Darwin's Black Box - Michael J. Behe and Intelligent Design

Darwinism and uniformitarianism were meant to push the ‘Godless’ agenda and that mankind and the material world and materialism were and are ‘God.’ Severing any connection with the divine aspects of creation or that the divine even exists. That there is no higher order for which a person and people should pay respect to and try to learn about.

Yeah and Darwin is just one of the major know figures in that push. Scientists and thinkers that came after him took his theories, and many others, and pushed for extreme materialism, atheism and so on.

From David Ray Griffin's book on Whitehead:

Since the time of Darwin, the scientific community has rejected even
Darwin’s deism in favor of a completely atheistic worldview. Such a worldview is
generally seen as necessary for a full-fledged affirmation of naturalism. For exam-
ple, biologist Richard Lewontin, while admitting the “patent absurdity” of many
of the explanations required by that worldview, insists that scientists must main-
tain it. “[W]e cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door
,” says Lewontin, because
“[t]o appeal to an omnipotent deity is to allow that at any moment the regulari-
ties of nature may be ruptured, that miracles may happen.” This atheistic
worldview, on behalf of which Lewontin speaks, is now generally considered, by
both admirers and detractors, to be necessary for a naturalistic worldview.
I’m 10% into Darwinian Fairytales, and I’m a bit annoyed that Stove seems to have wholeheartedly swallowed ‘natural selection’ and Malthuse’s ‘competing for food’ as a proven theory for the appearance of new species. We know that there are many gaps in this theory, the Cambrian explosion, for instance.

I hope he gets more on track in the remainder of the book.
I’m 10% into Darwinian Fairytales, and I’m a bit annoyed that Stove seems to have wholeheartedly swallowed ‘natural selection’ and Malthuse’s ‘competing for food’ as a proven theory for the appearance of new species. We know that there are many gaps in this theory, the Cambrian explosion, for instance.

I hope he gets more on track in the remainder of the book.

Wrong. Keep reading. You will learn some things.
Laura said:
"Who would have ever thought that the main lines of evidence supporting the Cs information would be genetics and cell biology???"

I always linked a lot of the Cs sessions to that.

I tried to understand what was the content of the bags carried by the Sumerian gods Anunnakis as well as the figures of many engravings and stelae of deities or important characters from ancient Mexico.
I thought that it had to be something very important like, for example, deposits of their DNA in case of needing them, that is to say they brought their small ark.

Thus, Noah's ark was to keep/preserve the DNA of all the species that were on earth at that time; and if that was so, then it could contain the Ark of the alliance that was given to Moses/Akhenaton?
The Cs said that this ark of the covenant was not what we believed, so it would have to be something as important as the DNA deposit of the Hebrew people of that time.

Why don't you just give up that whole "Annunaki" business promoted by that old fraud Sitchen. And give up the idea of "Noah's Ark" as anything more than a foundation story incorporating memories of catastrophe.

And give up the "Hebrew people of that time" - didn't exist. Start reading some real research on the Ancient Near East.
LOL, plunge ahead! Hope this isn't a spoiler, but the fact alone that Stove discusses Dawkins' drivel as a theist position is just pure GOLD. Heck, he even manages to subtly insult his mommy! But I think you'll have fun throughout the book. There are so many slaps in passing, such as Stove telling us how the anti-smoking fascists (he apparently battled the anti-smoking police throughout his life) grew out of Darwinism as well, or how evolutionism has its roots in the French terror and the drive towards sexual "anything goes" etc. etc.

Thanks Luc. No, it isn't a spoiler.... it just whets my appetite more.
Yeah and Darwin is just one of the major know figures in that push. Scientists and thinkers that came after him took his theories, and many others, and pushed for extreme materialism, atheism and so on.

Yes, I was thinking about this very thing. It seems to me that there's a twofold reason for all the effort that has brought us to the current state of affairs in terms of this 'extreme materialism' that been so widely embraced. First, to continue to conceal the reality of the human race's overlords at fourth density. Second, to obscure the truth that we have within us the power to leave this very material existence and go 'home' as depicted symbolically in 'The Wizard of Oz' (there's no place like home) At least in potential, anyway.
I think that is part of what goes on in my own head. I want tidiness, fer cryin' out loud; I want things to make sense! As Ark says, I don't want to believe, I want to KNOW.

I tell ya, this last year of reading has been absolutely mind blowing; and we all thought our minds had already been blown. It's one thing to think something, and another to KNOW.

Totally agree with that and what an exciting year of learning. 📚

It is "mind blowing" but so good for our knowledge and in the same time so relaxing to taste at something finally true and much closer to the truth.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts, your books. 💖
It also provides ample availability of both resources and 'time' for pursuing any sort of higher learning as well.
they offered potential for humans to grow as well as to deteriorate.
But this also led to incredibly sloppy thinking, to say the least, temptations to "go for the pot of gold", and hysterization all-around that would NEVER have come about in harsher conditions that naturally provided a reality-check.
I get it, we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Its important not to, and to see things in perspective (I like my modern quality of living too). Looking at it hypothetically, yes, one would presume its a 50/50 either/or scenario. But, in real life, when deliberating matters of soul-growth, its simply not what happens - at least not any more than a negligible level.
For the vast majority of people, the comforts and quality of life through raised standards of 3D-living will always come first and foremost and must not be compromised. Notions of spiritual development comes after the fact... Spiritual latter must not compromise physical former. This is the case for the vast majority of modernised folk in the West.
Once the niceties of materialist living is firmly established and becomes the base standard, then the necessity of soul-growth through pain of rebirth is rarely - if ever- crossed. Occasionally the death of a loved-one may trigger such "growth".
Most are, in point of fact, NOT atheistic-minded, but tend to either be happy-clappy Evangelical types, or opt to float about the quasi realms of "buckets of love and light" 'spiritualism'.

If I were to hazard a guess (and yes I am judging here) I'd say that for every 1'000 people who do fall, more or less, under the "American Dream" umbrella, only about 1 out of those 1'000 would optimize the 'time' and better quality of life comes-with, to have given over the contemplation and embark upon genuine self-development in qualifying for what one would pass as progression of "soul growth" - which is what really matters here (not simply rolling along 'feel good' religions/faux-spirituality because at least its not the lies of Darwinism). Thats approx 0.1% of the sum total. Actually, I'm probably being quite generous there... Its probably closer to 0.01% (1 in 10'000 people) those benefiting from stable good quality 3D living.

True spiritual development has to come off pain and sufferance or severe "shocks" of some kind at intermittent points along the path. Without it, at least for the overwhelming majority, it simply doesn't happen. If notions of "spirituality" revolve around ensuring material-centric habits creature-comforts and respective life-styles must always remain intact, then their is almost zero chance of any real "growth" of note. This is how people are... We don't seek pain, we avoid it at all cost.

In a sick twisted sort of way, I'm inclined to think mass shootings in schools and venues across America in our times that seem mostly to affect 'Middle-America' and progeny of the "American Dream" are, at an underlying psychic/cosmic level, a mass-subconscious self-infliction to make up some kind of shortfall for years of en-masse spiritual lackluster.
True spiritual development has to come off pain and sufferance or severe "shocks" of some kind at intermittent points along the path. Without it, at least for the overwhelming majority, it simply doesn't happen. If notions of "spirituality" revolve around ensuring material-centric habits creature-comforts and respective life-styles must always remain intact, then their is almost zero chance of any real "growth" of note. This is how people are... We don't seek pain, we avoid it at all cost.

I know I had my fair share of pain and sufferance that set me on a course towards spiritual development.
Without the shocks I would have just entertained an interest in "spirituality"...

Discounting OPs and psychos there could be around 4 billion more or less souled individuals on the planet.
If you think in terms of 1:10'000 that would leave a pool of 400,000 with a potential for being "harvested", given that they can achieve the appropriate polarization.

Since material-centric habits and respective life-styles cannot remain intact the way things are developing, that could mean that only a small proportion of Westerners will be among those with a potential to be harvested...

Will the loss of people's life-styles create an upsurge in spirituality - or just plain anger and resignation?
Will the loss of people's life-styles create an upsurge in spirituality - or just plain anger and resignation?
That's a good question and one I've thought a bit about before, mainly in the context of the oft-prophesied "help" that is "on the way", apparently in the form of space rocks and the like. Not sure how exactly that kind of thing will help, or rather, in what way it will help. I suppose we may find out some day.
"ANUNNAKI", "HEBREWS" or whatever name it is are loose words. No, I don't get caught up in the names, I just take them as reference points, I don't believe in official stories, and I doubt very much the veracity of the names included in that kind of Stories.

Here what matters, Laura, are those characters with the bag, call anunnakis or whatever they are called, some name has to be given, if not so, we would not have reference point to refer to them.

Laura said:
"And give up the idea of "Noah's Ark" as anything more than a foundation story incorporating memories of catastrophe".

Of course I do, I don't have any fixed idea about it.

But "fundamental history and the incorporation of catastrophe memories" say many things that resonate in me:
They must be related to the fundamental and the memories in our life, with true information: the memory chromosomes that IN ALL are part of our DNA.
Because of that memory that can be inherited, that is why the Cs say that "WE ARE YOU IN THE FUTURE".

Those figures with bags, containers are in engravings and steles of ancient Mexico, whatever their name is there, they existed, no matter what Sitchin said about Sumerian, I have not even read Sitchin, I only know him by reference in books, but those characters with bags are a fact, those beings existed, I do not think it is a joke of the ancient inhabitants ... you should not be trapped with the names.

Laura said:
"And give up the "Hebrew people of that time" - didn't exist. Start reading some real research on the Ancient Near East."

I said that name because I don't know an exact name to designate the people who lived where they say that kind of stories originated, because you have to remember that before, there were no countries but regions and these fluctuated, depending on the needs created between them or a need to move by migration, war or some other catastrophe and it is in these fluctuations or movements where historians are lost turning the real story into a chaos of information.
That's a good question and one I've thought a bit about before, mainly in the context of the oft-prophesied "help" that is "on the way", apparently in the form of space rocks and the like. Not sure how exactly that kind of thing will help, or rather, in what way it will help. I suppose we may find out some day.

That´s a question I´m rather often asking myself too now that ever increasing large amounts of people protesting for their rights for a decent living are going in crescendo. I guess that these protests are what is needed to expel first of all any illusionary concept of our world being a progressive Darwinian kind of self auto-regulating place at the mercy of god nows what.

At this point, once people realise no elected power is going to reestablish or solve their lives, I guess each individual who still has a conscience will forcibly be faced with his own fears and abysm depending on how he perceives and calibrates his new or long forgotten state of raw consciousness, which normally comes after great ordeals have been endured. And I´d say this would depend on the potential and will the individual is left with to realign himself with all his lessons still in need of cleansing since the fall. In other words, if I think of all the steps necessary to get a general awareness of the world we´re living in, like those we´ve been escalating here, I can´t even state a percentage of people who will do it, although at the same time, I also think of all the valuable human beings nobody knows who must be sacrificing themselves for the truth in the many areas of the world.
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