according to a Kennedy administration official who spoke with The New York Times for a report published three years after JFK’s death.

Speaking in a History Channel program several years ago, Samuel Halpern, author of “The Assassination of JFK,” claimed that the threat stemmed from Kennedy’s frustration with the CIA, which he believed was becoming a “state within a state.”

It also originated, in part, with the then-president’s vehement opposition to Operation Northwoods, a CIA-bred plan that called for “the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities” — all to manipulate the American people into supporting a war against Cuba.
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

I think it's interesting that Wikileaks start releasing this now. As if they were waiting for the right moment? With Trump in office perhaps some of those people who are in the leaks can actually brought to justice. With Clinton as president, nothing of that would ever happened.

It's all about timing and forbearance?
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

Here is another interesting video of Dr. Pieczenik, before the election. In this, he mentions of 2 soft coups before - Incapacitating Nixon and kissinger control, Bush Sr.'s control after assassination attempt on Reagan.

It looks this change of guard has LOT more behind the scenes than average people who saw through the MSM propaganda, decided to vote for Trump.
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

I found the "year zero" name of the first data dump interesting to the one C's session that made mention of a zero year. I think it was back in 2014, but not sure off the top of my head. Is it just a simple coincidence?
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

Bobby said:
I found the "year zero" name of the first data dump interesting to the one C's session that made mention of a zero year. I think it was back in 2014, but not sure off the top of my head. Is it just a simple coincidence?

There is a short discussion here - https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,34001.105.html - in the session thread where the c's mention "zero New Year". Looks like things are going to really start rockin and roll in'!!
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

From what Pieczenik says, it sounds like the plan to out the neocon globalists started after 911 which makes sense. It also appears the release of the movie Zero Days was timed with this Vault 7 release. Yes, way more going on behind the scenes it seems. This "counter attack" involving Wikileaks against the CIA says, "we have way more ammo then you", what they've (CIA) came up with for Trump anyway. Then again, what the CIA is capable of doing with cyber terrorism could be a counter move. Whatever happens its going to be an ongoing battle.

Is Dr. Pieczenik telling the truth? I would like to believe he is, and it all fits together well and sounds possible. But we have to question everybody don't we. It was mentioned that he specialized in psychological warfare and he explained this operation is just that, psychological warfare against the neocon coupe. If he is controlled opposition, then he is telling the public all is going well, we're taking care of things so go about your business and he is able to lie with great believablity. Maybe it would be a good question for the C's ?

Things are really heating up once again.

Now a scandal with Obama taking money from Fanny May and Freddie Mac for Obamacare is coming out. This reminds me, in the Assange video I posted, I noticed the hour glass behind him started to drip when Assange first mentions Obama's name, a hidden message?
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

WikiLeaks Twitter account on Wednesday stated, “WikiLeaks has released less than 1% of its series in its part one publication yesterday ‘Year Zero’.” Given the information found in just this 1%, many are speculating on what other revelations might come, especially in light of Wikileaks' series of cryptic, teaser tweets about “Vault 7” which began February 4, 2017.

What follows is the Wikileaks tweets with accompanying photos, and some intriguing theories posted at _https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/5t1y3l/complete_vault_7_summary_and_theory/#bottom-comments

Today is part one of Vault 7. I believe today we are being shown the CIAs capabilities as a way to validate forth coming documents. Showing how they were obtained.

I believe that wikileaks has the 650,000 emails that the FBI has from Anthony Weiner's laptop. These emails will contain info on where Gaddafi's gold and silver went, that F119 planes were sold to the Chinese for the J-20, and many more things that I'm sure many of you have speculated about yourselves. I believe they received them from an agent within the NSA. I believe that they have timed the release of their Vault 7 tweets with the House Oversight committees deadline for the FBI to turn over all evidence i the Clinton investigation. These are the tweets:

1 _https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/827828627488268290
2 _https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/828135633780633600
3 _https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/828537075460890625
4 _https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/828889235994324992
5 _https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/829324362943696896
6 _https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/829693251133272064

I'll give my best break down of the tweets to support my theory but by no means do I consider my opinions conclusive.

Tweet 1: What is Vault 7?
The picture attached to this tweet is a picture of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault . It is an 11,000 square foot facility on a large island north of Scandinavia called Svalbard. It is one of the northernmost inhabited places on earth. The vault contains a wide variety of seeds from around the world. This a quote from the Wikipedia page “The seed vault is an attempt to insure against the loss of seeds in other genebanks during large-scale regional or global crises.”

The vault is seen as a type of "Global Insurance" in the event of some major crisis. I believe the intended message of this tweet is to say that what Vault 7 is is insurance for the world as it will reveal, at least in part, the massive corruption on the global scale. Who knows what else Huma and Hillary talked about over 650,000 emails, what we do know is they definitely don't want us to read them. Weiner's (Huma's husband)laptop is the FBIs source of the 650,000 emails , and on that laptop the files were allegedly filed under "Life Insurance"

Tweet 2: Where is vault 7?
This one I will give a brief summary of but I've already made a full post breaking it down here: _https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5sptxr/wikileaks_nazi_gold_tweet/ This tweet is a picture of the Merners Mine. History The only other incident since then that I can find of the much gold being taken over by a foriegn entity is Libya in 2011. Hillary had a direct hand in toppling Gaddafi as Sec of State in 2011, and no one knows what happened to his $7 billion in gold and silver. The answer to that question I believe is in the 650,000 emails. Read my original post for more detail on this tweet.

Tweet 3: When is Vault 7?
Again I've already made a full post about this tweet here: _https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5sjt72/answer_to_jet_engine_tweet/ but I will give a brief summary. This is a picture of the engine for the F-22. It is a stealth engine that can achieve supercruise without using afterburners (which make a -flick- ton of noise). Most countries with substantial militaries either have an engine that can do this or are developing one for their 5th generation fighter jets . Except the Chinese J-20 as far as anyone can tell. And to build a fighter without this capability would be ridiculous for the Chinese. However, there is much speculation that the J-20 is a F-22 rip off and you can find all that info in my original post on this. China has yet to release info about the work they have done on the J-20s engine. I believe that the emails will show that the technology of the F119 was sold to the Chinese. More detail in original post.

Tweet 4: Who is Vault 7?
The picture attached to this tweet is of Chelsea, then Bradley, Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden. All three have either leaked or published secret government documents. Manning sent military documents to Assange who published them through Wikileaks. Snowden exposed the NSA mass surveillance program. I believe that this tweet means that the person behind vault 7 or giving them the information is someone like these three. A whistle-blower from within the government.

Tweet 5: Why is Vault 7?
I've gone into this one already as well and you can find that here: _https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5swank/wikileaks_vault_7_welding_tweet/ This is a picture of a 509th Air Force engineer welding together a blade for a snowplow at AFB Whiteman in Missouri. The 509th bombing wing is the garrison for AFB Whiteman. The 509th is the B-2 unit of the Air Force. It, along with the F-22 also makes up the core of the Air Force Global Strike Command and handles all nuclear weapons for the USAF. The B-2s have been the first to strike in almost all of the US's engagements, and key Clinton ones like Kosovo and Libya. Perhaps the way here is to say because the whistle-blower is tired of the bombing based on lies and wants to expose the lies. There's much more detail in my original post about this tweet.

Tweet 6: How is Vault 7?
The picture attached to this tweet is an East German surveillance photograph of mail box activity. The East German state security Stasi wanted to know "everything about everyone" . This immediately makes me think of the mass email surveillance programs that have been uncovered in recent years. And the 650,000 emails on Weiner's laptop I believe were caught in the web of the NSAs mass email surveillance program) (possibly Germany's because of the German picture but I think that it was used because its a specific picture about government surveillance on mail). All of that combined with the last tweet being released today February 9th, first day for new Attorney General and the last day for the FBI to turn in all evidence they have in the Hillary Clinton email investigation makes me strongly believe that Vault 7 is the 650,000 emails and that Wikileaks has the and will release them if nothing is done with them. I'm sure there's many holes in my logic and theories here but I'm just giving my observations and opinions. There's lots of 9/11 speculation going on about these tweets but I just don't see it. Especially considering Julian's stance on 9/11 conspiracy theories

What do you think? What else do you think would be in the 650,00 emails?

EDIT: I believe we have the truth (thx to /u/PCLoadletter-WTP for his very good insight into what is going on). Assange is only threatening to release 9/11 info is the FBI does not release “vault 7” on Hillary Clinton. Obviously the 9/11 truth is Assange’s insurance so he will not release it unless he is absolutely forced to do it.
EDIT: Following the 2 tweet on February 5, a video link was tweeted entitled "11 Interesting WikiLeaks Publicaitons"
_https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV8ZmiIbUtk... ELEVEN !
EDIT: another clue maybe (this one is far fetched) the typo is on the letter "i", it is letter 9 of the alphabet .

EDIT: the (almost) first words of the video are "eleven, friendly fire, during the Iraq war, Wikileaks" This is VERY suggestive. I believe this video was planted by the Wikileaks team for exactly this purpose
EDIT: Just copying what /u/PCLoadletter-WTF just said because it is very interesting and makes a lot of sense :

"The vault 7 stuff is pretty obviously related to the FBI and Clinton. The FBI just released part 6 of the Hillary investigation in their vault. What comes after vault 6? My best guess is that Wikileaks and probably NYPD or others have whatever info has been stirring up all this craziness and would release it if FBI and DOJ didn't handle the situation. But the FBI needed time to do this the right way so all the prosecutions hold up, etc. And of course the DO] wouldn't prosecute, which is why Hillary got off in the first place. Once the US govt realized this info was compromised and the game was up, they sent John Kerry to London to convince Wikileaks to chill the -flick- out while the FBI gets it's ducks in a row. It's why Comey made his announcement before the election. It's why "Phase 3" never happened. It's why Wikileaks hasn't released shit since Podesta with the exception of some Turkish emails. Now they're hinting at vault 7. Basically saying ok FBI we held up our end by going silent, it's time for the other shoe to drop."

EDIT: It seems that the comments on the tweet are blocked. But look at the 3 first comments. They are very suggestive. Especially this picture: _https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C35_dYVWEAAEZ7s.jpg.

My take on photo teasers:
1 what - Doomsday event = 911
2 Where - Nazi gold stash = Lower Manhattan
3 When - F119 engine = 119 reversed is 911
4 Who - Espionage Series = DOD
5 Why - Pic of 509th bomb wing = Shock and awe

AnonymousScandinavia‏ @AnonScan .@wikileaks here’s another hint:
Vault7 Case 'File 7' NotFound
{Call Proc 'FED'}
Replace $Dormancy
New File '0000001110001111'

AnonScan .@wikileaks
Missing file 7 on HRC
By the FBI
Replace file
0000001110001111 is binary for 911

Pertaining to the theory that upcoming leaks would reveal information about theft of gold someone tweeted:

About two weeks ago [2001], a security team spotted scorch marks on a basement doorway below 4 World Trade Center, on the east side of the ruined complex, according to officials. Even in a place of mass devastation and death, those scorch marks got fast attention. They had not been noticed by a patrol team a few hours earlier, and behind the damaged -- but intact -- door were nearly a thousand tons of gold and silver. To security officials, it looked as if someone had tried to break in. Within hours, a video surveillance system was installed to keep at least an electronic eye on the precious metals until their custodian, the Bank of Nova Scotia, had a chance to remove them. That work began this week. A team of 30 firefighters and police officers are helping to move the metals, a task that can be measured practically down to the flake but that has been rounded off at 379,036 ounces of gold and 29,942,619 ounces of silver.

There were a series of seven actions undertaken by the Federal Reserve during the days and weeks that followed the attack on the WTC which served the purpose of covering-up the settlement and refinancing the fraudulent 10 year Durham/Brady Bonds which came due on September 11. Those actions include: the Commission for the first time invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k); SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3 – Customer Protection–Reserves and Custody of Securities” which allowed them to suspend all reporting and identity security controls; The SEC temporarily injected $300 Billion into the US money supply while settling the fraudulent securities; Government Securities Clearing Corporation sent a memo to banks encouraging them to make security ‘substitutions’ on “immediately maturing collateral;” Government Securities Clearing Corporation treated the ‘fails’ as two separate groups, suggesting there was a large group of trades that required ‘special treatment’ for “other” problems; GSCC issued another memo allowing blind broker settlements. A “blind broker” is a mechanism for inter-dealer transactions that maintains the anonymity of both parties to the trade; SEC held an unusual “snap” auction of new ten-year securities to facilitate sale of government securities probably used to refinance the fraudulent Durham/Brady Bonds.

The story of these bonds and their source of funding has been publicized on the internet for several years,38 but the story has never really gained much credibility, even though the bonds themselves have been at the heart of several law suits and criminal proceedings. In trying to understand the origins of what seems at first glance to be a sort of cold war internet-legend, history suggests that in September of 1991, George H.W. Bush and Alan Greenspan did indeed finance $240 billion in bonds in a buyout of the Soviet Union as part of a broader program to end the Cold War through an attack on the economy of the Soviet Union. More-over, President George H.W. Bush had initiated a number of related covert operations to takeover certain sectors of the Soviet economy, and ten years later in 2001, these programs had finally come back to haunt the U.S. policy makers. Most, if not all of these programs appear to have stepped outside of the boundaries of the law. As a result, investigative agencies from Britain, Switzerland, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Philippines were putting pressure on Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice to open up the accounts in the banks used to finance these covert activities, which were being viewed as criminal activities in foreign courts. Alan Greenspan, the Treasury Department and key banks in the U.S. and Europe were being sued for gold-price fixing or illegal gold sales which appears to have it’s origins in the covert war chest used to wage this war. 39 At the same time, the suits brought by the Holocaust survivors victims of the Marcos regime, and the US Congress under influence of pro-Israeli lobbyists were putting pressure on the Swiss banking cartel to open it’s bullion records to public scrutiny. Full disclosure by these banks during an investigation would have resulted in a major exposure of U.S. Government complicity in some of the greatest financial fraud of the 1980s and early 1990s as well as 50 years of gold bullion theft by numerous U.S. and British government agencies. Moreover, investigation into these accounts would disclose a National Security secret known as the Black Eagle fund, and virtually every covert operation since World War II. Bringing an end to these investigations and preventing this disclosure was the sole objective for the destruction of the WTC and Pentagon.
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

Edward Snowden recently tweeted this article, which clearly demonstrates the Feds give spying a higher priority over child sexual abuse.

The Department of Justice filed a motion in Washington State federal court on Friday to dismiss its indictment against a child porn site. It wasn’t for lack of evidence; it was because the FBI didn’t want to disclose details of a hacking tool to the defense as part of discovery...

Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

SummerLite said:
Is Dr. Pieczenik telling the truth? I would like to believe he is, and it all fits together well and sounds possible. But we have to question everybody don't we. It was mentioned that he specialized in psychological warfare and he explained this operation is just that, psychological warfare against the neocon coupe. If he is controlled opposition, then he is telling the public all is going well, we're taking care of things so go about your business and he is able to lie with great believablity.

Dr. Pieczenik's Kissinger & Bush remarks certainly raised red flags for me - and apparently others as well. This video option appeared at the end of Seek 10's video post:

Martin Brodel - whoever he is.
Re: "Year Zero"- the title of WikiLeak's latest data dump

"The CIA Just Got Nuked!" The Legendary John McAfee on 'Vault 7' Revelation:

Published on Mar 7, 2017
CEO of "MGT Capital", John McAfee once again joins host Brian Engelman on "Agree To Disagree" here at "The New American Media".
They discuss the WikiLeaks "Vault 7" data dump that has revealed a rogue shadow government that has been operating in Barack Obama's Oval Office.
Did Michael Hastings get the last laugh after all?
Julian Assange press conference and Q&A on 'Vault 7', 'Year Zero' and the CIA (09 March 2017)

Assange explains what the scoop is. He says this stuff wasn't so much 'leaked' to him as it was 'being passed around by some', one of whom sent it his way. Basically, it's data on hundreds of malware, trojans and other viruses the CIA developed to hack IT systems. That it was 'floating around', he says, means that "the CIA has lost control of its entire arsenal of cyberwarfare." He says this was inevitable because the agency is incompetent and because of the open nature of information. Once something begins being used, it's inevitably shared and thus subject to replication or modification by anyone or anything. And thus, just about everything with a microchip in it is compromised. All encryption is worthless on most consumer devices. Barely a third of the documents mention any of this stuff in relation to countering terrorism or extremism. It's all rather frank about its purpose being to target other elites (and thus gain an edge over them). Infection and surveillance of the masses is merely collateral damage on the way to acquiring, monitoring and defeating targeted competitors.

So, paraphrasing the Cs from a decade or more ago: "don't fret about your personal digital privacy being airtight from Big Brother because the walls have ears!" Of more immediate concern for users than whether or not Big Brother is watching is that scammers are taking advantage of the 'cyber Mad Max' reality the CIA et al have created to profit from it.
Niall said:
So, paraphrasing the Cs from a decade or more ago: "don't fret about your personal digital privacy being airtight from Big Brother because the walls have ears!" Of more immediate concern for users than whether or not Big Brother is watching is that scammers are taking advantage of the 'cyber Mad Max' reality the CIA et al have created to profit from it.

The Cassiopaean's never skip beat. :thup:

These are the Gold nugget's that they have hinted at, in previous communications.

What strikes me funny is when fellow forum members, want more Communication's. I just got to sit back, and laugh, and say, look over what we have been given, and you'll see the answer to your query.


LOL, (in a good way). Many T's.
Thought this was interesting.

WikiLeaks says CIA #Vault7 docs reveal US consulate in Frankfurt as hacking base _https://www.rt.com/news/379771-wikileaks-frankfurt-hacking-cia/

The American consulate in Frankfurt functions as a covert base for CIA hacking operations across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the whistleblowing site WikiLeaks said, revealing the latest batch of their documents.

According to the leaked documents, the US consulate, located on Giessener Strasse opposite the Frankfurt cemetery, is the home of the Center for Cyber Intelligence Europe, or CCIE, which carries out hacking operations across the continent as well as the Middle East and Africa.

The documents reveal instructions for incoming hackers, containing not only mundane travel tips (“Flying Lufthansa: Booze is free so enjoy (within reason)!”) and details of local amenities (“Gas stations are not recommended for fine dining”) but also the official cover story should the agents be stopped by German customs, which is “supporting technical consultations at the Consulate.”

In addition to the cover story, the documents seem to show that CIA hackers work under the cover of the State Department and are issued with diplomatic “black” passports.

According to the preliminary release, the CIA has the capability to hack, record and even control everyday technology used by billions of people around the world.
On top of this, the leaked documents reveal some of the CIA’s hacking techniques, which are able to penetrate such high-security systems as police databases that are not directly connected to the Internet.
This includes malware physically installed on computer systems by the agents using a USB. The “Fine Dining” tool provides 24 decoy programs, make it look like agent is running virus scan, watching videos, playing games and so on.

These latest revelations stem from WikiLeaks’ largest-ever disclosure from the agency, a total of 8,761 documents released on Wednesday as part of “Year Zero,” the first part in a series of leaks on the agency that the whistleblower organization has dubbed “Vault 7.”

The documents are said to originate from the internal network at Cyber Intelligence Center, located in CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

This is not the first time that WikiLeaks has revealed the extent of American intelligence agencies’ activities in Germany. In 2015, it published three intercepts of conversations held by German Chancellor Angela Merkel recorded by the NSA, which had been bugging her phones for years.

The CIA in Germany: A Secret History
American intelligence as been spying on Germany for a long time, with and without their knowledge.
c.a. said:
Niall said:
So, paraphrasing the Cs from a decade or more ago: "don't fret about your personal digital privacy being airtight from Big Brother because the walls have ears!" Of more immediate concern for users than whether or not Big Brother is watching is that scammers are taking advantage of the 'cyber Mad Max' reality the CIA et al have created to profit from it.

The Cassiopaean's never skip beat. :thup:
These are the Gold nugget's that they have hinted at, in previous communications.

Yes, I agree. But it doesn't means I don't have to be care about my pin number, bank account password, my personal life details and to watch out for human predators who want to use our naivety and good heart.
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