YOWUSA, Marshall Masters and the Kolbrin Bible


FOTCM Member
While looking for info on an amazon basin impact in the 1930s, the only place I found mention of it was yowusa, a website created by a guy named Marshall Masters. (See here for the article that mentions the impact in passing: _http://yowusa.com/humanity/2001/humanity-2001-02a/1.shtml) It's interesting to have a look at his stuff, his promotion of something called the "Kolbrin Bible" which purports to be ancient writings preserved... (can anybody dig up any real info about this?) His mention of "Twin Suns," and so on.

There is this page: _http://media.marshallmasters.com/html/bio.html about Masters himself with all the attendant warning signs of a close affiliation with Israel.

In short, this has all the earmarks of a psy-op.

But it could be just a well-meaning guy going along saying a lot of things that the Cs said long ago, things we published much earlier, only giving it a twist here and there with no intent to mislead.

I'm particularly interested in his claims about this so-called "Kolbrin Bible" but haven't really found anything except what he says and people quoting him. What's the provenance for this work?
YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

Hi Laura,

Found this link apart from Marshall Masters website. And for some reason I can't quite figure out, I cannot seem to be able to get rid of the percentage sign in the web link in the comment section of the main article.

Still searching for more information on this Amazon Basin event.
YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

Found this 1995 issue of the NewScientist where there is a description of the event as well a image of the impact location.

Another article by the The Anomalist with a link to "fascinating abstracts from the 1998 Krasnoyarsk conference on the actual 1908 Tunguska event" at the bottom of the page.

Finally one other article here but in Portuguese I think. I did a Babel Fish translation but I didn't think that it was accurate. This particular article shows an image of the article by Father Fedele d'Alviano in the Vatican's L´ Observatore Romano of 1931. It also shows an image of the crater.
YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

I tried ask.com: 'Kolbrin Bible' and they had a list of sites and even
suggested: 'Kolbrun Bible' for more searching? You did not mention
your search engine choice. I wonder if we can try various search sites
and not to depend wholly on google.com?

I have not followed the links provided by ask.com yet and will do so now.
YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

Here's a link for the Kolbrin Bible. You can read selected portions of it online. I found the creation account quite interesting.

YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

_http://www.dogpile.com - Search Engine
_http://yowbooks.com/html/kolbrin.html (Laura aleady found this)
_http://blog.yowusa.com/?p=63 (free PDF download of "PLANET X AND THE KOLBRIN BIBLE CONNECTION")
_http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/hercolobus/kolbrin.htm << interesting

I stumbled on this: search: 'Brazil 1930 impact" (Very good!)
_http://star.arm.ac.uk/impact-hazard/Brazil.html (has links and Brazil impact photos!)
YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

God, I love networking! You guys are great!
YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

A Google search for 'Kolbrin Bible' turned up this site: _http://www.thekolbrin.com/ Here's a couple of quotes:

thekolbrin(dot)com said:
The Kolbrin is a collection of ancient manuscripts said to have been salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey arson in 1184. The Kolbrin said to have a connection with Jesus historically through Joseph of Arimathea, they have been discussed online by James McCanney and others. This site has been approved by the Culdian Trust.

thekolbrin(dot)com said:
The Culdian Trust believe that they are the of inheritors of the ancient wisdom of the Culdees of Britain who were part of the British or Keltic Christian community prior to its romanisation under Augustine, after which it suffered severely through persecution and suppression.
'Culdian' is derived from 'Culdee'.

Encyclopaedia Britannica said:
Education in the early Middle Ages was at a very low ebb outside the monasteries. Cathedral schools were few, and rural priests who could read Latin easily were rare. Almost all literary work came from the monasteries and in Celtic lands (mainly Ireland) from the half-monastic Culdees (religious recluses).
Encyclopaedia Britannica said:
In the early 8th century the church among the Picts and Scots accepted Roman usages on such questions as Easter. Nevertheless, the church in Scotland remained Celtic in many ways until the 11th century. Still dominated by its communities of clergy (who were called Célidé or Culdees), it clearly corresponded well to the tribal nature of society.
The Culdian Trust have a website here: _http://www.culdiantrust.org/

The splash page of their site says:

Culdian Trust said:
Truth in opposition to all else
and then

Culdian Trust said:
Harmonise and attune with me
And I will guide you
Accord with the creative purpose
And your life will be fulfilled
Carry out your duties
As my deputies on earth
And you will be rewarded.
All of which sounds rather like emotional blackmail: do as you are commanded and you will get your reward. The opposite is therefore implied. Very STS.

And then we read:

Culdian Trust said:
This is the official site of The Kolbrin. The Culdian Trust stands behind any information that is issued directly from them regarding their publications and can be easily recognised as being issued from them. Unless clearly stated by the Culdian trust, all other comments, interpretations and discussions are not necessarily the views of the Culdian Trust.
Rather like saying, it is so because we say it is so.

An email address is offered: info(at)culdiantrust(dot)org

From there, following the link to 'Kolbrin Bible' we arrive at this page: _http://www.culdiantrust.org/kolbrin.html which presents a fairly standard description of a special book that has lain hidden for centuries, known only to the select few who were its keepers; now it is the time to reveal it to the world, subject to some special conditions. The inference is that the lucky reader fulfils the conditions and can read The Book.

The Culdian Trust site goes on to say:

Culdian Trust said:
It is known that at the beginning of the fourteenth century there was a settled community in Scotland under the leadership of one John Culdy. The old Culdians, who were guardians of what they called "The Treasures of Britain", were never numerous and loosely organised, membership being maintained by itinerant smiths and other craftsmen. They seem to have previously been loosely known as 'Koferils'.
I Googled and couldn't find any independent references to 'John Culdy' as an historical person. The Culdian Trust site is remarkably lacking in references to the information cited.

Curiously, on the North Devon coast, in the UK, there is a very small place – just a church and two houses – called Culbone. Joan Cooper lived there with her husband, Waistel, a potter, and wrote about her spiritual visions concerning the place. There are a few photos and Joan Cooper's long spiritual history of Culbone at this link.
Re: YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

The Kolbrin available to read online. Close to 220 pages.

I ran into this while looking for any proof that Tesla's father had access to Vatican archives. Didn't find any, but did find this, it looks interesting.
Re: YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

WhiteBear said:
The Kolbrin available to read online. Close to 220 pages.

I ran into this while looking for any proof that Tesla's father had access to Vatican archives. Didn't find any, but did find this, it looks interesting.

I've read up through page 16 and I'm not very impressed. It sounds like an amalgamation of certain gnostic texts with the Old Testament with an overlay of Darwinism.

The introduction is very problematic. It's like finding in the Bible things that have "been that way until this day" when the text is supposed to be written at the time those things began. In other words, there is a perspective from the present that a writer in the past would not have.

Well, I'll read on a bit and see if it improves.
Re: YOWUSA and Marshall Masters

Laura said:
WhiteBear said:
The Kolbrin available to read online. Close to 220 pages.

I ran into this while looking for any proof that Tesla's father had access to Vatican archives. Didn't find any, but did find this, it looks interesting.

I've read up through page 16 and I'm not very impressed. It sounds like an amalgamation of certain gnostic texts with the Old Testament with an overlay of Darwinism.

The introduction is very problematic. It's like finding in the Bible things that have "been that way until this day" when the text is supposed to be written at the time those things began. In other words, there is a perspective from the present that a writer in the past would not have.

Well, I'll read on a bit and see if it improves.

McCanney said in a couple of his radio podcasts that there is only one place online to order the real Kolbrin (I think the website is "The Chaldean Trust" -- not sure about spelling) and that there are a lot of fakes, both online and on Amazon, so that might be something to keep in mind as well.

Added: This seems to be it:


It looks like the one WhiteBear linked to, so maybe this really is the version McCanney uses (it references him, anyway).
Some of it is posted at bibliotecapleyades.net where you can save pages and print it out. I read that it is an amalgamation of Egyptian and Celtic texts kept at Avebury, saved partially from destruction by fire then ultimately taken to New Zealand to be held until its custodians decided to release it to the people of the world. A couple of the more interesting texts are the migration of the "Sons of Light" and a tale which is reminscent of King Arthur.

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