Session 18 May 2019

I once read an exercise that did the maths on ancestors - i.e. 2 parents, 4 grand parents, 8 great grand parents, 16 great-great grandparents - doubling the number for each generation back into history. The goal of the exercise was to show that if you go back 1000 generations doing that, the number of people who have contributed to your genes is greater than the presumed world population of the time of that 1000th historical generation - so based on that everyone is related to one degree or another.
Us 2^0=1, our parents 2^1=2, our grandparent 2^2=4, our great grand parents 2^3=8, our great*2 grand parents 2^4=16
our great*8 grand parents^2^10= 1024, our great*18 grand parents 2*20=1.048.576‬, our great*28 grand parents 2^30=1,073,741,824 and that is more than a billion only 30 generation back at a time when the world population was less than 500,000,000, but with a lot of localized "inbreeding" not everyone needs to be related.
I think I would just "talk" to the person as if they were still present. This can be done mentally, or even out loud. You can also write a letter to them, explain what you want to say (should be written by hand), and then set up a photo of the person, a candle, and leave the letter there in front of the photo for a few hours with intent that what you have written be conveyed to them, and then burn it with the intent that what you have written be "sent to them". All the while you are doing this, just continue the mental conversation with that person. Then, you can ask them how they are doing as you go to sleep and see if you get a dream. Possibly repeat a few times as needed.

Had a similar situation with my grandfather. He stayed in the house I moved in (it was his house) and I had employees working for me and living in that house. We would hear him almost every night moving chairs in the kitchen. One time he even woke up one of my employees at night and he freaked out. I had to ask him to leave to the house number 2 (nearby) and he in fact did that. Things settled down. But eventually we got a medium and he confirmed my grandfather lived in the second house and we asked to send him to the light, which the medium did. It helped. Things settled down and no more signs of my grandfather around.

You might consider getting a good medium and help him transition. Worked for me.

If he is in your dreams, another possibility is that you could be processing something about yourself which relates to him, or your relationship with him. I used to have many dreams about my beloved grandmother after she passed away. Many years later when several things in my life made it so that I finally started reading Laura's work, I dreamed of her saying goodbye, and melting away like a candle full of light. I never dreamed of her being sick or weak again. I think it was a part of me, and not so much her. And if it was her, perhaps she was waiting for me to stop needing her so much, I don't know.

If you suspect that your grandfather is still around, maybe you can try to comfort and guide him when you are awake, not sleeping. Take a few minutes to explain that the afterlife is not so bad, to go into the light, etc. Maybe with a picture of him in your hand, and telling him about the things that were posted on the afterlife thread.


You have already received a few answers. But to add my experience. The simplest thing is to pray for this person's soul and I have did it. Soon I could not feel the presence of my dead dad anymore. Before that, I tried to communicate with him in a dream, but he was too broken to communicate. He was better connected to his eldest son and was trying to get in touch with him. But my brother has deliberately closed this channel out of fear of a paranormal (stupid, in my opinion). In other words, dad did not want to communicate so much with me but with my brother, I saw it, but the brother could not see anything because he closed the window. He began to develop visionary abilities, but he was frightened of the results! It was a breathing technique to raise kundalini. What was so scary? He could predict what someone would say during the conversation! And he should communicate with ghosts? No way!

Thanks for your advices, I'll keep them in mind! I did what Laura and Chu recommended. One of the reasons I think he is still around is because in certain occasions before or after dreaming about him, certain places of the house smelled like him, although the smell would disappear shortly afterwards. And I've never experienced something as chairs moving on their own or something paranormal like that, and I don't feel his presence all the time, it only happens in the same period I'm having those dreams. Maybe I need to explain what I meant when I said that I think he doesn't want to leave: I don't think he doesn't want to leave the house, I think there's something from his life, something that's worrying or affecting him based on what he says in the dreams, and that is keeping him from giving the next step, whatever that is. Having in mind what was discussed in the afterlife thread, what happens to people before they die influences their transition, and what I basically gathered from all that was that no matter if you're physically dead, if there is something that is still worrying you, or something that is deeply rooted in you, like a belief, that will stay with you after dying. I think something similar is happening to my grandfather, in these dreams he always appears very sick as he was before dying, and in a few of those dreams he appears in the hospital, where he died. When he was diagnosed, that traumatized him since he wasn't expecting that at all, just to give you an idea of how bad this affected him, he was a very catholic man and his family came from another country because they were persecuted for being catholic, he always talked about this and wasn't going to accept any other religion at all, but when he was diagnosed, he participated in many different religions, went to different churches, just to find something/someone that could cure him. At the same time, he was a very big man, it was very rare for him to get sick, and I'm talking about someone who used to ride a motorbike in the middle of winter every day at the age of 70. And suddenly he found himself in a hospital bed not being able to do anything and almost skeletal, I understand how this could have affected him so much. But I don't want to read too much into it, that is basically the connection I can make between what he says, how he looks (he's always dressed in the clothes he was wearing at the hospital), and what happens in the dreams. Something that maybe I should mention is that in front of this hospital was the place where he worked for more than 30 years, and his job was everything for him, in fact, he didn't want to stop working even after being diagnosed, he was a cobbler.

Well, leaving that aside, once I did what Laura and Chu recommended, I decided to consult the I Ching, I don't have experience with that, I've just been reading and watching videos and everything I could find, so I could learn about it. I asked about the state of my grandfather's soul and the answer was hexagram 24, with the 2nd, 4th and 6th lines changing, and the relating hexagram was 38, called “opposition”. What is interesting is that the hexagram 24 is called “return”, and to put it short, my mind basically translated what the changing lines say as “2nd line: good; 4th line: good; 6th line: bad”, I'm interpreting the hexagrams with the help of a PDF that has the translation and interpretation of many different authors, because without the interpretation part I wouldn't be able to grasp anything of what the hexagrams and changing lines say.
Thanks for the session! It is an encounter that we all look forward to with joy! I am experimenting with a translator who recommended in the forum and I hope that the transformation of the words does not deform the meaning of the message. It is from Spanish into English. Well here we go then to test the experience...

"Q: (L) That's not something everyone should do. But if you have a loved one who is dying, it certainly won't hurt to talk to them frankly about the process they're going through and what to expect. Another thing I put on my list was when you're in a group situation or in our particular type of group, one of the things we've always tried to use to make people aware of their reality is what we call the mirror. In some cases, it's a very delicate process. In other cases, it is something unpleasant. Well, it's NEVER nice. Unless you've gotten to the point where, when someone tells you that they've made a mistake, and you can really answer, "Oh, thank you for telling me! So it seems to me that this process which we are undertaking is a kind of initiation. It is that one way ...

A: Yes, but it should be handled with care as many are not ready for that advanced work. "

In everyday life, in order to be a good "mirror" for others, it is necessary to walk within oneself in an honest way, only then can we understand what the other partner is feeling. As we learn, heal and get to know each other, there are also opportunities to help others if they are open enough to go inside themselves. We can only show the way, but the decision to walk it is a personal one. As Laura says, it is a kind of initiation and we have noticed that there is a lot of fear in looking inside oneself because the "shadow" is always outside of us and there are people who do not see it and others who are terrified because they have seen it and simply put a lid on it and go "ahead" with their life or we are ashamed of the exposure and that is why we react. It is a job that requires a lot of will and perseverance.

But there is hope, say the Cas "A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who persevere to the end will save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be part of the vanguard of the new reality!

This gives the pattern that we have to keep on the road doing the work. I feel sadness for the people I am in contact with in my immediate environment because they are not in a position to heal or to come out of so much falsehood. They don't want their world to collapse. I also choose to be one of those who do the work within this school world!

Q: "Only those who remain awake and conscious can navigate. The STS forces are determined to stifle consciousness and the possibility of sowing a new reality.

Q: (L) So you're saying that, and I guess you've said it before, that the importance of tuning the antennas of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and conscious,

A: yes yes yes yes!!!

A big hug for everyone and thank you!🌊🌈

Translated with
As time goes by it is so pleasantly surprising and interesting to observe how with the right kind of information given to us, one can transform personal enviroment into intelligent informational matrix from which flows constantly empowering and sobering streams of thought. Poetry, sott and its calendars with quotes of wise, books and books and books yes, and last but not least is this forum this wellspring of knowledge where so much is gained.

I work for the good, for the truth and beautiful. That is the aim of all of you people here, aim with the great value. We are learning how to trully navigate, and it was hell of a journey, ups and downs for everyone you know, but I wouldn't want to have it otherwise I guess.

So my notebook has another written page, to remind me what to watch for. It is good thing we do this. Thank you for doing this.

Ps. One day in the future, and perhaps it is a dream I don't know, but I know it will be delightful to sing with you together folks. I'm not much of sopran singer but I can keep with the middle alt assuredly, and will not ruin it, no doubt. So we'll see.
Q: (L) I was just spiraling down into poor health for the past few years because I was giving all my energy to shore up people I cared about. And then I realized I can’t do this anymore; I just can’t. I knew that if I continued, I would die before my work was finished. But it’s so hard to do that; it’s like tearing your heart out to just say “No more”. Only afterward did I realize that I was giving all this energy because I was being manipulated by the pity trips.

(Joe) And on the very day the second cap appeared, there was news that brought closure to that situation.

(L) Yeah, on that same day, the cap appeared.

A: Yes

Many Thank You's for your continued willingness to assist us on this journey. I know for sure without this guidance I would be lost in this labyrinth called "life". Thank You ALL again for your energies & positive vibrations!
Thank you for the new session! :flowers:

Strangely enough, I dreamed of Ark just several days ago which happened for the first time as far as I can remember.
Now that you mention that, Altair! It was probably one week ago or so that I dreamed of Ark being very happy, having his legs slightly bent down, like riding a skateboard or surfing on something in a shiny sunny day.

Thanks for the session and the list! Last November I've started a new job in the delivery business and had a pretty busy schedule 6 days a week with practically no breaks... so I'll better start to re-align a bunch of 'frequencies' here and utilize my free time for the better.
Thanks for your advices, I'll keep them in mind! I did what Laura and Chu recommended. One of the reasons I think he is still around is because in certain occasions before or after dreaming about him, certain places of the house smelled like him, although the smell would disappear shortly afterwards. And I've never experienced something as chairs moving on their own or something paranormal like that, and I don't feel his presence all the time, it only happens in the same period I'm having those dreams. Maybe I need to explain what I meant when I said that I think he doesn't want to leave: I don't think he doesn't want to leave the house, I think there's something from his life, something that's worrying or affecting him based on what he says in the dreams, and that is keeping him from giving the next step, whatever that is. Having in mind what was discussed in the afterlife thread, what happens to people before they die influences their transition, and what I basically gathered from all that was that no matter if you're physically dead, if there is something that is still worrying you, or something that is deeply rooted in you, like a belief, that will stay with you after dying. I think something similar is happening to my grandfather, in these dreams he always appears very sick as he was before dying, and in a few of those dreams he appears in the hospital, where he died. When he was diagnosed, that traumatized him since he wasn't expecting that at all, just to give you an idea of how bad this affected him, he was a very catholic man and his family came from another country because they were persecuted for being catholic, he always talked about this and wasn't going to accept any other religion at all, but when he was diagnosed, he participated in many different religions, went to different churches, just to find something/someone that could cure him. At the same time, he was a very big man, it was very rare for him to get sick, and I'm talking about someone who used to ride a motorbike in the middle of winter every day at the age of 70. And suddenly he found himself in a hospital bed not being able to do anything and almost skeletal, I understand how this could have affected him so much. But I don't want to read too much into it, that is basically the connection I can make between what he says, how he looks (he's always dressed in the clothes he was wearing at the hospital), and what happens in the dreams. Something that maybe I should mention is that in front of this hospital was the place where he worked for more than 30 years, and his job was everything for him, in fact, he didn't want to stop working even after being diagnosed, he was a cobbler.

FWIW, I'm currently reading a book called 'When Ghosts Speak - Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits' by Mary Ann Winkowski that you might find helpful. What you wrote above about your grandfather reminded of what I'd read yesterday in Chapter 4 titled 'Why Some Souls Stay Behind.' In the chapter, the author goes over a few of the most common reasons spirits remain earthbound. One example is 'Attachments to Places or Things' and another 'Fear of Judgement or Punishment.' I almost didn't purchase this book when I was at the bookstore several weeks ago but I'm glad I did. Prefer to keep an open mind on the topic.

In the case of my late brother, I also plan to practice what has been advised. I think of the dreams I've had of him and that other close family have had and I am comforted by them, it's mostly the few dreams my mother had within the year or so after he passed that still leave me wondering.
It's been very interesting reading all the responses from everyone here and it's great to see many making a super effort to apply the knowledge shared by Laura and crew. It's very exciting to see were all of this will lead, and the recent threads on evolution and such have been such a powerful antidote.

I wanted to share the odd week I've had, and the company I work at has also had an interesting few months.

I've recently been in school for my Electrical apprenticeship and finished a week ago. I had no idea what was happening with the company I work at but a few months ago my journeyman(call him J) decided to try to sell his house and move out of Vancouver. He told the Owner (call him O) but since the house market in Vancouver is very slow, O didn't really think the house would sell. Despite this though J managed to sell his house and so told O he'd be leaving the company. Now our company is very small, just 3 of us, so if J leaves then we'd have to shut down and I'd need to look for another company. O is also past his 70s so he can't really work hands on. So a few weeks ago O had decided to close down the company by the end of June and was somewhat down about it. Then out of the blue O got in contact with J's first Journeyman (the Journey man that J first apprenticed under some 15 years go) and this new Journeyman decided to take over J's position. This was surprising because O should have retired a long time ago and J mentioned that O looked like he had given up on the company but made a 180 degree change in his attitude. This may not be related to the reality merge but thought I'd share.

So after I finished school, and was recovering from the flue, I think something shifted. Starting on Saturday, out of the blue, my machine lost all it's tendencies to dissociate. I just didn't care for any of it, and have been reading, doing chores, fixing my car, and just being very productive.

This week is the first week back at work, and unfortunately we're working at a mansion loaded with 5G WIFI routers(like 10 or more). Very rich man who seems to love his WIFI. Since I was trying to get my bearings I forgot about the WIFI and carried on as normal. Not much happened on Tuesday but yesterday when I got home it felt like I was being beamed or something. I sat at home and my brain and emotional state just went nuts, like my machine was trying to do all it could to dissociate. I sat and had a battle trying to remain present for a couple hours, until I just got furious and everything stopped. So I then realized I had let my guard down and re-read this session, as well as the current one, and went to work today keeping all this information in the back burner. Just staying vigilant, reciting POT now and then, and generally being as aware as I could be while anticipating attack, especially through WIFI.

Nothing happened at work, and thankfully now that I'm home I feel like my new self. But after work as I was driving home I came upon an accident. One block from my job site there was group of firefighters trying to resuscitate this man who had gotten into some type of car accident. There was a big moving truck that had a dent on the side and the driver was in the middle of the intersection receiving CPR. It was quite shocking and I think he may be dead, I didn't stick around to find out for certain though and headed home.

On the drive home it dawned on me that it is quite possible that all this time my constant dissociated periods I've been fighting against could have been(in part maybe) due to my lack of vigilance with beaming, especially with WIFI. I'm not entire sure if this is the case, but yesterday's event did not originate from me and I recognize that odd "thirst" for dissociation. Thing is I have read all necessary information to protect myself before(and I feel a little foolish from not recognizing this) but I must have gotten in my own way of absorbing this knowledge and applying it, and networking has been difficult for my machine. I'm not sure if these two events are related though but it could be that whatever may have been beamed at me may have bounced off due to the application of appropriate defenses and caused havoc nearby. Thought again I'm not at all certain if this is the case.

Whatever the case I'll keep on being vigilant and continue this, I think, upward trend as best I can.
That was a beautiful session! It has definitely felt like a reality change as of late (or reality merge!), and despite the negativity and craziness of the world out there, I feel joy and harmony when communing and sharing with fellow forum members.

I also love lists and this session compiles excellent ideas! :thup:

The two hats is just amazing! It might be related or not, but around 3 weeks ago, I started attending a woman who was about to pass away shortly afterwards. As the on-duty doctor, I was guiding and assisting the family and the dying woman until the end. It was an intense experience, where the woman finally understood that the spirit doesn't die. During the process, I witnessed what seemed to me a complete transformation of the dying woman's personality. Later, I had a symbolical dream of an angel with its wings spread out from above in a cave's upper entrance which I interpreted to mean that I just witnessed something very special.

Thank you for the session :flowers:
Thank you for sharing such a lovely and inspirational story Gaby.
Thanks for sharing! So if I haven't forgotten anything, the list would look like this:

List of things to do in order to protect oneself against hyperdimensional manipulations and harm:

  • Avoid dissociating and feeding negative thought loops: dissociating is being in a fantasy and not paying attention to reality. If you dissociate, you have negative thoughts that lead to negative thought loops.
  • Diet: having a bad diet contributes to ingesting the chemicals that the STS forces wants us to ingest in order to poison us and mess up our antennae.
    • Is good to do intermittent fasting.
  • Share impressions and troubles: thoughts, worries, fears, etc. Not doing this “dramatically changes the inner landscape and can even shut down the receptors so that you are more subject to STS manipulation of thoughts and feelings via mechanical means.”
  • Make amends when possible to the wronged person, and when not possible making those amends to the world at large: in case that trying to make amends would make things worse we can achieve redemption by giving to the universe and others in need.
  • Conserve energy and not feeding STS dynamics: STS uses many tricks and traps to suck people into negative dynamics so that they become food. When you become food, you're feeding the STS side and empowering it against not only your own best interests, but also against the best interests of STO itself. We have to be careful not to fall into the pity trap, they’ll try to make us feel guilty or sorry for them, and that makes us food. At the same time you're feeding your own ego because you feel like a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire.
    • We need to have the right feelings towards the right person in the right context.
  • Connect with ancestors and honored saintly type people in 5D for protection: we should find out if we have any ancestors or deceased relatives or somebody who were good and decent people who one can talk to mentally or communicate with by writing letters to them, or dream communication, and ask them for protection. And if you can't find your ancestors, you have to find someone else's ancestors. You can hook up with somebody who has good ancestors, and their ancestors become your ancestors by you having shared realities.
  • It would be good for certain people to guide the newly deceased: If there is somebody in your circle of acquaintances or group or whatever who is in the process of passing over or recently did pass over, you could in some way help guide them in the reality to which they may not be accustomed (obviously), but mainly because of their thought patterns during life.
  • Use “the mirror” in a group situation as a way to bring people to full awareness of their reality: this should be handled carefully as many are not ready for that advanced work.
  • Pray.
  • Sing together: it has to be done with the right songs, getting an order of songs to sing in a certain order of a certain type. If everybody sings the same songs around the world, this would be like a limbic link up.
  • Divination.
  • Apostles Paul’s list of things to avoid and things to enhance:
    • Vices to avoid: fornication, licentiousness, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, envy, drunkenness. Self-conceit, provoking one another, and envy.
    • Virtues to enhance: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
    • It’s important to have in mind that “Whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap”, and “let us not grow weary or lose heart." Most important to remember the "sowing" part in the context of your antennae and how your antennae determines your future. If you're not taking care of your inner landscape and the immediate world around you in terms of your group and your associations and so forth, you're screwing up your antenna and then you're going to have a bad future because your antenna will attract the wrong things.
  • To do Eiriu Eolas together and crystals, etc.

I was thinking how this basically reflects what Gurdjieff and Mouravieff called A and B influences, and the necessity of choosing our alignment. To quote from another thread:

In her Commentary on Mouravieff, Laura writes:

“Well, the fact seems to be that what Mouravieff has said above is the key: If we cannot map the illusion, we have no hope of getting out of it. It is in mapping the illusion that we are able to distinguish between what Mouravieff calls the "A" influences and the "B" influences. We call it seeing the Theological Reality behind the Matrix. Mouravieff points out that the more we "collect" or "perceive" the "B" influences, and act on them, the more we "magnetize." And naturally, SEEing the "A" influences, or discerning the lies of our reality, consists in an ongoing series of "shocks" that seem to be necessary to change our center of gravity.” [End Commentary Quote]

Defining quickly A/B, “A” influences are those that act to maintain the illusions of this world and feed the predator’s mind. Much of consensus “reality” is an “A” influence. “A” influences are associated with lies. The “B” influences are associated with truth, but they are rarely consciously perceived through the veil of the “A” influences – thus the need for “SEEing” behind the “A” influences to the truth of the B. The more SEEing that we do behind the veil of the “A” influences, the more B” influences that are consciously perceived. And the more “B” influences that are consciously perceived, the more “A” influences that we SEE. This is a magnificent circle to fuel with momentum and amounts to coming to full understanding of our Initial Condition (that of STS in this 3D world). How are we to know which direction our system is to move if we do not know our Initial Condition?
Thank you for the super timely and inspirational session!

One of the things which I've tried to do since this session came was to communicate with my grandfather on my mother's side. It was very fuzzy because my mind was somewhat unsettled but what he told me was to "Challenge Yourself". I've been ruminating about what this could mean, and the various ways in which I could actually do this. It sounds basically like Working on the self is a similar idea. I've relied on externally imposed ideas, commands and directives for so long that I am not really sure how to go about this, but a few things come to mind:
  • Learning to strum and sing some new songs on the guitar
  • Reading the books on evolution and getting into biochemistry, and other reading
  • Working out more often, I don't have a strict schedule as to when I go to the gym because of my travelling
  • Podcast transcription
  • Giving Reiki
It doesn't sound very impressive at the moment. I've been toying with the idea of restarting learning Japanese but I don't know if I can fit that in as of yet. I don't know if I have the discipline to stick to it either.

I like the list of things to do (thanks for compiling it @BrendaH, I've printed it out), it will come very useful for the times to come, I'm sure.
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