Given the outlines given by the CDC, and the hysteria that has been spread by governments and the media around covid-19, what do you think most doctors would include as the cause of death in a patient who died from any kind of chronic respiratory disease?
Et voila. There's your "pandemic numbers".
Right. So, the pandemic numbers are exaggerated.
So why on Earth would anyone assert that "5G did it"?
Yesterday, I made on a vid on this subject:
My arguments are fairly simple, which is intentional. I also included some added points at the end in a sticky comment, but it isn't always showing, so I'll include it here:
- 5G is a RANGE of technologies. Some systems use 3GHz, some use 6GHz, 27GHz, 60GHz, etc. So before you can say, "5G caused BLAH because oxygen", you must specify what type of 5G is present in that area. The 60GHz flavor is for "short haul" links.
- Even IF the Covid-19 cases are overblown on the map, and even IF there is more 5G than is represented on that set of maps, that would mean that MORE 5G caused/worsened FEWER Covid-19 cases, which does not support the theory that 5G is causing or worsening the outbreak.
- Focusing on 5G means that we are ignoring the fact that 3G, 4G, and WiFi are literally saturating our planet today. It seems more likely that the already widespread technologies in use for years have weakened our immune systems far more than the relatively rare 5G installations.
- Mainstream media has quoted experts as saying that the largest percentage of people who got Covid-19 are those who had it, had very few symptoms, and then recovered. If 5G was the cause/"symptom-worsener" (I'm so eloquent), then those people should just get sick again or have continuing health problems. So far, that's not the case. The Chinese, for example, are doing just fine with a 93% recovery rate according to the Johns Hopkins map.
Now YouTube is removing any vids that promote this 5G = Covid theory.
Well, if I had any doubt this link was real, this pretty much removes it. It's funny how the PTB confirm some things by reacting in exaggerated ways to things that supposedly aren't true. If it was really false, then nobody could prove it to be true, and they'd have nothing to worry about. Pretty sure they don't ban flat Earth videos, because they don't feel any threat there.
As Bill Deagle said, "Never believe you're on the right track unless you get strong government denial."
I don't think we can necessarily conclude that if they suppress something, it's probably right. Yes, that happens a lot. It also happens when they want people believing nonsense. What better way to get people to believe something that is a lie than to shut down a few voices that are promoting it?
There is also the fact that in UK, some people set cell towers on fire, and Big Data is all too happy to comply with requests to censor more stuff. I even had 1 commenter on my older 5G video post a few days ago and say we should all go out and set the towers on fire! Oh goodie, then maybe we'll get an even longer lockdown and even more restrictions... Plus, when stuff like that starts happening, you can forget saying anything even semi-intelligent about wireless being bad for you, because you're immediately lumped in with the "tower burners".
So, we have all that.
We also have a rather interesting transcript from the C's coupled with observation of facts on the ground. US officials are hammering, "It's the China virus!" into everyone's heads. My relatives on FB in the US have been repeating that line. It's all China's fault.
China itself may have known exactly what Covid-19 (or whatever) was, or maybe they only learned later. Maybe they didn't want their people "waking up", or maybe they thought it was US bio warfare and everyone was gonna die. Who knows?
In any case, they handled it quickly and cleanly. Then, apparently, the West sees what they did and they say, "YAY! We want to lock down OUR countries! AWESOME!" And so they do.
In order to make it effective, they exaggerate the numbers out the wazoo. The whole point is supposedly to make sure that the LEAST number of people actually get it.
A happy side effect is economic chaos which they THINK they will be able to control later. Probably they are wrong.
In the midst of all of this, somebody reads that 60GHz (which isn't even used in all 5G installations and is also used in the latest flavor of WiFi) is the resonant frequency of oxygen molecules, blah blah blah...
Even in the article we carried on SOTT:
— No blanket assertions here. No claims that 5G technology "activates the virus." No across-the-board answers. Instead, several key questions, and a few possible clues. I have to set the context. As I've been emphasizing, what is being called...
There is actually very little information at all re: 5G or the effects of 60 GHz on the body in the article. The doctor in the 1st vid is saying using ventilators is bad. The woman in the 2nd vid is basically guessing. Asking questions is fine, considering a theory is fine... but becoming convinced by questions that as yet have no clear answer (and then running out and setting cell towers on fire) is probably not a good idea.
Even what the C's have said is suspect until we see what happens next!
The only things we can say FOR SURE at this point is what Joe and others have pointed out, again and again: the numbers make no sense, and media reports are highly hystericized/exaggerated - to the point of absurdity.
Our job is
not to reveal the truth to the world. It isn't to "bust it wide open" thereby convincing everyone that what we think is, in fact, what IS.
Our job is to point out - in the best way possible - those things that don't add up in an effort to give people the
choice to think for themselves a bit more.
Especially in times like these, there is a danger... When confronted with some uncomfortable truth about ourselves, we tend to create theories that sound really good, but are actually totally wrong. In the same way, when confronted with madness and uncertainty and chaos in the world outside, we tend to jump to conclusions and/or cling to possible explanations because they are comforting somehow.
I suspect that in the weeks, months, and years to come, it's going to be increasingly important NOT to do that. Reading reality will become more and more difficult, and we should strive to be extra-careful about what we believe, promote, etc.
Well.... Having said all that, I DO think that 5G is playing some key role in all this madness. What exactly is that role? I'm not sure yet. I can think of several uses for 60GHz steerable pencil beams, and none of them involve wonderful high-data-rate mobile internet...