Whilst I thought I'd get away from all the talk on Covid-19 for a while, I thought I'd read up again on The Forgotten Exodus. The into Africa Theory of Human Revolution. I saw this particular article and wondered if maybe this might go some ways to explain the "hubris" the C's mentioned. Hope this isn't noise.

After reading the article Core problem: Human Genome Project reference is based on a single person and missing millions of DNA base pairs I wondered if there might have been a bias involved in the initial selection of the material for sequencing of the human genom.:
[...]View attachment 34584
"A letter published in Nature Genetics this week finds that the reference genome is missing a colossal 10 percent of the genetic information found in the genomes of hundreds of people with African ancestry—information that also appears in other human populations."

The articles you reference are from 2018, this month another study was published claiming to have sequenced/studied much more. Apparently in this new study African and Oceanian populations are included - or at least some of them. I posted the article earlier in this thread, you can find it here.

That said, i don't think they have things all figured out, just to note that they have made some headway in their studies since 2018. In fact, the researchers state in that very study, "However, no single DNA variation was found to be present in 100 per cent of genomes from any major geographical region while being absent from all other regions.", which, if i understand it correctly, would mean ethnic specific viruses would be very difficult indeed. Also, these studies are those that have been published, there may be more they've chosen not to or are suppressing.

Severe myopericarditis and a strange cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. Gaby can give more details of the medical variety when she has time. Complete recovery from both, apparently, with the piperacillin.

It was a fulminant myopericarditis triggered by a flu. Then a thing in the lung was discovered which was radiologically speaking compatible with lung cancer, tuberculosis, an organized cryptogenic pneumonia or any diagnosis that gives a chronic condensation. Fever was controlled with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and complementary medicine, and the piperacillin tazobactam was the one thing that help stabilized the whole clinical syndrome. Since biopsies of the lung thing were negative, as well as other tests, the unlikely organized cryptogenic pneumonia is a good possibility. Interesting, it was a Chinese paper that I read that made me realize how often it is confused with lung cancer, when it is really an organized cryptogenic pneumonia. The Chinese were saying that for some reason they were seeing it more often as of late.

Something to keep in mind in people showing up in Italy with patches at the CT, even though they're not COVID-19 positive. It might be the case that some of these people have the classical cryptogenic pneumonia with migrating condensations. I would think that it can be triggered by a viral infection like COVID-19, although the whole thing is so new that is difficult for people to publish fast enough, so we can learn what to expect in these cases.

I think the piperacillin tazobactam was very helpful because often there are "trans-kingdom metagenomic (viruses, bacteria, archaea, fungi, metazoans) interactions" which regulate virus infection, immunity, and inflammation. Notice how Raolt (sp?) included azithromycin in his hydroxychloroquine protocol for COVID-19. People have had success in treating viral infections with antibiotics due to this "transkingdom metagenomic interaction". More info in this video:

[the description of the video is a good summary, the entire lecture is long and very academic]

People need to keep in mind drug interactions though, as there are already cases of fibrillation because they combined azithro with antiviral drugs that prolong the QT - hence, predisposing to fibrillation.
Did you guys see this? It might be a hoax, but on many points the things this 'insider' tells seem totally plausible. However, what I don't agree with (at least yet) is how this insider is implying that the COVID-19 might not actually exist at all, that there is no novel corona virus. Still at the very least, this post is good 'food for thought'.

Many of you probably saw this. It was posted on FB by Pierce Corbyn (emphasis mine):

COVID19 Very Well Exposed by US scientist.
Forwarded by Piers Corbyn FROM JULIAN ROSE.

Dear all,

The below was sent to me by a widely respected professional scientist in USA. While we may know it's a scam - this insider evidence on the methodology of the madness is second to none.. Please use!!

The following is from a medical forum. The writer prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.
I work in the healthcare field. Here's the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.

This is why you're hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That's because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome. The problem is the test is known not to work.

It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery. Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.

The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense. And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.

If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you. If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis. And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.

Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.
They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.

There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time. All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease. Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die. You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on. Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.

Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically. Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways.

1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.
2. You can tell people that ‘minimizing’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.
3. You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.
4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen.

Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks.
They can not "confirm" something for which there is no accurate test.

The data to date show that most individuals with the coronavirus suffer from very mild conditions.
The panic-driven Washington Post even reported that 82% of these individuals with the coronavirus suffer from mild conditions.

Assuming the remaining require hospitalization (which is unlikely but conservative), then only 15,300 people currently require hospitalizations across the US. Of course this too is conservative because many of these cases in the US are already recovered and the individuals no longer suffer from the virus from China.

So the leftie Mainstream Media (MSM) want us to believe that hospital beds will be overwhelmed by the coronavirus by 15,000 patients (at most to date) but a year ago the US hospitals were not overwhelmed by 500,000 flu patients.

Other numbers from the media were based on the Imperial College report that warned that 2 million Americans and half a million British citizens would die from the coronavirus this year.

Yesterday they backtracked on their study and now claim only 20,000 in Britain will succumb to the coronavirus.

Great Britain has 29,000 flu deaths a year on average. So now they are saying the coronavirus is less deadly than a typical flu virus.

None of this passes the smell test.
I think that's part of the plan kill the small businesses. My local butcher incredibly busy but struggling to get the stock in and prices will rise quickly. All choice for us proles will be eliminated within 2 months.
I'm hoping for divine intervention I can keep my sanity and support to the family but I don't see a positive ending.
I was thinking about the freewill thing and how we've all been directed with skill to accept the ptb plans without so much as a wimper. How can you argue when you been told your very likely to kill your parents!! My parents have asked me to keep away!! 90% of the population are happy to be in lock down. Though with the mental state of the world probably we'll see a massive deterioration in mental health, I'll give it 3 weeks then things may get interesting!
I see that this is all also happening at the moment when many are looking to support small local and healthy sustainable production!!! All around the world!! Who do you think is behind this economic war ( economic wars bring about globalization and all its demons), because lets be honest, thats what it is. Make people more dependant on governments and big industry! Who do you think is paying/bribing these sold out souls called politicians to implement measures that look stupid and un-logical in regards to what they are advertised for? Big ag, pig pharma, multinational corps.... All the parasites that are feeding on humanity are supporting this. They would be stupid not to do it.

I tried to speak to people and some are open. And I dont hang out in bars and dont have many friends so if I managed to find people who think for themselves in my grocery store I see reason to think the ptbs overcalculated. I do think that the worst effects of this will be seen in huge cities and in communities where massive surveilance is already in place. There will be many new developments and I think we cant know what will happen anywhere for some time ... But if they are having problems and more and more people will challenge the msm narrative.... And countries (like Mexico) that are not falling for it as much (or so it seems for now) are a good show for others ... Also the fatalities are not there too. People will expect A LOT of dead from cv and that isnt happening. Nevermind the MOUNTAIN of information on the net that shows all cv scare/lockdown is faked and is something else entirely.

And thats why I believe that the ptbs wont be able to pull it off (I dont think this is wishfull thinking, if they were good at what theyre doing we would already be chiped and tagged). In my view they are taking a bite thats 100times too big for their capacity. I was thinking like this even before I found that astrology confirms the situation in the world and makes constructive predictions.... that makes me sure Im not just on some wishfull thinkagge 🤨.

Lets hope Im right eh?

Most important thing is to stay focused and calm and help others find the way to the truth.

The mention of mild cases was also present in the Romanian news, but I heard an interview with one of the doctors on the front line there and she was saying that while initially the cases were mild, they see a lot more severe cases lately and are wondering if the virus might not be mutating when spreading.

@Donjuan would this be also consistent with your observations? Did the cases you guys saw in Italy become increasingly more severe?

Is it possible that the virus is still mutating or that we are dealing with multiple strains?

by Jon Rappoport
March 26, 2020

In this episode of public health bureaucrats go crazy, let’s look at their numbers. Let’s accept their reality for the moment—the reality they claim to be working from—and trace the implications. Buckle up.

Start with Europe and just plain flu. Not COV. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe [1], “During the winter months, influenza may infect up to 20% of the population…” That’s ordinary seasonal flu.

The population of Europe is 741 million people. This works out to 148 million cases of ordinary flu. Not once. Every year. EVERY YEAR.
According to statista.com [2], “As of March 23, 2020, there have been 170,424 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) across the whole of Europe since the first confirmed cases in France on January 25.”

I urge readers to roll those comparative figures around in their minds, and realize that ordinary flu has never been called a pandemic, and has certainly never resulted in locking down countries.

If we take the COV Europe numbers I just quoted, which cover a period of two months, and multiply by six, to estimate the number for a year, we arrive at 1,022,544 cases. Even if you want to build up this figure by claiming it’s accelerating, do you really believe it’ll reach 148 million for the year, the number of ordinary flu cases? And again, 148 million is the estimate for EVERY YEAR. Every year—and no mention of a pandemic. No lockdowns.

Let’s go to Italy. According to statista.com [3], “Italy has the highest amount of confirmed [COV] cases in Europe with 59,138…” That’s as of March 23. If you multiply by six, to get the annual figure, you arrive at 360,000 cases. You want to blow that up, because of acceleration? Go ahead. How about a million cases for the year? Two million. Three million.

Now let’s look at ordinary flu cases for Italy in a given year. According to sciencedirect.com [4], “In the winter seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17, an estimated average of 5,290,000 ILI [influenza-like illness] cases occurred in Italy, corresponding to an incidence of 9%.” That’s 5 million plus each year. Not just once. Was a seasonal flu pandemic declared in Italy? Ever? Was the whole country ever locked down as a result? No.

Finally, let’s look at figures for ordinary flu, for the whole planet. A study published in the journal, Pharmacy and Therapeutics [5], states, “Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory illness that is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Approximately 9% of the world’s population is affected annually, with up to 1 billion infections, 3 to 5 million severe cases, and 300,000 to 500,000 deaths each year.”
A BILLION cases EVERY YEAR. Is this called a pandemic? Is the whole world locked down every year? No.

Feel free to track the purported number of COV cases as time passes. As I write this, the number is 392,286, and deaths are 17,147. Let me know when the COV case number reaches A BILLION for the year and the number of deaths passes 300,000. Then keep me posted on how the one billion COV cases are repeated EVERY YEAR with at least 300,000 deaths annually.

And that concludes this episode of public health officials go crazy and wreck economies and lives in the process.

There should be a tracking “world-o-meter” providing live updates on THOSE figures.

[1]. [Europe] 2018–2019 influenza season: what we know so far
[2]. Number of new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Europe from January 25 to March 26, 2020, by date of report
[3]. Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Italy – Statistics & Facts
[4]. Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)
[5]. Influenza Update: A Review of Currently Available Vaccines (P T. 2011 Oct; 36(10): 659-662, 665-668, 684.)
Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK adjusts figure to 20K or fewer

A scientist who warned that the coronavirus would kill 500,000 people in the United Kingdom has presented evidence that if current measures work as expected, the death toll would drop to roughly 20,000 people or fewer.

Scientist and Imperial College author Neil Ferguson said Wednesday the coronavirus death toll is unlikely to exceed 20,000 and could be much lower if lockdown measures continue, according to New Scientist. He added that he is “reasonably confident” that Britain’s health system can handle the burden of treating coronavirus patients.

“There will be some areas that are extremely stressed, but we are reasonably confident — which is all we can be at the current time — that at the national level we will be within capacity,” Ferguson said.

The Imperial College had previously warned of modeling that suggested over 500,000 would die from the virus.

“This is a remarkable turn from Neil Ferguson, who led the @imperialcollege authors who warned of 500,000 UK deaths — and who has now himself tested positive for #COVID,” former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson wrote on Twitter.

Ferguson credited the U.K.’s lockdown for stopping the spread of the virus, but as Berenson points out, the country “only began its lockdown 2 days ago, and the theory is that lockdowns take 2 weeks or more to work.” New data shows that the transmission rate of the virus, the measure of how many other people a carrier usually infects, is up from 2.5 to just over three, Ferguson said.

“That adds more evidence to support the more intensive social distancing measures," he said.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Twitter following the revised projections, "Now that we are seeing that the ICU bed & vent projections from orig Imperial College study are almost certainly WRONG, it is critical that we think immed about staggered, gradual opening of our country with new protocols."

"The guy behind the doomsday Imperial College model now says he expects UK not to run out of ICU beds and UK deaths 'unlikely to exceed 20,000 and could be much lower,'" American Commitment President Phil Kerpen tweeted.

Stanford scientists recently wrote an opinion article suggesting that more information is needed before settling on a coronavirus mortality rate and posited that mass quarantines aren’t necessarily the most logical answer to combating the virus.

Almost 500,000 coronavirus cases have been confirmed across the globe, and more than 22,000 people have died, while almost 120,000 have recovered.
On the one hand we are saying that it is possible to get re-infected with this virus, even after having it and being cured.

People can get the coronavirus more than once, experts warn — recovering does not necessarily make you immune
Holly Secon

Feb 27, 2020, 2:51 PM
coronavirus hospital hunan china.JPG

Nurses in protective gear talk to people in the reception area of the First People's Hospital in Yueyang, Hunan Province, China, January 28, 2020. Reuters/Thomas Peter

People who have gotten the new coronavirus and recovered can get it again in the future, health authorities say — the body does not become immune after infection.
[... more here...]

Then why are so many specialists working in so many countries on developing a vaccine for it?
Just home for a quick lunch, so I thought I would give a quick update of what's happening here where I live, in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia.

Not too much has changed in the last week or so, except for more restrictions like limiting the number of people in most stores that remain open, no more coffee available (take out) at all convenience stores, and basically no businesses of any kind accepting cash. I don't really 'feel' any sense of panic taking place here. But then again, like I mentioned in a previous post, I just work on small residential jobs so I'm not really 'out there'. My wife who works in a pharmacy downtown says that there is some 'panic' with the customers that come to the store, but it's actually 'normal'. They cater mostly to the elderly who have health issues in 'normal' times so there's always people in a 'panic' anyway. There's probably half the usual number of cars on the road.

Last I checked, there are about 800 'confirmed' cases and 14 deaths in B.C. Where I live, in the Interior of BC, I think there are between 45 and 50 cases, and I'm pretty sure, no deaths. I think most of the deaths, if not all, are the elderly in nursing homes. Absolute, craziness.

As far as work, most commercial construction sites are closing down, so that doesn't affect me... yet.

However, when you listen to the local radio stations, we are in a serious pandemic, threatening the entire population by a killer virus. Again, absolute craziness!
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