Quick observation here. I was watching a 2020 version of the story/play 'Jesus Christ Superstar' on TV yesterday and although I always liked the music I struggled to not get captivated by it and turned the sound down for a while. Then a realization suddenly came to my mind as to, perhaps, one of the reasons people are obsessed with this non stop hand washing. It made me think of Pontius Pilate washing his hands to absolve himself of any responsibility relating to the events that followed leading to the torture and crucifixion of Jesus since the crowds wanted him dead by all yelling "crucify him!" and he was just complying with their wishes. Then I thought that the collective mind, like Pilate may be communicating with itself as a means to inform themselves that they are absolving themselves from the personal responsibility of accepting and responding to the Truth (if Jesus in this context represents the Truth) by always succumbing to propaganda and basically crucifying the factual Truth like the soon-to-be-tyrant Governors who are folding like cheap cameras (no doubt from threats from the intel agencies) and calling for more and more hellish restrictions on the populace. And if the people don't see through this then they have collectively made a choice to "crucify him!". Well just a thought FWIW.
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Quick observation here. I was watching a 2020 version of the story/play 'Jesus Christ Superstar' on TV yesterday and although I always liked the music I struggled to not get captivated by it and turned the sound down for a while. Then a realization suddenly came to my mind as to, perhaps, one of the reasons people are obsessed with this non stop hand washing. It made me think of Pontius Pilate washing his hands to absolve himself of any responsibility relating to the events that followed leading to the torture and crucifixion of Jesus since the crowds wanted him dead by all yelling "crucify him!" and he was just complying with their wishes. Then I thought that the collective mind, like Pilate may be communicating with itself as a means to inform themselves that they are absolving themselves from the personal responsibility of accepting and responding to the Truth (if Jesus in this context represents the Truth) by always succumbing to propaganda and basically crucifying the factual Truth like the soon-to-be-tyrant Governors who are folding like cheap cameras (no doubt from threats from the intel agencies) and calling for more and more hellish restrictions on the populace. And if the people don't see through this then they have collectively made a choice to "crucify him!". Well just a thought FWIW.
I agree totally with you. But people I think are not aware of their actions, I am sure. But in the bottom of their souls they are cleaning their hands of everything. In Spanish when you say "me lavo las manos" (I clean my hands), you are saying you don't care and you don't want to be part about the situation. You refuse to see and be part of it. You refuse in fact to be part of it and be clean of your responsibility. Me lavo las manos, this is not anymore my problem. So symbolically the PTB force people not to see what is happening, force them to turn the visage and not look in front what is really happening. And people agree, they are so happy to clean their hands like sheep not knowing that they will be food very soon of these cannibals. In fact they are already food for them and they are happy to be eat like a piece of meat. They clean their hands and accept to give their souls as food.
ITS NOW GETTING CRAZIER THAN EVER.Panama new lock down measures,Women can leave their homes to get necessities on Mon,Wednesdays and Fridays.Men can do the same but only on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays. SUNDAY everyone stays inside.

If you liked that, you gonna love this!

In Kosovo, persons over the age of 16 will be entitled to go out for only 90 minutes during the day from Wednesday 15 April. The period in which they can exercise this right is determined by the last digit of their ID number. Those with an ID number ending with 0 and 1 will have the right to move from 7.00 to 8.30, those ending with 2 - from 9.00 to 10.30, and so on, to the last group of citizens whose period will be from 21.00 to 22.30.

Also, I just realized that in Bosnia persons younger than 18 years cannot go out at all, together with older than 65.

On the other hand, we and Macedonians decided to go for extended curfew. This weekend was for 60 hours, the next one will be possibly for 84 hours. There are still no news about full lockdown for two weeks, but it's still on the menu.

They abandoned the idea of testing all contacts of infected people. They probably realized that we are not China so we don't have infrastructure for isolation of so many people. So now they only test the people with clear COVID symptoms. The percentage of positives is low but this can now last forever. I think that the PTB realized that they cannot contain this virus so now they are just buying time until they make the vaccine. They are already talking about second wave in the autumn.

There was an infection in one of our hospitals. They tested the doctors and they found out that 67 were positive. 61 had no symptoms and 6 had mild symptoms. Our president became quite angry at the head of this hospital but didn't want to say why. It turned out that he was angry because the head of this hospital tested the doctors who had no symptoms. That was obviously not the plan. But now that it came out in public so they had to remove those doctors to isolation. So we the people have to isolate ourselves because we can potentially spread this virus to other people, but the same rule does not apply to doctors who are obviously positive? OK...

I also heard one interesting story about a young guy who became sick with corona and ended up in hospital. He is mild case but he said that in the hospital where he is at, there are no nurses during the night so he is the one who is helping with oxygen to other patients! He says that he learned to do it because we was bored so now he can help others. It makes you wonder about what kind of treatment are people getting there?

We also learned from Italian doctors that ventilation is not the best solution so our doctors try to avoid it.

On the bright side, it is confirmed that we are using the Chloroquine and other stuff recommended by Chinese and other experts. It seems to be working because the number of our ICU patients is going down.

Our hospitals are also empty but we don't need videos to prove it because it is confirmed that they are empty by design because whoever enters the hospital you have to treat them as they are positive, even if they have no symptoms. And doctors do not want to do that. So they just do not let anyone in, unless it's an emergency.

And big part of health staff are sitting at home by design. They wait to be rotated when working staff become infected. Also, many of staff took their sick leave because they are afraid.

They also planned to use hospitals with shared vents, but luckily the Chinese experts stopped them! One doctor explained that some our biggest hospitals are simply not designed to be used in pandemics because of that and also because you cannot physically isolate the wards, which is needed in cases of pandemics.

The good thing is that this is not a real pandemic, because we would all be dead by now.
Nasrallah on Covid-19: Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on March 13, 2020, devoted almost exclusively to the global health crisis caused by Covid-19 and the measures that each individual must take to protect himself and others.

Heading titles for his speech:
  • Coronavirus is a mortal enemy to all mankind
  • Setting the right goals for this national battle
  • Respecting hygiene & safety instructions is a sacred religious duty
  • Full honesty & transparency are of paramount importance, Western Leaders are lying
  • The government is leading the battle, everyone must obey it and scrupulously respect self-isolation
  • As in Iran, our coronavirus orphans must be provided for by the State
  • We should prepare for the worst, Hezbollah’s capabilities are fully mobilized
  • Poverty is as dangerous as the coronavirus, social solidarity & care for the needy are indispensable
  • Faith and patience are our best weapons against the coronavirus
How's that for inspiring some cognitive dissonance - coming from one of the biggest resistance voices out there? I think it's just more evidence that you don't need a giant conspiracy - just a small one - and pretty much everyone will fall into line, because they're all machines - even most of the ones who don't fall into line!
After Emmanuel Macron's speech, the anger of the French seems to rise a notch. I'm voluntarily in groups of yellow jackets and other to see a little of what is being said and people's reactions. They understood that the speech that was given was just BS.

Many are not fooled and are waiting until the end of the lockdown to be heard. To praise hospital staff and firefighters when a few weeks earlier they were being shot at for free with a defensive ball pitcher and baton shots is not something that goes through people's heads.

This video below goes around facebook (in french), at the time of my viewing, it was 400k views in only 4 hours, just after the speech. This person is just screaming his anger for 22 minutes, explaining that he will not sacrifice himself for the economy, i.e. his withdrawals from public holidays and that he will not work more to raise the economy if he is not paid more. This is the first time I have seen such anger publicly on video, it is even rage. He ends his video by saying "no forgetting, no forgiveness".

The good thing is that this is not a real pandemic, because we would all be dead by now.
Good example of sardonic humor :-)
If we only had made a list of future collaborating dutchmen before the last world war, the holocaust..
Start a rat-line to rat about people who rat on lockdown deniers? An app, red dots on a map?
Where i am, most people say they had this flue already before x-mas, the only case i know is the kids services official, surely she is already healed. 90% of group is still merely tactically compliant, not scared.
The idea that self isolating when not infected is actually self serving because only a shield of herd immunity could save grandpa, was entertaining to me.
The hand washing symbolic, i noticed too, but put well apt, Loreta:
In fact they are already food for them and they are happy to be eaten like a piece of meat. They clean their hands and accept to give their souls as food.
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But I'm wondering whether I'm missing something here, so this is my question for everyone: When people say 'we must do this to save lives', what is - theoretically - the thing that's supposed to save lives, and how? Let's ignore whether it's actually working or not. I'm interested in why people think something that's being done will save lives. It was only during and after writing the long post that I realised I actually don't know the answer. So I wonder whether there is none or I'm just missing something.
Isn't it simply a personal projection ?
THEY fear death, dying, so, when they are hysterical about "saving lives", they're unconsciously talking about themselves.

This make me remember the first time Gurdjieff made a demonstration to the group of Ouspensky by successfully alterate the "mind" of 2 other persons of the group. As i'm re-reading it, i'll soon arrive to this part, but as far as I remember, one of the 2 guys was someone kinda of the high society used to often open his mouth, argue, discuss, etc ... (I don't remember the details), but when G. deactivated his ego, what remains was a scary child daring to say nothing .... + other details were given in the book.

I think that this is what is behind such people. I wonder to which degree this is linked to the "age" of a soul ? I mean, some reincarnated many times, and for some it's maybe the first one in an intelligent specy body ... (but it's another debate)

To cover other bases, we have other forum members who have their own approaches and excel at different things. So yeah, my approach will work for some people and not for others, and other people's approach will cover what I miss. We all have our roles, and it's the networking that gives us power.
Yes, and it also often happen that you perform 99% of the work to open the eyes to someone (let's say X), but can't help to make him "drop the point", and it's during another time, sometimes a simple sentence that X hears somewhere and it's done, he understood. The speeches as the written text could be seen as a certain wavelength, and only people a bit + or - this wavelength will be in measure to understand you, to really capture what you say. All the other, let's say in a lower wavelength, they need that you adapt your speech. A bit linked to what I say above, think about scared children in the body of adults, whathever social rang they are.

Actually, I just had a brainstorm. If everyone reading this thread were to join Twitter (or, to those already on Twitter, here's a recommendation) and start tweeting @realDonaldTrump, and using #FireFauci or #TrumpLashesOut, or developing new hashtags, it could be a way of giving Trump more confidence to act against the WHO, CDC, Bill Gates, etc.
As timidly proposed in an old post, could we here, on the forum, put in place a kind of "weekly intention", that any of here would be encouraged to repeat whith all the spiritual strenght he could. Then the idea derived to the very interresting discussion and finally explanation on how to formulate intentions and avoiding it to be of STS nature. I want to write more about, for me, it's something that we should do, it's part of the "practice" we have to do i would even say, it's group practice, group acting, using your focussed mind, all together and in the good way. this could simply done by sending a PM to all, so all would "see" it directly, or adding one new TAB on the main menu. Please the Crew, discuss the idea between you (and eventually ask the C's about at the next session) ... hum hum :-[

Using appropriate videos is probably a good idea too for people who want to deepen their understanding of these issues, although it's not necessary.
Short ones, less than 1m, with fast facts finishing by a pragmatic conclusion.
Redirecting the anger to the true responsible people (mainly politics, journalists) by simple & fast facts listing and obvious conclusions.

In my region, they are not happy with the number of deaths and they want to retroactively attribute more deaths to this virus... They want to keep us locked down forever. There will always be old people dying... 😨. A few days ago, the president of the region said that we will finish our jail time 1week after 0 deaths reported(which means never). That's insane!! And nobody is protesting. Most people agree with this. I live in Zombieland
When you say that most people agree, it's because you talked with a lot of people and you concluded this, or it's because you read it in the various comments over the net ?
I ask because you do not have to rely about the people's comments on such official websites, it's often like 90% of the comments were deleted and only the good and docile toilet paper's buyers's comments were kept.
Remember also that some people are not out of work at this moment, and in fact, i'm wonder about these people, this army of censors acting for PTB/MSM all on the internet ? The EU had a budget for this, no ? And even, it's probably the top of the iceberg, what about the A.I. and the bots becoming from more to more intelligent, did they activated such things ?
Would be nice to find a testimony from one of these guys who resigned, a recent one would be priceless.
Today, I received from my mother a priceless testimony ! Really, it's a concentration of all the propaganda & lies of the MSM/PTB.

First, let's put this into context :
I sent to a limited list of my relatives a short mail with 2 links, yesterday during night.
My mother forwarded it to an old friend of my father, who succeeded to reach an high position in the banking domain in Luxembourg. Now he's retired. He was my first IT directory, during a bit more than 1 year. This guy is nice, it was a good director and he gave me good tricks. Also, when we met during the years after, we always had pleasant conversations. He also much liked the fact that I engaged in creating my company - another way to present what he considers as valuable (success in your job .. why not)
The 2 links I sent in the mail I posted them in a previous post yesterday on this thread.
1. Ok, the video is already going far and someone who is only feeded by the MSM will fall of his chair
2. The article written, it seems that he does not answer on it, the previous clip stimulated him enough visibly.

Thus, it seems that he became FURAX (furious) about because he responded to my mother, writting a good long text, points by points, and writing at the end to my mother to forward me his answer.
By respect and for privacy reasons i will not post here the original in French, i do not want to point nor blame him or whathever, but I thought about posting it here as it's a wonderful example, a condensed summary of many of the worst beliefs you could even find in one single person. In fact i'm ... kind of sorry for him, not the good word but like that, I'll not respond him. To me, he's unrecoverable. Note that he develops some args I can't argue about at the begining, in regards to the 10m french video - if some here want to counter-argue, do not hesitate (but I'll still no answer him, this would be like spending my energy for nothing)

Maybe responding to all his points ones by ones could constitute a good exercice (?)
Lesson of the day : you have to counter argue all the point of the following example (inspired by a real story ;-))

I don't know if I have to :wow: or to :scared: ??? I had and still have respect for him. What is evident is that he sticks hard to his vision of the world. I knew he would be more like this, but not so extreme, it's ... wouah ! incredible.

I post it under a "QUOTE", in order to avoid a long post, click to extend


Once again, I am hearing here a collection of information presented in a "conspiratorial" way in order to accredit a global piloting of the Covid19 pandemic, for the benefit of the powerful and discreet (secret) finance and powers of the "big media structure" that wants to dominate the world.


Finance collapses and benefits nothing. The CAC40 (Paris index) has gone from 6,000 to 4,400. The Dow Jones (America) from 30,000 to 23,000. Now if finance was in charge, it missed the mark.

As for the economic crisis, it had been latent for 2-3 years and the speculators quickly understood the chaos that was going to occur with this virus. The collapse of oil prices also anticipated the drop in consumption due to the fight against the virus. The presentation reverses the cause and the consequences. It's very bad...

The funds mobilized by central banks to support the economy are the only means that states have to safeguard what can be safeguarded during the announced crisis. If the public authorities let companies die without doing anything, it would be much more serious.

We (edit: the video clip) are talking about an artificially generated panic. Hospitals faced with a tsunami of sick people and corpses are enough to generate legitimate panic. The annual flu has never done that.

COVID19 seems to be at least 10x more deadly than the annual flu. If the total numbers of Covid19 are relatively small compared to the total casualties of the traditional flu, it's because of containment.

To say that it is enough to requisition firms at a standstill to make masks when the manufacture of machinery to do so and the supply of raw material will take months to be operational.

With regard to HydroxyChloroquine, the judgment that is being made shows an absolute disregard for competent doctors who are doing everything they can day and night to save their patients. The phrase "we don't care if they die" alone discredits the 9 minutes 28 of this presentation.

To talk about the speculators on the eve of September 11th to suggest that the financial cartels knew what was going to happen the next day is a lamentable evocation. Every day speculators sell and opposite other speculators buy. You can only sell if other people buy. Taking only those who sold on the eve of September 11 would be laughable if there had not been all the deaths the next day. This evocation classifies this presentation as a caricatured "conspiracy".

"while the big banks are stuffing themselves like never before": That's ridiculous. The banks lent
- to the companies that are about to go bankrupt,
- to private individuals for their house/car and they will lose their jobs.
- to states that are already over-indebted and will never pay them back.

"People are going to realize that the millions of deaths are not there" ... it's not sure, but in any case it will be thanks to the containment that will have protected many people, containment accepted by people following the panic over the flow of contamination and daily deaths.


It's tiring.

We must avoid disseminating the writings of these lying, anarchistic and destructive catastrophists. By twisting truths to give credence to their findumalistic ideas they try to create anarchy and put doubt in the minds of their readers.
That's what anarchists are. A kind of intellectual cancer of the world

Run away from

Send my reply to XXXX ... Thank you.
The summary you quoted has very good points. In all the arguments brought so far on related discussions, there's always very good points. However, I would like to highlight something for people in general.

When watching videos and reading about "infection myths" keep in mind the following that I posted earlier in this thread in relation to someone who brought up the subject of exosomes:

People going around and saying that the virus doesn't exist and that infections doesn't exist, discredit the effort, even the effort against mandatory vaccination. They all bring good points about environmental toxicity, toxic food, nutrient deficiencies and the like. But it is just like the 5G thing. That is, viruses do exist, and they have interesting effects when coming into contact with us.

I'm catching up with the molecular biology of the coronavirus and hopefully will post that in this thread at some point. It will have to be the hard version though, there's no way around it. Those who read the recommended books on Intelligent Design will find it interesting though.

It's a blood sample, just like when you have blood withdrawn for autohemotherapy or for a blood analysis for cholesterol and the like.

I'm first going with the assumption it exists. That seems more reasonable. And curious less about whether viruses exist or not, more about whether they serve the purpose that I'm been led to believe they should. This idea that a virus can serve as some kind of communication function helpful to the host sparked my interest. I want to look more into the work by Skip Virgin, mentioned in the video of an earlier post. Here's something I came across:

From the description:

The Annual R. E. Dyer Lecture

Disease occurs in only some people carrying risk alleles, a phenomenon that may well be due in part to the influence of our virome. Chronic virus infection of mice protects the host against cancer and infection through symbiotic stimulation of innate immunity, and can complement multiple genetic immunodeficiencies. The virome may contribute to individual variations in the clinical presentation of disease. However, persistent viruses can also trigger "virus-plus-susceptibility-gene" interactions leading to bacteria-dependent inflammatory disease. These bacteria-dependent phenotypes are only observed when the virus and a mutant allele of a host gene are present at the same time. Virgin hypothesized that trans-kingdom metagenomic (viruses, bacteria, archaea, fungi, metazoans) interactions may regulate virus infection, immunity, and inflammation. His lab confirmed this hypothesis by showing that helminth infection can reactivate latent herpesvirus through cytokine competition between IFN-gamma and IL-4/IL-13 at a viral promoter, and can inhibit antiviral immunity.

The Virgin lab recently found that antibiotic treatment prevents persistent enteric norovirus infection, an effect rescued by fecal transplantation. This effect requires the IFN-lambda receptor but not adaptive immunity. Furthermore, treatment with IFN-lambda cures persistent enteric norovirus infection in the absence of adaptive immune cells, documenting the existence of what we believe to be sterilizing innate anti-viral immunity. These data beg the question of whether the virome is associated with human disease. His lab has found that the enteric virome is abnormal in both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. They also observed significant disease-specific increases in Caudovirales taxa despite detecting expected decreases in bacterial microbiome diversity. This obesvation is consistent with a predator-prey relationship between the enteric virome and the bacterial microbiome in these diseases. Together these data indicate that mammals are best viewed as composite organisms in which the virome, and trans-kingdom interactions regulating and regulated by the virome, contribute to immunity, disease, and the genotype-phenotype relationship. Genetic analysis of disease risk, and the study of normal immunity, should incorporate consideration of the virome and trans-kingdom metagenomic interactions that control the virome.

Author: Herbert W. 'Skip' Virgin IV, M.D., Ph.D., Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and Chair Department of Pathology and Immunology, Professor of Molecular Microbiology, and Professor of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine

To be honest, much of this goes over my head. My wife is quite versed in it, so going to ask her too.
Bill Gates did an interview with the BBC.

People, I don't know how else to put this, Bill Gates is talking as if he's the CEO and we are his employees. It's so maddening to listen to.

It's quite clear the questions he's getting are orchestrated, essentially laying him up to peddle the PTB agenda.

A few things he says that is the agenda

  • The world will not open up UNTIL we get vaccinated.
  • The vaccine will not undergo all safety procedures and so the governments will have to provide security to companies with regards getting sued.
  • He's peddling the mRNA vaccines and also name dropped Moderna.

Bill Gates says we ALL have to be vaccinated, the vaccines won't go through all safety checks, governments will be required to step in and protect companies and ensure people get vaccinated. Is anyone listening?

He has the audacity to say that we will not go back to normality until all the above happens. The stupid BBC interviewer is treating him as if he's the second coming of Christ. I repeat again, is anyone listening?

The only positive thing about having to seat through that interview was reading the comment section where people are clearly not consenting to this at all!

However, just like in working in a company, employee consent is rarely ever required, it's top down system we live in. Bill is acting like he can bark his orders from up there and his enforcers will do his bidding and us, the plebs of this world will all be lined up to get our shots... The unobedient will get adequately dealt with by the government and the rest will toe the line.

I repeat again, is anyone listening?

They are going to LEVERAGE everything they have built to ensure we ALL get this vaccine or we'll be dealt with appropriately by the enforcers for DARING to defy the orders of our self ordained rulers.

Bill Gates is not coming across as a useful idiot, he's coming across as someone who has stepped out of the shadows to take his throne, sat above elected officials and governments. Watch as all the interviewers cower to him, as if being in the presence his emperor supreme.

I repeat again, is anyone listening?

This is our future! People better get ready to fight tooth and nail to make sure it doesn't happen because it WILL happen otherwise. This man doesn't have that smirk on his face unless he knows he's got the world right where he wants it. He's not just an ordinary man, this man has more money than whole countries, he's best friends with people like Warren Buffet... He has minions in strategically placed top jobs the world over, including in the US in Trump's administration (e.g. Dr Fauci). People better be listening to him as we are all about to feel the weight of will

I agree, this man is "angering my blood" in a pretty serious manner these days. Especially knowing that even now, my mom thinks he is God's chosen helper; and when I visited her for dinner I dropped his name in a derogatory manner and she almost made me wash my mouth out with soap!! And I'm in my 50's!! So I get it.

But there is a much larger thing happening here, and it has been especially visible since right after Trump's election.

I think we've all noticed how certain figures in prominent positions around the world have seemed to turn on the "evil" button right around that time, and ever since. Just to name a few, there's Mr. Gates of Hell here; Benjamin Netanyahoo; Emmanuel Micron; Angela sMerkle; Peter Strzok the vowelless; James Commie; Peter Schiffty; Nancy Pedolosi; cReep Tayyip Erdogan; Jerry Nadless...

(Notice how easy it is to mangle their names? It's become my new pastime as I sit at home day after day!)

My perception is that this is being done on purpose. These people have been explicitly chosen to "draw fire", as Laura put it. And that is because these people represent the "bad cops" in a massive, world-wide Hegelian Dialectic. And the "good cops" in this kabuki theater? They are those leaders who seem reasonable and relatable to the people, who present an alternative front that is far removed from the evil that those on the other side are currently exuding. And some of these people may be genuine.

However: my concern is that many of these "good cops" may be merely wearing their own "masks of sanity", hiding their underlying psychopathy, and that they are scripted to be the "winners" of the coming purge...and that these people ultimately will represent a false choice that if the bulk of humanity accepts, will result in nothing more than a period of reduced stress and relief - while ultimately the same malevolent forces will still be in control, biding their time until they can feast again.

That's why I posted my previous articles on the cycles of economic change in history, because I see the SAME things happening today. Remember what happened during WWII, at Bretton Woods? It was at that conference that the US dollar was decided to become the new world's reserve currency after the war. And those on the winning side were seen as "heroes" of that time - people such as FDR; Churchill; Truman; etc. - people who, if looked at in retrospect, history has not been kind to.

So, what can be done? How can we stop this, and change history for the betterment of mankind?

Simple, yet complex! After the coming purge happens and we are given the choice to accept the new terms and money systems - watch who is doing this, and if many of the same families/banks/politicians/organizations etc. are in charge as before then we must be vigilant (and they often change the names of these institutions without actually changing who sits in the chairs - watch closely!).

If this is happening, then HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT. Do not give in to them if it means giving over your sovereignty in any form, even if what is offered is a relief to where we were. We deserve to be FREE!! And: be prepared to start your OWN systems of barter and sustenance, as many seem to be doing even now on this forum. Network among your neighbors and peers, and be prepared to answer their questions and provide information about what just happened, and why. After the shocks of what may soon come, those on the other side of these changes will be pleading for help and guidance (as the C's said), and we who are ready now will be needed.

I know much of what I have just written is probably already known by many here, and as a new member I might actually be somewhat pedantic. That's OK, if so, I accept it!! I do this simply because I think I have a very good idea of what is about to happen, and sharing it here may be helpful. At the least, doing so may prompt some of you kind individuals to help me with errors in my thinking, and to add some things that may be even more useful to know that I have missed.
I'm calling it now... This summer, in the western world there will be a false flag terrorism attack but this time it'll be bio terror related.

They'll need to keep momentum going and maintain the shock factor to the population.
I think this 'pandemic' is the 'false flag' and they've got what they wanted - a compliant fearful planet full of people all waiting to be vaccinated. Job's already done.
I noticed this article in the NYT. While reading, a thought crossed my mind - "if this write up was some type of cover-up for the Coronavirus escaping from Fort Detrick?"

Biogen employees unwittingly spread the coronavirus from Massachusetts to Indiana, Tennessee and North Carolina.

How a Premier U.S. Drug Company Became a Virus ‘Super Spreader’

April 13, 2020 -
BOSTON — On the first Monday in March, Michel Vounatsos, chief executive of the drug company Biogen, appeared in good spirits. The company’s new Alzheimer’s drug was showing promise after years of setbacks. Revenues had never been higher.

Onstage at an elite health care conference in Boston, Mr. Vounatsos touted the drug’s “remarkable journey.” Asked if the coronavirus that was ravaging China would disrupt supply chains and upend the company’s big plans, Mr. Vounatsos said no.

“So far, so good,” he said. But even as he spoke, the virus was already silently spreading among Biogen’s senior executives, who did not know they had been infected days earlier at the company’s annual leadership meeting.

Biogen employees, most feeling healthy, boarded planes full of passengers. They drove home to their families. And they carried the virus to at least six states, the District of Columbia and three countries, outstripping the ability of local public health officials to trace the spread.

The Biogen meeting was one of the earliest examples in the United States of what epidemiologists call “superspreading events” of Covid-19, where a small gathering of people leads to a huge number of infections. Unlike the most infamous clusters of cases stemming from a nursing home outside Seattle or a 40th birthday party in Connecticut, the Biogen cluster happened at a meeting of top health care professionals whose job it was to fight disease, not spread it.

“The smartest people in health care and drug development — and they were completely oblivious to the biggest thing that was about to shatter their world,” said John Carroll, editor of Endpoints News, which covers the biotech industry.

The official count of those sickened — 99, including employees and their contacts, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health — includes only those who live in that state. The true number across the United States is certainly higher. The first two cases in Indiana were Biogen executives. So was the first known case in Tennessee, and six of the earliest cases in North Carolina.
(Long article continues.)

So, what are they suggesting with this news report - that we need to wear coverings over our shoes, when we go out in public?
The Coronavirus Can Travel on the Soles of Shoes, According to the CDC
In a new study published in one of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s journals, Emerging Infectious Diseases, researchers tested air and surface samples at a hospital in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus outbreak initiated. The researchers found that about half of health-care professionals working in intensive care units carried the coronavirus on the soles of their shoes. Further, the report showed that there was a 100% positive rate from the floor of the pharmacy, where only health-care workers traveled, not infected patients.

“Therefore, the soles of medical staff shoes might function as carriers,” the researchers wrote. “We highly recommend that persons disinfect shoe soles before walking out of wards containing COVID-19 patients.”

There is no advisory on the best method for cleaning shoes to best protect against the coronavirus, but a nurse went viral on TikTok for her disinfectant routine, which included placing shoes in bleach overnight.

Shoes made of fabrics like mesh or canvas can be cleaned in the washing machine. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service recommends washing fabrics at a high temperature (140°F) with a product containing bleach to enhance the disinfectant results. (Bleach has been tested and clinically proven to kill bacteria and viruses.)

While machine washing can damage shoes made of leather or other man-made materials, shoes made of those materials can be cleaned using basic dish or hand soap and water. Notably, washing leather may alter its texture and/or appearance, so you should test a small area inside the shoe or under the tongue before cleaning. To disinfect your shoes, you should make a mixture of 70% alcohol and water, the CDC advises.

These two (so-called Specialist) have only created more chaos in the situation.
Trump Retweets 'Fire Fauci' Coronavirus Message In Easter Sunday Twitter Rampage
President Donald Trump on Sunday retweeted a message from a supporter criticizing infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the leaders of the White House coronavirus response.

And the message included a #FireFauci hashtag.

WHO chief says confident U.S. funding will continue in COVID fight
The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) voiced confidence on Monday that the United States would continue funding his U.N. agency, despite President Donald Trump's criticism of WHO's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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