Jedi Master
As the title suggests, I would be willing to adress, here, the specific situation when a pathocracy develops itself (country, civilization) through the capitalist ideology.
Last century, Stalin was able to complete the lengthy and complex process of "the ideological hijack" , as taught by Andrew LOBACZEWSKI, and brought communism to a pathocracy. A macro-scale totalitarian situation, mostly featuring victims on a frightening scale (gulags, etc).
Recently, Harrison KOEHLI has been stating that we escaped a pathocracy, located in the USA. It could be that the extensive links between the US and other countries / continents imply a strict origin else than "the US" for such a phenomenon, among other questions. But here it is, this time it was "capitalism" which has been a vector. Here are some quotes elaborating around such angle:
Harrison KOEHLI - "Pathocracy Rising: How Economic Systems Breed Deviants"
The above expresses some basics about "capitalism" - not much about the "hijack", but we would see here some flaws and directions that such ideology would represent in term of potential.
Note that the article is starting with a constatation; Harrison KOEHLI quotes a book by a Russian economist, Mikhail Khazin. The book is quite conclusive in the sense that he argues that the Western world now has to face a dilemma:
Here is what Khazin observes:
In the context of my post, the above represents somehow a digression in the sense that I would want to generically adress the only issue of "capitalism as a vehicle for a pathocracy". For example, studying past civilizations gone wrong after having been focusing on some basic capitalist framework.
Note: Khazin uses "Liberalism" for labelling "the capitalist ideology":
And so what interests us in a strict [ponerological] framework would be:
What is interesting would be, for example, how the study of the effects of pathocracy on capitalism has been featuring a basic :
Harrison KOEHLI states:
Somehow, I don't believe that Stalin's era was different - even if "communism" was the starting point. The above may be a basic feature of whatever type of pathocracy, then. Harrison KOEHLI elaborates on such idea, with the following paragraph (look at the bolded part):
To me, the above develops around a specific angle. I see other things as well. For example, the basic necessity of "economy" for any civilization. It's not that "economy is bad", or "money is bad". We may want to put this in context if we were to perform a study of "the pathocracy of capitalism" one day.
The above quote hints as well at:
This is a bit difficult for me to speak of, but I may say that there may be some basic neglection of people along the process. Somehow, capitalism OR capitalism-turning-pathocracy would, at some point, proceed to a too high under-consideration of "people" & "their psychology". This could be a hint, a common hint for all pathocracies. At least, it seems to be the case for a capitalism-based pathocracy. At some, point, people are not listened to any more, but they count & matter.
And so, I believe that the stage is set for some form of study, and that there may be room for it. There would be a basic scope on money and the structures intended for money, in a country, and eventually a scope on the basics steps of ideological takeover, matching concrete situations.
Banks, frankfurt, the City, investments, change of currencies - whatever! We should logically find the trace / remnants of the now-dead pathocracy.
I will take another example:
When a kid, during the 80's, my parents and most of parents were super leftists, in the sense of anti-capitalists. At the time, I have the feeling that parents were more into the familial setting, and that "banks" were something identified as cold, soul-less, etc. Practically, most world views, at the time, saw no real interest in going to work in a bank, because people were identifying a too low level of "traditional familial values" (I suppose).
When adolescent, in the 2000's, I can barely remember how "anti-capitalist", "anti-globalism" were high. At the time, it is as if "it was the fight". "Globalists", etc. Today, we still have it firmly set up in world views - which is good.
Overall, Biden's mandate has been a pathocracy in-devenir, and it died. All of the above anti-capitalism seems to have been affected, at some point in time - because a capitalism-based pathocracy has been able to almost come into maturation:
Harrison KOEHLI - "Depathologizing America"
In addition, it seems that a pathocracy represents something quite differing from the ideology of origin, in many aspects, even if it bears its name. This is where the forum's knowledge kicks in. I do believe that a pathocracy has more to do with STS than whatever human organization (still present at the beginning of the process). People here who have been developping extensive knowledge about the mechanisms of hyperdimensional STS shall be of great help! In the end, a pathocracy seems to be the basic way for STS to affect human affairs. Post your considerations here if anything comes to mind.
I guess that I have been able to remain at the level of my intention, which was more or less formed. Initially, it is about the very interesting scope of "capitalism", and coupled with the concept of pathocracy, I appreciate such a narrowing down. It truly restricts things for a potential study - and, very interestingly, it suggests a creative and precise follow-up to all those years which have been full of "anti-capitalism", "antiglobalism". Such refining is precious to me, simply because it puts the right words on something that we all saw, at the time.
And of course: I am sorry if I haven't been able to lay down a perfect post. I am sorry if the above is insufficient or has wrong ideas. Let me know in emergency if the case. I am learning. I would be very eager to receive some feedback from knowledgeable people on those matters. This would show the basic mattering ideas more precisely.
I hope that you have been enjoying this post! Thank you for reading!
As the title suggests, I would be willing to adress, here, the specific situation when a pathocracy develops itself (country, civilization) through the capitalist ideology.
Last century, Stalin was able to complete the lengthy and complex process of "the ideological hijack" , as taught by Andrew LOBACZEWSKI, and brought communism to a pathocracy. A macro-scale totalitarian situation, mostly featuring victims on a frightening scale (gulags, etc).
Recently, Harrison KOEHLI has been stating that we escaped a pathocracy, located in the USA. It could be that the extensive links between the US and other countries / continents imply a strict origin else than "the US" for such a phenomenon, among other questions. But here it is, this time it was "capitalism" which has been a vector. Here are some quotes elaborating around such angle:
Harrison KOEHLI - "Pathocracy Rising: How Economic Systems Breed Deviants"
The current system developed as financial capitalism replaced manufacturing, elevating the banking sector over the productive economy. Wealth is now increasingly built by the multiplication of “purely financial assets,” essentially creating an unsustainably inflated market based largely on energy derivatives. Additionally, economic models transform a society’s values according to the goals of the model.
The above expresses some basics about "capitalism" - not much about the "hijack", but we would see here some flaws and directions that such ideology would represent in term of potential.
What we are seeing is the conflict between two incompatible worldviews and practices. On the one hand there is financial capitalism and usury. On the other: traditional Western conservatism based on productive labor.
Note that the article is starting with a constatation; Harrison KOEHLI quotes a book by a Russian economist, Mikhail Khazin. The book is quite conclusive in the sense that he argues that the Western world now has to face a dilemma:
Khazin argues that the current crisis cannot be resolved from within the existing economic model. The only two solutions are to retain the dollar-based system at the expense of losing the American industrial base, and recovering domestic manufacturing but dissolving the current global system.
Here is what Khazin observes:
Between the two … scenarios of the future, the one that calls for saving America by recovering domestic manufacturing, obviously, looks very appealing to US patriots (or we can even call some of them “nationalists”). What does this scenario mean to them? It means making the US dollar serve its primary purpose: support American industries. Ultimately, this will allow the patriots to reclaim their country. However, the same scenario also requires dissolution of the global financial system, as a result of which, according to the author, the financial sector will shrink by 10 times or more; therefore, for the transnational bankers or, as Khazin calls them, the “Western Global Project elite,” this future looks bleak. Ideally, the bankers’ goal is to make sure the scenario of America’s national economy resurgence is never enacted, or is at least delayed for as long as possible. This explains why liberalism — the ideology of financiers — is so hostile to patriotism and nationalism.
In the context of my post, the above represents somehow a digression in the sense that I would want to generically adress the only issue of "capitalism as a vehicle for a pathocracy". For example, studying past civilizations gone wrong after having been focusing on some basic capitalist framework.
Note: Khazin uses "Liberalism" for labelling "the capitalist ideology":
This explains why liberalism — the ideology of financiers
And so what interests us in a strict [ponerological] framework would be:
Therefore, for the financiers to keep their wealth and power, traditional society has to be deconstructed. To achieve this goal, the proponents of liberalism push their agenda forward on many fronts, yet the main attack has been launched against the society’s most fundamental institution — the family. Traditional family has always been founded on conservative principles because children are expected to obey their parents, learn what is right and what is wrong, respect the elderly, etc. Additionally, Christian morals remind them that “you shall not charge interest to your brother.” That is why, as Khazin wisely observed, “juvenile courts, gay-pride events, same-sex marriages and other initiatives have been deployed to weaken family structures and other conservative institutions. These actions have a conceptual goal: to create a society in which dominance of the financial elite and their wealth-generating methods would face no opposition.” Last, but not least, as the author pointed out, “the technology known as Overton windows became instrumental in shaking the foundations of social norms, and then step-by-step altering the public perception of what’s right and wrong.”
What is interesting would be, for example, how the study of the effects of pathocracy on capitalism has been featuring a basic :
traditional society has to be deconstructed
many fronts, yet the main attack has been launched against the society’s most fundamental institution — the family
Harrison KOEHLI states:
What we are seeing is the conflict between two incompatible worldviews and practices. On the one hand there is financial capitalism and usury. On the other: traditional Western conservatism based on productive labor.
Somehow, I don't believe that Stalin's era was different - even if "communism" was the starting point. The above may be a basic feature of whatever type of pathocracy, then. Harrison KOEHLI elaborates on such idea, with the following paragraph (look at the bolded part):
As I stated above, I’m not an economist so I’m not suited to judge the merits of Khazin’s work. I’ll just add that as a ponerology enthusiast, I think that economics, like all human systems, cannot be abstracted or disconnected from psychology. Values are somewhat mutable, but certain tendencies are rooted strongly in our biology. As such, it is not just economic systems that shape values. Economic systems will also select for people with certain attributes in a mutually reinforcing process. The system attracts a certain type, and that type reinforces and defines the system. In order for an economic system to shape values, it needs individuals who hold those new values, with the skills to promote them and enforce them. As Lobaczewski points out repeatedly, there is only ever a minority of people who will adopt values counter to human nature—and these individuals for the most part have a defect in their human nature allowing them to do so.
In this sense financial capitalism is very similar to communism.
To me, the above develops around a specific angle. I see other things as well. For example, the basic necessity of "economy" for any civilization. It's not that "economy is bad", or "money is bad". We may want to put this in context if we were to perform a study of "the pathocracy of capitalism" one day.
The above quote hints as well at:
I think that economics, like all human systems, cannot be abstracted or disconnected from psychology.
This is a bit difficult for me to speak of, but I may say that there may be some basic neglection of people along the process. Somehow, capitalism OR capitalism-turning-pathocracy would, at some point, proceed to a too high under-consideration of "people" & "their psychology". This could be a hint, a common hint for all pathocracies. At least, it seems to be the case for a capitalism-based pathocracy. At some, point, people are not listened to any more, but they count & matter.
And so, I believe that the stage is set for some form of study, and that there may be room for it. There would be a basic scope on money and the structures intended for money, in a country, and eventually a scope on the basics steps of ideological takeover, matching concrete situations.
Banks, frankfurt, the City, investments, change of currencies - whatever! We should logically find the trace / remnants of the now-dead pathocracy.
I will take another example:
When a kid, during the 80's, my parents and most of parents were super leftists, in the sense of anti-capitalists. At the time, I have the feeling that parents were more into the familial setting, and that "banks" were something identified as cold, soul-less, etc. Practically, most world views, at the time, saw no real interest in going to work in a bank, because people were identifying a too low level of "traditional familial values" (I suppose).
When adolescent, in the 2000's, I can barely remember how "anti-capitalist", "anti-globalism" were high. At the time, it is as if "it was the fight". "Globalists", etc. Today, we still have it firmly set up in world views - which is good.
Overall, Biden's mandate has been a pathocracy in-devenir, and it died. All of the above anti-capitalism seems to have been affected, at some point in time - because a capitalism-based pathocracy has been able to almost come into maturation:
Harrison KOEHLI - "Depathologizing America"
I hope that the above considerations opens objective ways for thinking about it. I don't mind about "banks" - or even "those greedy banksters of the 80's". I am rather checking about the transformation of capitalism into a quasi-totalitarism - something that seems to have been happening indeed. And so, those 80's banksters should fit in the equation somewhere. I am as well hinting at this in a perspective of making this post accessible to people interested in it.It took decades to build the lie, and two weeks to break it, fatally. And now the liars—those whose power seemed so entrenched, such a fool’s errand to confront—just look effete and clownish. It’s like waking from a bad dream and realizing the monster you so feared was in fact a toy poodle in drag.
In addition, it seems that a pathocracy represents something quite differing from the ideology of origin, in many aspects, even if it bears its name. This is where the forum's knowledge kicks in. I do believe that a pathocracy has more to do with STS than whatever human organization (still present at the beginning of the process). People here who have been developping extensive knowledge about the mechanisms of hyperdimensional STS shall be of great help! In the end, a pathocracy seems to be the basic way for STS to affect human affairs. Post your considerations here if anything comes to mind.

I guess that I have been able to remain at the level of my intention, which was more or less formed. Initially, it is about the very interesting scope of "capitalism", and coupled with the concept of pathocracy, I appreciate such a narrowing down. It truly restricts things for a potential study - and, very interestingly, it suggests a creative and precise follow-up to all those years which have been full of "anti-capitalism", "antiglobalism". Such refining is precious to me, simply because it puts the right words on something that we all saw, at the time.
And of course: I am sorry if I haven't been able to lay down a perfect post. I am sorry if the above is insufficient or has wrong ideas. Let me know in emergency if the case. I am learning. I would be very eager to receive some feedback from knowledgeable people on those matters. This would show the basic mattering ideas more precisely.
I hope that you have been enjoying this post! Thank you for reading!