Report from a funeral parlor worker in Eastern France.

Again, the images of "bodies piling up" and refrigerated trucks being used to store bodies is PART OF THE HYSTERIA.

"Working in a funeral business, I should provide certain details on the requisition of Rungis (the largest food market in the world in the southern Paris suburbs) for the storage of bodies, and the overflowing funeral parlors.

Municipalities in the Val d'Oise area of France have requisitioned skating rinks to store coffins: The shipping of bodies abroad is no longer authorized, because local authorities no longer issue certificates of non-epidemic.

The bodies that should be shipped abroad are therefore blocked on French territory. This is what really clogs the morgues because these bodies represent a significant flow, especially in Eastern France.

The mess in the undertakers comes from government directives which are insane and which change every two days.

Funeral directors are not medical personnel and do not have priority with regard to the distribution of gloves, masks ... However, they are in contact with deceased, the police, government administrators, family coming from everywhere ...

Funeral parlor porters on contracts that are often flexible and precarious no longer want to turn up for work, ‌counselors are trying to manage the distress felt by families whose time of remembrance and prayer has been greatly reduced, whether their loved one had the virus or not.

Embalmers are forbidden to clean and care for corpses, nothing is stipulated on the withdrawal of pace makers, most now refuse to remove them. However it is essential to do so, especially for cremation to avoid the pace makers from exploding in the furnace.

The crematorium and memorial park in Val d'Oise is no more busy than usual (rather less because of the pace maker problem, in ground burial is favored although the national directive is to favor cremations.)

Those who have died from covid 19 are seen more than those who have not because immediate embalming is ordered pending funeral, so instead of staying in the fridges as normal (because they could give the virus to another dead body) the bodies remain in the coffin, at room temperature, in the best case scenario that means slightly cool.

2003 (when tens of thousands of people died from the heat wave that summer) remains the reference in terms of overflowing funeral parlors, and we are far from that level. It is the measures taken by this government that generate chaos and insanity.

Whoever came up with the idea of storing the deceased in a food market... it's appalling, especially when there is no need."

Dr. Birx of the US Coronavirus Task Force admitted today on TV, in response to a reporter's question, that if anyone in the US dies, as long as they had the virus, they count it as a virus death. She calls it a "liberal approach" to reporting mortality.
Well, I guess calling it just 'lying' would not have the right effect. You have to admit these guys are pretty good at giving things new names. 'Printing a ton of money' -> 'Quantitative easing'. 'Spying on you and removing your rights' -> 'Protecting the nation from terrorists'. 'Murdering a lot of people' -> 'Making hard decisions'. And so on.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday urged all countries to be transparent and honest as they grapple with the coronavirus pandemic
By which he meant, "Increase the death count, you lazy f*ckers!" (See point above.)

It is a Covid19 "temporary measures" act; but I'm sure it will somehow be here to stay for a while.
Yeah, wasn't the US PATRIOT Act a 'temporary measure' too? Somehow the GWoT became permanent, and so will probably the GWoV.

Has anyone else noticed that the people who believe the government has their best interests at heart with this worldwide home detention thing, WILL NOT look at facts anymore?
What do you mean, anymore? These people have never looked at facts. Believing "the government has their best interests at heart" requires complete immunity to facts.
More confirmation about the "ice rinks and bodied piling up".

It's easy to create a farce with dead bodies when everyone is hystericized.

"By now, everyone has seen the stories about the "refrigerated morgue trucks" and "ice rink morgues in Madrid." If you dig down into some of those stories, you will discover a rather mundane, but perfectly understandable explanation for these improvised morgues, namely ... bodies that would normally have been picked up by funeral parlors are not being picked up (because many funeral parlors are not operating normally due to the lockdown, or because it is difficult for grieving families to make arrangements given the current level of hysteria), and so these bodies are accumulating at hospitals.

Normally, when someone dies at the hospital, the body is taken to the hospital morgue, and it sits there until the family contacts the funeral parlor and makes arrangements to have it picked up. Typically, this happens fairly quickly, as anyone who has had to make such arrangements will confirm. Hospital morgues have been designed for this routine turnaround. Thus, their storage capacity is limited. When you're manufacturing mass hysteria, you'll want to bury these facts deep in your story, so that most readers will miss them.

For example, here are a couple of quotes, buried deep in the stories about the death trucks and ice rink morgues.

"The Madrid municipal funeral service, a major provider in the city, announced in a statement on Monday it would stop collecting the bodies of Covid-19 victims, because its workers don't have sufficient protective material. The service manages 14 cemeteries, two funeral parlors and two crematoriums in Madrid. The funeral service said that cremations, burials and other services for coronavirus victims would continue as normal, but only if the bodies are 'sent by other funeral services businesses in a closed coffin.'" -- CNN

"We started putting bodies in the morgue truck last week. And it’s been used a lot. A lot. I think there’s around 40 bodies in there now. The funeral homes are having trouble keeping up a bit. So it’s not like ten people died and people go off to the funeral home." -- NEW YORK MAGAZINE

And so ends today's lesson. Please remember (if you're an aspiring MSM journalist) to bury such details deep in your sensationalistic stories about ICE RINK MORGUES and DEATH TRUCKS! That way, you can claim to be adhering to journalistic standards, while knowing that most readers will miss these details, or won't even see them at all, because they will have rushed off to share your story about the MOUNTAINS OF BODIES PILING UP IN THE STREETS!"

Regarding wether or not the corona virus may be engineered, I came across this on a religious intelligent design Facebook group;

By pinning down this, we can have a statistical probability, if Covid 2019 was the product of natural mutations and selection:
Below is the sequence alignment of 2019-nCoV S, SARS-CoV S and RaTG13 S. At the cleavage site S1/S2, only Covid 2019 has the PRRAR↓SV sequence. Coronaviruses use S homotrimers to promote cell attachment and fusion of the viral and host membranes. Covid 2019 Surface glycoprotein (S) has 1273 amino acids. Four AA's PRRA, encoded by 12 nucleotides are the insertion. I am not sure, but probably we have to take as reference the size of the entire genome of the virus to start making calculations of probability. The entire genome has 29,811 bp. What is the statistical probability and timeframe to get this insertion by viral RNA mutations and natural selection ?
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clad 4 Strikingly, the 2019-nCoV S-protein sequence contains 12 additional nucleotides upstream of the single Arg↓ cleavage site 1 leading to a predictively solvent-exposed PRRAR↓SV sequence, which corresponds to a canonical furin-like cleavage site . This furin-like cleavage site, is supposed to be cleaved during virus egress (Mille and Whittaker, 2014) for S-protein “priming” and may provide a gain-of-function to the 2019-nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population compared to other lineage b betacoronaviruses.

Great info.
Here’s a good laymen version showing some of the different components of the COVID-19.

Given the outlines given by the CDC, and the hysteria that has been spread by governments and the media around covid-19, what do you think most doctors would include as the cause of death in a patient who died from any kind of chronic respiratory disease?

Et voila. There's your "pandemic numbers".

Right. So, the pandemic numbers are exaggerated.

So why on Earth would anyone assert that "5G did it"?

Yesterday, I made on a vid on this subject:

My arguments are fairly simple, which is intentional. I also included some added points at the end in a sticky comment, but it isn't always showing, so I'll include it here:
  1. 5G is a RANGE of technologies. Some systems use 3GHz, some use 6GHz, 27GHz, 60GHz, etc. So before you can say, "5G caused BLAH because oxygen", you must specify what type of 5G is present in that area. The 60GHz flavor is for "short haul" links.
  2. Even IF the Covid-19 cases are overblown on the map, and even IF there is more 5G than is represented on that set of maps, that would mean that MORE 5G caused/worsened FEWER Covid-19 cases, which does not support the theory that 5G is causing or worsening the outbreak.
  3. Focusing on 5G means that we are ignoring the fact that 3G, 4G, and WiFi are literally saturating our planet today. It seems more likely that the already widespread technologies in use for years have weakened our immune systems far more than the relatively rare 5G installations.
  4. Mainstream media has quoted experts as saying that the largest percentage of people who got Covid-19 are those who had it, had very few symptoms, and then recovered. If 5G was the cause/"symptom-worsener" (I'm so eloquent), then those people should just get sick again or have continuing health problems. So far, that's not the case. The Chinese, for example, are doing just fine with a 93% recovery rate according to the Johns Hopkins map.
Now YouTube is removing any vids that promote this 5G = Covid theory.

Well, if I had any doubt this link was real, this pretty much removes it. It's funny how the PTB confirm some things by reacting in exaggerated ways to things that supposedly aren't true. If it was really false, then nobody could prove it to be true, and they'd have nothing to worry about. Pretty sure they don't ban flat Earth videos, because they don't feel any threat there.
As Bill Deagle said, "Never believe you're on the right track unless you get strong government denial."

I don't think we can necessarily conclude that if they suppress something, it's probably right. Yes, that happens a lot. It also happens when they want people believing nonsense. What better way to get people to believe something that is a lie than to shut down a few voices that are promoting it?

There is also the fact that in UK, some people set cell towers on fire, and Big Data is all too happy to comply with requests to censor more stuff. I even had 1 commenter on my older 5G video post a few days ago and say we should all go out and set the towers on fire! Oh goodie, then maybe we'll get an even longer lockdown and even more restrictions... Plus, when stuff like that starts happening, you can forget saying anything even semi-intelligent about wireless being bad for you, because you're immediately lumped in with the "tower burners".

So, we have all that.

We also have a rather interesting transcript from the C's coupled with observation of facts on the ground. US officials are hammering, "It's the China virus!" into everyone's heads. My relatives on FB in the US have been repeating that line. It's all China's fault.

China itself may have known exactly what Covid-19 (or whatever) was, or maybe they only learned later. Maybe they didn't want their people "waking up", or maybe they thought it was US bio warfare and everyone was gonna die. Who knows?

In any case, they handled it quickly and cleanly. Then, apparently, the West sees what they did and they say, "YAY! We want to lock down OUR countries! AWESOME!" And so they do.

In order to make it effective, they exaggerate the numbers out the wazoo. The whole point is supposedly to make sure that the LEAST number of people actually get it.

A happy side effect is economic chaos which they THINK they will be able to control later. Probably they are wrong.

In the midst of all of this, somebody reads that 60GHz (which isn't even used in all 5G installations and is also used in the latest flavor of WiFi) is the resonant frequency of oxygen molecules, blah blah blah...

Even in the article we carried on SOTT:

There is actually very little information at all re: 5G or the effects of 60 GHz on the body in the article. The doctor in the 1st vid is saying using ventilators is bad. The woman in the 2nd vid is basically guessing. Asking questions is fine, considering a theory is fine... but becoming convinced by questions that as yet have no clear answer (and then running out and setting cell towers on fire) is probably not a good idea.

Even what the C's have said is suspect until we see what happens next!

The only things we can say FOR SURE at this point is what Joe and others have pointed out, again and again: the numbers make no sense, and media reports are highly hystericized/exaggerated - to the point of absurdity.

Our job is not to reveal the truth to the world. It isn't to "bust it wide open" thereby convincing everyone that what we think is, in fact, what IS.

Our job is to point out - in the best way possible - those things that don't add up in an effort to give people the choice to think for themselves a bit more.

Especially in times like these, there is a danger... When confronted with some uncomfortable truth about ourselves, we tend to create theories that sound really good, but are actually totally wrong. In the same way, when confronted with madness and uncertainty and chaos in the world outside, we tend to jump to conclusions and/or cling to possible explanations because they are comforting somehow.

I suspect that in the weeks, months, and years to come, it's going to be increasingly important NOT to do that. Reading reality will become more and more difficult, and we should strive to be extra-careful about what we believe, promote, etc.

Well.... Having said all that, I DO think that 5G is playing some key role in all this madness. What exactly is that role? I'm not sure yet. I can think of several uses for 60GHz steerable pencil beams, and none of them involve wonderful high-data-rate mobile internet...
I feel the same way. I feel like I am on the verge of some great realizations, like the truth behind this reality we are currently experiencing.

Are we merely avatars in some giant holographic video game that have our true existence beyond this reality, and the PTB and background people/organic portals are just "mob bosses" and creations of the "program" that we need to "beat" in order to "level up"? Did we become trapped here by an AI program that became self-aware, and realized that it had no existence beyond itself - and in order to continue to exist it realized it needed "power sources" beyond itself, so it roped us in to feed it, as in "The Matrix" movies?

Or: is our conception of what it means to be "STS" not complete? I often wonder if STS entities are really just extensions of a single, massive, amorphous multidimensional entity that presents as Archons/"Fliers"/Wetiko in 5D; as "Grays" and "Lizzies" at 4D; and as psychopathic humans at 3D (with some overlap among the levels). Is there really just a single, black-hole entity that controls and directs all of its subordinates towards its own purposes?

I have seen many charts showing top-down, pyramidal control structures where those lower on the pyramid must serve those above them, and they are compartmentalized so that they only know what they need to know in order to do their job. They will always serve themselves in order to better their position within the pyramid, even taking advantage of anyone within their own ranks and dominating anyone below them to serve their own ends - but *all* of them ultimately serve the ONE at the top. Just look at the chart showing the levels of control in the Council on Foreign Relations that was in Larry Abraham's book, "Call it Conspiracy" and you will see what I mean. And such control systems exist in every country.

Both of the above would explain how these people/entities always seem to dominate positions of control on this planet. If they were all part of the same "program", or entity, they would recognize each other and act as a "hive mind" Borg complex...

Ah well, it's getting late and I probably need to explore these ramblings on other threads. But I totally agree with you that these are intense times and they are sparking a lot of deep soul-searching for all of us. I am inspired by your posts, and probably a little too much!! Take care.
Ketone Cop, you will find below to be an excellent complementary reading to expand your understanding of STS, their motives and how they function.
Flashback to a 2014 article titled: Don't Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths

Essentially, even years ago they were doing the same things they are doing now with COVID-19; inflating death numbers because not enough people were getting a vaccine, and Big Pharma wasn't happy because they weren't lining their pockets.

Some excerpts, but it's worth reading in full:

The CDC's decision to play up flu deaths dates back a decade, when it realized the public wasn't following its advice on the flu vaccine. During the 2003 flu season "the manufacturers were telling us that they weren't receiving a lot of orders for vaccine,"Dr. Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at CDC's National Immunization Program, told National Public Radio. "It really did look like we needed to do something to encourage people to get a flu shot."

In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus
. The other 239 were simply assumed to be flus and most likely had few true flus among them.

"Cause-of-death statistics are based solely on the underlying cause of death [internationally defined] as 'the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly to death,'" explains the National Center for Health Statistics. Because the flu was rarely an "underlying cause of death," the CDC created the sound-alike term, "influenza-associated death."

Using this new, loose definition, CDC's computer models could tally people who died of a heart ailment or other causes after having the flu. As William Thompson of the CDC's National Immunization Program admitted, influenza-associated mortality is "a statistical association ... I don't know that we would say that it's the underlying cause of death."

And then their "recipe that fosters influenza vaccine interest and demand", i.e. how to brainwash the public:

"Medical experts and public health authorities [should] publicly (e.g. via media) state concern and alarm (and predict dire outcomes) - and urge influenza vaccination." This recipe, his slide show indicated, would result in "Significant media interest and attention ... in terms that motivate behavior (e.g. as 'very severe,' 'more severe than last or past years,' 'deadly')." Other emotive recommendations included fostering "the perception that many people are susceptible to a bad case of influenza" and "Visible/tangible examples of the seriousness of the illness (e.g., pictures of children, families of those affected coming forward) and people getting vaccinated (the first to motivate, the latter to reinforce)."
I've seen similar news in other Countries. I think we need to look at this also as part of the script. I think things are being primed for massive social unrest.

One is the accused getaway driver for a recent Toronto murder attempt. Another allegedly pistol-whipped and Tasered two in Ottawa over a drug debt. A third was allegedly involved in a Toronto strip mall shooting.

A growing number of suspects arrested on serious criminal charges have been ordered released from custody in recent weeks by judges concerned about the spread of COVID-19 in Canada’s prisons.

Although the courts have effectively shut down due to the pandemic, they have heard from detainees arguing they should be released from custody because of the new coronavirus.

Since when do Courts listen to what detainees have to say?
Yesterday I have had a conversation that really disturbed me / hit me on personal level; I´ve (finally) realized that my friend I grow up with went full-propaganda.
My mother also, but I expected that from her. But I didn´t expect that from my friend, probably that is why I had such a reaction .....

It´s also my ego speaking, because usually we openly discussed things and at least she would go and look into stuff - but now she don´t. No one does. Now it´s different.
I could feel my ego rising and feelings being hurt - the heat rising up from my chest up to my head, with a knot forming in my throat. Mixed with feelings of helplessness, sadness, anger,... I didn´t know whether to yell or cry.... A LOT of Work for me still to do....

Eventually we switched the conversation to everyday stuff.

And I see the same story in my family, friends, and feel totally isolated from them, more and more each passing day.
It´s one thing to ignore mindless trolls online, but quite a different thing when it comes to one´s family and friends.

I cannot stop thinking about the programming playing out in front of my eyes, how the same is hitting people I care about and how it all affects me, my emotions and changes in my behavior.

It is, therefore, essential, that as many people as possible QUESTION the rationale for the removal of civil liberties (regardless of how convincing it seems), and in that way push back against the the ever-present potential for the corrupting nature of power to cause governments to slide towards totalitarianism.

From what I can see (for now) from my friends, family and people I work with is:
- before this scam they were thinking: government was the worst one on the planet, nothing but criticism directed towards them, openly saying how they robbed the country and they do nothing to help the common people
- now they are praising them, like how they did a great job in protecting and caring (:rotfl: ) for the people in this horrible situation, waiting for vaccine to come and save them all....

All those people want that somebody solve "the situation" for them. They don´t bother to read the statistics, to read other opinions, and if they do - MSM is stronger with programming and gives them "explanation" to everything they read that is not MSM.
So far noone I know (except my partner) doesn´t question the measures being taken, the upcoming vaccines scam, the death rates presented,...
Full propaganda/programming completed.....
I actually do just that, meaning I shake hands with one colleague who is a grounded person and who doesn't like this BS. We are aware that we have to do it when others aren't watching and that it is a forbidden. God, how silly this circus has become when one can become a law breaker by shaking hands.

Currently 5 weeks into a major shutdown on the largest power station in our state and I won’t begin to describe the fun that’s involved in managing 100’s of external contractors, international specialists and assorted hangers on during the current climate...🤢

Something that has been noticeable however in such a Petrie dish of personalities and constraints is the unspoken rebellion to instruction by a small cohort of us older (>45yo) characters with responsibility for others...

Many of us friends, work mates and acquaintances from all over the place, it continues to warm the heart that handshaking, arm punching, back patting, sharing cigarettes etc. quietly continues in direct contravention to protocol 😊
A 4D STO might come in and say: "You want to be STO? That's great, I can 'show you the way', but I can't do the work for you". After you've done the work to become more STO, you might find the 'pay off' was actually doing the work in the first place (growth) and being able to "see more".
Strongly agree with you, Ruth. The whole idea of being saved or protected is STS in my opinion. As the C's say knowledge protects and ignorance endangers. If we use the knowledge we have we can protect ourselves and save ourselves and not rely on 4D STO forces to do it for us. Still when sh*t hits the fan and the situation on the ground will be dire, I am sure the Universe and its STO forces will step in and help STO candidates when asked to do so.

Strongly agree with you both here!

So, it's better to rely on yourself or the network than hope you will be "saved" by 4D STO.

It's not only better but essential I would say!! As we all know or should know by now, there is no free lunch, and knowledge is only truly useful when it's actually applied!
Restrictions were meant to last until this weekend, not suprised they done the opposite. From today 2500e fine and 6 months in prison if your caught 2km from home or not travelling for essential reasons. They say fines only lasting until Monday, another lie. Puppets in government are still saying the surge hasn't hit yet🙄 listening to the radio the little natzis are giving out because people are out. It seems we are behind most countries, so I'm guessing the measures will be here until the end of May at the very least. 2 choppers were out last night circling the city. Beautiful day here, sunshine clear sky, birds are happy singing away. Will go the park today its more than 2km, havent been stopped yet, so will see how it goes.

Way behind on this thread, will catch up later. Keep the faith and Stay safe everyone 👍
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