Capitalism as a vehicle for a pathocracy

I don't want to humiliate myself more than necessary, but as you did not get it, it shows me that something in my posts is not okay.
I don't think it's a matter of self humiliation, It's a matter of clarity. A lot of what you were posting wasn't really being clear or wasn't really saying much, it seemed like a collection of quotes from several places and a few words that were difficult to understand.


I think we are all capable of being our own editors for posts on a forum. It is simply a skill to develop more, as well as just taking the time to go over a post before sending it.
Is very useful to consider, it's best IMHO to consider the purpose of one's posts, even if that purpose is to posit a question, or to share an idea one had for public discussion, ask for direction and so on.

In this case, I still do not know what the purpose of your post was, what you were trying to convey, or what the central idea behind it was. Without a concise concept leading a thread, any given thread tends to become noise.

so, if your intention was to share your ideas about how Capitalism is a vehicle for pathocracy, then share in your own words what your conclusions are and how you arrived at that idea, and then allow discussion to occur if it garners interest. But keep in mind that when you write publicly, you write for others to read, which means that beyond the idea, the impetus of the idea being easily understandable for others, becomes essential.

in other words, what you say matters, but how you say it, matters just as much sometimes.
I don't think it's a matter of self humiliation, It's a matter of clarity. A lot of what you were posting wasn't really being clear or wasn't really saying much, it seemed like a collection of quotes from several places and a few words that were difficult to understand.


Is very useful to consider, it's best IMHO to consider the purpose of one's posts, even if that purpose is to posit a question, or to share an idea one had for public discussion, ask for direction and so on.

In this case, I still do not know what the purpose of your post was, what you were trying to convey, or what the central idea behind it was. Without a concise concept leading a thread, any given thread tends to become noise.

so, if your intention was to share your ideas about how Capitalism is a vehicle for pathocracy, then share in your own words what your conclusions are and how you arrived at that idea, and then allow discussion to occur if it garners interest. But keep in mind that when you write publicly, you write for others to read, which means that beyond the idea, the impetus of the idea being easily understandable for others, becomes essential.

in other words, what you say matters, but how you say it, matters just as much sometimes.
Hello Alejo, thank you for getting back to me! I appreciate and I believe we can get over the current matter, with communication. Thank you for being available and receptive, it is appreciable and I believe we can progress (it's mostly on my side).

My very first & initial intention was to add some data to the sub-forum "ponerology", because it'as a topic interesting me a lot, in which I have been investing a lot of time, and because the sub-forum is quite desert. I believe that it is a really relevant area and that I wanted to make it more attractive, just up date. It looks really desert and simply refreshing with a presence and data would make the trick so as to not have the subforum just be a ghost town. It's overall a positive feeling, intending to serve the value that I estimate as being "high", for "ponerology" - and the above lines may be the details of what I had in mind. But overall, just to serve and attracting attention, and just trying to make some spark, just re-iginiting "some fire", some interest.

And so I have picked several topics that I found out to be relevant, that I have been working on. This may be why there is a feeling of "what's your direction?". Ghost place, new thread, newbie-palestine, specific topic, my clumsy way, etc.

Somehow, I tried to pick up some concepts that may be of interest to people already in touch with "ponerology", with a bit of background, while at the same time I have been trying to make it accessible ("hey, people, this is a whole fraemwork and it's very interesting"). I believe that those who spent many years in studying Lobaczewski's book may help "newbies" gain a bit of time.

I suppose that one thing would be for me to ask you if there is any will on your side than to see work / posts about ponerology - and if so, what. I would like to focus on different areas on the forum, right now, but I won't stop studying Lobaczewski. I hope that we won't stop studying it and that many many people will start to post more on the sub-forum of "ponerology". Because Lobaczewski's book touches on so many subjects. The sub-forum's name may be repulsive and it's like "a grotto of evil", at first glance. But I see as well many many topics that could be subject to infinitely interesting discussions, such as:
  • the world view, the natural world view
  • the normal people
  • Lobaczewski's theory allows to study STS in remaining 3D theoretical. With it's appellation of "psychopaths", his framework has this ability and it is possible to study the STS intelligent design in remaining with a 3D perspective. This is precious and his theory is very vast, there is so much that I believe much could be expanded, and could be understood by many people, even without the knowing of "4th D STS" (for example)
  • his view is that world views don't have any place for the existence of "evil". People would be tempted to see this as "Sauron", but I believe that this far from "mandatory" - it is just a psychologist's perspective, a clinician's perspective, saying "we could have a bit more room for the knowledge that there is, sometimes, evil"... And the main point is that it's how the Universe works. It's juts the basic knwoledge that "there exists STO / STS balance, etc...). I believe that Lobaczewski is simply providing people with the basic "manual" of the Universe. Going to mono-study the worst forms of evil appears irrelevant to me (except if somebody would like to, for various reasons). And so I would like to encourage people not to overfocus on the label "evil", it's juts the generic name of it, and just a conceptual spec. All those lines to say that his perspective is very positive, very objective, and I believe that it is actually very healing and profitable. We "could" use his book and remain at some specific areas, not pleasant at all, but there is an opening to God. An additional word about the above is that it would not amount to "go to the evil's lair" than to head to the sub-forum "Ponerology". There is no such "commitment" if we remain with an intention of positive study, knowledge growth etc. "Let's see what there is...". I feel... "the matrix" is just a part of the things out there and that well, we have the opportunity to be able to just discuss perspectives requiring it to be factored in some bigger "equation".
So a positive intention, and simply posting about it, like I did, may sound UFO-ish. But at some point, there are not 100 ways, I believe! So, posting, presence, just some new matters, for the sake of it.

Hey, thanks for the availability and your understanding! I hope we (I) can progress from there and do what's right! Let me know your thoughts, I will adjust accordingly. 😀

EDIT: I have been studying the book a lot and I have as well many many questions and interrogations - best thing was to start something at least. I have a genuine interest in this because as stated above, I believe that Lobaczewski is no less than "the manual of the normal people". I completely let go off any form of STS bias, there, submit humbly and just wish to progress along the framework. It's just a way to the unknown and the book is "Positive milestones" for such unknown! Big great stuff!
Laura Knight-JADCZYK - "The Secret History of the World"

According to the Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century, during the past 100
years there have been approximately 2 billion deaths (including civilians) resulting
from war, tyrannical governments, and man-made famine. When these figures are
broken down into deaths caused by Communism vs. Capitalism, they are almost
equal, with the figures slightly higher for Capitalism which may surprise some
people who believe that the Capitalistic system is the “right” one. “By their fruits
you shall know them.”
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