Just back from the park and doing some errands. Good few in the park, only 2 people wearing masks, two garda cars driving around the park with two in the car (no social distancing), gave them a nod and a smile they done the same back. Not stopping anyone for now, just observing. My drive took me 6km from home, no check points in the area had a chat with the butcher. He's well stocked the supermarket next door massive que outside, no one in the butchers. Butcher said he gets stopped most mornings going to work, nice man but he thinks it's necessary. Went to the post office to post FOTCM form, again supermarket beside post office the que was massive, no one in post office. Then went to the post office depot to pick up delivery of canning jars. Today was a good day, got to sit on the grass under the sun, listening to the birds, watching some squirrels chewing on nuts. Im tempted to head down to the forest about 40min drive, not sure though that might be pushing my luck.