UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact - video

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The above isn’t backed up by any data, but the Russian airforce has recently started using much heavier glide bombs and gravity bombs now that Ukraine’s air defences have been significantly reduced.

From 21:04:

If they are able to use these heavy bombs for the first time, the Ukrainians won’t be used to them, or hearing them explode.
Impressive; anomalous object [UAP Non Earth] was captured live over Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico, June 25, 2023, are here:

Join the live webcam Tepoztlan Morelos.
Interesting trail left by the luminous object.
Impressive; anomalous object was captured live over Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico.
Original [UAP T] live video over Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico, are here, and the U.S. Senate is taking it into account in its new Intelligence Act 2024:

Do not mind the (video) live one, it’s from another day.

At one of the comments found this, the trail left and the movements look similar.
Strange lights in the Castrop-Rauxel sky
00:24 min Available until 28.03.2024
A light phenomenon lasting several hours is causing guesswork in Castrop-Rauxel. Several walkers and residents have seen the lights.
The trail it leaves looks like a succession of marks, like a line, a succession of dots.

[UAP T] captured live over Tepoztlán, Mexico, in full instantaneous and hypersonic acceleration.

6/25/23 Non Earth:
Last edited:
I'm not sure either, perhaps something similar to this?

I was thinking perhaps, plasma being a duct?
Q: (Joe) So did something actually land in that Hispanic family's backyard on that night?

A: Partly

Q: (L) What do you mean partly?

A: Hyperdimensionally and momentarily.

Q: (Joe) Was it kinda like a window faller type event?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) There was what we believed to be a fireball around the same time. Was that an actual fireball that was seen in the sky?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it in any way related to the opening of the window?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the fireball fell, the window was opened, and something was seen momentarily?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that something that happens frequently with fireball sightings, or is it a less frequent phenomenon?

A: Rather often.

Q: (L) All right.

(Andromeda) They open windows, or they come through windows that are already open?

(L) The fireball blows the window open and then something comes through.

The video is 3 days later, more or less at the same time.

What was that? Like this the #volcano #Popocatépetl tonight.

Tianguismanalco view. Thanks #CENAPRED
There are many videos of things going out or going into this volcano, but this one is very amazing.

I think that Nassim Haramein is basically disinformation, but in his lectures one of the things he said is that volcanoes are the end of a vortex that emanates from a singularity, which can be used as a portal to travel.

Be that as it may, it is a volcano with a lot of strange activity, although perhaps the camera that monitors it continuously will help to see things that may also occur in other volcanoes.
In the Hessdalen lights of Norway and the lights arising from the ground of Toppenish Ridge (Mt. Adams volcano) on the Yakama reservation of Washington State, USA, we see typical (plasma) UFO phenomena emerging naturally from the Earth on a very long term basis. Documented by residents and investigators of various kinds, these sighting seem incontrovertible. I have little doubt the Mexican volcano UFOs are of a similar nature.

I appreciate the privilege of participating in this excellent forum.
It seems that Calvine's UFO is back, now in Argentina.


08/15/23 In the town of El Escorial in the province of #Chubut a strange object appeared in the #sky. Experts analyzed the photographs and their explanation further confused the authorities as they look like authentic...

#ovni #uap #alien #dron #drone #globe


Calvine's UFO



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I hadn't heard of space snakes before.

Space is not what we see at night or what NASA has shown us for years. In the midst of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, there are much more vivid, bizarre, and strange things hidden from our eyes. There are several astronauts who strongly believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations including Gordon Cooper, Buzz Aldrin, and Story Musgrave.

Many conspiracy theorists believe that NASA knew that Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had an encounter with aliens, that is why they erased 40 rolls of film from the Apollo 11 mission. It was claimed by Bob Dean, a United States Army Command Sergeant Major.

Story Musgrave

The crew Of Sts-80, Seated (From Left-to-right) Kent V. Rominger, Pilot; Kenneth D. Cockrell, Commander. Standing (Left To Right) Mission Specialists Tamara E. Jernigan, F. Story Musgrave, And Thomas D. Jones. Photo Credit: Nasa

According to a report shared by Gaia, there is a transcript between Aldrin and Armstrong where the two had witnessed extraterrestrial activities on Moon during the Apollo 11 mission.

Apollo 11: “Those are giant things. No, no, no, this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this.”

NASA: “What… what…. what? What the hell is happening What’s wrong with you?”

Apollo 11: “They’re here, under the surface.”

Apart from this, what former NASA astronaut Franklin Story Musgrave said about his experience in space would shock anyone. He claimed to had seen an 8 foot-long snake, white in color, floating through space. It is hard to explain how a snake could reach space, but Musgrave has never denied it.

Here is Musgrave’s quote from the TV series “Sightings, ” Sunday, April 9, 1995:

“On two of my missions, and I still don’t have an answer, um, I have seen, a snake out there, six seven eight feet long. It is rubbery because it has internal waves in it and it follows you for a rather long period of time. The more you fly in space the more you see an incredible amount of things out there and THAT sorta brings to you, really a certainty, that other living creatures are out there. Some incredibly primitive, more primitive, some just ah just proteins coming together, amino acids and some just single-cell organisms and other civilizations that have been around for a million years that are doing unimaginable kinds of things.”

Fig 1: Alleged Photograph of snake-like UFO captured during NASA STS-61 mission

Fig 2: Alleged Photograph of snake-like UFO captured during NASA STS-61 mission
There is even a video (see below) where a snake-like creature is floating in the Earth’s stratosphere. Musgrave said: “Some are incredibly primitive – some just proteins coming together, amino acids, and some just single-celled organisms. And other civilizations have been around for millions of years that are doing unimaginable kinds of things.”

Musgrave (85) is also a retired colonel of the United States Marine Corps, physician, mathematician, holds six academic degrees, and is simply a legendary figure in US history. He spent a total of 1,281 hours, 59 minutes, 22 seconds during his six space suttle missions in space including 27 hours spacewalk. Besides, he developed a spacesuit for space shuttle astronauts.

This is not the end of strange anomalies watched by the astronauts in space. Retired astronaut Leroy Chiao, a commander of Expedition 10, along with his crew members witnessed a set of bright lights in the formation of an upside-down tick mark in space.

The description of an unknown snake-like creature or craft given by Musgrave was also spotted in March 2019, when one of the passengers on a commercial airline flight from Phoenix to Portland captured two long dark objects, having long tails or tentacles. Some viewers compared it with the squid lime sentinels from the Matrix series, while others believe that it was possibly something from another dimension that slipped through momentarily.

Similarly, New York Post shared a video of a UFO in 2018, shot by a passenger while cruising over the Aegean Sea that also shows a creature with the long tail. The opinions divided into two groups, where people from one group believe it was just a hoax while others also witnessed the same encounter while flying in the plane.

I checked to see if the moon landing has been discussed in sessions and found this:
Q: (L) Okay, moving right along here. We have here a guy who has written a paper that says: "To make interstellar travel believable, NASA was created. The Apollo space program foisted the idea that man could travel to and walk upon the moon. Every Apollo mission was carefully rehearsed and then filmed in the large sound stages at the Atomic Energy Commission's Top Secret test site in the Nevada Desert and in the secured and guarded sound stage at the Walt Disney studios within which was a huge, full scale mock-up of the Moon." Is it true that the Apollo missions were films as described here?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did the Apollo missions actually go into space as we think they did?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This guy further writes that "All names, missions, landing sites and events in the Apollo space program echo the occult metaphors, rituals and symbology of the Illuminati secret religion. The most transparent was the fakes explosion on the spacecraft Apollo 13 named 'Aquarius' at 1:13 on April 13, 1970, which was a metaphor for the initiation ceremony involving the death, placement of the coffin, communion with the spiritual world, and the imparting of esoteric knowledge to the candidate, rebirth of the initiate, and the raising up of Phoenix, the new age of Aquarius by the group of the Lion's Paw..." and so on and on. Was this occult significance applied to these events, either deliberately or accidentally?

A: Maybe coincidentally.

Q: (L) If there was any coincidence of application of these principles, did it bespeak an underlying synchronous or nonlocal reality of oneness?

A: These ideas being put forth this evening are entertaining if nothing else!

Q: (L) Well, I always said that you could derive occult significance from where the paper man tosses the paper on the lawn if you try hard enough! Nevertheless, this guy further writes that "The tremendous radiation encountered in the Van Allen belt, solar radiation, cosmic radiation, solar flares, temperature control and many other problems connected with space travel, prevent living organisms from leaving our atmosphere with our known level of technology. Any intelligent high school student with a basic physics book can prove NASA faked the Apollo moon landings. If you doubt this, please explain how the astronauts walked upon the moon surface enclosed in a space suit, in full sunlight, absorbing a minimum of 265 degrees of heat, surrounded by a vacuum. And that is not even taking into consideration any of the effects of the cosmic radiation, solar flares, micro-meteorites, etc." Comment please?

A: No comment!

Here is more of the above conversation. It comes from Gaia, so I'm not sure if it's trustworthy, although the author does question the validity of this transcript.

Apollo 11: “Those are giant things. No, no, no, this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this.”

NASA: “What… what…. what? What the hell is happening?” “What’s wrong with you?”

Apollo 11: “They’re here, under the surface.”

NASA: “What’s there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling Apollo 11.”

Apollo 11: “We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments.”

NASA: “Repeat your last information.”

Apollo 11: “I say that there were other spaceships. They’re lined up in the other side of the crater.”

Apollo 11: “Let us sound this orbita… in 625 to 5… automatic relay connected… my hands are shaking so badly I can’t do anything. Film it? God if these damned cameras have picked up anything – what then?”

NASA: “Have you picked up anything?”

Apollo 11: “I didn’t have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers, or whatever they were that were ruining the film.”

NASA: “Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over?

Apollo 11: “They’ve landed there. There they are and they’re watching us.

NASA: “The mirrors, the mirrors – have you set them up?”

Apollo 11: “Yes, they’re in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.”

I hadn't heard of space snakes before.

I checked to see if the moon landing has been discussed in sessions and found this:

Here is more of the above conversation. It comes from Gaia, so I'm not sure if it's trustworthy, although the author does question the validity of this transcript.
The question was asked- did the Apollo missions actually go into space, and the Cs replied in the affirmative- but did anyone ask if they had actually landed on the moon? So, yes the rockets actually took off and went into space, confirmed.
Pretty hard to fake those, millions of people watching live and on television, not to mention all the people actually working in the space industry some of whom I have known personally.
As to people going into space, walking on the moon in what we would consider marginal space craft and encounter suits, exposed to extremes including radiation, cosmic rays and temperatures- these people are extraordinary explorers, and know the risks and are willing to sacrifice themselves for pushing the boundaries of knowledge. So, yes, I am totally willing to believe we actually landed on the moon.
The bit about the aliens- that is in question, but if we can assume the former, why not the latter?
I have been noticing a bunch of things the Cs have told us creeping into the mainstream news- so we may have answers sooner than we thought- and that may or may not be a good thing.
The question was asked- did the Apollo missions actually go into space, and the Cs replied in the affirmative- but did anyone ask if they had actually landed on the moon? So, yes the rockets actually took off and went into space, confirmed.
I just want to note that Laura did clarify here question with "as we think they did?" Of course, I am assuming that she was thinking of men landing on the moon. fwiw
Filed under entertainment, LOL!

Goldie Hawn isn’t just a firm believer in the extraterrestrial — she says she has had a close encounter of her own.

It was the mid1960s and Hawn, then 20, was working as a dancer in Anaheim. “That was a time when, you know, there was a lot of UFO sightings,” Hawn said in an episode of the Apple Fitness+ audio experience “Time to Walk.”

“I remember this so clearly: I went outside my door, and I sat on the little ledge, and I looked up at the dark sky. And I saw all these stars. And all I could think of was, How far does this go? How little are we? Are we the only planet in the whole wide universe that has life on it?”

It was as Hawn was staring into the great unknown, she said, that she knew she was fated for an alien encounter. “I said, ‘I know you’re out there, I know we’re not alone, and I would like to meet you one day.’”

Months later, Hawn was working another dance job, this time in West Covina. After a tiring rehearsal, she asked a friend if she could take a load off in his car, hopefully get a nap in. After getting into the car to sleep, Hawn said, “I got this high-pitched sound in my ear. It was this high, high frequency.”

Sept. 28, 2023

Jolted awake by the sound, she opened her eyes to look out the window. “I saw these two or three triangular-shaped heads,” Hawn recalled. “They were silver in color, slash for a mouth, tiny little nose, no ears. They were pointing at me, pointing at me in the car as if they were discussing me, like I was a subject. And they were droning.”

Hawn said she felt like she couldn’t move, a feeling not dissimilar from what people have reported during sleep paralysis. “I was paralyzed. And I thought, ‘Oh, my God. I want to get up.’ I didn’t know if it was real or not real.”

Eventually, the young dancer was able to shake free. “It was like bursting out of a force field,” she said. “Of course I go back to all the kids and stuff, and I went, ‘Oh, my God. I think I made contact with outer space.’”

Years later, Hawn spoke with an astrophysicist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He told her he’d been researching alien encounters for 25 years. Hawn said that while trying to articulate her experience with the astrophysicist, her memory was vivid. “They touched my face, and it felt like the finger of God. It was the most benevolent, loving feeling. This was powerful. It was filled with light.”

Hawn isn’t the only one in her family who’s had an eerie experience with the unknown. In 2018, Hawn’s longtime partner, actor Kurt Russell, told Jimmy Kimmel on the host’s late-night talk show that he and son Oliver Hudson shared their own inexplicable encounter during a flight Russell was piloting. “So we’re going into Phoenix and — I think it was Sky Harbor [International Airport] — and there’s these bank of lights, six lights in the shape of a triangle going back right over the airport.

Sept. 14, 2023

“And I’m looking at them as I’m coming in. I called up the tower ... and they said ‘We’re not showing anything.’ I said, ‘Well, there’s six lights in a row.’ And they said, ‘Do you want to report this?’ And I said, ‘Look, I can’t identify it. It’s flying, and it’s six objects.’ So we landed, I dropped him off and flew home.”

But years later, Russell came home and Hawn was watching a show on UFOs. “And the most reported one of all time was this one in Phoenix, and I said wait a minute. That’s the night Oli and I were landing!” Russell still had his logbook and saw that while he didn’t mention anything about the UFO in the book, his flight was logged. “On the show they talked about 20,000 people reporting it, and only one general aviation pilot, and I said, ‘That’s me!’”

In September, NASA’s new official instruction to the U.S. public regarding “unidentified anomalous phenomena” — formally called UFOs — boils down to, “If you see something, say something,” said David Spergel, the head of the agency’s UAP study team. Spergel was speaking at an event highlighting his team’s long-awaited final report on the data and methods NASA should use to analyze unusual aerial sightings.

At the event, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson addressed the alien in the room: “The NASA independent study team did not find any evidence that UAP have an extraterrestrial origin,” he said, “but we don’t know what these UAP are.”
Times staff writer Corinne Purtill contributed to this report.
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