Added UK, Saudi Arabia, Jordan Feb/Mar 2013 I'm not entirely sure that this was the absolute latest version of the timeline

Corona Virus timeline


USA August, 2019: First Vaping Death Reported by Health Officials “Amid the lack of information, investigators scrambled to find shared links to the respiratory problems. Officials said earlier this week that many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue,” the precise symptoms of Covid-19 infection.

USA October 18, 2019: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. Event 201 simulated an "outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic that leaves 65 million dead.

USA/CHINA October 27, 2019 At a peak of international tension and the ‘flu season in the northern hemisphere, on the eve of China’s biggest travel season, 300 American military servicemen visit Wuhan for the International Military Games.


Postscript: Researchers have greatly advanced their understanding of viral evolution since H1N1 a decade ago and finding patient zero is now more science than art. Recently, a team of Chinese researchers claimed to demonstrate that Covid-19 was born in September, 2019. The British researchers who had discovered the earlier H1N1 date are not convinced.

In August 2019, hundreds of Americans have died from a mysterious lung disease, and the CDC blamed it on e-cigarrets.

Published Mar 16, 2020 (4:44)
the flu, which by the way just dosen't stop giving.

The worst is over in four or five days but it keeps going for longer than that, no? I went back to work after five days and worked four days in a row. I didn't feel too bad but still had fatigue on top of what is already an exhausting job. As it turns out I haven't worked since so I've had time to fully recoup. Even now though, a little congestion is left over. Nasty bug, I had forgotten what it was like it had been so long since I last had it.
I hope this doesn't add to the noise: The End of Humanity? Bats Dropping Dead in Israel, Signalling 'Biblical Prophecy'
Some studies earlier suggested that the new coronavirus had been caused by bats, and although this theory has not been confirmed, Israeli media has suggested that that the recent mysterious deaths of the nocturnal creatures could have come as a punishment for the onset of global disease or as a sign of something even more dreadful.
The photos of the dead creatures lying in Gan Leumi Park in the Israeli city of Ramat Gan were first shared by Adi Moskowitz on Facebook, who asked for an explanation to the mysterious phenomenon. Similar photos and videos were published by some other users in neighbouring cities, according to Breaking Israel News, which was suspicious of the death plague among bats and even linked it to a biblical prophecy about the end of humanity as it is.
Several social media users and experts have suggested that the reason for the happening could have either been unusually cold weekends, or recently installed 5G technologies nearby, but these theories have remained unconfirmed.
In the event of forced ordinary vaccination, we have quite a few tools in our toolbox. Maybe a discussion for another thread, but I would certainly be making use of:

- MEGADOSE liposomal forms of glutathione, R-lipoic acid, and vitamin C
- Profuse sweating (sauna/bath)
- MEGADOSE B vitamins, zinc, selenium and sillica
- Binders in gut - charcoal, clay, IMD Silica
- Drinking lots of water
- Potentially DMSA/DMPS - depending on whether murcury adjuvant was included in the ingredients

Hi Keyhole, I was wondering if I could make a request. Friends of mine in the community here are worried about a mandatory vaccine. I plan on speaking to them about this protocol you've outlined here. I sense that the act of giving them this information would itself be a form of medicine - to know that there are options, that a vaccine isn't totally fatal.

Many of them, and myself included, could benefit from an overview of vaccines, what they are, how they affect us (you mentioned adjuvants). Following that, it would be good to know why these medicines are effective countermeasures. For me personally, knowing what I'm taking and how it helps me actually assists the medicine in doing its work - a la psycho-neural-immunology.

I have seen that you have a tremendous gift for collating information. Would you be willing to do a concise write-up of the regimen you've outlined here? I can see it being of benefit to many.
What you have written above, both posts, sounds pretty darn on the money to me, especially the observations of how they are manipulating the whole medical system with the obvious intention that a LOT of people may die from neglect of treatable conditions while the #NothingBurgerPandemic is being touted so as to lock down the whole system.

It's just astonishing what they are doing and getting away with right now.

Also, the above analysis would make a good short piece for SOTT!!!

Hello, and thank you :)

I think Gaby mentioned she'll be putting something together based on her experience. That'll be perfect.

I'm too terrified / lack those 'wordsmithing' skills.

Sometimes, when I am really parano, I see that we are in a sort of limbo, a new sort of concentration camp: no doctors for us if we are sick, no medication very soon, no food also very soon. Knowing how they did in many countries, how they did it with the consent of the rest of humanity, they will do, surely, the same thing but now in a ... planetary scale. But this is when I am parano. The rest of the time I try, I say I try, to do what I have to do to make my present viable, and a little about the future. The exercises of Holistic Gymnastic that France is teaching in the French thread are very good to put an equilibrium. I know that our reality, what we used to do before, what it was before, will not be anymore. Even our future is very fragile. So it is time to be gentle with those we love, in my case my husband and my dogs, and be gentle with the day and the sun and if I am lucky the birds that I can hear, gentle with what we have for now, gentle with the past and our errors and also our joys.

And now a little joke of black humor, very black humor: The caption says 6th day of quarantaine and the woman is asking to her husband the hairdresser.

Sounds like they might be trying to reduce the number of private practice's in favour of state run hospitals.
By the logic that they are using to close small shops here in Croatia it is certain that one goal of these lockdowns is to "kill" all small buisenesses that are not "essential". If there are no thousands of euros under the matrace these people wont have the money to pay bills ... If the government doesnt step in and deducts its tax revenues and injects ample money into the system many will be bankrupt and many will loose jobs there. It would seem that "the elites" are KNOWINGLY using this situation for their benefits and to further the horrid globalization!!
Whilst I thought I'd get away from all the talk on Covid-19 for a while, I thought I'd read up again on The Forgotten Exodus. The into Africa Theory of Human Revolution. I saw this particular article and wondered if maybe this might go some ways to explain the "hubris" the C's mentioned. Hope this isn't noise.

After reading the articleCore problem: Human Genome Project reference is based on a single person and missing millions of DNA base pairs I wondered if there might have been a bias involved in the initial selection of the material for sequencing of the human genom.:
Another article on the subject:

The human genome sequence, first published in 2001, has some important information missing. The latest version of it, called GRCh38, has a monstrous 3.1 gigabases of information—but that's still not enough. A letter published in Nature Genetics this week finds that the reference genome is missing a colossal 10 percent of the genetic information found in the genomes of hundreds of people with African ancestry—information that also appears in other human populations.

Get the reference
The "human genome" is in fact assembled from the genomes of just a handful of people, with the majority of GRCh38 coming from just one person.
It's not a snapshot of what's in human DNA so much as a kind of template and roadmap, giving a sense of what's in there and allowing comparisons between individuals and the "reference genome."

We've known this is a limitation and have been making constant additions to the reference genome, which has improved its ability to represent the huge range of variation that's present in modern humans. But because its source is so limited, write the authors of this week's letter, so is its usefulness: "In recent years, a growing number of researchers have emphasized the importance of capturing and representing sequencing data from diverse populations."

The current situation, they write, makes it tricky to analyze people whose ancestry is very different from that of the reference genome. Although there are some methods that allow researchers to look at limited amounts of genetic diversity alongside the reference, a more comprehensive solution that's been gaining traction has been to build population-specific references—a project already underway for certain groups, including Chinese and Ashkenazi.

The genome of all humans
There is no "pan-genome"—no "collection of sequences representing all of the DNA in [a] population," write lead author Rachel Sherman and her colleagues. It's been done for bacteria, but not for humans. So they set out to create a pan-genome for Africa, using DNA from 910 people of African descent. The group includes people from the Caribbean and the US, who retain some of Africa's genetic diversity, even though they have their own distinct genetic history.

They compared the DNA from these hundreds of people to the reference genome, looking for long sections that didn't match. The basic unit of DNA is the base pair, one of the rungs on the twisted ladder that makes up the double helix. Sherman and her colleagues looked for sequences more than 1,000 base pairs long that didn't match the reference and found a lot of them: nearly 300 million base pairs, which is about 10 percent of the size of the entire reference genome.

That's not to say this information is unique to African people: about 40 percent of this data matched either the Korean or Chinese genomes. This suggests that it's important genetic material that's present across a huge range of humans, but still not captured by the reference genome assembled from just a small number of people. There's a lot going on with humans that isn't reflected by the human reference genome.

Medical consequences and cautions

Any research efforts that lean on the reference genome to study human variation will be missing out on this huge amount of data—and this is what "nearly all studies do at present," write Sherman and colleagues. "A single reference genome is not adequate for population-based studies of human genetics," they add, suggesting that a way forward is to create reference genomes for different human groups. Over time, this will lead to a pan-genome "capturing all of the DNA present in humans."

This has important consequences for medicine—"If you are a scientist looking for genome variations linked to a condition that is more prevalent in a certain population, you'd want to compare the genomes to a reference genome more representative of that population," says Rachel Sherman.

But having this information for Africans now doesn't tell us much that a scientist researching a given condition would be able to use. The study didn't explore what's being done by any of the DNA that wasn't in the reference genome and can't say anything about whether it might play a role in health conditions or any other variation.

While population-specific genomes might be a useful way forward for studying human variation, they could run into a different set of difficulties when they leave the lab and run into the real world. As demonstrated by the fact that a lot of this DNA also shows up in Koreans, population groupings between humans aren't neat lines, especially at the DNA level. They have fuzzy boundaries; individuals can have genetic traits from multiple populations; and how someone looks isn't a reliable guide to their DNA.

Complicating matters further, there are multiple populations within Africa that may have distinct genetic histories that we're just now scratching the surface of. Having a pan-African genome won't necessarily tell us a lot about what's distinctive for any individual African.

Although genetics researchers understand all of this, any use of population-specific reference genomes in fields such as medicine could come with a new swathe of problems if this messiness isn't communicated or understood well.

How about if what people will quickly realize out of this is how vulnerable and fragile the globalist model was and would actually push for a more local / self sufficient model?

I can assure you, that is a reality. In my country there are groups whose political thinking is a return to modernity, before all this malformed thing called postmodernism. In other words, a return to the nation-states and their autarky. And at the same time within what Putin has named as a multipolar world and relations between nations.
I wasn't going to write this because it scares me more than anything but since I see that my fears are shared: Remember the whole Greenbaum can of worms, with millions programmed to go off apparently at one time? Well wouldn't this be the perfect time to set them off? Stephen King style!
"April Dead Date" comes again as a possibility. I wonder, with Cosmic environment changing, could it be possible that one of the effects of transition in such new environment could be that all or most of them would be triggered in "wrong time", sooner than planned?
In reading all the reports from people I am reminded of what Lobascewski (Political Ponerology) wrote:

I think most normal* people are still very much in a shock phase, similar to what East Germans probably felt when from one day to the next the wall came up and new rules were put in place. There is a great amount of disbelief at what we are seeing being implemented by the authorities and also by the change of some of the people around us who from being friends, colleagues, family suddenly have become enforcers and in some ways strangers to us. After the initial shock social links will slowly be re-established and we will be a bit wiser about the new reality and how to navigate it.

*Lobascewski calls those who are not suffering from different pathologies for normal people.

Political Ponerology is btw. translated to numerous languages such as Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Latvian, Polish and Spanish.
thank you Aeneas for bringing this up! I can only say that from my personal experience this analysis is spot on. People are in shock. At our shop in Bavaria Germany when I talked to people today, most of them were very grave and serious about the situation, but when I asked them whether they think these measurements are right or wrong or anything in between, only four peeps today said that they are very concerned about the loss of basic rights and liberties. The rest was all like 'oh they won't use those rights against us, it is just to stop the virus spreading and then we go back to normal'. This was the majority opinion of my customers today. I was in a mild shock, so to say. How will we go back to normal with people already losing their jobs, their businesses and so on? What about the psychological effects that this thing will have on us all? Yes, I definitely see a kind of a split here, a split between those who start connecting, sharing information, caring and helping each other, and those who comply and somehow think that they can close the eyes and when they open them again it is gone.
By the logic that they are using to close small shops here in Croatia it is certain that one goal of these lockdowns is to "kill" all small buisenesses that are not "essential". If there are no thousands of euros under the matrace these people wont have the money to pay bills ... If the government doesnt step in and deducts its tax revenues and injects ample money into the system many will be bankrupt and many will loose jobs there. It would seem that "the elites" are KNOWINGLY using this situation for their benefits and to further the horrid globalization!!
I think that's part of the plan kill the small businesses. My local butcher incredibly busy but struggling to get the stock in and prices will rise quickly. All choice for us proles will be eliminated within 2 months.
I'm hoping for divine intervention I can keep my sanity and support to the family but I don't see a positive ending.
I was thinking about the freewill thing and how we've all been directed with skill to accept the ptb plans without so much as a wimper. How can you argue when you been told your very likely to kill your parents!! My parents have asked me to keep away!! 90% of the population are happy to be in lock down. Though with the mental state of the world probably we'll see a massive deterioration in mental health, I'll give it 3 weeks then things may get interesting!
Two more things that I've read/heard today which belong to the "I swear I'm not making this stuff up" category.

The first one is from an immunologist:

In this situation, there is no way that by taking something, things that are generally healthy, we can strengthen us by protecting us from the corona. Simply, the concept of boosting immunity is otherwise very stretched and slow, and immunity enhancers have no role in the fight against coronaviruses. What can create immunity, as we know, is a vaccine, and we hope so, but unfortunately not yet, the estimates are a year and a half to two, "Jankovic said, adding that no one should think that all recommendations about a healthy life is a recommendation against covid 19.

And the second is from our President:

"We report every death and count it as a corona, not from a myocardial infarction. The corona has certainly accelerated that heart attack. Some countries don't count it, but we won't interfere with how others do."
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