Just watched this video, an interview with a former FEMA manager called Celeste Solum, touching on a number of different topics, some of them quite far out, so not entirely sure how legit she is - probably needs to be take with a grain of salt:

A brief summary of some of the points she touched:

For those who are more at ease with French here the summary in French:

1. Tester et enregistrer l’ADN de chaque Américain, ce qui constituera une mine d’or pour l’industrie pharmaceutique.
2. Forcer les Américains à accepter un cocktail de vaccins, dont certains les stériliseront.
3. Injecter aux Américains des sérums contenant des nanoparticules qui fusionnent avec le tissu humain et leur permettent de contrôler et de surveiller à l’aide d’un ordinateur. Ceci est lié à l’introduction de la 5G.

Les Américains auront essentiellement besoin d’un certificat appelé ID2020 s’ils veulent retrouver leur liberté de mouvement. Seules ces personnes seront autorisées à assister à des événements de masse, comme les matchs de la NFL. On peut supposer que seules ces personnes pourront travailler et subvenir aux besoins de leur famille.
Au début, j’ai pensé que cette femme avait dépassé les bornes. Mais ensuite, j’ai lu ces déclarations de Bill Gates :
Bill Gates : « Les rassemblements publics de masse pourraient ne jamais être autorisés à moins que tout le monde ne soit vacciné (c’est-à-dire empoisonné) ».
Lors d’un entretien avec le TED Talk le 24 mars, Gates a déclaré « Un jour, nous devrons avoir des certificats indiquant qui est une personne guérie, qui est une personne vaccinée […] Parce que vous ne voulez pas que les gens se déplacent dans le monde entier, où certains pays ne pourront pas contrôler la situation, malheureusement. Vous ne voulez pas empêcher complètement les gens d’aller là-bas, de revenir et de se déplacer. Il y aura donc à terme cette preuve d’immunité numérique qui contribuera à faciliter la réouverture du monde ».
Ici, Gates affirme que tout le monde a besoin d’être « testé » et que nous devrions préparer des vaccins pour les nouvelles pandémies.
Hier, Gates a déclaré que grâce à la « distanciation sociale », les cas devraient « se stabiliser » d’ici la fin avril.
Mais Gates a prédit que les choses « ne reviendront pas à la normale tant que nous ne disposerons pas d’un vaccin que nous aurons distribué à peu près partout dans le monde ».
Hier, le Dr Anthony Fauci a prédit que le coronavirus « deviendra un événement saisonnier »(comme la grippe ?) Le chef de la Fed de St Louis a déclaré que tous les Américains pourraient avoir besoin d’être testés pour le coronavirus avant que l’économie puisse être remise en marche ».
One of the journalists asked whether it will be mandatory to download those apps, and the minister said that it's not clear yet, but that it is preferred that as many people as possible download them once they're available...

Well, i think you can pretty much count on such things becoming part of life in case the Chinese situation is anything to go by: apparently in Wuhan, as soon as the lock up was suspended on Tuesday, tens of thousands of people left the city 'as long as they were able to show a mandatory smartphone application powered by a mix of data-tracking and government surveillance to indicate they were healthy and had not been in recent contact with anyone confirmed to have the virus.'
'Tall barriers continue to surround housing compounds in Wuhan and residents can only leave if they have a green health code or documents showing a valid reason.' 'Prevention measures such as wearing masks, temperature checks and limiting access to residential communities will remain in place in Wuhan.'
The old world is gone.

Has anyone else noticed that the people who believe the government has their best interests at heart with this worldwide home detention thing, WILL NOT look at facts anymore?

You can do simple maths with death rates from heart disease and pnuemonia dropping with every rise in corona deaths, that is, show that there are no more deaths from corona than there used to be from other causes. Then show them how the CDC and other government health organisations' policies show that they are ACTUALLY just renaming the causes of death FROM other types TO covid 19 (which is to say NOBODY IS DYING FROM COVID 19).... *deep breath* and their reply is "I don't see it like that."

What? 1+1 no longer equals two, people. We are not in Kansas anymore.
Yes, my experience as well. The emphasis also seems to be in some obsession with hospitals' capacity and ICU capacity and that is why it is necessary that there is a lockdown (the official party line). When i bring to the fore that many hospitals are sitting empty, private practices being closed etc, i'm told that that is 'simply not true, no thank you, no need to show so called evidence or numbers as you say the numbers are not to be trusted anyways!' :headbash: Cognitive bias at work.

Meanwhile, Portugal will totally shut down from tomorrow thursday midnight until monday midnight. From midnight on Thursday April 9 to midnight on Monday April 13, the country will be hunkering down in a way it hasn’t since the dark days of the dictatorship.
Airports to be locked down for Easter - Portugal Resident
Guess we'll have some groceries to buy today!
In France 6,266 prisoners released in 15 days

Here some extracts :

"The number of inmates in French prisons fell by 6,266 people between March 16 and April 1, the Justice Ministry reported to AFP Friday, which took measures to decongest prisons to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This unprecedented decrease is linked both to a decrease in judicial activity, leading to a reduction in the number of new detainees, and to early releases.

A circular in mid-March called for the deferral of short prison sentences and for pre-trial detention to be reserved for the most serious offences. There had also been suspensions of sentences on medical grounds and releases for detainees in pre-trial detention awaiting trial.

In addition, an order issued under the state of health emergency simplifies the release of prisoners reaching the end of their prison sentence. At the time of the presentation of this measure, the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet had indicated that between 5,000 and 6,000 prisoners could benefit from early release.

The Council of State is considering on Friday an urgent appeal by associations defending the rights of detainees and unions of lawyers and magistrates.
They call for the release of those who are left with six months of detention, as opposed to two months at present, as well as protections (masks, freezing etc) for the detainees."
In the Dutch newspaper, De Telegraaf, there is now an article that says people have carbon monoxide poisoning.
And these people do not have to go to ventilation, because that has the opposite effect.
Says American toxicologist Albert Donnay.
The Dutch Ree van Slooten adds.
Due to the large number of pathogenic homes in the Netherlands plus the fact that there are still many smokers, it is certain that a significant part of the corona patients have underlying chronic CO poisoning.
In France 6,266 prisoners released in 15 days

Here some extracts :

"The number of inmates in French prisons fell by 6,266 people between March 16 and April 1, the Justice Ministry reported to AFP Friday, which took measures to decongest prisons to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This unprecedented decrease is linked both to a decrease in judicial activity, leading to a reduction in the number of new detainees, and to early releases.

A circular in mid-March called for the deferral of short prison sentences and for pre-trial detention to be reserved for the most serious offences. There had also been suspensions of sentences on medical grounds and releases for detainees in pre-trial detention awaiting trial.

In addition, an order issued under the state of health emergency simplifies the release of prisoners reaching the end of their prison sentence. At the time of the presentation of this measure, the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet had indicated that between 5,000 and 6,000 prisoners could benefit from early release.

The Council of State is considering on Friday an urgent appeal by associations defending the rights of detainees and unions of lawyers and magistrates.
They call for the release of those who are left with six months of detention, as opposed to two months at present, as well as protections (masks, freezing etc) for the detainees."

Yet, they were confined and so in security, no ? :whistle:
Yes, me too.
To be honest, having been through all vaccinations required for europeans working in Africa three times including the long term ones, ebola outbreak in Guinea with concomitant malaria and a nasty flu in the DRC and few other nasty bed ridden fevers, my feeling is of profound irritation to all the media circus. I’m doing my outmost to manage my anger and keep the zen so I can be there for when I’m needed.
I think this is parting from the assumption that everything that has been said about the COVID is factual and true, and I am doubting that the same people who have lied to us time and again about almost everything somehow are telling us the truth about this virus. But even if we assumed that what they're telling us is true, and that their numbers are accurate, simply giving masks to everyone and rushing to test everyone doesn't seem like a really good idea. It doesn't seem to even be necessary, a virus that is half as deadly as the seasonal flu and which has a mortality group of 80+ and a complications rate of under 5%, has never been reason enough to put the people in panic mode or institute massive testing of the population.

Hi Alejo,

I thank you very much for your contribution !

Indeed, I 100% agree with you about the measures but I meant that we know what would be the best option assuming we would want to suppress all risks knowing what we officially know about it.
Besides, even for a normal flu, if they want to avoid people being simply ill, there are some stuff to do with masks, tests and specific lockdown before going crazy with a complete lockdown.

Anyway, it's just as you said "something rather unbelievable" and it "has never been reason enough to put the people in panic mode".
This point about fear is very important, Thank you for bringing it here.

In France, you can see that everything is done to make people fear and panic :

- there's nothing about the normal flu in mass media and government's speech whereas they could at least officialy compare the 2 illness since the beginning.
- the daily countdown about positive cases and deaths... imagine if we used to do the same for normal flu, cancer or else...
- the "war" language
- the way they speak in public, severe and solemn
- there's almost nothing else in the mass media than the covid19
- Recently they added a ton of deaths finally coming fom the old people institutes but many already question the truth about it. Some voices say that they just add the deaths without knowing the cause.
- The number of cases are only the ones who have been tested because they were serious cases. France only test people for any serious reason. So the official rate of deaths, whatever the number of deaths is true or false, is obviously cheated.

Fear is an old mecanism to help in controling population and they are pretty good to it since they have been training for a looooonng time. Who have already said that they know us better than we know ouselves ?
not that anyone here doesn't know this, but a pretty telling video someone just sent me! it is from 2018, but pretty sure the same mandate is still in action right now.
Yeah, and they should maybe add: "and this is also extremely dangerous to our corrupted consciences".

The longer this farce continues, the more I'm convinced that what we see right now is an indication of their huge miscalculation. Not all people dance to their tune, and those who do, perform rather poorly. Overall the effect is similar to the painful sound of a symphonic orchestra without a conductor, with unskilled members playing on off-pitch instruments.

We all agree on the schizophrenia of political discourse. The question many people ask about the Forum is: what was said to our presidents to make them give up their ideology to this extent?
Beyond the obvious lies of our governments, we also observe the hysterical behaviour of the masses with the "emotional" treatment of information and their inability to deal objectively with the facts. As Joe did in a post, compare daily mortality with previous years, you will see that mortality is more or less the same (or even decreasing, but this can be explained by containment and cessation of activities).
Everyone has generally understood that the effects of containment will be much more harmful than the virus itself. It would seem that the media only relay alarmist doctors and do not leave room for those who are more moderate. They artificially increase the mortality, by integrating the deaths of EHPADs in France for example (establishment for the elderly). We can also notice the power games in the lobbies of scientists, especially concerning chloroquine.
It seems obvious that the governments are in a short term management, a clumsy management, they multiply the errors and they seem "lost" in the middle of the night. They are experiencing a situation they are trying to take advantage of: rallying public opinion, provoking a financial crisis, introducing liberticidal laws, increasing population control... Despite everything, they seem to be preparing the population for a profound paradigm shift, especially on economic globalization, freedom of movement, etc., and, in my opinion, it would seem that they are changing their agenda in a hurry...

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I shake hands with one colleague who is a grounded person and who doesn't like this BS. We are aware that we have to do it when others aren't watching and that it is a forbidden.
Doesn't get more 1984 than this, eh?

YouTube has banned all conspiracy theory videos falsely linking coronavirus symptoms to 5G networks.
Well, if I had any doubt this link was real, this pretty much removes it. It's funny how the PTB confirm some things by reacting in exaggerated ways to things that supposedly aren't true. If it was really false, then nobody could prove it to be true, and they'd have nothing to worry about. Pretty sure they don't ban flat Earth videos, because they don't feel any threat there.
As Bill Deagle said, "Never believe you're on the right track unless you get strong government denial."

The truth ministry is now here.
Our society has been compared to 1984 time and time again, but this coronacircus has brought us closer to it than even 9/11 did, in one fell swoop.

You think you're too tough/strong for COVID19? It isn't about you. I'm not willing to play Russian roulette with my family and friends. You could pass it on to anyone without showing symptoms. Could you live with knowing you passed it on to someone that died? I couldn't.
I wonder whether this guy self-isolates every year during flu season. Like, "Every September, I quit my job and hibernate until spring."

It is wrong to infect others whether knowingly or unknowingly.
Oh look, another guy who never heard of the flu or I guess anything contagious at all until covid-666 from hell.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg and not some of the worst. Nobody around here is ever gonna get it.
I think Laura said she just posts and never reads the comments. You should probably do the same to protect your sanity. These people are like a virus...

We're doomed.
Well, I admit I'm listening to some doom metal right now, but otherwise I disagree!
Here in Spain, the police dragged somebody out of his home to take him to the hospital for a virus test while neighbours were cheering and clapping😱.
I am already living in Nazi Germany...
Has anyone else noticed that the people who believe the government has their best interests at heart with this worldwide home detention thing, WILL NOT look at facts anymore?

You can do simple maths with death rates from heart disease and pnuemonia dropping with every rise in corona deaths, that is, show that there are no more deaths from corona than there used to be from other causes. Then show them how the CDC and other government health organisations' policies show that they are ACTUALLY just renaming the causes of death FROM other types TO covid 19 (which is to say NOBODY IS DYING FROM COVID 19).... *deep breath* and their reply is "I don't see it like that."

What? 1+1 no longer equals two, people. We are not in Kansas anymore.
True. People for the best of their intentions, authoritarian followers. When things go wrong, they look to authority as in "Why they need us". As of now, Govt.'s are in honeymoon period. I am seeing tide is turning. Many slowly questioning and started suspecting. At least in one of my whatsapp group, people who went with hype before, now questioning whether they are duped? In another group(mostly my high school Indian residents) went into censor mode as govt. started making group admin's accountable for fake news( jokes or exaggerated number rumors).

When mentioned of hype, people are saying, they are receiving the conflicting information. That says, people are not discounting the hype factor, though leftie snow flakes are the one's that one's give knee jerk reaction of anger.

What is troubling is basic distrust this lockdown created among many strangers. In US, even the strangers were greeted with 'Hi' when met on the street (not in dense cities though). Now, they change the path if they see some body 10 feet ahead. The more time this lock down drags on, more ingrained this becomes. Let's see how far they can drag on.
If a government were to openly advocate the removal of civil liberties simply because they 'felt like it' or for some half-baked reason, the vast majority of people would push back against such a move.

For that reason, it is highly unlikely that any government (at least the Western democratic ones) would pursue such a goal openly. They would, instead, pursue it through deceptive means.

As a result, the only way to recognize such a deceptive move would be by observing that your civil liberties are being removed and assuming that there is, at the very least, a chance that they are being removed for motives other than those officially stated.

It is, therefore, essential, that as many people as possible QUESTION the rationale for the removal of civil liberties (regardless of how convincing it seems), and in that way push back against the the ever-present potential for the corrupting nature of power to cause governments to slide towards totalitarianism.
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