Session 7 November 1994


FOTCM Member
November 7, 1994

Frank and Laura

Q: (L) Hello who do we have with us tonight?

A: Goonian.

Q: (L) Are you a discarnate?

A: No.

Q: (L) Where are you from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Are you ready for our questions?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin and meaning of the Biblical story of the "mark of Cain"? Was it a physical mark?

A: Knot at top of spine.

Q: (L) Do you mean like a humpback?

A: No. Signified.

Q: (L) Was it a physical knot on top of the spine?

A: Is yours and all others. Feel your head.

Q: (L) The occipital ridge?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well if I have it does it mean that I am a murderer?

A: No. More superstitions spread by brotherhood.

Q: (L) Well, what did the mark of Cain signify?

A: Jealousy.

Q: (L) Jealousy of whom?

A: All humans.

Q: (L) Was there a group of people who were set apart by this mark?

A: No. All it is is one of your shortcomings genetically engineered by the Lizards.

Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant?"

A: Power cell.

Q: (L) What was the origin of this power cell?

A: Lizards given to the Jews to use for manipulation of others.

Q: (L) Why was it that if you came close to this object or touched it you would die?

A: Energy overload; scrambling by reverse electromagnetism.

Q: (L) What is reverse electromagnetism?

A: Turned inward.

Q: (L) What effect does it produce?

A: Liquification of matter.

Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. This "cell" was kept in an ornate box of some sort, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why was it only the priests who could handle it?

A: Only those who would not try to use for selfish reasons.

Q: (L) But then did just coming near it injure a person?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well why were these individuals able to come near it?

A: Nonselfish energy field.

Q: (L) So it could tune into thought fields?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why are UFOs frequently sighted over geological fault lines?

A: Electromagnetism. Use electrical free waves as fuel for power restoration.

Q: (L) Could it be that the UFOs are a manifestation of the geomagnetic energies emitted at fault lines?

A: No. Not all theories are correct and some are not even sincere.

Q: (L) What is the connection between UFOs and earthquakes?

A: Is none. Coincidence. If they are there, some fault breaks produce EM fields which are visible briefly as red or yellow light flashes.

Q: (L) How do UFOs affect the electrical systems of automobiles and so forth and why is this phenomenon also associated with hauntings?

A: Electromagnetic pulse. Can be manifestations of hauntings also.

Q: (L) Would this indicate that both phenomena are originating from the same source or utilizing the same power?

A: Laura, do you not know by now that all these phenomena are interdimensional?

Q: (L) Is there something about moving from one dimension to another that creates this electromagnetic pulse?

A: Yes. Kind of like breaking the sound barrier.

Q: (L) Okay, we talked about the fact that the brown eyed people are earth seeded for much longer than blue eyed people who were seeded on another planet, where did green eyed people come from?

A: Green and blue are the same in terms of origin.

Q: (L) Who was Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts?

A: Higher plane earth spirit.

Q: (L) Were the teachings in the Seth material accurate and was that a good source?

A: Yes but rapidly becoming obsolete as you move toward new reality.

Q: (L) What happens to people who commit suicide?

A: Varies according to circumstance.

Q: (L) In a general sense, is there some negative karma involved in committing suicide?

A: There can be negative karma involved with many things.

Q: (L) What about the death penalty?

A: Specify.

Q: (L) Is putting a criminal to death the equivalent of reducing society to the level of the criminal?

A: You are all put to death.

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: In one way or another.

Q: (L) Well, is there any negative karma on society, the judge, the jury, the executioner, if a criminal is brought to trial, found guilty of a heinous crime and then put to death?

A: What about war? What is better? This is open because all are murderers and suicides. It is the supreme lesson you all must learn before you can graduate to ethereal existence. Your thinking is too simplified.

Q: (L) Is there ever a situation where execution helps relieve the criminal of some of his karma that may be caused by the commission of the crime for which he is being executed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it better to take a criminal, such as Dahmer, and have all of society support and take care of him?

A: These are all past issues. Will be resolved soon.

Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on planet earth which have souls?

A: All do.

Q: (L) Is the human soul different from, say, animal souls?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on the earth which have souls like human souls? On the same level, so to speak?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, I have heard that dolphins, porpoises and whales have very advanced souls. Is that true?

A: All souls are advanced.

Q: (L) But are whales sentient, thinking, self-aware as humans are?

A: Apples and oranges.

Q: (L) Well, since whales are so big, do they have bigger souls?

A: Irrelevant.

Q: (L) Is there some way to communicate with whales or dolphins and can one find a way to translate the differences and have a reasonable, intelligent exchange with a whale or a dolphin or even an elephant?

A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.

Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?

A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.

Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite limiting, is that correct?

A: That is the point.

Q: (L) So, you were being sarcastic with me, weren't you?

A: Humorous.

Q: (L) Do whales form long-lasting bonds and feel love?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do dogs feel love?

A: Dogs feel need as love.

Q: (L) Who would make a better governor, Bush or Chiles?

A: Either.

Q: (L) Which one is going to win?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Carlos Casteneda writes about the peyote beings called "Mescalitos." This being supposedly is part of the peyote plant, a sort of being from the plant. Is this true?

A: No.

Q: (L) What beings does one encounter when one eats a bunch of peyote?

A: Hallucination.

Q: (L) Why are these hallucinations so consistent?

A: Because those that do have that expectation. If you ate enough peyote you would encounter Santa Claus if that was your expectation. (Much laughter)

Q: (L) What happens if you give someone LSD while they are dying? Does it help them die easier?

A: No.

Q: (L) Does it make dying more difficult?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there any essential difference or effect of note?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"

A: Idea center.

Q: (L) How can this idea center be accessed?

A: Many ways: meditation is the best.

Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?

A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

Q: (L) Was there or is there such a thing as a literal, physical, philosopher's stone that can transmute lead into gold?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was anybody ever able to transmute lead into gold by any means?

A: Everybody is able.

Q: (L) How?

A: You must discover this yourself.

Q: (L) Is this knowledge written down somewhere on the planet?

A: Yes, but it will be easier in 4th level.

Q: (L) Comte St.Germaine claimed to be able to transmute lead into gold. Was this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) He also claimed to have discovered the secret of eternal youth, was this true?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did he die like everybody else at the regular age?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is Elizabeth Clare Prophet channelling St. Germaine?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who does she channel?

A: Imposter.

Q: (L) Who was Merlin?

A: English jolly fellow.

Q: (L) He wasn't a great magician?

A: He was the Houdini of his time.

Q: (L) There was a very famous case of haunting called the Bell Witch case, can you tell us about it?

A: Inform, ask and we will access.

Q: (L) Is that why we have to ask every question in such detail?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When we ask a question how does it enable you to access the information?

A: Puts in visual image.

Q: (L) Who or what was the Bell Witch?

A: Connected spirit. Karmic.

Q: (L) Was this spirit connected to Betsy Bell or her father?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Why did this spirit so brutalize her father until he died?

A: Revenge for previous life wrongs.

Q: (L) Is it true, as Dr. Nandor Fodor suggested, that this was an aspect of Betsy Bell's own personality which attacked her father because he had been sexually molesting her?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is the cause of Alzheimer's disease?

A: Genetic.

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done to prevent it or lessen its effects?

A: Biogenetic engineering but will resolve anyway in the near future. And much other as well.

Q: (L) Do Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard haunt the Tower of London and Hampton Court?

A: Spirit reflection.

Q: (L) Is a ghost or haunting just an image imprinted in space/time?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Are there some cases where the actual spirit of the person hangs around causing phenomena?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can they do this for untold centuries?

A: Yes because there is no time.

Q: (L) Is T.C. Lethbridge's theory about dowsing correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible to dowse things in other dimensions by lengthening the string?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible by using this technique to dowse winning lottery numbers?

A: Difficult; intentions must be pure.

Q: (L) It is very difficult to have pure intentions about money, isn't it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But if, theoretically, one did have pure intentions, would they be able to dowse numbers...

A: Tall order. Yes.

Q: (L) Are lottery numbers... fixed?

A: Everything is at some level. But choice is at what level will be experienced.

Q: (L) Recently I read an article about bursts of gamma rays in the upper atmosphere. What are these bursts of gamma rays?

A: Increasing energy with approach of wave.

Q: (L) So, these bursts of gamma rays are not effects of battling UFOs in other dimensions?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why are there so many crop circles in Britain?

A: Window. Why Stonehenge was built there.

Q: (L) What is the relationship between UFOs and clouds?

A: Can create clouds or appear as clouds but no other relationship.

Q: (L) What is ball lightning?

A: Electromagnetic spark. Pass from 4th to 3rd density.

Q: (L) Is the Ayurvedic system a superior system to others?

A: Free will.

Q: (L) What are the implications of the fact that the Lizzies worship the physical universe?

A: Self service.

Q: (L) What do they see in the physical universe that they feel is superior to the spiritual universe?

A: All who serve self yearn for physicality.

Q: (L) These bodies they are creating for themselves, are they creating some kind of super physical beings they can then move into and occupy which will have very advanced abilities that would enable them to serve self better, longer or more completely?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) There has been a lot of scuttlebutt about Walt Andrus, the head of MUFON. I would like to know what energies are behind him and what his motivations are?

A: He is okay. Paranoia is his chief problem.

Q: (L) What about L__ S__?

A: Muddled thoughts.

Q: (L) Jenny Randles?

A: Okay. She means well.

Q: (L) What are the copper scrolls discovered in Israel?

A: Essenes. The treasure described was real but no longer intact as described.

Q: (L) Who was or is Baal?

A: Lizard.

Q: (L) Beelzebub?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Were these actual names of individual Lizards?

A: No. Personifications.

Q: (L) What was the beast known as Leviathan?

A: Sea god. Same as Neptune.

Q: (L) I discovered the name Nibiru in a list of demonic names. What is the origin of this name?

A: Dark teacher.

Q: (L) What is the origin of the name Appolyon?

A: Light being?

Q: (L) Why is Appolyon called the "destroyer" in Revelation?

A: Backward for sake of deception. Bible corrupted.

Q: (L) You have often stated that the Bible is corrupted, I would like to know who, exactly, corrupted the Bible and when and how they did this?

A: Illuminati brotherhood for a thousand earth years.

Q: (L) Does this mean that up until a thousand years ago the Bible was fairly accurate?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that the Catholic church had anything to do with this corrupting influence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does the Catholic church have in its possession actual original texts of the Bible that have not been corrupted?

A: No.

Q: (L) Were there ever such texts in existence?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Matthew?

A: Greek enforcers.

Q: (L) What are Greek enforcers?

A: Like your FBI.

Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Mark?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Luke and John?

A: Same?

Q: (L) Acts?

A: Same?

Q: (L) Are any books of the New Testament written by who they claim to be written by?

A: No. Remember this is 70% propaganda.

Q: (L) Is 30% then the truth or the actual teachings?

A: Close. Enough you must decipher from instinct through meditation.

Q: (L) Why did my son's leg suddenly start giving him problems at about the age of three?

A: Reflection of past life. Leg was torn off at death. SAM missile shot by North Vietnamese Army. He was flying a jet. This was 1969. Name was George Raymond. Shot down over Phan Bien.

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done to help him release this problem?

A: Will be difficult.

Q: (L) Is his past life very strong for him?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it stronger than in the other children?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Will hypnosis help him to release this?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How old was he when he was shot down?

A: 25.

Q: (L) Was he married?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why did he pick me to be his mother?

A: Previous life connection.

Q: (L) In his previous life was he abducted by aliens?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What country did he live in?

A: Which lifetime?

Q: (L) When he was shot down?


Q: (L) What about the lifetime when he was connected to me? When was that and what was the relationship?

A: 1600s brother.

Q: (L) Does his leg cause him pain?

A: All violent deaths reflect difficulties in next incarnation?

Q: (L) Is that why I have so many difficulties, because of a violent death?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How did I die in my last life?

A: Head hit pavement.

Q: (L) How is that reflected in this life?

A: Non-specific pains in body. You have a lot of those because of the violent trauma.

Q: (L) Scars of the soul, so to speak?

A: Yes, exactly.

Q: (L) Does Frank have physical aches and pains because of violent trauma?

A: Mental in his case.

Q: (L) What brings it on?

A: Continuation of past life. Victimization by many. Left unresolved.

Q: (L) What could he have done to resolve that in that lifetime?

A: Fought back.

Q: (L) Is Frank telling the truth when he says he has no repressed anger?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But how can he fight back if he has no anger to fuel the fighting?

A: Does not need to. Not the problem exactly. Different circumstances now. Needs to be patient and ride out the storm.

Q: (L) This situation will pass?

A: Open. Will pass if can withstand; didn't last time.

Q: (L) If he doesn't ride it out this time does this mean he has to come back into 3rd density and do it over?

A: Yes.

End of Session
othree said:
should this

A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.

really read

A: You don't need conversation "with" when at higher telepathic level.

... ?

Sorry, but that's how the Cs said it.
Q: (L) Okay, we talked about the fact that the brown eyed people are earth seeded for much longer than blue eyed people who were seeded on another planet, where did green eyed people come from?

A: Green and blue are the same in terms of origin.

I tried searching the forum for more information on this.. curious as to the origin of Blue eyed and green eyed people.

Thanks for sharing another great session!
I find the day of the session a little symbolic. I may have an idea of what the Ark is, maybe you all do too. But I have to produce results before I do show to myself I was right. Maybe google will finish it first, if it is what I think it is, and if it's not what I think it is, then I still think it is of benefit for others.
I remember at one session, they said that people with light eyes (Aryan?) is more aggressive

for this is not noticed, I have green-gray eyes and blonde hair quite
but to be honest, all my life I lack aggressiveness, quiet man (outwardly at least) an introvert

likely appearance is not always talking about dominant genes
I remember at one session, they said that people with light eyes (Aryan?) is more aggressive

for this is not noticed, I have green-gray eyes and blonde hair quite
but to be honest, all my life I lack aggressiveness, quiet man (outwardly at least) an introvert

likely appearance is not always talking about dominant genes
Yeah,me too. I don't know what that would be about; it might be an infiltrated info. It can happen during channeling.
likely appearance is not always talking about dominant genes
Indeed. There has been a lot of cross-breeding of various races. I know quite a few people who are very faired-skin, have blond or red hair and blue or green eyes, and they are very agreeable, peaceful people. My father was a redhead with gray eyes. I have brown eyes and very dark brown hair. Just having a certain color of eyes and hair and skin does not make the character of a person.
Indeed. There has been a lot of cross-breeding of various races. I know quite a few people who are very faired-skin, have blond or red hair and blue or green eyes, and they are very agreeable, peaceful people. My father was a redhead with gray eyes. I have brown eyes and very dark brown hair. Just having a certain color of eyes and hair and skin does not make the character of a person.
We're all brown eyes except my brother who has blue eyes. My Irish grandma used to blame his eye colour on the Danish invaders (including her husband, my grandpa). My siblings have either brown or strawberry blond hair, except for weirdo me with dark brown, brown and red hair (now all a lovely shade of grey).
Yeah,me too. I don't know what that would be about; it might be an infiltrated info. It can happen during channeling.
I remember at one session, they said that people with light eyes (Aryan?) is more aggressive

for this is not noticed, I have green-gray eyes and blonde hair quite
but to be honest, all my life I lack aggressiveness, quiet man (outwardly at least) an introvert

likely appearance is not always talking about dominant genes
I do not disagree with you, but my experience has been the opposite. The most vile tempered men I have ever met had very light hair and eyes. I remember working in real estate and I had to visit a property to take measurements and photos. I had already made an appointment with the owner so he knew I was coming. The house was new and I was careful walking to the front door as there was newly planted grass all around. Within seconds a man came out the front door seething with rage. He accused me of stepping on his grass. I tried to remain calm and told him there was no walkway and I tried as best I could to avoid his grass. He became even more angry and confrontational sticking his face in mine and balling up his fist. He then intimated that he wouldn't mind meeting me later on for a fist fight. I looked at this blue eyed very blond man and I noticed his arm was in a cast, yet he was threatening me. Being on his property I was in a vulnerable position. If I said the wrong thing he would explode like a ticking time bomb. So I apologized profusely and told him I did not come here to fight. This seemed to placate him, at least temporarily, and he let me do my job all the while throwing in snide insults. I finished the job and left the property feeling relief at getting away from him. But it was not to be.

Next, I drove to the housing subdivision real estate office only a few blocks away to get more data on the house. I casually mentioned to the agent there that I had a difficult time with the owner. She gave me a shocking earful of information. The man was a former Los Angeles police officer who was so hated by his fellow officers that they planted a bomb in his car. The bomb eventually exploded blowing off his hand. So that explained the cast he was wearing. As I walked out the door of the office ready to go home, I looked up and lo and behold there he was waiting for me. And he even blocked off my car with his vehicle preventing me from leaving.
Clearly this guy was a 24 karat nutter, a full blown psychopath determined to start a fight with me. We started to argue. He accused me of badmouthing him in the construction trailer I visited before I entered his house. I vigorously denied it. Neither one of us would budge and I let it be known that I was ready to call the police if he did not remove his blocking vehicle. He finally stood aside and let me leave. The next day I got a call from my boss at work telling me this man called him and gave out a long list of complaints about me that ranged from being rude to his wife on the phone and even smelling bad. I was almost fired. One more thing... The guy's surname was "Burns". That's right. B U R N S ! Talk about synchronicity,

Another vile tempered fair haired blue eyed boy that I encountered was on an army base. It was 1968 Vietnam. I first seen him leaving the motor pool. He was young and boyish looking, only about 5' 9" or 5' 10" with a slender wiry build yet he had 3 stripes on his arm indicating he was a staff sargent. He couldn't have been over 20 years old. I wondered how does one so young and baby faced attain such a high rank in such a short time. Then I heard him speak. His voice was gravely and came from deep within his chest. This was no frail wallflower, but a tough guy with a lot of confidence.
Two weeks later I am sitting in the camp's clubhouse bar when I hear a commotion on the other side of the room. I look over and see the fair hair boy pummeling another soldier with his fists and knocking him to the floor. He then came over to the table next to mine and grabbed a guy by his lapels pulling him on his feet and delivered a left and right cross to his chin. The guy's knees buckled and he dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. A few days later, I heard that the first guy he pounded came after him in the barracks. This soldier was considerably bigger and told him to fight it out without surprising him like he did earlier. And once again, the big guy got an ass whupping.
Fast forward a month or two. The fair haired boy attacked the 1st sargent of the company with a baseball bat. A most serious transgression. For that he was court martialed and busted down to a buck private. He lost all his stripes. From that point on, he became a hard drinking, hard smoking(potent marijuana), hellraising, whoremongering SOB. He was out of control. Even the big and burly blacks raised in the ghetto and boiling over with racial discontent as so many were in 1968 Vietnam stayed clear of him.

Looks can be deceiving. The 2 men mentioned above looked almost angelic, but whose personality and temperament were close to being demonic. I've come across a number of other blonde people who were dominant and headstrong but have seen more who were pleasant & peaceful. The C's have said that the people of Kantek were very light, even lighter in skin color, hair, and eyes that their aryan descendants on earth today. Yet were so warlike and aggressive they poisoned the atmosphere of the planet causing it to explode. Can anyone imagine how truly awful it must have been living on Kantek 80,000 years ago. And the 2 fair haired vile tempered men mentioned earlier most probably carried the Kantek gene in its purest form..
Q: (L) Is there some way to communicate with whales or dolphins and can one find a way to translate the differences and have a reasonable, intelligent exchange with a whale or a dolphin or even an elephant?
A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.

Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.

Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite limiting, is that correct?
A: That is the point.
I think that 4D STS bioengineering has greatly diminished our telepathic abilities. As a result, we have developed "secondary" mechanisms to communicate, which are a lot more "mechanical." Our reliance on external devices (like phones, computers, etc) makes us more controllable. Computerized systems are unecessary if you can communicate telepathically. For example, instead of querying Wikipedia, you could ask a question to your "human network" with your mind! But, of course, the "chip" agenda is there to muddy the waters by "inserting" itself between two natural antennas! We are led to believe that our "superpowers" solely depend on digital signals.
Q: (L) PHEW! You also said there was gonna be a level playing field. Now, level in what sense?

A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.
This would explain why 4D STS and their minions are so focused on suppressing our natural expression. "Mind-prison" cells are not very appealing if you can pass right through them!
I think that 4D STS bioengineering has greatly diminished our telepathic abilities. As a result, we have developed "secondary" mechanisms to communicate, which are a lot more "mechanical." Our reliance on external devices (like phones, computers, etc) makes us more controllable. Computerized systems are unecessary if you can communicate telepathically. For example, instead of querying Wikipedia, you could ask a question to your "human network" with your mind! But, of course, the "chip" agenda is there to muddy the waters by "inserting" itself between two natural antennas! We are led to believe that our "superpowers" solely depend on digital signals.

This would explain why 4D STS and their minions are so focused on suppressing our natural expression. "Mind-prison" cells are not very appealing if you can pass right through them!
Fwiiw , i see this more the other way around , the tech. and all the at large social implications are motivated by need for control , can't assess it's implications on telepathic ability at large , but if you control someone's mind to a degree , the telepathic ability won't matter, ie the old expression " give a fool a tool , and now you have a fool with a tool " , i'd exclude the interwebs from this though( for now ), control of the context has more of an impact than the tech. as far as i can discern however (historical knowledge , human biology , physics....) , of course neither are mutually exclusive to make things all the more interesting. my 2x cents / blah
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