A very dangerous document has appeared in the German government. Of course he was on leave and it was presented as a private opinion and not as a government document.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has imposed a ban on an employee who previously stated in a 93 document that the current corona virus was due to a "false alarm".
The employee initially emailed leading Ministry of Interior officials, including a Secretary of State, on Friday. An internal analysis of his presentation shows "serious failures of crisis management", it said, "deficits in the regulatory framework for pandemics" and "corona crisis is probably proving to be a false alarm". An hour later he apparently sent the same paper to employees of the state ministries of the interior - he refers to the first email: "In the acceptance of your interest, I will inform you of the email below as technical information."

The speaker claims: “The observable effects and effects of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that - in terms of health effects on society as a whole - it is more than a false alarm. The new virus presumably did not at any time pose a risk to the population that exceeded the normal level (comparative figure is the usual death rate in DEU). Corona essentially kills the people who statistically die this year because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation). The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated (no more than 250,000 deaths with Covid-19 worldwide in a quarter of a year, compared to 1.5 million deaths during the 2017/18 influenza wave). The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. We are most likely dealing with a global false alarm that has remained undetected for a long time - this analysis result has been checked by KM 4 for scientific plausibility and essentially does not contradict the data and risk assessments submitted by the RKI. ”

The Federal Ministry of the Interior advises on the problem of why this alleged corona false alarm should have occurred: “The fact that the alleged false alarm remained undetected for weeks is essentially due to the fact that the current framework for action by the crisis team and crisis management is in a pandemic does not contain suitable detection instruments that automatically trigger an alarm and initiate the immediate termination of measures as soon as either a pandemic warning turns out to be a false alarm or it is foreseeable that the collateral damage - and in particular parts that kill human life - are threatening to increase, than the health and especially the deadly potential of the disease under consideration. "

The speaker warns: "The deficits and failures in crisis management have consequently led to the conveyance of incorrect information and thus triggered disinformation among the population." (An accusation could be: The state has proven itself to be one of the largest fake news producers in the corona crisis).

The alleged false alarm resulted in the critical infrastructures being negatively affected: “Critical infrastructures are the lifeline of modern societies that are essential for survival. As a result of the protective measures, the current security of supply in the critical infrastructures is no longer as usual (previously a gradual reduction in the basic security of supply, which can be reflected in upcoming stress situations, for example). The resilience of the highly complex and strongly interdependent overall system of critical infrastructures has decreased. Our society is now living with increased vulnerability and higher default risks of vital infrastructures. This can have fatal consequences if a really dangerous pandemic or other threat occurs at the now reduced level of resilience at KRITIS. ”

The speaker is strongly opposed to the current state interference in civil liberties: “The proportionality of interference in the rights of e.g. There are currently no citizens because the state has not adequately weighed up the consequences. The BVerfG requires an appropriate weighing of measures with negative consequences (PSPP judgment of May 5, 2020). The situation reports of the BMI-BMG crisis team and the federal state reports to the federal states must therefore be sent immediately

The speaker explains about the deaths:

1. Operations postponed or canceled due to limitations in hospital availability (and treatment options): In total, we had a total of around 17 million inpatients with ORs in 2018. That is an average of 1.4 million patients per month. In March and April 90% of all necessary surgeries were postponed or not carried out. That means 2.5 million people were not cared for as a result of government measures. So 2.5 million patients were not operated on in March and April 2020, although this would have been necessary. The expected death rate cannot be assessed seriously; Experts assume that there are numbers between 5,000 and up to 125,000 patients who will die / have already died due to the postponed surgery.

2. Subsequent treatments of patients (e.g. cancer, stroke or heart attack) postponed or canceled due to limitations in hospital availability (and treatment options): The negative effects of interrupted care structures in cancer patients, whether cancer follow-up or interrupted cancer prevention programs, such as breast cancer, are obvious. because these measures have proven their usefulness in long studies and have been established on this basis. Here, too, it can be assumed that millions of patients will be treated annually. In some cases, the availability restrictions of the clinics will also lead to the premature death of patients. It is difficult to predict this effect. Experts who commented on the fact that up to several thousand additional deaths were expected to die or will die in March and April 2020.

3. In the care of people in need of care (a total of 3.5 million people in DEU), the level of care and the quality of care (in care facilities, in outpatient care services as well as in private / intra-family care) decrease due to restrictions imposed by the state. Since the good level of care in DEU has been proven to save many people from premature death (which is why so much money is spent on this), the drop in levels enforced in March and April 2020 will have triggered premature deaths. For 3.5 million people in need of care, an additional death rate of one tenth of a percent would result in an additional 3,500 deaths. In the absence of more precise estimates, it is not known whether there are more or fewer.

4. Increases in suicides (previously an average of 9,000 per year); Reasons for the increase in suicides: long-term significant impairment of all living conditions, which can become critical for mentally unstable personalities; but numerous suicides as a reaction to the economic destruction of livelihoods can also be expected; Diverse professional groups that do not feel able to cope with the burden of social and personal changes and their personal (joint) responsibility.

5. Additional deaths from heart attacks and strokes. Over the past years and decades, integrated concepts have been developed that have successfully influenced morbidity and mortality and are based on the fact that care is provided as early as possible (in the course of the disease), as quickly as possible (time to care) and as competently as possible. These inter-sectoral / -disciplinary chains are damaged in many ways (outpatient care, deprivation of resources) and also suffer maximally from the fact that due to one-sided and exaggerated information policy, those affected unjustifiably fear Corona more than these diseases and suppress warning signs and also fear these diseases not being treated well in the current corona fixation in the hospital. As a consequence, many affected people are currently not / too late to see a doctor, which means increased morbidity, worsened rehabilitation and increased mortality in these diseases. "

Sometimes I think - it can't get any worse. But. After I found out how often the German RKI changed the calculation method for the dangerousness of COVID, now comes the absolute climax of stupidity: the pulse of the nation. Conditioning in a linear manner is very transparent and is always reinforced with a new conditioning. In addition to the complete confusion and total information overload, it can no longer be noticed. The fear was kept high by the constant change of the calculation methods. Now the second wave is coming. That means: It is no longer about numbers - it is about the feeling, it will never stop. However, the latest instrument goes in a completely different direction - the app. Now there is information that man can actively do something. Monitor yourself.

Corona data donation app
Of course, the word donation was manipulatively inserted as a positive language instrument. In Germany there has been a loss of my mother tongue for years. I call it new - German. As soon as certain social and political currents form here, new terms are defined: anger citizens, good people, conspiracy theorists. Linguistically, new stigmata are always produced and used. "Donation" is positive - so the app is good.

The manipulative tool that I observe everywhere from politics, experts and the media is nudging. Nudging as a political tool
Nudging is the intentional management of individuals by triggering unconscious behavior changes.

When I first heard about this APP, I wondered how to use an APP productively. What is communicated as a voluntary donation of data to safeguard general health becomes the ultimate monitoring instrument with the latest German parameter for determining the hazard. In Germany, the risk assessment for 50 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants is now calculated for each district. The RKI now states the following:
At the beginning of April, the Robert Koch Institute published the Corona data donation app, which is intended to provide additional information on where and how quickly the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) spreads in Germany.
With the help of data donations we want e.g. calculate a fever card for Germany. This map is intended to estimate at the district level and is updated daily whether an above-average number of people have a fever in a region.

The donors: inside card - regional distribution

The next manipulation: People are referred to as donors. In the future, a distinction will only be made in Germany between donors and non-donors. The topic is well known: smokers against non-smokers, vegetarians against carnivores.

In order to be able to recognize that the resting heart rate in a selected district is higher than usual - there may be a focus of infection there - a base value must first be determined. The base value is a long-term average value of the participants in the corona data donation in a district.

The RKI is now monitoring all of Germany with a fever card and resting heart rate card. One should ask oneself, for what reasons does a pulse go up? Of course, because of a fever. But it also goes up when people are angry. The ideal monitoring tool for human emotions. Where a hot spot appears, one could assume that aggressive and angry people want to take to the streets to demonstrate. The state now has the possibility to control state interventions very well by monitoring the resting pulse.

Another question would be: Will tests be dispensed with in the future if enough people have this app? Will the risk assessment only take place via APP? Will people be told that there is greater accuracy since a rise above 50 / 100,000 means a lockdown? How many sheep will be afraid of the lockdown and are willing to become a member of the surveillance system - voluntarily, of course.
This might relate to a state of cognitive dissonance; a conflict between what we believe at a very deep level and new information that contradicts it. I know that I experience it when I watch too much TV news. I'll just watch enough to get into the "mind" of the puppet masters who are pulling the strings of the clownish news anchor airheads that, I think, helps me to see where the incredibly evil trajectory of these puppet masters is headed. So it may be a conflict between real facts and the imaginary beliefs that the media try to program us with to make us feel good when they are really trying to kill us that can fog up the mind, although I'm sure there are other causes too. The level of Evil that is running this show is mind boggling and most people simply cannot 'grok' this level of evil.

Scott Shaw in his book 'Samurai Zen' spoke of a state of mind where a warrior can enter the mind of his opponent and 'see' what he's going to do next. But he must be able to withstand the recognition of the deepest levels of evil without turning away from it from fear (even though he might be experiencing it). It's not mind reading but it's a special state where one mind mergers with his opponents allowing him to 'see.' In one of Castaneda's book a mountain lion was stalking him and he asked Don Juan how the mountain lion knew where he was going before he got there. Don Juan replied "He just knows!". So it might be something like that. I think we all have this ability but in certain kinds of martial arts like Iaido it's recognized and developed. But the love and light Libtards which includes the news media obscures this deep vision using programmed fear and BS that clouds up our recognition of objective facts which, I'm sure, screws up any direct psychic connections and visions we might have relating to the deeper true reality.
Yes it seems like I went to sleep and woke up in communist country or I mean on a communist planet. I've been watching Judy Mikovitz and what she has to say is truly chilling. The evil has shown its face and it is for real. But no one else can see it they are oblivious waiting patiently for the lock down to end. The government was planning to open the public schools but there was a huge outcry from a bunch of parents so worried about their children's safety they don't want the schools to open. They have al;most everyone (I live in Alberta) so scared they can't see the obvious. Its hard to believe they pulled off a planetary lock down just like that. My heart goes out to all the children This strange new world is no place for anyone to be let alone innocent children
Yesterday we entered phase 1.It is not clear what they mean by phase one. When you read the rules we are incapable to understand what they said. Can you go outside with a friend? Go to a terrasse? Walk on the street? We don't know. It is like to read a lawyer paper.

But anyway, I went downtown and see the ocean that was of a turquoise color. And breath the air of the ocean. The majority of the cafes were closed. We took coffee at 2 terrasses it was like the return of normality to see people, listen to people talk and laugh, see kids on the street. It was fantastic, a little gift. I saw my friend that I did not see since 2 and half months. But we are not stupid. This will last very little. Maybe just few days. We know how mean they are, do we? Yes.

I went to the Hindou store. But other stores that I usually go were closed. How many will reopen? Not many.

To take the bus you need to put a mask, so like a good girl a put it on my face. But just on the bus! To forget it I read on the bus. Hopefully the route was short.

Not all Spain is on phase 1. And many many people are mad because we are on phase 1. They are so scare, little people. They feel so fragile, poor ones. It is so dangerous to be outside and breath and see people. Alien is everywhere, for them, a monster is waiting for them.

I am not scare nor my friend. We were happy to be outside and talk and see this new reality. At one store, a big one (Corte Inglés) I was the only one without a mask. The only one with a visage. And in this store I really had an insight: we are living in a science fiction reality, a dystopia, really really. In fact the only way to have fun it is seeing all of this as a short story, we are characters of a short science fiction story. For me it is the only way to keep my calm. If not, I am able to yell and punch people on the faces and take their dammed soap and globes and throw them in the air or in the face of the people that are checking, the guardians that say to you: put the globes! Clean your hands! Keep distance.! The only way to keep my spirit calm is to see this like a creation. A poem.
Hier matin très tôt, premier jour du déconfinement en France, je suis allée vider ma petite poubelle sans masque (les masques ne sont obligatoires que dans les boutiques ou autres ouverts au public), je n'en avais que pour quelques minutes, mais je me suis faite rabrouée parce que je ne portais pas de masque, les gens sont terrorisés, c'est incroyable...

Yesterday morning very early, first day of the deconfinement in France, I went to empty my little trash can without mask (masks are mandatory only in shops or others open to the public), I only had a few minutes, but I was rebuffed because I wasn't wearing a mask, people are terrorized, it's unbelievable...
In this excellent article Israel Shamir addresses many key issues regarding the plandemic, amongst others the reason he thinks why the Swedes managed to escaped strict lockdown measures. In this case, it seemlingly came down to the power of television over printed media. Some snippets:

'Why did Sweden refuse to submit? They were lucky. The liberal media of Sweden is mainly concentrated in the hands of the Bonnier family. They are extremely wealthy and powerful. They like to stress their Jewish origin, at least since 1944, when they did it to erase the stink of their collaboration with Nazi Germany. It helps them now: whenever they are condemned for controlling 80 percent of all Swedish printed media they scream anti-Semitism, and the critics disperse in shame. You may rest assured that Bonnier’s newspapers and magazines did call for the national lockdown. (Bonnier family Bonnier family - Wikipedia)

But the printed media is not all that influential nowadays in Sweden compared to television. A few years ago (2005-2007) the crafty Bonniers bought TV4 for pennies on the dollar in the usual scheme of crooked privatisation. Last year they succumbed to greed and sold it back to the state (via a state-owned company) for a huge profit. The deal was concluded in December 2019. Thus the corona crisis fortuitously caught the liberal media without its own television channel; and the state defeated the printed media by using the power of their own TV4. This was the main reason why Sweden managed to stick to its free model of fighting disease without lockdown.

It was not easy; the pressure on Sweden was exceptionally strong. The MSM published thousands of articles with blood-curdling predictions of Swedes dying in droves from the virus. The Swedes were condemned for sacrificing their elderly. None of this was true, but since when does truth interfere with the propaganda machine? Now, as Sweden’s neighbours belatedly begin to open their schools, one can say that Sweden made the right choice. Even the strict WHO admitted: “Sweden represents a future model… if we wish to get back to a society in which we don’t have lockdowns”. Even the main liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a long feature by the prominent virologist Eyal Shahar, titled Sweden proves the world erred. Bear in mind that Israel experienced a very strict lockdown. Even the NY Times published a piece by Tom Friedman suggesting we should have followed the Swedish model.'

A large group of high level Church officials, together with a collection of doctors, lawyers, journalists, and professors, have signed an open letter calling on the lockdown to be lifted.

Interestingly, in this same article, Israel Shamir also thinks that faith is the way to empowerment of the people. He points out that 'we are now at a historical crossroad. The choice is laid bare; and it can go many ways depending on the efforts we make today. We can end up as plastic-coated digitally-controlled nonentities; we might become test subjects for Bill Gates’ experiments with vaccines; we could burn in a nuclear holocaust, but we also can become free people. There are many ways to be free, and probably the most important thing for us is to preserve a plurality of choice. Do not succumb to the Empire, remain free. Many states, many cultures are important and necessary for the Planet Earth, just as so many compartments are necessary for a submarine. As long as this variety is preserved, we will be free to compare and decide what is better for us. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.

The point of faith – do not read it if religion disturbs you.
Beyond hard facts and scientific claims, there is the religious point of view. The first victim of the lockdown was the church. Wherever the country was locked down, so were the churches. Even when shops and factories were opened, the churches remained closed. The princes of the church collaborated with the closure. The Pope of Rome celebrated Easter alone in the St Peter, the Patriarchs of Moscow, Constantinople and Jerusalem celebrated their Easter without worshippers. The Muslims did the same: Mecca was closed, Medina was closed, al Aqsa of Jerusalem was closed. Easter and Ramadan passed by without people, as if divine service were as important as baseball.

This is probably the biggest success of Satan since the Crucifixion. It is the great apostasy, as was prophesised. We can’t possibly estimate the result of this mega-event, but certainly some of the people behind the lockdown are aware of it. It is hardly a coincidence that Bill Gates chose the number containing 666 for his patent, that he called for stamping (tattooing) all men with an invisible seal, just as the prophecy suggested.

We are not powerless. The DOJ has been mobilised by President Trump to support opening of the churches. The churches and the worshippers are meek, while its enemies are brazen. The faithful should be more insistent, unless we agree that our faith should vanish or take a very modest place next to other entertainments. The examples of Church of Sweden and the Church of Belarus prove that it was possible to observe Easter. It was our fault that it was not done everywhere.
Locking people up in their homes, the prohibition of closeness, the promotion of pornography, feels like an intentional attack on a very important mainstay of humanity and its relation to God. These attacks should be halted as soon as possible so our sons and daughters will once again be able to run to their beloveds.
Opening churches and allowing people to meet and join together is not just important, it is paramount to save mankind from the second Fall.

But as long as there exists a prohibition on gatherings of over 10 people in most countries with steep fines for violations, i am not holding my breath. The belief in coronavirus as life threatening is so deeply ingrained in so many in such a short time..... interesting to see what the universe comes up with!
It seems that the 2 months regarding what the C'S said that this quarantine it was going to last ...wasn't accurate at all ? They are extending it ..at more and more...and they are planning a lot of others regulations to limit us in so many ways.....I have a sister who was infected of this virus and she is recovering very slow almost 2 months now that she is with this sickness ...my ex husband died 3 weeks ago for a possible Corona virus infection I don't know the details but that is what I been told..he lived in a very distant city where I am...and I have 2 cousins suppose to be sick of the same virus and they are recovering very very slow also...so this virus is very real after all.....I dont know what to think now after what I'm seeing in people near of my circle...you know???

I am very sorry about your loss. As you stated, you have been told that he died from COVID-19, or he probably died from some other reason with COVID-19. So it is a big difference. Don't get me wrong, it is not your fault, it is the PTB and the local authoritarian followers that are spreading disinformation trying to inflate the number of deaths in order to justify their fascistic measures.
Your ex-husband's death is probably in this category. I know a lot of cases where any kind of death is listed as COVID-19 death. You can read this thread and it is full of testimonies and data about this kind of manipulation.

As I know, a lot more people have the virus than the official numbers. My whole family had it back in January, The whole city where I live has a bad flu season this winter and according to their stories a huge number of them have the COVID virus and almost all of them recovered without any serious consequences. Like a very bad flue. A lot of people are almost asymptomatic, including me. Just very mild symptoms. Just rare cases need hospitalization and actual deaths are much lower than the average flue. Please check the Sott.net and this thread about more reliable data and information. Don't trust the official media because they are broadcasting just pure propaganda.

Nobody ever said that the virus is not real. But the real problem with this how we call it a nothing-burger virus ( because it is not more deadly and dangerous than a flu) are the fascistic measures and lockdown on the entire planet that will cause much more suffering and death than this virus.

Much more dangerous is mass hysteria and propaganda that is placed on human minds. Beliving in lies means giving up your power to the darkness. It means giving your Light to the darkness. Light is love is Knowledge. You can find a lot of real information in this thread. Use the information available and transform it into knowledge by utilizing it. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. Arm yourself and protect your mind, soul and body. Don't fall into this trap.
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Twitter has two video clips showing what, i would consider, fairly good examples of the unravelling of the contrived crisis and the illogical nature of the lockdown, and how even mainstream TV personalities can't help but speak up, apparently.

I think it also shows that (yet again) politicians are mere puppets repeating what has been deigned from on high and they're doing their best to push the message even though they see how nonsensical it is (most of them, anyway).

The first is a clip from Good Morning Britain, a TV program watched by millions in the UK, and notably i am pretty sure the Tweeter himself was a lockdown supporter; the 2nd is a baffled BBC news presenter interviewing an MP:

"If this had been a farce, on the telly, i wouldn't have believed it.
Is someone actually saying we can only visit ONE parent [because of coronavirus]??"

Added: This video shows airline passengers who paid a lot of money for seats because of 'social distancing' requiring empty seats, only to find that those seats had also been sold:

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The past days the feelings inside got heavier and more depressed. I'm suffering from an overload of corona information. In the morning I don't feel like getting up at all; then I am sluggish to do anything productive which is not really me. I don't feel like garden work and reading is mostly reduced to the forum plus other virus related information.

At this point I doubt that gathering and researching more information will have positive effects on my psychological balance.
I'm aware of their game, I can see what is coming, I can see the fascist overtake, the course to forced vaccination and I shared a lot of information on my FB.... but for now I feel empty. Even keeping up with this thread is too time consuming right now.
My daughter is leaning towards the mainstream narrative and we are both fighting to keep our good relationship.
BF is very busy sharing information on FB and in daily life and then reacts with a lot of personal indignation when he experiences rejection from his surrounding. This I perceive as a burden or even as vectoring myself.
So learning to be a good caregiver to myself I decided to discipline myself to NOT reading everything to gain some strength back.
Mental hygiene seems to be on the schedule otherwise I fear I cannot be of help for others.
Thank you all for listening and all your contributions.
I watched the first part of Plandemic and wondered about something Mikovitz said. Apparently this claim is also used against her.

She said that she has worked at the Fort Detrick's USAMRIID in 1999, where she said that her job "was to teach Ebola how to infect human cells without killing them." And she also said that "Ebola couldn't infect human cells until we took it into the laboratories and taught it".

So I wondered about this particular italicized part, because clearly Ebola could infect human cells, even back in 1976, when it was first discovered. Here's the official chronology of the virus.

Perhaps it was already discussed and I missed it, so would greatly appreciate clarification.

Anyways, my speculation was that perhaps she was talking about a vaccine, because Fort Detrick was apparently working on it, and it is also pretty evident that this base made Ebola more virulent and contributed to the Ebola outbreak in Liberia in 2014.

Here's, for example, a paper that shows that during this outbreak Ebola had an increased infectivity in humans.

The 2013–2016 outbreak of Ebola virus (EBOV) in West Africa was the largest recorded. It began following the cross-species transmission of EBOV from an animal reservoir, most likely bats, into humans, with phylogenetic analysis revealing the cocirculation of several viral lineages. We hypothesized that this prolonged human circulation led to genomic changes that increased viral transmissibility in humans. We generated a synthetic glycoprotein (GP) construct based on the earliest reported isolate and introduced amino acid substitutions that defined viral lineages. Mutant GPs were used to generate a panel of pseudoviruses, which were used to infect different human and bat cell lines. These data revealed that specific amino acid substitutions in the EBOV GP have increased tropism for human cells, while reducing tropism for bat cells. Such increased infectivity may have enhanced the ability of EBOV to transmit among humans and contributed to the wide geographic distribution of some viral lineages.

What's more, my ex-colleague personally knows a Russian virologist, who was part of the team that was sent to Liberia at the time of the outbreak. This virologist said that they analyzed the virus and saw that it was artificially modified. Russian team clearly saw the signs of artificial modification.

So the fact that Fort Detrick messed with the virus is pretty clear. But then, "Ebola couldn't infect human cells" still looks like an unfortunate and rather incorrect claim on Mikovitz's part, unless it is taken out of context. 🤷‍♀️ It also quite possible that I don't understand what she really means.

It does appear that this claim is being used against her, among other things, so this is very unfortunate. It even made me wonder if this wasn't another "Rebekah Roth" case, where she says a lot of good and factual stuff that can be later dismissed by discreding her character.:huh:
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I watched the first part of Plandemic and wondered about something Mikovitz said. Apparently this claim is also used against her.

She said that she has worked at the Fort Detrick's USAMRIID in 1999, where she said that her job "was to teach Ebola how to infect human cells without killing them." And she also said that "Ebola couldn't infect human cells until we took it into the laboratories and taught it".

So I wondered about this particular italicized part, because clearly Ebola could infect human cells, even back in 1976, when it was first discovered. Here's the official chronology of the virus.

Perhaps it was already discussed and I missed it, so would greatly appreciate clarification.

Anyways, my speculation was that perhaps she was talking about a vaccine, because Fort Detrick was apparently working on it, and it is also pretty evident that this base made Ebola more virulent and contributed to the Ebola outbreak in Liberia in 2014.

Here's, for example, a paper that shows that during this outbreak Ebola had an increased infectivity in humans.

What's more, my ex-colleague personally knows a Russian virologist, who was part of the team that was sent to Liberia at the time of the outbreak. This virologist said that they analyzed the virus and saw that it was artificially modified. Russian team clearly saw the signs of artificial modification.

So the fact that Fort Detrick messed with the virus is pretty clear. But then, "Ebola couldn't infect human cells" still looks like an unfortunate and rather incorrect claim on Mikovitz's part, unless it is taken out of context. 🤷‍♀️ It also quite possible that I don't understand what she really means.

It does appear that this claim is being used against her, among other things, so this is very unfortunate. It even made me wonder if this wasn't another "Rebekah Roth" case, where she says a lot of good and factual stuff that can be later dismissed by discreding her character.:huh:

I don't know if this is what she is referring to, however I remember reading the phrase 'gain of function' somewhere in regards to research into viruses. I searched the term and found this:

The debate is focused on a subset of gain-of-function studies that manipulate deadly viruses to increase their transmissibility or virulence. “This is what happens to viruses in the wild”, explains Carrie Wolinetz, head of the NIH Office of Science Policy. “Gain-of-function experiments allow us to understand how pandemic viruses evolve, so that we can make predictions, develop countermeasures, and do disease surveillance”. Although none of the widely publicised mishaps of 2014 involved such work, the NIH decided to suspend funding for gain-of-function studies involving influenza, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV.

This article is from 2018.

Edited to add: my understanding is that 'gain of function' research attempts to make a virus more virulent or powerful.
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And today, another preprint went live at medRxiv showing a positive link between the lack of the TB vaccine and higher mortality rates. The UK, the U.S., Spain, Italy, France are all countries which removed this vaccine from their programs.
There has been at least half a dozen pre-prints at medRxiv during the last week or so related with the TB vaccine and COVID. It seems that for a potential benefit, the vaccine has to be given early on in childhood.

Yesterday, Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, said that "coronavirus death rate in Russia is on average 7.4 times lower than the global average".

Not sure why is that. It could be because of the TB vaccine, and it could be because they count deaths differently here. Maybe they don't include deaths "with COVID-19", but only the ones "from COVID-19". But then most of the people who died in Russia also had myriad of other pathologies. Or perhaps there are other factors as well. 🤷‍♀️
I don't know if this is what she is referring to, however I remember reading the phrase 'gain of function' somewhere in regards to research into viruses. I searched the term and found this:

Very interesting! Thank you, Jones. :flowers:

I also found the following recent article that has additional explanation.

The mutations that gave the virus its ability to be airborne transmissible are gain-of-function (GOF) mutations. GOF research is when scientists purposefully cause mutations that give viruses new abilities in an attempt to better understand the pathogen.

But it is still strange that Mikovitz would say about Ebola that it couldn't infect human cells before they messed with it. Unless she misspoke or meant that they did it even before the 1976 outbreak. Not sure.
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