Session 13 January 2024

Thanks for sharing this! I've noticed a similar suspicious smell coming from wet clothes fresh out the washer. Do you mean it was in or under the rubber seal that surrounds the door opening? Or actually deeper than that? Sorry I can't quite understand the exact location that you found the mould. Did it require using a screwdriver and taking apart pieces of the machine?

No, no need to screw apart anything.

Uhm ... wait. I am not a washing machine expert, how these things can look like in various or even old models (or where else mold potentially could accumulate over time)

But let's assume it is similar for most machines - the mold was embedded inside the multiple folded rubber gasket seal. The ones you face, when opening the door to a front loading machine. Just dig in there and inspect it all around. In my case - it must have accumulated for 10 years or so. And me, naive as i was, never even considered that such quantities could build up in there... :umm:

Ignorance engagers - so, now i got lesson i needed; about mold and machines :cool2:

(I am not sure what we did in the past - that this could happen to accumulate. Perhaps it came from a time when we used powder based soap a long time ago. Perhaps at one time something went wrong, didn't get flushed out properly - and from there the goo started to rot, accumulate silently... I don't know. But whatever goes inside the gasket i our machine, doesn't easily escape / doesn't get washed out).

Since August last year - i haven't had any accumulations of anything in there. Every month I inspect the inside of that rubber gasket seal. All clean. No mold what so ever.

The article @Jenn refered to, shows a similar rubber gasket like we have. Thank you Jenn :-P, great that you pointed out about the place where you put in the detergent, as well can be a source for mold accumulation. And leaving the front door open, is wise as well (in a family without children). :thup:
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Thanks fore the amazing session! 🙏

(seek10) What is the purpose of face peeling in the Los Pela Caras incidents?

A: Side effect of exposure to 4D STS energy similar to radiation.

A good reason not to stay and watch anything, stay away! we have to run from the place!

(L) Oh, you were just curious. You did not even stop to consider whether this question was universally interesting. Okay, well, we'll ask anyway. What was it?

A: Usual window faller. We warned about increasing frequency of such encounters.

But why do they always look like shadows? 🤔 we never see anything definite, they just look like spots as if something around them prevents you from being able to see them completely. How is something so big seen by few?... and all these beings are "hostile". They come from anywhere in the universe is to kill and eat!... Do we have such a good taste in all our existence? the intergalactic McDonalds or what? 🤣

(L) You're just trying to be tricky, aren't you? [laughter] Okay. Are aliens going to be introduced this year?

A: As far as we can see, they have already been introduced, just the people are not paying attention.

Yup!... and I don't know how to say it exactly but "something feels in the environment", I feel a kind of tension, that "something is approaching", a restlessness. I do not know where this internal "alert" comes from. There's some disturbance in the force! (laughs).
First, let me thank Laura and Andromeda for this amazing session. For more than 2 hours they were at the board going through all the pertinent questions unwavering. That was probably the longest session that I have witnessed, where do you get your energies. Also, thanks to the entire questioner, amazing how often information from a question take us to an unimaginable answer. If I may say, it opens an amazing can of unanticipated knowledge. Special Thanks to gottathing as her question and answer by the CS really transported me instantly to an experience that I had some time ago.

Here is the portion of the transcript that as this effect:

Q: (gottathink) Older transcripts refer to a genetic alteration that caused truncated fluid flow. Is the fluid being referred to the cerebral spinal fluid?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well then that eliminates the next question, which was a follow up. What fluid flow is it?

A: As yet unknown organic structure throughout the body carrying a different fluid other than blood or lymph that is related to light. Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power.

Q: (Joe) Was that related to the veins? They were talking about blue veins or the light coming from them... Wasn't there some session about it?

(L) There was, there was something about it. I think we were talking about dancing once and they were talking about some kind of energy flow that came through the arms that allowed them to be able to levitate.

(Joe) Yeah, that was the spear-handed Maruts and stuff like that.

(L) Is that why, or the means by which, some odd people throughout history have been able to levitate because they had some genetic quirk that allowed this system to be operational?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I mean, just like some people can transmit healing power and so forth. So there's a whole other different thing that's going on in the body that people are not aware of. Is that because the fluid is something other than what we think of as fluid? It's more like...

(Andromeda) Energy?

(L) Yeah, or more like...

A: Difficult to explain since you don't have the concepts.

Q: (Joe) It's based on an unknown structure...

(L) A structure throughout the body that carries a fluid, or something like something like a fluid... Is it because it's not exactly like a fluid as we know it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it something that's more like, say, a 4th density fluid?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the structure itself is fourth density when it exists in the body?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we have the potential for this if the DNA were to be upregulated?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Untruncated.

(L) Untruncated, yeah, and some rare individuals accidentally by genetic recombination have this...

And here is the experience that I shared on the forum that I’m talking about if some want to review:

Dreaming in a Totalitarian Society

Here is the part that I was remembering during the communication with the CS;

my extended arm and hand are not material, they are blue in color and translucent. My finger looks like tube of a soft blue light, no apparent articulation. I bring my other hand up and look at them in astonishment. Within that soft turquoise blue translucent I see something like a kind of ‘’ skeleton’’ of a navy blue color, I’m really astonished and wonder what my face look like, I thought, and immediately my consciousness is projected outside of my body and I’m looking at my face. OH wow! No physicality but humanoid I look, no eyes, nose or mouth but the same light blue aspect with the marine darker vein if I may say that look like a tree in my head.

First let me describe how the ‘’skeleton, vein’’ in my arm. There was a single conduit going down to my hand where it divided in a single and smaller conduit to each of my finger. Second, for my head, the conduit was larger at the neck level, and divided in many smaller conduits to form what looked like a tree. The portion in the neck forming the tree trunk and division above forming tree branch.

That is what I was seeing, remembering as the questions and answer were coming. Could those ``conduit`` be the transmitter of the energy flow that enable levitation.

Also, during this experience my body was variable as when I approached the second man and looked down at my hands to position them properly to levitate, they didn’t appear as a blue energy body but normal as in skin, bones and articulation.

Beaucoup d’eau ces écoulé sous le pont depuis. A lot of water passed under the bridge since that experience, many sessions since have passed always pushing this research group to explore our 3rd density reality and it interaction with the one above or paralleled. From the Cs we learned that in the state of dream, we can access everything or anything. There are no boundaries to what we can explore.

In the session of December the 30th, our brother Pierre gave us some of his perception as what it is like in fifth density and how he perceived this great noise that make it difficult to get a clear and true message to us.

Here is an except;

Joe) Like what are you up to? What do you do?

A: (Pierre) Well, it is like dreaming in a way because there really is no tracking of time. It seems not to exist, but I don't understand that yet.

And this:

A: (Pierre) Mostly everything you have learned via Cs is the way it is. What I see now is the great noise surrounding Earth that makes it so difficult to get a clear and true message.

Q: (Joe) So, the great noise is chaos or uncertainty...

(Niall) Disinformation...

(L) All that kind of stuff. Is that what we're talking about? Chaos, disinformation, lies?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Difficult to get a clear and true message, a great noise acting as a fence. I wonder if this may be in part what the Cs refers to as the frequency fence and also how or what could permit information to cross that fence. One way to transfer information is as Pierre wrote in his book by bombardment of the planet by cosmic ‘’bomb’’, meteor carrying the blue print for genetic alteration of the flora and fauna on the planet. It can be on a large scale, extinction level as for the dinosaur or on a smaller scale as in the Tunguska impact. Another way of transfer of information is an impact of celestial object with close celestial planet that open a conduit of communication with other density as in the Cassiopeia experiment. Again a meteorite impact causes the transfer or as the potential to transfer information. We can all Thanks Laura again for opening the conduit with The Cs.

Where do I want to go with this transfer of information by celestial objects you may ask at this moment? At the time of my experience (August 20, 2021) I didn’t have all information that we gathered since and I didn’t thing that an event that occurred a few hours before could have any connection with what I experienced. But now I see that it may have a connection. Here is the event.

'Astonishing' fireball spotted shooting across the night sky

Des témoins « ébahis » par une boule de feu aperçue dans le ciel nocturne

I was asleep when the meteor was seen across the sky and exploded over my region, I woke up around midnight and could not go back to sleep as I reported in my post. The next day, when I read about meteor, I didn’t connect it to what I experienced. Today with all the information we received since, I seriously wonder if the up thick of meteor event isn’t a way to permit information to pierce the fence, obstacle that Pierre describe, transferring information at a mass level but decrypted individually if, as the Cs said, you developed the tools to received it, built an antenna.
This sounds similar to an account shared from Clif High. His father was in the military and was told by intel personnel that they where having a serious problem with special goggles they had given to soldiers. I don't recall the war, Vietnam perhaps and the goggles where something like night vision. The men wearing these things where seeing horrifying creatures swarming through the battleground and it caused some to have mental breakdowns. I thought having night vision binoculars may be interesting but I surely don't want to loose my mind!

(A little side kick)

How odd !

Back in 1990, I discovered the X-Men comics for the first time in Sweden - which was right at the beginning of an epic story about "Adversary" - an all encompassing, evil entity which attacked our realm - guarded by the goddess Roma.

As the Adversary entity attacked Roma and held her inprisioned, X-Men Storm (Ororo) which though deception was thinking that X-Men "Forge" - whom she loved - was the enemy. But in reality, he was the guy who tried to close the portal that "Adversary" had forced to open. Both Storm and Forge then got lured into an alternative, virgin earth without any people present - as (Adversary's) plan was to make them seed a new earth and starting from scratch (The Great Reset).

In the mean time, the seeds of destruction Adversary had planted, could now take root on earth, since Storm and Forge where gone from this reality: many different timelines got unleashed into our reality, starting to merge and mix, into chaos-like scenarios - where past, present and future, as well different dimensions all got intertwined at once. Different epochs, porals, window fallers and horrible creatures coming through, wrecking havoc on earth and its people.

A tower in Dallas (?), called Forge's tower, was the center stage; as the night sky suddenly opened up and light poured in. Inside the Forge tower, where hyper dimensional chaos and horror started to spread outwards, twisting everything it came in contact with. Reality changed, portals opened and showed awful scenes from the Vietnam war, soldiers fighting - but fighting against horrible monsters. Creatures who slashed everything they came in contact with.

Kind of strange when you think about it... the parallels and details; in this case an old Comic story vs reports from people like Cliff High... 🤔

I couldn't find an image from the X-Men story monsters from inside the "Forge Tower" - so i took one which shows when the hyper dimensional chaos started - as the fabric of time and space got torn apart, a false dawn opened and started to spread wide - with a light that turned the world into chaos.

That was epic, I'm really not looking forward to going through this pandemic and vaxx routine again 🙄 Could they not be more creative with their shenanigans?
Be careful what you wish for? On one hand, think a new different narrative would be more believable and suck more people in. On the other hand, This is like Neanderthal football strategy for the controllers. “Hey that play worked so well, let’s just run it again and again until the other side figures out how to defend it.” AND they get to play out the forced injection plan to really weed out the dissidents and cull the heard at the same time. It actually makes strategic sense after all.
No, no need to screw apart anything.

Uhm ... wait. I am not a washing machine expert, how these things can look like in various or even old models (or where else mold potentially could accumulate over time)

But let's assume it is similar for most machines - the mold was embedded inside the multiple folded rubber gasket seal. The ones you face, when opening the door to a front loading machine. Just dig in there and inspect it all around. In my case - it must have accumulated for 10 years or so. And me, naive as i was, never even considered that such quantities could build up in there... :umm:

Ignorance engagers - so, now i got lesson i needed; about mold and machines :cool2:

(I am not sure what we did in the past - that this could happen to accumulate. Perhaps it came from a time when we used powder based soap a long time ago. Perhaps at one time something went wrong, didn't get flushed out properly - and from there the goo started to rot, accumulate silently... I don't know. But whatever goes inside the gasket i our machine, doesn't easily escape / doesn't get washed out).

Since August last year - i haven't had any accumulations of anything in there. Every month I inspect the inside of that rubber gasket seal. All clean. No mold what so ever.

The article @Jenn refered to, shows a similar rubber gasket like we have. Thank you Jenn :-P, great that you pointed out about the place where you put in the detergent, as well can be a source for mold accumulation. And leaving the front door open, is wise as well (in a family without children). :thup:
Like XPan I am not an expert on washing machines, but regularly when I wash white clothes, I put one or two laundry bleach tablets to do the washing and this prevents me from having mold and its smell in the washing machine and my white laundry is whiter... 😉
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