Session 18 May 2019

The two caps thing is really amazing when you think about it. Makes me wonder what else will show up as times progress. I wouldn't complain if a new pair of jeans showed up for me!:-D

Also, it gets me wondering about what's waiting on the wave for us, all those beastly parts of ourselves in other dimensions riding the surf. So long as I'm not a spider then I'm okay.;-) I freakin' detest spiders.

Thank you for sharing this session, I think I'm gonna re-read it as is my usual way, so much densely packed information.
The two caps thing is really amazing when you think about it. Makes me wonder what else will show up as times progress. I wouldn't complain if a new pair of jeans showed up for me!:-D

One possibility for the appearance of the 2nd cap might be something like this but I could certainly be wrong. So here goes. When you look at matter as a form of energy/ information then the 2nd cap might be a 'materialized information' from the fusion (or coalescence) of an older self (represented by the present self) and the younger self (from in the past) on, perhaps, the same timeline that have similar FRV's (frequency resonance). The residual energy generated from the essential fusion of the past and present selfhoods might have taken the existential form of matter (which is also information) that took the form of a cap (representing the shift in reality from both a material and symbolic perspective). The act of Will (or sustained 'pure' dedicated action) over time would be the coalescing agent that makes it possible for these two selves to fuse making for a greater or stronger present self enabling the greater possibility of 'merging ' with a future self with the same FRV. Don't know of course. Just a possibility fwiw.:-)
Thanks for the new session, it's quite inspiring.

This new session seems to connect directly with the last comment of the Cs in the March 23 session:

"Beware that a new world will be down! Be not oppressed by the death throws of the old world"

It seems to me that the Notre Dame event is connected to this death process mentioned. (Not to mention that Europe is known as the Old World)

In that same session after the discussion on Intelligent Design, a turn was made and Pierre asked about the Cathars. If one deconstructs the session and not only reads it but investigates each of the associated topics, we find that the Cathars lead us to the templars (those proto-bankers), which brings us to the Dionysian Architects and the Gothic architecture, which it brings us to the Kabbalists and the alchemists, which brings us to the end of the Templars and the emergence of other political and esoteric branches: Proto-Communists, Rosicrucians, Jesuits, Jacobins, Freemasons and finally the period of revolutions.

Manly P. Hall wrote: "Not many are aware of the influence that Kabbalism had on medieval Christian and Jewish thought. It taught that within the secret writings was hidden a doctrine that was the key of those writings ... Kabbalah are the principles and the secret doctrine of Israel. "

Douglas Reed tells us of this secret doctrine:

"The real departure of this matter occurred in a day in 485 BC On that day, the small Palestinian tribe of Judah (formerly repudiated by the Israelites) developed a racial creed, whose dissociating effect on subsequent human affairs, may have exceeded the explosives or epidemics.This was the day on which the theory of the race of the masters was set in "The Law." The creed that a fanatical sect produced that day, has shown a great power over the minds of men, throughout these twenty-five centuries, given their destructive attainment, why they had to be born at that particular moment, or sometime, is something that no one can explain. "

"Deuteronomy is above all a complete political program: the history of the planet, created by Jehovah for, this "special people", which will be completed by its triumph and the ruin of all others..."

"Destruction as an accompanying result of war is a familiar feature of all human history. Destruction as a confessed purpose was never known before and the only source that has been discovered of this unique idea is the Torah-Talmud.

History indicates that the Kabbalah appeared as an early form of Jewish mysticism in the twelfth century in southern France and in Spain. Among the historical events coinciding with the appearance of the study of the Kabbalah in Europe and and following events can be mentioned:

1118 AD The Templars appear in France
1140 AD Abbey of Saint-Denis first gothic building.
1145 AD Start the construction of Chartres
1163 AD Start the construction of Notre Dame.
1307 AD End of the Templars in France
1492 AD Reconquest of Granada, expulsion of the Jews, exodus to Poland and foundation of the Kahal
1517 AD Protestantism
1534 AD Jesuits and the Christian Communist movements.
1607 AD Rosicrucians
1642 AD English Revolution
1717 AD Freemasons. Grand Lodge. Masons go public
1772 AD Disappearance of the Kahal in Poland.
1776 AD United States Foundation
1789 AD French Revolution, foundation of the Club of the Jacobins.
1847 AD Communist Manifesto.
1859 AD Darwinism or Theory of Darwin's Evolution
1861 AD American Civil War.
1890 AD Appearance of the term Zionism.
1910 AD Mexican Revolution
1914 AD First World War
1917 AD Russian Revolution
1934 AD Nazism.
1939 AD WWII
1948 AD Foundation of the Zionist State of Israel.

When you gather or remember all this information, the response of the Cs to the Notre Dame arson: "Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth." acquires a greater meaning.

According to Fulcanelli, for example, each part of a Gothic cathedral has an esoteric meaning, they are "sermons in stone." For others, the architecture of the Gothic cathedrals resemble the structure of the "Kabbalah tree of life, the World Soul" . But everyone agrees that the Gothic cathedral is the abode of Mother Earth.


Fulcanelli says: "In the past, the underground chambers of the temples served as dwelling for the statues of Isis, which were transformed, with the introduction of Christianity in Gaul, into those black Virgins which, in our days, people venerates in a very particular way. The virgins show, on their pedestal, the famous inscription: "Virgini pariturae", that is, the Virgin who must be a mother. Our black Virgins represent, in Hermetic symbolism, the primitive earth, which the artist must choose as the subject of his great work.

So, seems like our planet is the Immaculate Virgin, that must create a new world, a new reality, a new density...that is why we are in labor pains. Thus, it seems that the Notre Dame fire is an attack against life itself against the creation of something better than the entropic new world order sionist.

It has been mentioned in other times, someone made an effort so that the image of Notre Dame´s fire were compared with that image that has been in the collective unconscious: the fall of the WTC.


Douglas Reed also talks about the destruction of the symbols: "When these revolutions began, they were supposed to be directed against the "kings and priests", as symbolic figures of oppression. Now that the power of kings and priests has gone, but the revolution is permanently established, it can be seen that these were false words, chosen to deceive "the multitude." The attack was aimed at the nation-state (the murdered king, which is in each case the symbol) and about religion (the destruction of churches, which is the SYMBOLIC act)."

All in all, it seems that the world is not only going nuts, it also seems that we are on the verge of a global revolution, the period of destruction that Gurdjieff warned.

A: One thing to consider is this: Is the so-called "normal life" one of expansion of STO or is it one of contraction to STS?

Q: (Artemis) That depends on the perspective of the person. A normal life for a normal person I guess is more STS.

(L) Well, I think the biggest problem for some people trying to just live a normal life is that when they do that, they're surrounded by other people just trying to live a normal life according to the materialist paradigm. That tends to make it impossible for them to open up, communicate, share, and do all the things on this list we've made. They can't really do it with most people out there because most people are not attuned that way. Therefore, they fall into confluence like Mouravieff said. They become less and less awake and aware, and their antennae shut down. They spiral down into kind of an STS black hole.

(Joe) It's the Grass is Greener syndrome. All they have to do is look at the world around them, and then think back to the life they had before they were involved with trying to grow and develop and tune the antennae.

These parts of the session, about what is "normal" reminded me of these parts of Matrix

Q: (L) Singing together - and it has to be singing the right songs. I was experimenting with this the other night when we were doing karaoke just seeing how people did when you start them out with certain songs and then move on to different levels. Everybody did pretty well, I think. They were pretty comfortable with it. I think getting an order of songs to sing in a certain order of a certain type might be useful. Then if everybody was singing the same songs around the world, would that be kind of like a limbic link up?

A: Yes!!
As an example of the value of singing, some people have reflected on the value of singing for the Danish Lutheran evangelical state church since 1536, (now under de(con)struction as a result of many factors well known).
It is a common experience that hymn singing is the most important form of communication in Danish church life. More important than sermons and Bible reading. That's how it has been since the Reformation for close to 500 years since, and so is it today.

The description of hymn singing as the most important form of communication in The Danish People's Church is the hymnologist
Peter Balslev-Clausen in no way the one to think, and the hymns are one of the most important characteristics you can point to in connection with the service. Precisely for this reason, it is given that the People's Church saw characteristic congregational singing forms an essential part of the reformation's historical history in Denmark. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the new form of hymn singing introduced with the Reformation was decisive in terms of spreading the message of the Reformation, and thus having an educational effect in relation to the ward. In addition, it has contributed to creating community and collective identity not only in the individual ward, but also in the long term - as standardized versions of collectors spread through the hymn books - a community that went beyond the close face-to-face communities of the traditional community. The joint song - first the ecclesiastical and later also the secular (eg the national joint song) - has thus greatly contribute to paving the way for modern society. [...]
I found this when I researched a very productive and talented song writer, Thomas Kingo. Thomas Kingo was born and was later, for about 10 years, a vicar in the in village of Slangerup, where (and this was the original reason for may search) a cousin of mine, that I haven't seen for 40+ years, and only learned where lived this afternoon will be buried next Tuesday [condolences not really needed].
So, seems like our planet is the Immaculate Virgin, that must create a new world, a new reality, a new density ... that is why we are in labor pains.

Interesting that you pointed out, "Our planet is the Immaculate Virgin". As I understand it, that knowledge is part of the veil we are born with.

Through the years, especially when I was deep into esoteric study, some very vivid dream sequences pointed to the Immaculate Virgin as a sacred living entity, within a higher multidimensional spiritual consciousness. It wasn't until I came across Laura's work - that I would grasp a more profound understanding, to some of the concepts I was studying.

BTW, Puma - excellent Post!
Puma1974 said:
"Fulcanelli says: "In the past, the underground chambers of the temples served as dwelling for the statues of Isis, which were transformed, with the introduction of Christianity in Gaul, into those black Virgins which, in our days, people venerates in a very particular way. The virgins show, on their pedestal, the famous inscription: "Virgini pariturae", that is, the Virgin who must be a mother. Our black Virgins represent, in Hermetic symbolism, the primitive earth, which the artist must choose as the subject of his great work".

This reminded me of the story of Laura's discovery of the Cathedral of Auch and its interpretation of the symbolism of the figures in the stained glass windows.
That drew attention to his description of the cops/turbans of the women afflicted before the corpse of a supposed Jesus, cops that look like from the Middle East and the image of the woman about to give birth.
MK Scarlett ET Sorte courageux des positifs
Je vous remercie pour vos réponses et vos liens que je vais étudier plus profondément ...
Pour les "miroirs" le lien est très puissant et sa lecture vous remet tout de suite à votre place et vous montre à quel point le travail est considérable...

Pour les "impressions" je partage avec vous ce qui m'arrive depuis quelques mois : j'entends des "boums ou coups" mais je ne sais pas si ce sont ces bruits qui me réveillent ou si c'est parce que je me réveille que je les entends... La dernière fois c'était à 3h30 du matin il y a 3 jours,
j'ai entendu frappé 3 ou 4 coups à ma porte d'entrée, mes chiens n'ayant pas bougé je ne me suis pas levée comprenant que c'était encore ces "boum ou coups" que je perçois de temps en temps... Est-ce que ça parla à quelqu'un ?

J'ai appris le décès d'une fille d'une trentaine d'année Mélanie Bérangère PIOT qui nous a quittés à Lorient en Bretagne en France suite à un cancer de l'utérus vendredi 24 mai à 11h du matin, son père Gilles Piot est anéanti, c'est un ami de 40 ans...
J'ai tout de suite pensé à Laura et la dernière session, je ne connaissais Mélanie personnellement mais je lui ai parlé en lui disant d'aller vers la lumière et de rentrer chez Elle que tout allait bien (tout cela avec beaucoup d'émotions et les larmes aux yeux).
J'ai aussi dit à son père qu'il pouvait lui parler... Je le rappellerai dans la matinée...

MK Scarlett AND Courageous sort of positive
Thank you for your answers and links, which I will explore further...
For "mirrors" the link is very powerful and its reading immediately puts you in your place and shows you how much work is involved...

For the "impressions" I share with you what has been happening to me over the past few months: I hear "bursts or blows" but I don't know if it's these noises that wake me up or if it's because I wake up that I hear them... Last time was at 3:30 in the morning three days ago, I heard 3 or 4 knocks on my front door, my dogs not having moved I did not get up understanding that it was still these "boom or blows" that I perceive from time to time... Did it talk to anyone?

I learned of the death of a thirty-year-old daughter Mélanie Bérangère PIOT who left us in Lorient, Brittany, France, following uterine cancer on Friday, May 24 at 11am, her father Gilles Piot is devastated, he is a 40-year-old friend...
I immediately thought of Laura and the last session, I didn't know Melanie personally but I talked to her and told her to go into the light and go home that everything was fine (all this with lots of emotions and tears in her eyes).
I also told his father that he could talk to him... I will call him back in the morning....

Translated with
I would like to report something that happened last night. I was in bed about to go to sleep after many hours working on a post. By the middle of the night I got anxious because I wanted to finish it and ended up eating a bunch of sweets and watching some tv. I went to bed not feeling all that well. Close to falling asleep I heard some sounds in the house and I was immediately alarmed. They were not usual sounds and they seemed to be very close to my bedroom. Then I heard what seemed to be someone locking the door of my bedroom from the outside. The light was still on so I got up and looked at the door and I saw that the lock's deadbolt (the part that closes with a key) was turned. That really alarmed me. The key being on the outside was not unusual to avoid the kids locking themselves in when they are around. But I had just closed that door before lying in bed and I certainly did not lock it, and I was alone in the house. I did not hear any steps but I was still hearing noises coming from close by, both from the corridor outside the door and just outside the bedroom's window, which was also closed. Holy Christ, they have invaded the house! I looked around for some weapon and there was only an exercise weight, I tried to wield it but it did not fashion a good weapon. Should I try to open the door bare handed? What will I find on the other side? I had my phone with me and I decided to call the police, whispering to avoid being heard. All of this happened very quickly, a few minutes at most.

I waited in an alarmed state trying to figure out the situation. That turned lock kept boggling my mind. How could someone have entered, did I leave a window opened? Why can't I hear any steps? Why aren't the dogs barking? Have they entered exactly through the spot where the dogs don't have access? I was not hearing the sounds anymore but what can I do if they come back for me? Should I unlock the window and go through there? No, I am unarmed, I already called the cops, and someone locked the door. The best I can do is wait and pay attention.

Some ten or fifteen minutes after I called the police called me back saying that they couldn't find the house but that they were already on the block. I couldn't hear anything anymore and the police was outside, time to see what's what.

I tried to open the door and it was not locked. The key was turned in a manner that, when looking at the closed door from inside the bedroom, the deadbolt appeared to be completely turned, but it was actually turned just enough to give that impression without actually locking the door. I looked around the other rooms for open windows but they were all closed. I went outside, talked to the police. They looked a bit around the house. No one. Nothing.

Ok, all is fine. I just thought I heard noises, that's all. But I was still in adrenaline mode. I rolled a cigarette and grabbed the phone looking to find some distraction. I was surprised to find a message from a neighbor that saw the police cars and was just checking if everything was okay and if there was something she could do. We exchanged a few messages and the kindness of that simple interaction brought me some peace and comfort and I fell asleep.

Up until an hour ago more or less I was considering the event a fruit of my imagination and I was already shoving it aside as irrelevant. I just thought I heard noises, that's all. But I DID hear noises. I specifically heard the lock being messed with. And the lock was indeed turned. Sure, the kids might have turned it in that very specific way by accident when they were here a few days ago and I simply hadn't noticed it. I will never know for sure but, just in case it might have something to do with now being the time "when all must be extra vigilant", I thought prudent to let you know.

I was very alarmed when I thought people had invaded my home. But just considering that it could be "other things" invading.... Holy crap, all that talk about vigilance just got a lot more real!
Well, leaving that aside, once I did what Laura and Chu recommended, I decided to consult the I Ching, I don't have experience with that, I've just been reading and watching videos and everything I could find, so I could learn about it. I asked about the state of my grandfather's soul and the answer was hexagram 24, with the 2nd, 4th and 6th lines changing, and the relating hexagram was 38, called “opposition”. What is interesting is that the hexagram 24 is called “return”, and to put it short, my mind basically translated what the changing lines say as “2nd line: good; 4th line: good; 6th line: bad”, I'm interpreting the hexagrams with the help of a PDF that has the translation and interpretation of many different authors, because without the interpretation part I wouldn't be able to grasp anything of what the hexagrams and changing lines say.

BrendaH, I looked up your reading and my general impression is that it could be seen as reflecting pretty much what you described about the situation of your grandfather. His is returning to 5D but he is struggling to complete the process. Line 2 seems to imply that he is indeed returning to rest but that there might still be something he needs to correct before proceeding. Line 4 that help from others is good but that it is ultimately his journey to complete. And line 6 that there is still danger of something going not so well IF he makes the wrong choice, perhaps not letting go of something in this world, which according to your account might be related to his trying to "force" himself into health to the point of uncharacteristically seeking a cure in other religions and not yet accepting what has happened to him. So, perhaps continue to reassure him and try to communicate about acceptance of his ill health?

And at your end, I would read it as know that it is good that you are helping him but that ultimately you are not the one responsible for his journey, only he is.

Please take this with all the grains of salt possible, I'm trying to help but I might be overreaching.
thanks to all of you for providing this very awesome session. seems the timing was perfect for not only when you hosted it but also, when i found it. some of the topics discussed, i am currently experiencing. mainly, dissociation. it hasn't hit me hard and for that i'm grateful.

it's odd, feeling the dissociation kicking in but as i will always say, i'm grateful for all that i've learned and continue to learn. i say this because as i look back to when i was younger (late teens/early twenties), i realized at how i allowed life to gloss by me. i let major life changing moments blow by me without blinking. it wasn't until i began the work that i saw the reality of my situations. i saw the reasons behind my choices and they were not because i wanted to but rather, because others wanted me to.

hindsight is 20/20 but when you're sitting there wallowing in your own self pity and ego, it's hard to come to terms with the fact that at the end of the day, no matter what choice you make, that choice is yours and yours alone. i chose to listen to others, i chose to disassociate, i chose to allow my life to pass by.

eventually, i reached my breaking point and for that, i'm grateful, for i am here with all of you. and i can now, thankfully, experience life changing moments and appreciate the moments that lead up to it. to be aware of those moments that you know are leading up to that shift, it's such a great experience. moving forward a millimeter is still one millimeter forward.

i think learning the lessons that brought me here have helped me reign in the dissociation that i've been experiencing as i learn more. to give you and idea, i recently read about organic portals; mind was blown open lol. as you can imagine, being out in the world watching this grown man throw a temper tantrum, as you stand there knowing the true reality of our existence, can be such an odd feeling. and as you stand there, you can feel the dissociation kick in. i'm grateful for the work, i always will be; for now, i can recognize and change my reaction, change my step.

anyways, a lot more resonated with me and i don't want to make this post too long but talking about dissociating was what i truly needed to get off my chest. thanks to all who read and thanks again to you all for this session.

as always,

much love
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