And now I found this:

Notice how that article uses the argument that up to 75% of positive cases are asymptomatic and that is why the lockdown is imperative, because normal people are the source of infection. It was written back in March 15th. People bought it. Now, hopefully people are realizing that it meant the virus was not so deadly after all.

The authorities are relying on the mind virus having sufficiently mushed our brains that nobody will notice each time they adjust the narrative. And sadly, that seems to be true.

True, at least for a great many people. Others seem to be paying more attention, and still others are proving to be very resilient and capable of dealing with this madness.

In other news, and at this stage of the lockdown, I spoke in the phone today with one of my patients. We've talked already multiple times as I try to resolve her sick leave/confinement bureaucracy, so she can get paid. The electronic paperwork is a total catch 22 because they said one thing in March, and then they changed their mind and said another thing at mid April. I got a notification about the change just a few days ago and now God knows how the bureaucracy is going to be fixed. They also placed all kinds of electronic restrictions so that I can't do the paperwork from my end. If I could only use a pen and a paper!!

Anyhow, she was telling me that she didn't want to go to work at her job at the postal office because her mother was very old and so forth. I gave her a summary of this thread in under 5 minutes. When you see so many people throughout the years in a time constraint manner, you learn to deliver the gist of it at the right time! Then, her common sense returned and gave me a few good arguments herself. She admitted feeling much better afterwards, and so did I. Now, she might just go to work!

I also spoke in the phone with a 78 year old woman who had the typical COVID-19 pneumonia and ended up intubated in the ICU for 11 days. She survived it and is now doing pretty well. I also phoned one of my favorite elderly couples. The husband has been very sick for the longest time with at least half a dozen debilitating diseases. I thought he was just going to deteriorate and die in the last 6 months, only that he didn't and was doing fairy well. Even though he was eligible for only home visits, we decided to "force" him to walk to the clinic, so he can stay more and less independent and willful. I love this couple, they always came to visit in their best neat clothes. The husband had a digestive bleeding and ended up pretty sick in the hospital. He survived, but barely.

In both cases, patients were not allowed to see nor talk with their family members. No one informed the family whether the person was dying or not. Imagine staying for days without knowing the prognosis of your loved ones. No information was forthcoming. It's beyond cruel to say the least. Also, some interventions need family consent if the person is not conscious enough. None of that either. That means that if a person dies at the hospital, they have to do it alone, with no one to bid them farewell to the afterlife.

I did a palliative care home visit recently as well. It was discouraging to hear how the family was basically treated like a plague and had to bottle up many doubts and pain at this stage of their lives during the Easter holidays, when a dedicated and harmless home visit goes a long way in healing up the dynamic to minimize suffering and chaos for all involved. Beyond cruel as well. It only took 4mg of melatonin and a good painkiller, and now the patient is sleeping again at night and without pain. The family was described to me as tiresome people. I was shocked to realize how it was the opposite. Virtual and phone consultations are useless for palliative care, it just won't do.

On the other hand, more people are coming to the clinic. Even cancer patients who feel lonely, and they just want to talk about their doubts personally and not by the phone. I almost got hit by someone when I denied him an unnecessary prescription, and people in general are super anxious, rather than depressed. I've prescribed so much melatonin that word spread in town and now I'm parroted back my exact words from people I've never met before. I wonder if that has to do with melatonin at higher doses not available locally as the #1 top sale at the Spanish

So that's the news from a region whose hospital and its COVID-19 beds stayed half-empty at its greatest peak.
You're right....I just had a look at the comment section (couldn't listen to this... whatever he is....).
That doesn't look too good for him which makes me smile, I admit.
I doubt that he reads such comments but for sure he's got people who sniff it out for him. And obviously the 'lockdowned' are not amused about his daily presence in their lockdowned living rooms and asking who elected him--- Well, legit question which hopefully will lead to ever more legit questions by ever more people.

It's not just there. It's everywhere on YT where he speaks! If there is any weak point in this narrative for ordinary people who are not so much into "conspiracy theories", it's Billy!

Just look at this! There is nothing to worry about folks! It's just a genetically modified organism, shot directly into your veins! :wow:

I'm not able to articulate this elegantly. The change the virus makes on people depends on the individual person's makeup. The change the people make on the virus also depends on the individual person's makeup. So this "evolution" of virus and people is not random at all but rather is interactive, like an observed object changing based on the observer performing the observation. Throw out darwinian random mutation evolution.
And as I watched, tens of millions of people stood transfixed, as if under some spell, staring blankly, apparently unable to even think about doing something to avoid the tsunami of chaos and suffering that fast approached them.

This is a futile request to governments and the media to act responsibly and stop talking about mortality rates from covid-19 that are based on the number of people that have tested positive and the number that have died, and to stop reporting about "deaths" and "death tolls" "FROM" covid-19.

Only a tiny fraction of any population anywhere has been tested for the antibodies that indicate that they have been infected, meaning that there is no way to know an accurate global mortality rate. In fact, we will likely NEVER know that global mortality rate, and the WHO and CDC and other health bodies will resort to doing what they do for the flu each season: *ESTIMATE*.

Locally, however, it is possible to get a better idea of covid-19 mortality rate because of the anti-body (NOT positive virus) testing that has been done (unlike with the seasonal flu) by extrapolating from those tests. ln NY state, for example, random antibody testing of 3,000 people indicates that 2.7 million people (or about 10%) have been infected, which is similar to the *estimated* global infection rate of the seasonal flu. This gives NY State a provisional mortality rate from covid-19 of 0.6% (where 16,000 have died...WITH covid-19).

But given the alleged increased virulence of SARS-Cov2 (compared to the flu), the true number of people infected is very likely to be significantly higher, and we would be able to get a good idea of that number, IF there were no lock down.

This would give a much lower mortality rate, likely somewhere around that of the seasonal flu (0.1% - again *estimated*), AND protect the vulnerable by creating herd immunity and put an end to the current pandemic. The herd immunity approach is the approach that has been taken EVERY SINGLE YEAR before now in response to other viral outbreaks, and it has worked very well.

In addition, the 'mortality rate' numbers themselves are not accurate if people are assuming that they are "deaths BY Covid-19". There are two reasons for this.

1) Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 do not, themselves, kill anyone. As the CDC itself states when explaining why it is difficult to know exactly how many people "die from the flu" each year:

"influenza-associated deaths are often a result of complications secondary to influenza and underlying medical problems" (CDC website)
This is PRECISELY the case with SARS-CoV-2 and its symptoms.

2) Because "probable cases" in the absence of testing are being recorded as "confirmed" and added to the tally. This means that an unknown number of people around the world are being registered as having died FROM covid-19 when they in fact did not.

As noted by the CDC, it is technically true to say that almost NO ONE dies FROM covid-19, just as no one dies FROM the flu, they die WITH it. It is for this reason that flu-deaths are estimated, and even then the flu is not recorded on the death certificate as the 'cause of death'.
This SHOULD also be the case with SARS-CoV-2, except for the fact that a decision was taken to elevate this virus to a "nationally notifiable disease" (on a par with Ebola) which allows it to be used as a "cause of death", when, as has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the VAST majority of people who die WITH covid-19 have one or more chronic underlying illnesses. In Italy, 98% of deaths occurred in elderly patients with one, two or three underlying illnesses. 52% of them had THREE.

Declaring a population-wide 'mortality rate' based on the number of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared to those who die with its symptoms - when the people who die with symptoms are almost entirely comprised of the elderly and vulnerable - is akin to declaring a 'mortality rate' for the entire population from being hit on the head with a stick based on the number of chronically ill old people who live or die from being hit on the head with a stick.

As a final note, as shown in the article below, 80,000 people died with (not from as the headline incorrectly states) the flu in the 2017-18 season in the USA alone. There were no lock downs and no hysteria. My question is: WHY?

One thing I don't quite understand, maybe someone has an idea: assuming that the Cs' scenario is right and the Uber-PTB wanted to contain a "STO mutation" going around. So they did this crazy lockdown everywhere. However, as we know from a few studies by now that seem to be more or less sound and took random samples, there are many more infected people than we are led to believe. It seems that just with any old flu virus, the spread simply cannot be stopped - a virus infection spreads exponentially, until enough people have had it and became immune, at which point it can't spread anymore and the whole thing is over.
I'm not sure it's just the virus that can be mutated into something of an STO nature. It could also be a lot of other things surrounding this "plandemic" that might also 'mutate' into something of an STO nature. There maybe some hope in that.
I'm not able to articulate this elegantly. The change the virus makes on people depends on the individual person's makeup. The change the people make on the virus also depends on the individual person's makeup. So this "evolution" of virus and people is not random at all but rather is interactive, like an observed object changing based on the observer performing the observation. Throw out darwinian random mutation evolution.

If that's true, then that means that there are a lot of bad people in some countries/cities!

It may help just a little to upvote those comments we agree with, social proof and all that :-)

I surely hope so! I upvoted many of them. :-)

Put that on the news in an endless-loop for 24 hours in every country and the world is healed. :ninja:

Yes. Put that together with dancing nurses and the world is healed!
So maybe the lockdown has indeed "flattened the curve" a bit, but has it led/will it lead to fewer overall infections? In fact, there seems to be hardly a correlation between the various lockdown measures and the numbers (which might be misleading because the numbers are cooked anyway). Or maybe they just needed the lockdown until 1st of May, because flu-like viruses always vanish at this point anyway? Or maybe there are many strains going around and the "STO virus" was very short lived and has now disappeared, and the PTB knew this - and right now it's just other agendas and general tyranny? Any ideas?

I'd go with the latter. I think they probably contained it as much as they could, and now they're just milking it. There's also the complicating factor of how the overt governments get themselves out of this mess without looking like idiots. I mean, you can't just say "oops! sorry, we messed up" after locking people in their homes for 2 months. People will be pissed. It's a complete s**tshow.
Not sure if this has been posted before or not, I apologize if this is the case.

But I just watched this from Tucker Carlson and I found it rather good, even though he does not go too far into the validity of the entire narrative, but he does question the lockdown in a spectacular way. One of my favorite parts of this video is when he says "This is what happens when mediocre people suddenly find themselves with god like powers"..."it's a feeling of omnipotence, and they don't want to give it up, they want it to last forever, even as the country dies", I think that summarizes a lot of what has been happening. for your consideration:

It has but it should be repeated--Laura said to share it far and wide and often.
Notice how that article uses the argument that up to 75% of positive cases are asymptomatic and that is why the lockdown is imperative, because normal people are the source of infection. It was written back in March 15th. People bought it. Now, hopefully people are realizing that it meant the virus was not so deadly after all.

The same argument is still used by Bill Gates as a reason why we must vaccinate children, even though no healthy child died from this virus. But hey, they can be spreading the infection!

It surely wasn't deadly in my country. Only 162 people died so far, but our epidemiologist said yesterday that if we haven't had these measures that 100 000 people would have died?! Ok...

But from yesterday people started making noise at 8:05, right after the clapping people. And today our President said that he will reevaluate his decision to enforce three day curfew for 1st of May. So it seems that protest is working. People were very afraid at the beginning, but now many are slowly waking up. But not all, many still wear masks and run away from you in the store. I try to be polite and not get too close to people, but some are taking this way too seriously.
Someone did a good job with the pictures chosen for this video and the song is great alwyays...
I thought I'd share....

Paul Simon aka. Paul Kane
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly, creeping
Left its seeds while I was, sleeping
And the vision, that was planted in my brain... still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound, of silence
And in the naked light I saw

Ten thousand people maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs, that voices never shared
No one dared
Disturb the sound, of silence
"Fools," said I, "You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows"
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed, in the wells, of silence
And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,
And tenement halls"
And whispered in the sounds, of silence"

Paul Simon/Paul Kane's musical work in the early 1960's was primarily as a contracted songwriter in the famed "Brill Building machine."

He would write songs for other artists to record. He did try his hand at performing, however. He wrote many ballads and rockabilly tunes which were recorded, both by Paul and his mildly-successful Tico and the Triumphs.

Paul also had a famous collaborator, Carole Kane (who changed her name to Carol King).

Paul Simon, whose family was part of the military-industrialist complex, was very likely a product of the early 1960s military experimentation in Silent Sound mind control, which is clearly what the lyrics of "The Sound of Silence" convey to those "in the know".
In the latest press briefing, the Prime Minister clarified for all to hear. We will be in a process of "elimination" in New Zealand - small number of cases, source of the cases known, heavy testing, zero tolerance for the virus - until there is a vaccine. In other words the entire lock-down mechanism will not be removed until there is a vaccine and all citizens are vaccinated.

There is the longer term plan. Everybody gets really hacked off at the restrictions. Solution, have a vaccine and it all goes away.
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