Session 12 December 1998


FOTCM Member
December 12, 1998

Laura, Ark, Frank

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Fiberroh.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: For openers, I noticed on our astronomy program that the spelling of Cassiopaea differs when referring to the remains of the supernovae as opposed to the constellation; and, in fact, the spelling of the deep sky object is very much like the spelling you use. I wonder if there is a relation to the fact that you spell it as the deep sky object is spelled?

A: Not really.

Q: Well, while we are on the subject of spelling, you DO use unusual spelling from time to time, though normally you are very good spellers. What rules direct your spelling since it is not always according to modern usage?

A: No rules, just clues, as allways.

Q: Does this refer also to the way you spell 'germain'? When you say 'it is not germain,' you spell it differently from the way someone would spell it if just saying that something is not relevant.

A: Tis French, as in clue to be.

Q: Now, in reference to your question to me: 'where is Arcadia,' that I need to look at this some more, I was reading in Gregory of Tours' History of the Franks, and he was recounting that the Franks who colonized along the Rhine in the area about which we are seeking clues, came from an area called Pannonia. I looked up Pannonia. It is in Eastern Austria and crosses the border into Hungary. In Pannonia there are vineyards. It is a very famous grape growing and wine making area. A statement from the 4th century says: 'Pannonia is a land rich in all resources and fruits, beasts and commerce.' Pannonia is also the location of an interesting lake. The lake is called Neusiedl, or 'New Town.' This is the only 'steppe lake' in all of Europe. It is only six feet deep at it's deepest point and is a giant, shallow sweet body of water surrounded on the Eastern bank by marshlands, numerous salty ponds and pools. Apparently, this place produces a very fine environment for grapes and wine, in particular a type of wine called 'Eiswein.' This Eiswein is called 'The treasure of liquid gold.' It says here: 'the production of Eiswein remains the winemakers ultimate challenge.' Only a small amount of this wine is produced. Etomologically speaking, Pannonia is probably named after the God 'Pan,' and that derived from Sylvanus, the 'Shepherd God.' So, all in one spot, we have shepherds, a wine called liquid gold, a lake called Neusiedl, and an 'Arcadian environment.' Can you tell me if there is any particular significance to my discovery of the terms relating to this area from whence came the Franks to the Rhineland? Is this, in fact, Arcadia?

A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

Q: Can you clarify that for me?

A: We can, but shall not.

Q: Is the fact that we have had some eggnog this evening going to be detrimental?

A: No.

Q: Can you comment on Pannonia in general? Is it in any way significant? This lake Neusiedl?

A: Eiswein: Eisenstadt.

Q: Any further comment?

A: No.

Q: Now, I was preparing these genealogies to print for Christmas and, while waiting for them to print, I wondered who would be last if one started at the present and worked backward... not specifically in terms of time, but in terms of generations. I wondered WHO the tree would end with. Well, it ended with the Frankish King Clovis. So, I wondered about your use of the term 'cloverdale,' and how it might relate to Clovis. Is it a deliberate or accidental connection?

A: Your quest is your own. We do not "steer." We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness.

Q: Well, I don't know how to take that! I mean, the Masons could be the most evil organization in existence! BRH thinks so.

A: Such judgements miss the point, if there are keys stored within the envelope.

Q: Well, on that subject, BRH really hates being in the body. He thinks that he is here by mistake...

A: Nonsense. He is depressed, but it is the way for those who are to take another step.

Q: So, he is in process of taking another step. Well, his question was, and he was frustrated by this, and it is a good point, I think, that if we have so many incarnations, and all there is is lessons, why can't we remember them. Why do we seemingly have to start over and over again. What is the cause of the forgetting? By this conscious forgetting, do we lose our ability to navigate from one life to the next? Why can't we remember previous lives?

A: You do, at the subconscious level. And it is at that level where the balancing to be derived from the lessons is most needed!

Q: Is there any other reason for the forgetting?

A: DNA strand structured.

Q: Alright, I found this article on the net called 'Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail' written by Sir Laurence Gardiner, KT etc., author of 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail,' transcribed from a lecture given at 'The Ranch' in Yelm, Washington. What he says is that he had been appointed historian and 'sovereign genealogist' to 33 royal families... he was putting together written chronological accounts of things these families knew the substance of, but not the details.

He talks about the fact that Jesus was married and that he had heirs and that this was discussed in the published papers of Mary, Queen of Scots, and in the papers of James II of England. He says:

'I began this work with separate commissions from separate families, doing work on these genealogies. What happened was they began to converge. It became very apparent, and it took a long time, because genealogies have to be done backwards, put together backwards, and constructed backwards; but what was happening was that a triangle from a large top base with numerous family lines, was pulling to a point. I suddenly realized what this point was and I said 'wow! do you realize what I have found here?' and they said 'oh, you know, the father of so and so,' and I said 'oh, no, no, what I am finding is that this comes out of the house of Judah in the first century.' And they said: 'yeah, we know all that, what we wanted you to do was blah blah blah.'

So, he says that he had access to Celtic Church records dating back to 37 A.D., the very documents that the Knights Templar brought out of Europe in 1128 and confronted the Church establishment with, and frightened the life out of them because these were documents that talked about bloodlines and genealogies. Blah blah blah. Before I go on, this guy says that all these family lines go back to the house of Judah. Do they actually have written genealogies back to the house of Judah connecting the royal families of Europe to this house?

A: Somewhere, maybe.

Q: Did Jesus descend from the house of Judah?

A: Is it important really?

Q: I don't know. I am building a basis for further questions.

A: You need not build bases.

Q: In other words, this guy is just blowing more smoke over the issue? I think he is blowing smoke.

A: Okay.

Q: You are agreeing with me that he is blowing a lot of smoke?

A: Perhaps.

Q: It seems to me that if what he was saying was true, that he certainly would not be allowed to say it. It's based on and converges with all the stories they are telling about Rennes-le-Chateau and seems to be more smokescreen. Anyway, Mike has questions. (M) You said that this place over Rennes-le-Chateau was a window. What is a window? (L) Now, I realize that we have all assumed that we know what a window is, but we have never really asked for a definition. Could you define for us a 'window?

A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.

Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?

A: It is possible.

Q: How does a window differ from a 'portal?'

A: Window is open, portal is crafted.

Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?

A: Close.

Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons.

A: Closer to latter.

Q: What determines its opening and closing?

A: Frequency.

Q: Frequency of what?

A: Energy patterns.

Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?

A: Former.

Q: What could occur to change the frequency of the area?

A: EM pulse.

Q: Where do these EM pulses originate from?

A: They are transmutable.

Q: Transmutable from what?

A: Not online.

Q: What?

A: Your assumptions get you lost.

Q: What does it mean when you say 'EM pulses are transmutable?'

A: We will not answer these rapid fire inquiries as they abridge learning.

Q: I suggested that one of the things you may have meant by suggesting, last week, an investigation of pyrotechnics, might be as simple as finding where, on the planet, are the highest number of lightning strikes, and that these might indicate foci of grid points. Would this be, in fact, a good line to follow?

A: One of them.

Q: Could you offer more clues about this 'pyrotechnic' suggestion, because we were pretty much drawing a blank during the week on it. It was not a useful path so far.

A: But it will be. Rome was not built in a day, and neither is your higher knowledge.

Q: Last week when I asked about the stations of the cross in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau, whether they were important or would give clues, you said 'some, but they are gilded.' Mike suggested that this term could mean 1. To overlay with gold; 2. To give an attractive, but deceptive appearance; and 3. Guild, as in organization. He asks: I wonder which definition they meant?

A: 2.

Q: Okay, he asks again about the beehive huts. You said they were not 'germain' and we have already discussed that issue. He writes: were these huts really used for honey production, that doesn't seem logical. Were they built in the 19th century by the agrarians you mentioned, or just used by them? Because some of them are completely filled with rocks.

A: Crystals figure in here.

Q: Why do crystals figure in here?

A: Look to see.

Q: He asks if there is a technology buried in the area to facilitate the workings of the window?

A: No need for that.

Q: He asks: Could WE use it?

A: You could be zapped by it.

Q: He wanted to know why the EM grid was important...

A: See 1954 UFO mapping study: France.

[BRH calls and joins session via telephone.]

Q: (BRH) I was very inspired by the particular Cassiopaean who spoke to me a couple of years ago. Would it be possible to communicate further with that particular individual... is that possible?

A: Of course, as we are all one and the same, and yet we are all individuals.

Q: (BRH) I knew it! Hello old friend! (L) Well, I didn't think you could do that!

A: Hello Dev! Ha ha, we fooled ya!

Q: (BRH) What you told me before that produced such a profound change in my life, was 'we see the little one who frequents your shoulder is the binder that will ultimately solidify all of the unanswered questions.' That strikes me as immensely profound and I don't know where or how to find a lead on this.

A: Soul connects.

Q: (BRH) What are these soul connections?

A: We hesitate to use the term "soul mates," as your culture has convoluted the meaning to connotate something of a romantic nature. However, it is still succinct, as in this case, the student learns prime meaning of love from the teacher.

Q: (BRH) Who is the student and who is the teacher?

A: Who think ye?

Q: (BRH) You have mentioned soul connections and past lives, and I have no idea in my wildest imagination how to pursue uncovering this information, and I hope you don't suggest hypnosis...

A: There is no need for such a pursuit, as the answers will reveal themselves when needed.

Q: (BRH) Thank you very much old Friend, but I don't want to take up any more time on personal questions...

A: Take up our time? Not to worry, the time clock is broken, and we have been unable to bring ourselves to contact the repair person, or in our case, the repair 6th density being of light!

Q: (BRH) Is there anything you want to say to BRH at this point that he hasn't thought of, but ought to ask?

A: Palomar? What gives?

Q: (BRH) I can't believe it! I was just going over that and thinking to myself that it was too late... they gave that suggestion several years ago, and I was thinking that the window of opportunity had passed... is it too late to stake out Palomar?

A: Never too late, but we suggested this before.

Q: (L) Is staking out the only way? Can he follow other research clues?

A: There is a flat rock up there, near the road, off the guard rail. We know it as just below the observatory about 1.3 kilometers. Is inconvenient for driving and especially parking, but if there is a will, there is a way. Look for the juniper as a sight line guide post.

[From this point on, for some reason, the tape did NOT record, so questions are reconstructed.]

Q: (BRH) What about this thing I had surgically removed from my back that went 'plink' when it dropped into the tray?

A: Silicon based.

Q: (BRH) Well, the knot reappeared almost immediately.

A: Replaced.

Q: (BRH) Replaced by whom?

A: Those who use to transceive.

Q: (BRH) You are suggesting that this is an implant?

A: Yes. Those can happen in work setting, too. Could have been planted by a "coworker."

Q: (BRH) I am wondering about my present job...

A: The environment in general is negative.

Q: (BRH) I have been thinking about arranging to work fewer hours so that I can have time to write a book...

A: Use your heart chakra to answer this. Sorry, but now we must go. Goodbye.

End of Session
Q: Now, in reference to your question to me: 'where is Arcadia,' that I need to look at this some more, I was reading in Gregory of Tours' History of the Franks, and he was recounting that the Franks who colonized along the Rhine in the area about which we are seeking clues, came from an area called Pannonia. I looked up Pannonia. It is in Eastern Austria and crosses the border into Hungary. In Pannonia there are vineyards. It is a very famous grape growing and wine making area. A statement from the 4th century says: 'Pannonia is a land rich in all resources and fruits, beasts and commerce.' Pannonia is also the location of an interesting lake. The lake is called Neusiedl, or 'New Town.' This is the only 'steppe lake' in all of Europe. It is only six feet deep at it's deepest point and is a giant, shallow sweet body of water surrounded on the Eastern bank by marshlands, numerous salty ponds and pools. Apparently, this place produces a very fine environment for grapes and wine, in particular a type of wine called 'Eiswein.' This Eiswein is called 'The treasure of liquid gold.' It says here: 'the production of Eiswein remains the winemakers ultimate challenge.' Only a small amount of this wine is produced. Etomologically speaking, Pannonia is probably named after the God 'Pan,' and that derived from Sylvanus, the 'Shepherd God.' So, all in one spot, we have shepherds, a wine called liquid gold, a lake called Neusiedl, and an 'Arcadian environment.' Can you tell me if there is any particular significance to my discovery of the terms relating to this area from whence came the Franks to the Rhineland? Is this, in fact, Arcadia?

A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

Q: Can you clarify that for me?

A: We can, but shall not.

Q: Is the fact that we have had some eggnog this evening going to be detrimental?

A: No.

Q: Can you comment on Pannonia in general? Is it in any way significant? This lake Neusiedl?

A: Eiswein: Eisenstadt.

Q: Any further comment?

A: No.

Maybe there are some small clues about Pannonia/Burgenland. Near Eisenstadt there is this Templar Castle: „Burg Lockenhaus“, built around 1200. It has it's own Sacral Room. And it is said to be placed on significant ley-lines. This place is mentioned in occult literature:

Rudolf Steiner wrote a mystery play called "the soul's probation". It is about past lives and karma. One life takes place as a templar at Lockenhaus Castle.

Walter Johannes Stein, a Steiner student, and perhaps maybe known for as a figure in Trevor Ravenscroft novel "Spear of Destiny", did research on the Steiner mystery play "The Soul's Probation",

... but Stein was looking for a still deeper layer of the historical past in Burgenland, namely a Mystery Center from the third pre Christian millenium. In lectures about cultural history Rudolf Steiner pointed out that "a colony belonging to the Hibernian Mysteries" existed there, at which Gilgamesh arrived on his westward journeying. He discribes, in a paper on "The Historic Spiritual Importance of the Burgenland" how the spiritual-scientific statements of Rudolf Steiner became understandable to him ... Finally, it is known from occult history that through the receiving of metallic substances, including copper, into the human body changes of consciousness and initiation experiences where induced. From all this factors Stein drew the conclusion that this "Regal lookout post" close to Castle Bernstein hat been the Gilgamesh Centre ...
"Q: (BRH) I have been thinking about arranging to work fewer hours so that I can have time to write a book...
A: Use your heart chakra to answer this. (...)"

Wow ! :shock:
I'm far from having read all the transcripts, but this answer strikes me as very unusual, if not alone in its kind.
(If I'm wrong on this, please give me other examples of such a suggestion.)
Use your heart chakra to answer this. (...)"

Wow ! :shock:
I'm far from having read all the transcripts, but this answer strikes me as very unusual, if not alone in its kind.
Hi Bastien,
I wonder why you think this is unusual?
In this session there was:
See 1954 UFO mapping study: France.
Q: He wanted to know why the EM grid was important...

A: See 1954 UFO mapping study: France.
There are two maps in this article:
I will return to the parts of the article that has the maps, but first a few excerpt from the the intro, the paragraphs about the straight lines, followed by a title of a book, a newer book about the straight-line phenomenon, another general article that mentions the UFOs of 1954 and links to two videos about the French UFOs.

Donald Johnson begins:
Fifty-five years have passed since the remarkable UFO events of 1954. Hardly anyone is still alive who remembers from personal experience what transpired. At the time I was less than two years old and have no conscious memory of anything from that period, so what I know is based entirely upon the accounts I have read, which is also true for nearly everyone else interested in the phenomena. To the best of my knowledge, no English language television documentaries have ever been produced about the worldwide UFO wave of 1954, and neither has the History Channel’s UFO Hunters had an episode devoted to the topic.

Judging from online comments I have read it is also likely that the importance of the European reports is not well understood nor appreciated. As a general rule, Americans and Canadians are less familiar with events that transpire outside of their own countries, so many North Americans may be unfamiliar with the UFO experience from the European perspective. Furthermore, there is a danger that those who have become interested in the UFO phenomenon since the advent of the internet and satellite TV may have reached some erroneous conclusions about the early history of the UFO phenomenon. It is my belief that the widespread popularization of the Roswell crash/retrieval story, together with the UFO abduction phenomenon—both having forcefully entered the public consciousness since the 1980s—have had the combined effect of distorting the true picture. For these reasons it may be helpful to review some of the facts about the 1954 UFO wave and draw some more informed conclusions.
The article is not dated, but 55 years added to 1954 must have been in 2009. Also the last link is accessed on November 1, 2009.
45 Johnson, Donald A. (2001). Orthoteny as a World Grid and the Intra-Ocular Impact Test, International UFO Reporter, vol. 26, no. 1 (Spring 2001). (downloaded from November 1, 2009).
In the article:
Orthoteny. Orthoteny, or the "straight-line mystery,” was first discovered by the French UFO researcher and mathematician Aime Michel. Before 1954, like most students of UFOs, Michel was discouraged by the sporadic and unpredictable nature of UFO sightings. In his book published in 1958, Michel explained that the situation changed dramatically during the worldwide 1954 UFO wave.3 From mid-August to mid-November 1954, Michel found that many of the sightings were located along great-circle routes which, when transferred onto flat maps of the areas involved, amounted to straight lines. He began his study by plotting five high-strangeness reports, all of which occurred on Friday, October 15, 1954. The sightings were in such widely separated points as Southend in England, Pas de Calais, Aire-sur-la-Lys in France, a site on Route N-68 close to the German border, and Po di Gnocca in Italy. Michel marked these five sightings on a globe of the earth and found that if a thread was stretched between the five points that thread extended in a great-circle line 700 miles long. When the same sightings were plotted on appropriate maps of the areas involved, adjusted to account for the slight curvature of the earth over the 700 miles, the five points lay on a "straight line." Thus Aime Michel' s technique of orthoteny was born. The word orthoteny is derived from the Greek adjective "orthoteneis" which means "stretched in a straight line."

Of course, straight lines can easily be overfitted to any three points in a row because of the uncertainty or “wiggle room” of the exact location of the witnesses or the UFOs involved, but Michel, being a mathematics teacher, was aware that a five point straight line between UFO sighting locations on the same date was far beyond coincidence. Through successive plottings of multi-sightings on other days during the 1954 wave, Michel found many other multi-point straight lines, primarily in France and neighboring countries. From these results, he developed a hypothesis that the UFOs might be using a grid work surveillance pattern during their appearances, and were traveling or manifesting along straight lines because this was the most logical manner of surveillance.

Michel also found evidence of an additional phenomenon: at the intersection of these orthotenic lines, the object sighted was invariably of the class of UFO known as "cloud cigars." These huge cloud-enshrouded ellipsoidal forms, from which smaller glowing or metallic discs departed and into which they returned, were always viewed, in their motionless mode, where two or more straight lines intersected at a sighting location. The most striking example of this phenomenon occurred on September 2, 1954 when nine multi-point straight lines of French UFO sightings intersected at Poncey, France. Michel theorized that the "cloud cigars" were aggregations of UFOs, in other words, a type of carrier-craft mechanism which provided a rallying point for small discs which performed the surveillance maneuvers along the grid work lines.
Flying saucers and the straight-line mystery by Aime Michel is the book on Amazon, see also here.
For a recent 2021 article or book available on Academia, connects the straight-line phenomenon to earth quakes:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Facts About the UFO Phenomenon
Chapter 2: Facts About Earthquakes
Chapter 3: Comparison Between UFOs and Earthquakes
Chapter 4: Orthoteny – The Straight Line Mystery
Chapter 5: Patterns Seen in Large Earthquakes & Major UFO Waves
Chapter 6: Major UFO Waves Cycles & Its Interpretations
Chapter 7: UFO Waves & the Imaginary Loop Effect Over Europe
Chapter 8: The Seesaw Effect of UFO Clusters and Earthquake Epicentres
Chapter 9: Meteors, Booms, Exploding Sounds, UFOs &Earthquakes
Chapter 10: Are Large Earthquakes & Major UFO Waves Related?
Chapter 11: Earthquakes in Sumatra, UFOs in Malaysia – Search for a
Chapter 12: Source X: Its Nature and Possible Stimulus of UFOs and
Chapter 13: The Universe, Aliens & Source X as Mentioned in the
Islamic Quran
Chapter 14: The UFO Jigsaw Puzzle Solved!
Looking around there was another article also mentions France: The 1954 UFO Wave By Marcus Lowth October 20, 2019 November 14, 2021. At the end, there is a video about the sightings. The French UFO Wave of 1954: The Humanoids (107 min) Another video, but not mentioned in the article is this: Aliens & UFOs: The 1954 UFO Invasion of France, a wave of UFO sightings that occurred in France (13 min)

Below are the two maps of France in the article "The Worldwide UFO Wave of 1954" that I me
October 3, 1954. There were 84 UFO and humanoid reports recorded in UFOCAT for this day. There was one from India, one from Lebanon, one from Quebec, one from Switzerland, two each from England and Italy, and three from Austria. The rest were from France, which was most definitely the center of activity. When we plot these points on a map and connect points along straight lines with four of more points, there appears to be a concentration of reports radiating from a point in eastern France with the coordinates 46.37 degrees N latitude, 0.61 degrees W longitude (see Figure 3). There also appears to be another north-south line that passes through Paris, and another east-west line passing through Lyon, that both bisect exactly the great circle lines of BAVIC (Bayonne to Vichy) and AUPER established by David R. Saunders on earlier dates in the 1954 wave.4, 5

Figure 3

Distribution of UFO Reports for October 3, 1954 Showing Straight Lines of Four or More Points​


There were four humanoid reports, and all involved small spheres, cones or disc-shaped craft and dwarfish UFOnauts who were between 0.9 to 1.0 meter tall, wearing diver suits. The first occurred at 12:15 a.m. in Nivelles, Nord, France.6 A 20-year-old metallurgist, Marcel Senechal, witnessed a spherical object three meters in diameter land in a meadow near a canal. Two one meter tall beings were seen talking to each other. Their heads were very large, and they wore luminous suits. The second occurred at dawn when Angelo Girardo, a 55-year old stockyard worker, was going to work in Bressuire, Deux-Sevres, France. He saw a three meter diameter circular craft with a small figure wearing a diving suit standing close by. The object took off at a fantastic speed.7

The third humanoid report occurred at 6:45 p.m. Rene Coudette and B. Devoisin were riding bicycles with a third witness between Rue and Quend, Somme, France on Route D27, near the village of Vron, when they saw a glowing orange object, shaped like a beehive, on the road ahead of them. A small strange "man" wearing a diving suit, about 0.9 meters (3 foot) tall, was standing close to it. When they got within 70 meters of it, the object took off very fast.8 Less than three hours later the same or a similar orange object chased a car down a road in Quend for eight kilometers, then flew away toward the sea. The witness was a butcher named Georges Galant. The fourth humanoid report occurred later that night and did not involve a UFO sighting. A young baker's apprentice, S. Pouchet, was approached by two small shadowy beings, about three feet tall, in Marcoing, Nord, France.9

There were also several other close encounter reports on October 3rd not involving humanoids. At 7:20 p.m. the crowd at a fair in Chereng, Nord, France saw a luminous object in the sky that arrived very quickly, stopped in flight, emitted sparks, and finally came down to ground level. As witnesses rushed to the spot it took off again.10 At 10:45 p.m. a small circular craft was seen rising from the roadside by Mr. Jean Allary, age 22, while riding a motorcycle between Montmoreau and Villebois Lavalette, Charente, France. It seemed to be gliding over the ground. It showed luminous spots and became completely illuminated when it took off. It stood about 1.2 meters high. Grass was found flattened and scorched over an area seven meters across.11 Finally, near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, hovering for several minutes one meter above the ground. The UFO then rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot.12 In summary, these reports were consistently similar and consisted of relatively small objects that were orange or luminous.

October 14, 1954. On this second peak date there was a greater diversity of reports, both in the size and types of objects and the types of humanoids reported. There was one UFO report from Kenya, one from Morocco, two from Thailand, two from Sweden, an important aerial encounter from England, three close encounters from Italy, and a CE-III report from Iran. In general, the reports are more bizarre and the encounters closer, more direct and confrontational. For instance, there were three reports of vehicle ignition interference caused by UFOs, and it has long been my contention that these car stoppage events are deliberate acts and not the by product of the UFO propulsion systems. The concentration of reports had shifted to the east and south, with the most occurring in the Mediterranean departments of Gard, Vaucluse, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, Var, and Alpes-Maritimes, but with a second concentration further north in Saone-et-Loire, Ain, Cote-d’Or and Jura departments (see Figure 4).

Figure 4

Distribution of UFO Reports from France & England for October 14, 1954​


Of the humanoid reports, there continued to be reports of little men, but there was also one report of a stocky hairy dwarf and another entity that, although short, had a more human appearance. At 6:30 a.m. in Shamsabad, Iran a man was coming out of his house when he saw a luminous object like a bright star. When he got close, he saw that it was a 5-meter long object, next to which a "short young man" was standing on a circular piece of metal, laughing at the witness's terrified expression.13 The witness was 20 meters away when the craft took off at unbelievable speed. In southeastern France several witnesses in Saint-Ambroix, Gard, France saw seven small beings flee into a luminous object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It was claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site.14 At 3:30 p.m. in the Erchin Wood in Lewarde, northern France a miner named Casimir Starovski met a short bulky figure with large slanted eyes. Its body was covered with fur. It also had a flat nose and thick lips.15

Landings were also prominent on October 14, 1954. At 12:15 a.m. five kilometers north of Nimes, France Mr. & Mrs. Dupuy saw an object shaped like a rugby ball resting on crutch-like landing gear. It was lit by a greenish light and had three portholes.16 At 3:40 a.m. a brilliant, yellow machine in the shape of a mushroom, two meters in height and four meters in diameter, was seen resting on railroad tracks in Saint-Pierre Halte by a baker's assistant from Calais.17 At dusk, around 6:00 p.m., a farmer in Angles, Vendee department, France saw a bright object, which came almost to the ground. When he tried to approach it the object produced an intense "screen of light" and vanished without a sound. Several other persons in Angles also observed the scene.18 At around 7:00 p.m. Messr. Duvivier, a farmer in Meral, Mayenne, France observed an orange sphere land and he walked out to approach it. When he got close he found it was shaped like a flattened dome, 5.5 meters in diameter, and it gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the countryside for about 200 meters. It was also transparent, and a dark figure could be seen inside. After remaining at ground level for 10 minutes it left by flying to the north, while a bright cloudy misty material fell slowly to the ground at the site. When the witness arrived home he found his clothes were covered with a white film of adhesive substance, not unlike paraffin wax.19 Just after dark, around 7:00 p.m., in Saint-Germain-du-Bois, Saone-et-Loire Messr. Lonjarret observed a luminous circular orange object on the ground near a corn field off of highway D91.20 At 8:50 p.m. an engineer, Messr. G. Mouillon from Genelard, was driving between Ciry-le-Noble and Montceau-les-Mines, Saone-et-Loire when he witnessed an enormous luminous object that descended toward the ground without any noise.21

UFO reports involving car buzzings and vehicle electrical interference were reported several times. At 6:15 p.m. a municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home in Biot, Alpes-Maritimes, France when he suddenly found an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 meters in diameter in front of him on the road, one meter high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at a very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The object was described as a gray domed disc that emitted a soft whistling noise. When it took off the witness was only six meters away.22 In Chazey Wood, south of Gueugnon, Saone-et-Loire department at 7:30 p.m. Messrs. Jeannet and Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their engine and headlights died.23 Again in Saone-et-Loire department a short time later in Chazey Wood, Andre Cognard, who was coming from Gueugnon, was blinded by a light from a luminous disc-shaped object as it flew low over his car. The projected light beam was so bright and blinding that he was forced to stop his car.24 Between Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon and les Brosses-Tillots, Saone-et-Loire a motorcyclist saw a circular craft shaped like an upside-down plate just after dark. At the same time the engine on his motorcycle stalled. After watching it for some time, he pushed the motorcycle down the road, where it could be restarted. In the same area an engineer also saw a luminous object coming down rapidly.25 At 8:10 p.m. on the road between Thieulloy-la-Ville and Beauvais, Somme, Mr. Covemacker saw an object fly over his car as the headlights died. It went on toward the north, seemingly following a train.26

To summarize, the occurrences on the two peak dates appear to be part of the same general phenomenon. There is no convincing support for the hypothesis that there might have been two different sources or causes for these reports, so we need to look elsewhere for an explanation for why there were two crests in UFO activity. However, the events on the 3rd of October tended to consistently involve small sized objects and little men, whereas the close encounters of the 14th of October involved a greater diversity of more confrontational encounters, including stoppages of automobiles and at least one motorcycle, and quite often larger objects. Indeed, in one case the object was described as enormous.

Day of the Week. There is a noticeable difference in the number of reports by the day of the week, with a significantly lower number of reports for Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and a higher number of reports occurring on Thursdays and Mondays. Table 4 shows the tally of European reports by day of week for the 11 week period from Sunday, September 12, 1954 to Saturday, November 27, 1954. Why was the number of reports significantly higher on Mondays and Thursdays? Perhaps the weather was better and the viewing conditions clearer on these days; we would need to go back and check the weather reports for the period to find out for sure.
Conclusion. The UFO wave of 1954 was truly worldwide in nature, with UFO reports coming from every continent except Antarctica. Europe had more than 58% of the reports, but North America had over 700 reports. The wave of sightings peaked in the spring in Australia, in the summer in Canada and the United States, and then hit its crescendo in Europe, Africa and Asia in September and October. It then appeared to move to Latin America, peaking in December. The daily distribution of UFO reports show a bimodal distribution with two peak dates, October 3 and October 14, 1954. However, they seem to be caused by the same phenomenon. Sightings were most prevalent in the evening hours between 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. cresting at 8:00 p.m., with a second minor peak just before dawn. The UFO wave of 1954 was the first time there was a large concentration of reports involving UFOs apparently causing electrical system problems for automobiles. The 1954 wave was also the first time that anyone noticed an alignment of UFO reports along great circle routes or “orthotenic” lines. These lines appear to be worldwide in nature and persist for longer than the duration of any one UFO wave of reports. Another surprising feature is that the Grey humanoids with large dark eyes, popularized by abduction accounts, are conspicuous by their complete absence from the 1954 accounts. UFO occupants primarily fall into two broad categories: human looking men and women of normal stature, including some described as looking peculiarly foreign, and dwarfish beings between three and four feet tall. Their uniforms were usually tight fighting, implying the employment of some sort of pressure suit.
If France was a center for the UFO activity in Europe in 1954.
What was the reason?
Did the French Government also get involved, similar to the Americans?
I don't know if it's the main reason, but it was in 1954 that France launched its military nuclear program.
The decision only came late in 1954 after the majority of UFO had already flown.

The Wiki for France and weapons of mass destruction shows that France was an important factor for Israel to acquire nuclear weapons.
However, in the 1950s a civilian nuclear research program was started, a byproduct of which would be plutonium. In December of 1954, Prime Minister Pierre Mendes-France met with his cabinet, authorizing the foundation of a program with the goal of developing French nuclear weapons.[10] In 1956 a secret Committee for the Military Applications of Atomic Energy was formed and a development program for delivery vehicles was started. The intervention of the United States in the Suez Crisis that year is credited with convincing France that it needed to accelerate its own nuclear weapons program to remain a global power.[16] As part their military alliance during the Suez Crisis in 1956 the French agreed to secretly build the Dimona nuclear reactor in Israel and soon after agreed to construct a reprocessing plant for the extraction of plutonium at the site. In 1957, soon after Suez and the resulting diplomatic tension with both the Soviet Union and the United States, French president René Coty decided on the creation of the C.S.E.M. in the then French Sahara, a new nuclear testing facility replacing the CIEES.[17]

In 1957 Euratom was created, and under cover of the peaceful use of nuclear power the French signed deals with West Germany and Italy to work together on nuclear weapons development.[18] The Chancellor of West Germany Konrad Adenauer told his cabinet that he "wanted to achieve, through EURATOM, as quickly as possible, the chance of producing our own nuclear weapons".[19] The idea was short-lived. In 1958 de Gaulle became President and Germany and Italy were excluded.[citation needed]

With the return of Charles de Gaulle to the presidency of France in the midst of the May 1958 crisis, the final decisions to build an atomic bomb were taken, and a successful test took place in 1960 with Israeli scientists as observers at the tests and unlimited access to the scientific data.[20]
Following tests de Gaulle moved quickly to distance the French program from involvement with that of Israel.[21] Since then France has developed and maintained its own nuclear deterrent, one intended to defend France even if the United States refused to risk its own cities by assisting Western Europe in a nuclear war.[22]

The United States began providing technical assistance to the French program in the early 1970s through the 1980s. The aid was secret, unlike the relationship with the British nuclear program. The Nixon administration, unlike previous presidencies, did not oppose its allies' possession of atomic weapons and believed that the Soviets would find having multiple nuclear-armed Western opponents more difficult. Because the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 prohibited sharing information on nuclear weapon design, a method known as "negative guidance" or "Twenty Questions" was used; French scientists described to their U.S. counterparts their research, and were told whether they were correct. Areas in which the French received help included MIRV, radiation hardening, missile design, intelligence on Soviet anti-missile defences, and advanced computer technology. Because the French program attracted "the best brains" of the nation, the U.S. benefited from French research as well. The relationship also improved the two countries' military ties; despite its departure from NATO's command structure in 1966, France developed two separate nuclear targeting plans, one "national" for the Force de Frappe's role as a solely French deterrent, and one coordinated with NATO.[22]

France is understood to have tested neutron or enhanced radiation bombs in the past, apparently leading the field with an early test of the technology in 1967[23] and an "actual" neutron bomb in 1980.[a]

There were 210 French nuclear tests from 1960 through 1996. Seventeen of them were done in the Algerian Sahara between 1960 and 1966, starting in the middle of the Algerian War. One-hundred ninety-three were carried out in French Polynesia.[25][26]

The decision only came late in 1954 after the majority of UFO had already flown.

The Wiki for France and weapons of mass destruction shows that France was an important factor for Israel to acquire nuclear weapons.

It was obviously in discussion before the official decision. Quoting from here with machine translation:

In its third part, the book focuses its analysis on 1954, which was indeed "the year of choices"; and this was due to just a few men who, spurred on by international circumstances, dared to pose the problem of the military option in terms of an "ultimatum", says the author. In January 1954, at a briefing organized by General Ely, he presented proposals for military studies into atomic propulsion (for submarines, of course, but also for tanks and aircraft), radiological warfare (protection and implementation), and the manufacture of atomic weapons themselves. His conclusion was that this last mission should be entrusted to the Army's Directorate of Armaments Design and Manufacturing (Defa). For his part, Colonel Ailleret, then the army's "commander of special weapons" (a small organization created by General Blanc to deal with problems of protection against radiological warfare), who lobbied politicians and gave lectures in military circles (the author refers to the "Ailleret lobby"), proposed the creation of a military division within the CEA, which would have reported to the Minister of Defense for its programs and funding. A discussion on these issues took place in the National Assembly in March 1954, during the debate on the defense budget, at the end of which the Minister of Defense, René Pleven, came out clearly in favor of a French nuclear program. In the meantime, as the author excellently recalls, Generals Gallois and Beaufre had undertaken to stimulate thinking in leading circles on the strategic aspects of handling nuclear weapons.
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