Not sure if this has been posted before or not, I apologize if this is the case.

But I just watched this from Tucker Carlson and I found it rather good, even though he does not go too far into the validity of the entire narrative, but he does question the lockdown in a spectacular way. One of my favorite parts of this video is when he says "This is what happens when mediocre people suddenly find themselves with god like powers"..."it's a feeling of omnipotence, and they don't want to give it up, they want it to last forever, even as the country dies", I think that summarizes a lot of what has been happening. for your consideration:

PM Trudeau says COVID-19 will change life in Canada for 'years'

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that "normal" is a "long way off" for all Canadians — and that some differences implemented as a result of lessons learned during this pandemic will last for "years."

"If we want life to get back to the way it was exactly before, it won't," Trudeau said, speaking to reporters from the front steps of Rideau Cottage on Monday.

"There will be differences, even a few years from now, that we will have learned from dealing with this global pandemic that I think will be important lessons."

And nobody could think of asking him for some specifics? What is it that we learned and what is we will keep on for years and why??
Anyone in the UK hear about this? Anyone got more info?

Interesting, certainly bears keeping an eye on.

From the Wikipedia entry: Kawasaki disease - Wikipedia it states that there is "no specific laboratory test" to detect the condition. Many of it's symptoms are similar to those reported for Covid.

Maybe this could be used in some way to inflate the numbers of younger patients? Won't some one think of the children?.........
Wow, check out this little piece of propoganda: “Children of mentally ill mothers much less likely to be vaccinated.” Absolutely shameless..

Anyone in the UK hear about this? Anyone got more info?

Yes I read this today, the news is framing it as "COVID related" but when I scrolled through this article it said that some children who had this strange inflammation tested negative for COVID-
But some of the children presenting with the illness have tested negative for the coronavirus, further complicating the diagnosis and raising questions that another pathogen could be behind the condition.

Notice how MSN ends the article:
It comes amid reports that schools could begin reopening in June under plans for a ‘cautious’ easing of lockdown restrictions.

Symptoms include:
The children being seen with the new syndrome often suffer from stomach pain, cardiac inflammation and 'gastrointestinal symptoms' - which could include vomiting and diarrhoea.
The cases share overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki disease, according to the memo that was sent around.
Two of the most common symptoms of Kawasaki disease include a rash and a fever. TSS also causes a rash, dizziness and diarrhoea.

A friend who is very interested in the side effects of vaccines messaged me with an interesting theory, she wondered whether COVID was interacting with these children and causing this response due to their immune systems being repeatedly & overly artificially stimulated by vaccine adjuvants... plausible. Added: I found this article from RFK Jnr's website Children's Health Defense- it's a small example of why kids are so sick in today's world.

Added again :-D - Guardian states this:
Doctors suspect that the illness may be a “post-infection inflammatory response” where the immune system goes into overdrive. While some children have tested negative for coronavirus, they may have cleared the virus before the inflammation took hold, or the tests may simply have missed the infection.

Another theory is that they have stated numerous times that children are not as affected by COVID as adults, so naturally, people may think kids are safer. By introducing this menacing inflammatory disorder it could serve to further scare people and make them think kids aren't safe. MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN.

Alternatively, it could be just another bug going around but they are dramatizing it. I hope more info comes out.
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she wondered whether COVID was interacting with these children and causing this response due to their immune systems being repeatedly & overly artificially stimulated by vaccine adjuvants... plausible.

Not sure if a link or any further information could be found here, a paper from 2008 looking at the pathogenic role of mercury in cases of Kawasaki's Disease.

They conclude more research needs doing, but that it may.


Just saw this report from New Zealand:
COVID-19 is 'currently' eliminated in New Zealand, BUT Ardern still wants New Zealanders to be "vigilant" and stay home unless it's absolutely necessary: Mass gatherings are still a no-go, most schools and shopping centers will stay closed, and the country's borders remain shut down.

Yes, well, these people play with words. It turns out eliminate doesn't mean eliminate. It REALLY means very few cases which we will jump on and contact trace and isolate, so yes we might see more cases but that is OK because we are eliminating them.

When the CV19 crisis was started, the PM went big on how the NZ strategy was to flatten the curve. Fast forward a couple of weeks and suddenly there was a 4 step plan for lock down and suddenly we were no longer "flattening the curve" we were going for elimination. Various public health psychopaths opined that this meant we would be in strict lock-down for months. Bear in mind that in L4 lock-down the only businesses allowed to open are supermarkets and pharmacies. Now, at the end of 4 weeks, and the population getting restless and less inclined to do what they are told, and suddenly we are coming our of L4 to L3 (often referred to as L3.9) and we are hearing the re-definition of the word eliminate.

These people act as if nobody has a memory. First the sudden disappearance of "flatten the curve". History has been re-written and no that was never the goal, instead it was always "elimination".

Second, about 2 weeks ago, a journalist had the temerity to suggest at the daily press conference that CV1984 was predominantly a disease of the elderly , that kids and younger people didn't get it. Well, that heresy was not allowed to go unchallenged. The OM turned to the Director of Health and said "I'll let Dr Bloomfield address that with the science." To which he said "Nonsense, there are many cases overseas of young people and children catching the virus and dying. Fast forward to yesterday when somebody was questioning the safety of letting children go back to school in some limited situations and we are told this. "The science tells us that child to child infection almost never happens, and when children do get infected it is always very mild. " So, if that is true now, why wasn't it true two weeks ago? Because it didn't suit the narrative. The authorities are relying on the mind virus having sufficiently mushed our brains that nobody will notice each time they adjust the narrative. And sadly, that seems to be true.

People are definitely getting sick of the strict lock-down. On Saturday we noticed a street party going on in a cul de sac near out house. Up until very recently, all these people have been religious in their adherence to the tenets of the CV1984 religion. But not that day. The alcohol was flowing, the friendship was in evidence, social distancing was out the door. Yesterday our neighbors were spotted leaving the house of a couple who have sold up and are waiting for L4 to be lifted so they can complete their house sale and move. Gasp. They are breaking their bubble. They are not allowed to visit. But visit they did. I am encouraged to see scenes like this, it shows me that the grip of the virus is slipping over time.

The thing I am enjoying most on day one of our slightly less stringent lock-down is all of the public health psychopaths seeing their power slipping away and desperately warning people that this level is far more dangerous than L4, trying to continue to influence the narrative. But the unwashed masses are fed up to the teeth with isolation and they want out and they ant out now. I think that if we don't slide back to L2 in 2 weeks, there very well might be a lot more disaffected people who will demand a return to normalcy.
Since "the war is through us" - as stated by the
Wow, check out this little piece of propoganda: “Children of mentally ill mothers much less likely to be vaccinated.” Absolutely shameless..

Some children that I knew as children and still know now as adults were NEVER vaccinated, or at least a lot less. These are children born raised in Ireland in the 80's, and they have had much healthier lives so far than their fully vaccinated friends. In those years, Irish country doctors were still human enough to understand that parents feared vaccines, and would accommodate the famillies (just a signature).
In the future such 'human' doctors certainly will be hung? Hahaha... This is a true story and we have the living proof!

Ireland (Higher Land?)
But I like the comments on YT. It seems that everybody hates him!
You're right....I just had a look at the comment section (couldn't listen to this... whatever he is....).
That doesn't look too good for him which makes me smile, I admit.
I doubt that he reads such comments but for sure he's got people who sniff it out for him. And obviously the 'lockdowned' are not amused about his daily presence in their lockdowned living rooms and asking who elected him--- Well, legit question which hopefully will lead to ever more legit questions by ever more people.
This was reported in a Swedish newspaper on April 27 and was translated with Google Translate.
New statistics show the most common risk factors
Malin Wahlberg


A total of 2,274 people have died as a result of covid-19 in Sweden.

Now, the National Board of Health presents the most common underlying diseases in the deceased.

The new statistics show that three risk factors stand out.
The National Board of Health has looked at 1,700 cause of death certificates to give a more detailed picture of the mortality in covid-19.

The statistics show that 90 percent of those who died were over 70 and half over 86. Only one percent were under 50 years of age. Most people who have died in the disease also had one or more risk factors.

High blood pressure most commonly
The figures show that some factors stand out.

High blood pressure is most common and is seen in 79.6 percent of cases.

48.5 percent of the dead had cardiovascular disease

29 percent had diabetes

14.6 percent had some type of lung disease.

14.4 percent had not had any of the above risk factors.

54 percent of the deceased are men

56 percent are found in Stockholm County

'This points to results that are consistent with what has been found in the statistics of the Public Health Authority, that there is a higher mortality rate among the elderly, as well as among men and if you have certain underlying illnesses,' says Mona Heurgren, Head of Department at the National Board of Health.

The statistics are based on people who have visited doctors in the specialized outpatient care or have been hospitalized for any of the risk factors. However, high blood pressure in itself is not a cause of death.

- It should be remembered that 65 percent of all over 70 years have high blood pressure so you should not stare blindly at it. High blood pressure is not the big thing, but it works with other things like diabetes or obesity, says Mona Heurgren.

Johan Sundström, professor of clinical epidemiology, is on the same track.

- It is clear that it will be startling with such a high figure but if it is diseases that affect the elderly then high blood pressure is very common, he tells TT.

Is high blood pressure medication important?

- I don't think you should care so much about the connection to high blood pressure, whether it is treated or not. If you are young and have high blood pressure you should not be worried.

Difference in the death toll
The National Board of Health and Welfare has looked at cases received up to and including April 22. Their figures on the death toll are ten percent higher than the figures from the Public Health Authority at the same time.

- Our figures are based on those who have received a laboratory diagnosis, so they will be lower than those where the doctor has made the assessment that they have received covid-19. But the more tests you take, the less that difference will be, says Deputy State Epidemiologist Anders Wallensten.

Difference in the death toll
The National Board of Health and Welfare has looked at cases received up to and including April 22. Their figures on the death toll are ten percent higher than the figures from the Public Health Authority at the same time.

- Our figures are based on those who have received a laboratory diagnosis, so they will be lower than those where the doctor has made the assessment that they have received covid-19. But the more tests you take, the less that difference will be, says Deputy State Epidemiologist Anders Wallensten.
What does the world see when they look at the USA now? Here’s what Ireland’s most respected mainstream political writer says. Brace yourself! 🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪

Irish Times

April 25, 2020

By Fintan O’Toole


Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity.

However bad things are for most other rich democracies, it is hard not to feel sorry for Americans. Most of them did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. Yet they are locked down with a malignant narcissist who, instead of protecting his people from Covid-19, has amplified its lethality. The country Trump promised to make great again has never in its history seemed so pitiful.

Will American prestige ever recover from this shameful episode? The US went into the coronavirus crisis with immense advantages: precious weeks of warning about what was coming, the world’s best concentration of medical and scientific expertise, effectively limitless financial resources, a military complex with stunning logistical capacity and most of the world’s leading technology corporations. Yet it managed to make itself the global epicentre of the pandemic.

As the American writer George Packer puts it in the current edition of the Atlantic, “The United States reacted ... like Pakistan or Belarus – like a country with shoddy infrastructure and a dysfunctional government whose leaders were too corrupt or stupid to head off mass suffering.”

It is one thing to be powerless in the face of a natural disaster, quite another to watch vast power being squandered in real time – wilfully, malevolently, vindictively. It is one thing for governments to fail (as, in one degree or another, most governments did), quite another to watch a ruler and his supporters actively spread a deadly virus. Trump, his party and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News became vectors of the pestilence.

The grotesque spectacle of the president openly inciting people (some of them armed) to take to the streets to oppose the restrictions that save lives is the manifestation of a political death wish. What are supposed to be daily briefings on the crisis, demonstrative of national unity in the face of a shared challenge, have been used by Trump merely to sow confusion and division. They provide a recurring horror show in which all the neuroses that haunt the American subconscious dance naked on live TV.

If the plague is a test, its ruling political nexus ensured that the US would fail it at a terrible cost in human lives. In the process, the idea of the US as the world’s leading nation – an idea that has shaped the past century – has all but evaporated.

Other than the Trump impersonator Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, who is now looking to the US as the exemplar of anything other than what not to do? How many people in Düsseldorf or Dublin are wishing they lived in Detroit or Dallas?

It is hard to remember now but, even in 2017, when Trump took office, the conventional wisdom in the US was that the Republican Party and the broader framework of US political institutions would prevent him from doing too much damage. This was always a delusion, but the pandemic has exposed it in the most savage ways.

Abject surrender
What used to be called mainstream conservatism has not absorbed Trump – he has absorbed it. Almost the entire right-wing half of American politics has surrendered abjectly to him. It has sacrificed on the altar of wanton stupidity the most basic ideas of responsibility, care and even safety.

Thus, even at the very end of March, 15 Republican governors had failed to order people to stay at home or to close non-essential businesses. In Alabama, for example, it was not until April 3rd that governor Kay Ivey finally issued a stay-at-home order.

In Florida, the state with the highest concentration of elderly people with underlying conditions, governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump mini-me, kept the beach resorts open to students travelling from all over the US for spring break parties. Even on April 1st, when he issued restrictions, DeSantis exempted religious services and “recreational activities”.

Georgia governor Brian Kemp, when he finally issued a stay-at-home order on April 1st, explained: “We didn’t know that [the virus can be spread by people without symptoms] until the last 24 hours.”

This is not mere ignorance – it is deliberate and homicidal stupidity. There is, as the demonstrations this week in US cities have shown, plenty of political mileage in denying the reality of the pandemic. It is fuelled by Fox News and far-right internet sites, and it reaps for these politicians millions of dollars in donations, mostly (in an ugly irony) from older people who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

It draws on a concoction of conspiracy theories, hatred of science, paranoia about the “deep state” and religious providentialism (God will protect the good folks) that is now very deeply infused in the mindset of the American right.

Trump embodies and enacts this mindset, but he did not invent it. The US response to the coronavirus crisis has been paralysed by a contradiction that the Republicans have inserted into the heart of US democracy. On the one hand, they want to control all the levers of governmental power. On the other they have created a popular base by playing on the notion that government is innately evil and must not be trusted.

The contradiction was made manifest in two of Trump’s statements on the pandemic: on the one hand that he has “total authority”, and on the other that “I don’t take responsibility at all”. Caught between authoritarian and anarchic impulses, he is incapable of coherence.

Fertile ground
But this is not just Donald Trump. The crisis has shown definitively that Trump’s presidency is not an aberration. It has grown on soil long prepared to receive it. The monstrous blossoming of misrule has structure and purpose and strategy behind it.

There are very powerful interests who demand “freedom” in order to do as they like with the environment, society and the economy. They have infused a very large part of American culture with the belief that “freedom” is literally more important than life. My freedom to own assault weapons trumps your right not to get shot at school. Now, my freedom to go to the barber (“I Need a Haircut” read one banner this week in St Paul, Minnesota) trumps your need to avoid infection.

Usually when this kind of outlandish idiocy is displaying itself,

Not according to a fool, or O'Toole!
Some Irish are smart but not all.
Today is day one of L3 in NZ. According to our masters, we are allowed to go to work if we are unable to work from home, but must enforce social distancing. Schools and childcare centers are open for the children of parents who can't work at home. Restaurants and cafes can sell food for takeaway as long as it is done in a contactless manner. (Most of the country are drooling over the possibility of eating restaurant food, huge discussions as to what they will eat first.) Swimming is now permitted as is fishing from the beach. Golf courses and tennis courts are now open as long as everyone does social distancing. Hunting is allowed as long as there are no overnight trips but you can't do it on government conservation land. (This one is really interesting as the annual duck shooting season starts next week, it is the annual cull, and tens of thousands of Kiwis partake every year. If they had not allowed this, there would have been a huge furore and people would have done it anyway, so they have taken the path of least resistance).

I get the feeling that this is going to be like taking the cork out of a shaken bottle of champagne. People are just going to explode back into activity and the government will have a huge problem if they try to get the cork back in the bottle. More and more people are looking at the numbers and starting to wonder. For example, since the "crisis" began there have been a total of 69 people in CV1984 wards and 19 deaths. For this, they trashed the economy, emptied the hospitals, deployed refrigerated containers at all the hospitals to store dead bodies, shut down all surgery and so scared most fo the population that people refuse to go to the hospital for fear of getting infected. And still some people don't want to end lock-down, they are just too scared.
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