The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Snow turns Australian Alps into winter wonderland in the middle of summer

Up to 5cm of snow fell at Perisher and Thredbo.
© Valhalla Perisher
Up to 5cm of snow fell at Perisher and Thredbo.

Parts of Victoria and New South Wales have shivered through the morning with snow falling in alpine areas while their northern counterparts in Queensland continue to endure a heatwave.

The overnight wintry blast left a light dusting of snow across the Victorian Alps including at Mount Hotham.

Chamber of Commerce president Steve Belli said while it was an incredible sight, it was not too unusual for snow to fall in February.

"[The weather] is a little bit unpredictable these days. You never know what's going to happen ... but it's Mother Nature, you've just got to work in with it," he said.

About two centimetres fell at Falls Creek, where mountain access is limited due to a landslide impacting one of the only roads up.

Mr Belli said the weather conditions were not helping that situation and the impacts were being felt across the board.

"The weather is not on our side at the moment, so we just have to buckle up and do what we can."

'Nice burst is super rare'

Perisher Valley in the NSW Snowy Monaro region has also seen a significant dusting for late summer.

The Bureau of Meteorology said three to five centimetres were recorded there and at Thredbo.

For ski resort Valhalla Perisher, business has been going steadily well despite it being the off-season.

"We woke up this morning and I opened up the blinds to our room to the beautiful surprise of a full white coverage of the mountain," lodge manager Drew Loaring said.

"You couldn't wipe the smile off my face — a nice burst of winter in February is super rare and it was lovely."

While it is unusual for it to snow heavily during the hotter months, snowfall can occur at any time of year in the Snowy Mountains and businesses like Valhalla Perisher are often prepared for tourists outside of winter.

"We're probably one of only a handful of commercial lodges that's open all year around," Mr Loaring said.

The white-capped mountains have been a good omen for Mr Loaring, who says many tourists have been opting for mountain biking in Thredbo instead of Perisher Valley's more relaxed atmosphere in recent years.

"We're trying to build Perisher's popularity again," he said.

Cold few days

BOM senior meteorologist Dean Narramore said the temperatures recorded overnight were typical of those seen in late August.

"It's not record-breaking but it is something we only see every few Februaries," he said.

Some locations are expected to experience maximum temperatures up to 15 degrees below the average for this time of year.

The cold weather was here to stay until at least early next week, Mr Narramore added.

More snow is expected to fall into the weekend.
© Fire and Rescue Perisher Valley
More snow is expected to fall into the weekend.
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'Frostquakes' or Cryoseisms being reported in Maine, US.

Wiki: Cryoseism - Wikipedia
A cryoseism, ice quake or frost quake,[1][2][3][4] is a seismic event caused by a sudden cracking action in frozen soil or rock saturated with water or ice,[5] or by stresses generated at frozen lakes.[6]

As water drains into the ground, it may eventually freeze and expand under colder temperatures, putting stress on its surroundings. This stress builds up until relieved explosively in the form of a cryoseism.[1][7] The requirements for a cryoseism to occur are numerous;[1][2] therefore, accurate predictions are not entirely possible and may constitute a factor in structural design and engineering when constructing in an area historically known for such events.[5] Speculation has been made between global warming and the frequency of cryoseisms.[2][8]


Cryoseisms are often mistaken for minor intraplate earthquakes.[5][9] Initial indications may appear similar to those of an earthquake with tremors, vibrations, ground cracking and related noises,[4] such as thundering or booming sounds.[7] Cryoseisms can, however, be distinguished from earthquakes through meteorological and geological conditions.[5] Cryoseisms can have an intensity of up to VI on the Modified Mercalli Scale.[5] Furthermore, cryoseisms often exhibit high intensity in a very localized area,[4] in the immediate proximity of the epicenter,[9] as compared to the widespread effects of an earthquake.[5] Due to lower-frequency vibrations of cryoseisms,[10] some seismic monitoring stations may not record their occurrence.[9] Cryoseisms release less energy than most tectonic events.[11] Since cryoseisms occur at the ground surface they can cause effects right at the site, enough to jar people awake.[4]

Some reports have indicated the presence of "distant flashing lights" before or during a cryoseism, possibly because of electrical changes when rocks are compressed.[7] Cracks and fissures may also appear as surface areas contract and split apart from the cold.[4][9] The sometime superficial to moderate occurrences may range from a few centimeters to several kilometers long, with either singular or multiple linear fracturing and vertical or lateral displacement possible.[5]

Added: Reported 12 hours ago: Mount Washington Observatory is facing extreme cold and strong winds from an intense blast of arctic air. Record broken for wind chill at -75°C

Further north in Maine:
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'Frostquakes' or Cryoseisms being reported in Maine, US.

It's like the movie Day After Tomorrow. Or better yet 🥶

With the current arctic blast moving through Europe, there has been a couple of days when the colder temperatures were so intense they overwhelmed the heat source.

Flashback: 2010
More signs


Western Asia continues to get pounded with anomalous lows and disruptive snows.

Today’s Lebanon, particularly the norther districts of Bsharri and Keserwan.

The snow depth in Hadchit is measuring at 1.2m (almost 4 feet), with far larger accumulations posted at higher elevations.
Mount Hermon, the summit of which straddles the Syria/Lebanon border is seeing Arctic-like conditions: THE BALKANS FREEZE
The cold is infecting regions to the west, too, including the Balkans area of southeastern Europe.
Turkey is suffering freezing lows and blizzard conditions to close the week which is compounding the tragedy resulting from Monday’s historic earthquake. Those impacted are having to choose between staying inside–with the risk of building collapse, or venturing outside–with the risk of hypothermia
The cold is extending into the likes of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia, too, with bone-chilling lows posted there this morning.

A remarkable -31.1C (-24F) was posted in Romanina, in Întorsura Buzăului.
A station at Bükk Mountains, Hungary dropped to a staggering -23.9C (-11F) this morning.
Very briefly:
January 2023 in New Caledonia, Martiniqe and Reunion finished with average temperatures below the multidecadal average.

January 2023 in New Caledonia, Martiniqe and Reunion finished with average temperatures below the multidecadal average.


Next week, the Stratosphere is expected to serve up a full-blown Sudden Stratospheric Warming event (SSW).
pected to serve up a full-blown Sudden Stratospheric Warming event (SSW).
Multiple forecasts are calling for a reversing of the stratospheric circulation from westerly to easterly, playing out during the second-half of February (note the green line below):1676071832583.pngMoreover, this SSW looks strong and threatens to be a record-challenging event.

As well as the GEFS ensembles, as embedded above, the ECMWF is also picking up on it.

The ECMWF shows the zonal wind reversing into negative territory and then holding there for an extended period:
This event is also visible in the monstrous warming wave currently forecast for the mid-stratosphere (see below).

This wave is predicted to engulf the polar regions, combine with a strong emerging polar “anti-vortex” over the North Pacific/western Arctic, and then ‘spit’ the Polar Vortex out and to the south:1676071957004.png
Next, the pressure anomalies map highlights this powerful high-pressure system, or “anti-vortex”.

Such strong pressure anomalies will often displace the main Polar Vortex and reverse the circulation.
Tellingly, this warming is also present in the lower Stratosphere (that is, approx. 19km or 12miles).

The lower the warming permeates, the more robust it the event is.

Reaching these levels adds support to this being a very strong event. 1676072086054.png
North America is forecast another Arctic blast next week, but this is not tied to the aforementioned SSW event.
SSWs can take a week or two to impact our lower troposphere/latitude weather as their ‘effects’ have to ‘filter down’ from the Stratosphere. North America’s looming cold shot is merely your standard buckling of the jet stream (a phenomenon predicted to increase during times of low solar activity, such as the historically low output we’re experiencing now).
I will be sure keep track of atmospheric developments over the weekend –i.e. the temperature, pressure, and wind anomalies in the Stratosphere– and will report back Monday. If this to be a true collapse, anomalies should start shifting ‘downwards’, slowly, filtering into the lower atmospheric levels as February progresses.
It’s still early days, but conditions are currently ripe for an SSW event making a run for the lower troposphere (where our weather happens). Both the ECMWF and GEFS extended ensemble solutions show an SSW development. So all eyes on the skies.
“The Sun defines the climate, not carbon dioxide,” so says eminent Russian space scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov (Dr. Sc. – Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory).

Observations of the Sun show that carbon dioxide is “not guilty” for the steady increase in temperature observed over the past few decades, and that what lies ahead in the coming years is not catastrophic warming but a global and very prolonged temperature drop.
The slight warming we just experienced had a natural origin, the contribution of CO2 was insignificant — carbon dioxide does not serve as an explanation, the Sun does.

The so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming.
“We should fear a deep temperature drop — not catastrophic global warming,” warns Abdussamatov, who was one of the researchers featured in the 2009 U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming.
“Humanity must survive the serious economic, social, demographic and political consequences of a global temperature drop, which will directly affect the national interests of almost all countries and more than 80% of the population of the Earth.”
The global average temperature has already dropped 0.75C since the 2016 peak (UAH), and a further 1.25C-or-so drop will see us down to Maunder Minimum levels (a.k.a. the Little Ice Age) and we all know how well that went for humanity…

Earth’s climate is cyclic, never linear — driven mainly by the Sun.

The Sun is once again shutting down, relatively — prepare.

Another explanation for the sound of the gunshot in the cold is a tree explosion! During a cold snap, the sap freezes and expands quickly, and burst out of the bark in a gunshot-like sound. From wikipedia:

Cold weather will cause some trees to shatter by freezing the sap, because it contains water, which expands as it freezes, creating a sound like a gunshot.[1][2] The sound is produced as the tree bark splits, with the wood contracting as the sap expands.[2][3] John Claudius Loudon described this effect of cold on trees in his Encyclopaedia of Gardening, in the entry for frosts, as follows1:

The history of frosts furnishes very extraordinary facts. The trees are often scorched and burnt up, as with the most excessive heat, in consequence of the separation of water from the air, which is therefore very drying. In the great frost in 1683, the trunks of oak, ash, walnut, and other trees, were miserably split and cleft, so that they might be seen through, and the cracks often attended with dreadful noises like the explosion of fire-arms. In the frost of 1837–8 large bushes of heath had their stems split by the frost into shreds, and the wood of the evergreen oak and that of the sweet bay was cracked and split in a similar manner.
— John Claudius Loudon, Encyclopaedia of Gardening[4][5]

Henry Ward Beecher
records anecdotal evidence of the wood from which instrument cases and carrying boxes were splitting in temperatures of −70 °F (−57 °C) in Captain Bach's travels near the Great Slave Lake.[4] Linda Runyon, author of books on wilderness living, recounts her experience of the effect of cold on maple trees as follows:

I was relaxing in front of a fire in the crispness of early morning when Crack! A sound like an explosion came from behind me in the woods. I scanned the trees and saw that a maple tree had "exploded". The explosion caused a big crack in the tree about three feet high. When a winter wind stirs the frozen trees, they sometimes appear to burst vertically. When it was 40 degrees below zero at night, I lay awake and listened to the trees explode. That's a true wilderness thermometer!
— Linda Runyon, The Essential Wild Food Survival Guide [6]

Wally and Shirley Loudon reported the effect of the freeze of December 1968 upon their orchard in Carlton, Washington as follows:[3]

We saw 47 below on our porch, and we didn't look again. I would hear these bangs and I blamed it on the house expanding or contracting, or whatever, from the cold, but it was the trees exploding. It was the bark bursting, and you could hear it. That's how wild it was.
— Shirley Loudon, "Freezes are becoming a distant memory", Good Fruit Grower[3][7]

To the Sioux of The Dakotas and the Cree, the first new moon of the new year is known, in various dialects, as the "Moon of the Cold-Exploding Trees".[8][9][10][11]

Tree sap is a supercooled liquid in cold temperatures.[12] John Hunter observed, in his Treatise on the Blood, that tree sap within a tree freezes some 17 degrees Fahrenheit below its nominal freezing point.[13][14]



How the World's Events Connect
Adapt 2030 Feb 11, 2023
Unprecedented snowstorm in Morocco leaves 87 villages isolated and 24,000 people in need of assistance - snow 2.2 meters (7.2 feet) deep

The southeast of Morocco has been experiencing an unprecedented snowstorm since this weekend that has left 24,000 families in need of assistance and 87 isolated villages in the region of Ouarzazate and Zagora, which the authorities hope to access by Monday after having already unblocked most of them.

The Mohamed V Foundation for Solidarity has in recent days provided humanitarian assistance (food and blankets) to 9,000 families affected by the storm in the region of Ouarzazate, where snowfall reached 2.2 metres, 10,000 families in Taroudant and 5,000 in Zagora.

"The authorities' interventions in this area are progressing at a good pace despite the bad weather conditions," Sanae Berdikh, the Foundation's communications director, told EFE on Monday. Berdikh explained that during the intervention of the Moroccan troops they managed to evacuate by helicopter on Sunday morning a woman about to give birth who was trapped in a village in the area where the road was cut off. Both are in good condition in the provincial hospital. "An airlift has been set up between the airports of Casablanca, Ouarzazate, Zagora and Agadir with 20 rotations this weekend to bring humanitarian aid teams to the people affected," she said.

During the intervention, the authorities also helped nomadic families in the area who are particularly isolated and are being assisted by air. In addition, volunteer doctors from Rabat and other localities in specialities such as gynaecology, paediatrics and radiology will travel to these areas, and medicines will be distributed to the population in need. And in Taroudant, 259 villages affected by the cold snap, located at an altitude of more than 1,900 metres, have been affected.

Berdikh stressed that the authorities will be able to clear all of the 75 villages trapped by the storm this Monday, for which 88 snow ploughs are being used. She stressed the "effective work" of the Ministry of Interior, local authorities, the Royal Gendarmerie and the Royal Armed Forces on the ground and in the air to facilitate access to the people and villages affected by the storm.

King Mohammed VI gave instructions this weekend to speed up aid to the villages affected by the storm in the three provinces. One of the worst affected is Ouarzazate, where the snow has reached unprecedented heights, with road closures and the suspension of classes. The General Directorate of Meteorology issued a new orange alert for snowfall this Monday of between 10 and 20 centimetres in the highest areas of the provinces of Haouz, Taroudant, Ouarzazate and Tinghir, known tourist destinations for their landscape, gorges, valleys and kasbahs.

Came across this documentary (short) that takes place in the Yukon. This is not really the place/thread for it, as it hits on a number of intertwined subjects, yet will give it a go here.

The documentary features glaciers and snow, moreover melting snow and ice, and what it revealed as it receded. The film appears to have been done by David Suzuki (a CBC thing), wherein you can hear him make reference to global warming as the snow patches melt. A film by David would be incomplete without mention of the AGW schtick. That said, in revealing what was under the snow he is glossing over the fact that the snow was not there in times gone by (as evidenced by some of the tools) - it was warmer, at a time that saw hunting of Caribou taking place and the hunters tools that were lost to later snow and ice, along with at least one body so far.

There is cross reference to the Ötzi tattoo man during the time they revealed this new body. Unfortunately, due to past fights between State and native peoples over ownership (this was in the US at the time), an agreement was made and details were said not to be released due to 'traditional cultural heritage' - so, who, where, what was pieced together remains unknown - although see below.

As said, though, this is an areas teaming with snow and glaciers, and yet basic carbon dating, if reliable, placed these tools 3,000 years ago (it says 9,000 below but that is not what they said unless heard incorrectly or it was revised). The footprint on the land make it a good bet for being relatively snow and ice free, although not completely. In the film, Caribou dung was very present under the snow as it melted out, dung that might just as easily have been from the day before it was so fresh.

Here is the blurb:

As temperatures continue to rise in the north, ice in the Yukon is melting and a mystery is emerging. Human hunting tools, frozen in time for as long as 9,000 years, are thawing out and offering new insights, and raising new questions, about who these ancient people were.

Secrets From the Ice explores a mystery is emerging from the Yukon ice: human hunting tools hidden for as long as 9,000 years have started to melt out. And each new find is another piece to the puzzle of who these people were. #TheNatureOfThings Greg Hare is the archeologist who was there for the recovery of the very first artifact in 1996. Twenty years later he’s finding more than ever – because the melt has intensified. Thousands of kilometres away, Dr. Martin Callanan has had his own success in the Norwegian Alpine. The melt conditions were the same as the Yukon, and the artifacts were there – by the hundreds. The Norwegian finds all date back to the Viking era and once Callanan started looking, the stuff was everywhere. But the one thing they haven’t found in Norway, that changed the narrative in Canada, is a human body. In 1999 some hunters found the remains of a young man melting out of the ice.“You now have a body,” says Diane Strand of the Champagne Aishihik FN, “you now have a human being, you now have a relative.” He was named Kwäday Dän Ts'ìnchi: Long Ago Man Found. The discovery made worldwide news as the First Nations took custody of the remains. Scientists could have access to his body and artifacts, but after that, he’d be cremated. This story has never been told on film before: the remains of KDT’s stomach were preserved enough to plot out his last meals, and where he’d eaten them. He was travelling when he died on the ice. His clothing, his tools – all of them together created the narrative of a man who lived before the time of contact. It was unprecedented. And then it got better: tests showed that his DNA matched 17 different living people within the first nations. The messages from the past resonated louder than ever. Our story will culminate with the latest finds from the ’16 field season. It was a success: several new discoveries, some of them unlike anything ever found before in the Yukon.

In the film, things were left somewhat vague due to said agreements concerning disclosure, and yet in the blurb above some things were revealed (being young, meals, DNA) - so would have to look further.

Came across this documentary (short) that takes place in the Yukon. This is not really the place/thread for it, as it hits on a number of intertwined subjects, yet will give it a go here.

The documentary features glaciers and snow, moreover melting snow and ice, and what it revealed as it receded. The film appears to have been done by David Suzuki (a CBC thing), wherein you can hear him make reference to global warming as the snow patches melt. A film by David would be incomplete without mention of the AGW schtick. That said, in revealing what was under the snow he is glossing over the fact that the snow was not there in times gone by (as evidenced by some of the tools) - it was warmer, at a time that saw hunting of Caribou taking place and the hunters tools that were lost to later snow and ice, along with at least one body so far.

There is cross reference to the Ötzi tattoo man during the time they revealed this new body. Unfortunately, due to past fights between State and native peoples over ownership (this was in the US at the time), an agreement was made and details were said not to be released due to 'traditional cultural heritage' - so, who, where, what was pieced together remains unknown - although see below.

As said, though, this is an areas teaming with snow and glaciers, and yet basic carbon dating, if reliable, placed these tools 3,000 years ago (it says 9,000 below but that is not what they said unless heard incorrectly or it was revised). The footprint on the land make it a good bet for being relatively snow and ice free, although not completely. In the film, Caribou dung was very present under the snow as it melted out, dung that might just as easily have been from the day before it was so fresh.

Here is the blurb:

In the film, things were left somewhat vague due to said agreements concerning disclosure, and yet in the blurb above some things were revealed (being young, meals, DNA) - so would have to look further.

Whilst I do believe that the next (mini) Ice Age cometh, it seems to me that the Earth is sending chaotic, mixed messages to us. There are spots where a glacier or the snowline is retreating, (such as evidenced by the discovery of ancient hunting weapons in the above documentary), but there are other places where record-breaking, early snowfall indicates the opposite; plenty of examples of which appear in SOTT's Earth Changes column.

So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, as the Cs often tell us.
Whilst I do believe that the next (mini) Ice Age cometh, it seems to me that the Earth is sending chaotic, mixed messages to us. There are spots where a glacier or the snowline is retreating, (such as evidenced by the discovery of ancient hunting weapons in the above documentary), but there are other places where record-breaking, early snowfall indicates the opposite; plenty of examples of which appear in SOTT's Earth Changes column.

So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, as the Cs often tell us.

The brief article below discusses 'swings between extremes' as the norm during a Grand Solar Minimum. There's a NASA map of the Maunder Minimum temperatures showing that certain parts in the North actually showed an overall increase in warming, over Alaska, South of Greenland, and Iceland. So there's a historical precedent for these kinda mixed messages.

Research shows “blocking” persistence increases when solar activity is low, causing weather patterns to become locked in place at high and intermediate latitudes for prolonged periods of time.

During a Solar Minimum, the jet stream’s usual Zonal Flow (a west–east direction) reverts to more of a Meridional Flow (a north-south direction).

This is exaggerated further during a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) –such as the one we’re likely entering now– and explains why regions become unseasonably hot or cold and others unusually dry or rainy with the extremes often then flipping a dime.

Zonal flow (left) vs Meridional flow (right) — see link below for more:

Mikhaël Schwander, et al, 2017 — “The zonal flow characteristic of westerly types is reduced under low solar activity as the continental flow for easterly and northerly types is enhanced. This is also confirmed by the higher blocking frequency over Scandinavia under low solar activity.”

Schwander’s paper, “Influence of solar variability on the occurrence of central European weather types from 1763 to 2009”, goes further:

“The 247-year-long analysis of the 11-year solar cycle impact on late winter European weather patterns suggests a reduction in the occurrence of westerly flow types linked to a reduced mean zonal flow under low solar activity. Based on this observational evidence, we estimate the probability to have cold conditions in winter over Europe to be higher under low solar activity than under high activity.”

The Sun appears to be slipping into its next Grand Solar Minimum cycle–a multidecadal spell of reduced solar output where the solar disc can be devoid of sunspots for months or even years at a time.

The impact on Earth’s climate will be one of violent swings between extremes: Intense bursts of heat will linger in one area, while a teeth-chattering chill will dominate nearby — and then the regions will “switch”. It’s this unpredictable chopping and changing that will hasten the failure of our modern food production systems; crops will fail, on a large scale, and famine will quickly ensue.

Overall, Earth’s temperature trends colder during a GSM as the Sun’s output sinks lower and lower (increasing cloud nucleation, being one factor); however, not ALL regions experience the chill. As with the previous GSM (the Maunder Minimum 1645-1715), areas such as the Arctic, Alaska, and southern Greenland/the North Atlantic actually warm during bouts of otherwise “global” cooling.

NASA reveals the phenomenon in their Maunder Minimum temperature reconstruction map:

Temp change between 1780 (a year of normal solar activity) and 1680 (a year within the depths of the Maunder Minimum) — NASA.

Earth’s climate is cyclic, never linear — and history repeats.

Once again, the Arctic appears to be warming, but in line with the historically low solar activity we’re experiencing and its effect on the jet stream, not due to human prosperity (i.e. Man’s CO2 excretions).
We received pea-sized hail and some snow yesterday here in the mountains just before the winds started blowing at around 50mph and the temperature plummeted about 40 degrees. We went from about 40 degrees to -1 with a wind chill of -28 from yesterday afternoon to today. Winds will continue to blow from the east, gusting anywhere from 32 to 43 mph for the next several days. My sister in Nebraska said they are to get up to 9 inches of snow.
Storm dumps 4 FEET of snow in parts of Wyoming - Cheyenne sets record low of -19

The latest Arctic front to blast Wyoming put to rest any thoughts of an early spring as multiple feet of snow fell in at least three counties and sub-zero temperatures broke at least one record in the state on Wednesday and Thursday morning.

Carbon County was the gold medal winner for snowfall on Wednesday as 48 inches of snow was recorded at Battle Lake while campgrounds along Jack Creek and Sugar Loaf each received 42 inches.

Locations in Yellowstone National Park and Teton and Lincoln counties all received snow in excess of two feet.

The most snow in Cheyenne was in the northern areas with only 5 inches, but a 129-year record was broken when the temperature hit 19 degrees below zero early Thursday. The old record was set in 1894 at minus 13.

Other snowfall of note include areas around the south entrance of Yellowstone, which received 34 inches; Teton Village recorded 29 inches; followed by Etna and Moose Wyoming both with 25 inches; while Alta, Moran Junction and Turnerville all got 23 inches of snow.

Areas around the Hog Park Reservoir in Carbon County received between 20 and 23 inches of snow.

Other areas in Lincoln County that received an abundance of snow includes: 18 inches in locations near Smoot, 17 inches in areas outside of Cokeville and 17 inches near Thayne.

In Fremont County, snowfall up to 15 inches was recorded 7 miles north-northwest of South Pass City while areas southwest of Lander received between 11-15 inches. Riverton recorded 8.8 inches.

In north-central and northeast Wyoming, Story received the most with 16 inches, followed by 15 inches east of Shell and 13 inches west of Buffalo. Gillette recorded 9 inches of snow while Wright had 6 inches.

On or around Interstate 80, Rawlins and Lyman both received 11.5 inches of snow, Elk Mountain received 10.2 inches while communities near Interstate 25 received anywhere from 12 inches of snow near Casper to 7 inches in Wheatland.

Meanwhile, windy weather brought severe wind chills across the Cowboy State.

In the tiny town of Hiland, Wyoming in Natrona County, wind speeds clocked in at 73 mph. Green River recorded a 69 mph gust while Rock Springs had gusts up to 66 mph.

Snow drift currently blocking WY28 north
Snow drift currently blocking WY28 north of Farson.


Snowfall totals surpass 5 FEET in some areas of southern California with nearly 7 FEET at Mountain High

Crestline, California, inspected the heavy snowfall
Heavy snowfall in Crestline, California

Over the past few days mountain areas have experienced high snowfall totals and there's more on the way.

A winter storm with an atmospheric river that made its way over the Pacific brought multiple days of unexpected snowfall to some parts of Southern California.

Some areas have already received over 30 inches of snow and there is more coming in the forecast.

The snow came as the National Weather Service issued a rare blizzard warning for the San Bernardino mountains as well as the LA County and Ventura County mountains.

The storm will continue to make appearances throughout the remainder of the weekend and forecasters say another storm is already making its way expected to hit on Tuesday.

The snowfall and ice has caused multiple roadway closures due to dangerous driving conditions.

Here are some of the top snowfall totals across different counties in Southern California through Saturday morning. Measurements are in inches.

Mountain High: 81

Mt Baldy: 38

Lake Arrowhead: 36

Big Bear Lake: 33

Wrightwood: 32

Yucaipa Ridge: 19

Forest Falls: 19

Angelus Oaks: 16

Oak Grove: 2

Apple Valley: 0.25

To see more snowfall totals use this link.

The storm was fueled by a weather phenomenon behind some of California's wettest and most destructive storms. Atmospheric rivers are long plumes of moisture over the Pacific Ocean that tend to move through the atmosphere in streams between 250 and 375 miles wide.

The rivers in the sky move a staggering amount of water. One atmospheric river can move an average of 10.5 trillion gallons of water per day.

The strongest atmospheric rivers can move anywhere between seven and 25 times as much water as the flow of the Mississippi River, which is the second longest river in North America and has a watershed that reaches 32 states, according to the national park service.
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Traffic Chaos: All Roads Closed Between Dalmatia and Interior​

February 26, 2023 - From 14:30 onwards, due to meteorological conditions, there is no free road direction for any group of vehicles from the direction of Dalmatia towards the interior and vice versa, reports HAK/

Winter road maintenance is in progress, so there are frequent delays behind winter service vehicles, which move more slowly.

All roads between Dalmatia and the interior are closed. "We wait in line for hours"​

12 minutes ago
PHOTO This is what the highway near the Sveti Rok tunnel looks like
At the Sveti Rok tunnel, drifts of snow have formed, and the photos show the situation at 18:50.

31 minutes ago
"General collapse, crowd and accident in Radučić"
In Radučić near Knin, there was a queue due to snow and a traffic accident, reports a reader of Index. "General collapse, crowd and accident in front of us in Radučić. We are 18 km from Gračac, but we cannot pass because of the weather and, of course, people standing in the opposite traffic lane."


38 minutes ago
"We wait in line for hours, we can't get to the reception center"
Index is contacted by readers who are stuck on the roads.
"A pile of cars has been waiting in line for three hours at the address Otrić 62, 23440 Gračac. It looks like everyone will spend the night in the cars. After strong requests to HAK to send a plow or help to help us get to Gračac, where the reception center is open, they received We are informed that they are only an information center and that the services are doing their job. It looks like we will all spend the night in the snow on the road," writes the reader.
We were also contacted by a reader who was on the D1 road, 18 km from Gračac, just before 6 p.m. "There is a plow a few meters in front of us, but we have no information why it is standing with us in the column," he says.

An hour ago
Open reception center in Gospić
A reception center for travelers stuck in traffic has been opened in GRAČAC, at the address Nikola Tesla 37, near the bridge, the Directorate of Civil Protection of the Republic of Croatia reported, since traffic between Dalmatia and the interior is currently stopped due to the storm.
The reception center in Gospić, Miroslava Kraljevića 19 (area of the City Sports Hall), is also available to travelers, where, along with refreshments, there is also the possibility of accommodation.

An hour ago
This is what the entrances to the Sveti Rok tunnel currently look like


An hour ago
Reception center opened in Gračac for passengers stuck in traffic
In Gračac, a reception center for passengers stuck in traffic has been opened, at Nikola Tesla 37, near the bridge.

Winter conditions on the A6
Winter conditions on the A6 Rijeka-Zagreb between Kikovica and Bosiljevo II junctions. A gale blows along the coast, occasionally with storm and hurricane gusts. Certain ferry, catamaran and boat lines are suspended.
HAK advises drivers to adapt their speed and driving style to the road conditions, maintain a safe distance between vehicles and do not set off without appropriate winter equipment.


2 hours ago
It is snowing near the Sveti Rok tunnel, visibility is low


2 hours ago
HACK: There are a large number of vehicles at the rest areas, do not start the road towards Dalmatia and vice versa
Until further notice, there is no free road direction for any group of vehicles from the direction of Dalmatia towards the interior and vice versa, reports HAK. Due to the large number of vehicles that have already been excluded from traffic at rest areas and parking places, we advise you not to travel on the specified route.

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