Here a letter of a French doctor someone posted on FB. As he wants to remain anonymous, I don't know if we can give some credit, but after reading it, what he describes seems very plausible and he points out some interestings and even tragic points (see last part of the letter), especially about the people who are indirectly killed by the doctors themselves (if what he says is true, of course.)

It sounds legit to me. The implementation of all these protocols do have tragic consequences.

The directives are coming from way above because there are similarities with everything I'm hearing from inside sources all around the world. And it's like the Minnesota doctor is saying, we've never received instructions on how to fill death certificates. Now we do. I've never received an official documentation of how to implement palliative care, now I did.

There's also a document which specifies how to implement resources such as "health hotels" to isolate those who are positive with COVID-19 due to the national emergency. The document is valid for 3 months starting from March 20th and it can be extended depending on circumstances. It's like the WHO spokeman was saying, they want to separate families from a COVID-19 positive case.
Well, I did a quick search and according to this site (see link below) the Gates Foundation is the second largest funder after the U.S. government. The exact amounts maybe fluctuating, but from what I could find Gates funding in 2017 was ca 330 million, and the US in 2017 paid ca 0,5 billion (according to THIS page). So, the US is the larger financier, but Gates is close behind.

And, according to THIS page from 2018, the US funding of the WHO constitutes roughly about 24% of WHO:s total grants (see image). So, if the US suspends its funding, it will make things difficult to the WHO.


Figure above: How important is each funder to each organization (% of grants)

It's also interesting to see the other big donors of the WHO, no surprises here:

View attachment 35126

Since we're putting Bill Gates under the microscope a lot here (as people in general should have done long ago), I thought I'd share a weird thing that happened to me when I applied for a job at the Gates Foundation quite a number of years ago.

Some background to the story: some time in 2001, I went looking for a better job and decided to take another chance on Microsoft after going through a nasty experience there a few years before (my boss ridiculed me in front of the entire team, and fired me when I complained about it). I interviewed with two program managers who seemed like pretty decent guys. They seemed to like me back, but one of the questions they asked at the end of the interview struck me as pretty strange: They asked how I felt about difficult people. Feeling fairly relaxed in front of them, I was disposed to be generous and said I supposed difficult people had become that way due to the vicissitudes of life and I felt sorry for them.

After I left the interview the question started bothering me a lot. As I drove into the parking lot of the job I had at the time, the program managers called to tell me I had the job, but that night I was talking to my husband about that question and actually got to thinking about the difficult people in my life.

As a teenager, I worked for the local supermarket after school. During the summer, high school kids (of which I was one) were assigned full-time jobs at the supermarket. No one wanted to work for the woman who ran the staff cafeteria because she had a reputation for being a dragon and a very difficult person to deal with. As luck would have, I got the assignment to work as her helper, and discovered an odd thing: she was not difficult at all. She simply couldn't stand people who were lazy and didn't do things they way she wanted them done after she'd showed them how to do it. She was very upfront about what she needed. I paid attention, and we got on so well that she asked for me to come back as her helper the next summer.

That was a good experience with someone who was apparently difficult. My mother and stepfather were an entirely different matter. I won't bore you with the details, except to say that nothing ever pleased them and the more you tried, the more things they found to criticize you for.

Back to the job I'd been offered, after a long discussion with my husband, I concluded that, despite my good experience during high school, my experiences with my parents made me think life was too short to have to deal with difficult people. I decided the question was a warning, a red flag, and declined the job.

A year or so after that, in 2008, I was looking for a job during the economic downturn, which occurred not too long after the dot com crash. Jobs in my field were thin on the ground, so I was pretty much looking for anything. So I went to a job interview at the Gates Foundation. The woman was pleasant and I felt relaxed, and again got the impression that she liked me and I might actually get the job. However, at the end of the interview, she told me I'd have to be interviewed by one more person, who would only ask me one question. This was a surprise. I had expected her to say "Start on Monday".

The pleasant woman left the room and in came this tall, thin woman with a hard-looking face. She sat down and asked me The Question. I intended to say what I'd said to the guys at Microsoft - you know, the PC version - but before I could answer, something happened to my consciousness. I blipped out for a moment, and when I became fully conscious again, I was in the middle of saying that life's too short to have to deal with difficult people (!) exactly what I'd said to my husband a couple of years before...and the last time I'd given any thought to dealing with difficult people. I remember feeling extremely angry at the woman and not knowing how I got that way or why I was so angry with her. I also didn't know how I ended up saying what I really thought when I'd intended to do the opposite. Did she hypnotize me, or simply reach into my mind and somehow force me to say what I really thought? How did she do whatever she did so quickly?

This experienced has puzzled me for years. What the heck actually happened? It freaked me out so much that ever since, whenever a recruiter asks if I want to take a job at Microsoft I say NO without even finding out the particulars.
A few days ago I came across this performance of Madonna from Eurovision 2019. Creepy is the right name for it. But I just forgot about it when reading this thread. Today a friend of mine asked me what that video is about and he pointed me among other things to the fact that Madonna is wearing eye-cover with 'X' sign and that there is such concept as Disease X which I didn't know about. I then watched the video again. It is full of violent imagery (gas masks, fires), includes flags of different countries (the last couple walking up the stairs is Israel and Palestine) and finishes with words "Wake up!". The whole performance seems to me like one of those messages that people in the know are sending to each other to notify themselves about coming world projects and events.
I was curious to see what Vigilant Citizen had to say about the symbolism in this video. The thing that shocked me the most is that this creepy Satanic Ritual takes place in Israel! We know Madonna is a practitioner of the Cabala and the implication is she's a high priestess of such. VC begins by showing the gender bending theme of so many of the performers who participated. The inverted crosses where also a shocker. It does look like "the plan for things to come", adding in Disease X. I think these degenerate, creators of world power and doom (for all us plebs) will begin to self implode when their master plans begin to crumble. Another thing to watch for.

Then, Madonna blows a wind of death on the masked people (which represent the masses, in gas masks) and everybody dies. Also, in the background, the Statue of Liberty is broken.


Eurovision 2019 Finale and the Occult Meaning of Madonna's Controversial Performance
As Madonna performs her new song Future with Quavo, the world is literally on fire.
The lyrics of that song are about the elite telling the masses that the future is not for them.

Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that’s here is gonna last

Also their costumes are partially robotic like so not totally human.
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Well.... Having said all that, I DO think that 5G is playing some key role in all this madness. What exactly is that role?

Hi, Scottie. I started a topic about it. 5G Frequency and Pathogens. Could you check it out? You understand the technology behind today's telecommunications better than I do.

So far what I found is that the range of frequencies that can alter the oxygen, can have a determining role in terms of the virus, because hypoxia stops the replication of the virus.
A not so serious observation among the more pertinent ongoing ones - in the comments to the Dr. Shiva interview:

"As a conservative living in Massachusetts, Dr. Shiva is a breath of fresh air AND he's running against Liz Warren!!"

Hmm - Liz Warren. Another symbolic marker?

Another comment:
I m voting for Dr. Shiva this year to finally rid ourselves of the swamp Liarwatha Elizabeth Warren! Thank you Dr. Shiva
(As Trump likes to refer to her, Pocahontas, a play on Hiawatha.)

On a lighter note (we must keep humor going in this):

Moderately Confused Comic Strip for April 08, 2020
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Today press conference in Québec:

Then I'll finish with that... maybe focus on the two-meters mark. Because in the coming weeks, in the coming months, every Quebecker will have to visualize himself or herself always staying two meters away from other people. So, obviously, this is a new culture, so there's no question of holding hands or being too close to other people. So, let's all try together to start visualizing that, for a certain number of months, we will stay within two meters of other people.

:curse: 😭

I don't know what to say, I am just speechless !!
The C's said when someone with sts intentions goes at you, you are allowed anything in return (I'm paraphrasing).

Now being someone who trys to have truth as avatar it's a bit conflictual but being pushed around is a no go either.
Should we fight fire with fire ?

Cause I feel the plans forming. Agenda2020 meet worlwide hackers.

Can you post a reference from the C's that says this? That doesn't seem right to me. I think it is a STS agenda for you to dance with them instead of rising above them or moving on.
Can you post a reference from the C's that says this? That doesn't seem right to me. I think it is a STS agenda for you to dance with them instead of rising above them or moving on.


I think you are correct.

Session 26 November 1994:
Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?

A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?

A: Not necessary.

Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?

A: Now you are "fighting fire with fire."

Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?

A: Open. But what does phrase imply?

Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.

A: Bingo.

Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. (F) You can't fight fire with fire. (LM) Well, actually you can in reality. (T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them. Is that a possibility?

A: Why.

Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change. (J) Do you want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L) The only change you could really have would be the opposite emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace...

A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.

Q: (J) So, give them nothing. (T) But what I am thinking about is the energy... I have a natural... They are feeding off negative energy. They put something in me, some technological thing, because they come into 3rd density to mess with us...

A: Yes.
Please relax, they ran out of milk and it's MY fault because yesterday (tuesday) I set off early to go to my mate's, but Betsy was caught up in some domestic turmoil, and once that was finished and I finally borrowed a voucher, then walked to the shops! Bang! I was number 33. Shop closed in my mask! IT'S THE LAW NWO!!! (or now, in québécois) the girl said with gloves on! On the way home, our neighbours screamed to the children to remain on the other side of the dirt road. Are dirt roads 2m? Hard to tell with mask. Anyway we love being home living in the Québec of our childhood which only exists on a map!
Hey I for one love the new fashions!
"False Face Must Hide What False Heart Doth Know', you know Shakespeare the song on the radio tomorrow from the québécois Techno-Punk Poet: DanleMiel! If everybody says so, that's gotta be a GOOD ONE!

To: Gandalf
Can you post a reference from the C's that says this? That doesn't seem right to me. I think it is a STS agenda for you to dance with them instead of rising above them or moving on.
I'm trying to find it. I think it's in a fairly recent session. I'm browsing through the last 3 years with the keyword 'anything'. It stucked in my mind when I read it. I remember the C's telling you can do anything and it won't blow back at you, I even remember Laura asking back : Really ? Anything ? I know it sounds kind a off which is why I remembered it.
Someone will probably chime in, I'll try to dig deeper meenwhile.
So on the one hand, covid deaths are being inflated by counting pretty much any death as covid (probably to somewhat different degrees in different countries). But if the following numbers are correct and representative, then even the deaths officially ascribed to covid don't cover the number of actual excess deaths in some 'hard hit' areas:

Collateral damage from the lockdown procedures, perhaps? Or something else?
About Madonnas stage performance

In our modern day we can forecast things far ahead of time. Weather, volcanoes, celestial events, ect. thanks to science.

And then we have religion with prophesy as one of their big interests, forecasting the end of times, ect.

So: say science tells us of a doom scenario coming our way... are they going to tell us? No. But you can see things going on that indicate there might be something coming.

And so civilization could be affected by something that will destroy order. And so in preparation to reestablish control, these people try to enfold natures coming wrath into their control scheme, by insinuating themselves in the event, by which they had no control over, yet knew it was coming, so create dramas alluding to them being the might behind natures wrath.

Uri Gellar, on Coast to Coast often remarks when faced with scepticism: 'There is no such thing as bad publicity'. And I think that is the tact used in Madonnas performance. And it is directed at Judeo-Christian audiences primarily, but this trick can work on the general populace if scientific knowledge is sufficiently squelched.

Sort of like a Wizard of Oz attempt to make themselves look powerful and mighty, so that in the aftermath are feared, and able to reestablish control. So they can continue prophesying using science.
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