Roundup of recent developments in The Netherlands.

Source: Coronavirus law under fire from lawyers, local authorities and the ombudsman -
Corona virus law under fire from lawyers, local authorities and the ombudsman

June 9, 2020

Government plans to anchor the rules [in Dutch] for social distancing and other Covid-19 related legal issues in law have been criticized by lawyers, local authorities and the national ombudsman.

Currently the regulations are based on the government’s emergency powers which can be enacted at times of crisis. But legal experts have criticized the lack of legal basis given the length of time the measures have now been in force, and say it may be possible to challenge fines in court.

The government hopes the new rules will come into effect on July 1, but they still have to be approved by both houses of parliament.

The new rules would make it an offense not to keep a ‘safe distance’ from others on the street. They also allow officials to ban people from certain places and from organising events and from practising certain professions. Ministers would also be allowed to make certain hygiene rules compulsory.

The Dutch bar association said in a reaction to the proposals that the law may conflict with fundamental rights set down in the constitution and that ministers would be given a free hand to take far-reaching measures behind closed doors.


The national ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen said [in Dutch] the draft legislation does not make it clear where people should go if the measures conflict with their own needs and interests.

‘What is this law really going to change for citizens?’ he said. ‘Do people understand what considerations the government is making when limiting their rights. And how is the government to be held accountable.’

Local authorities

The local authority association VNG said [in Dutch] that the chain of command between national government, regional safety departments and mayors is too vague in the draft legislation.

‘Local authorities are being given too few options to steer the rules and there is no democratic control at a local level,’ the VNG said. ‘In addition, in the next phase, local authorities should be able to weigh up health, social and economic interests against each other and decide which steps are necessary,’ the association said.

The legislation first has to be looked at by the Council of State advisory body which is expected to report back next week.

Source: Dutch research into Covid-19 and anti-malarial drugs is halted -
Dutch research into Covid-19 and anti-malarial drugs is halted

June 10, 2020

Dutch research into the impact of two anti-malarial drugs on Covid-19 patients has been halted because researchers are no longer confident that it has a beneficial effect, broadcaster RTL and the AD said on Wednesday [both links Dutch only].

Some 10 hospitals, including the Utrecht and Maastricht teaching hospitals, were involved in testing the use of chloroquine and the related hydroxy-chloroquine, which started on April 15.

Work was halted two weeks ago after a report in medical journal The Lancet which said that use of the drug had led to more deaths. That report has since been withdrawn, but the Dutch researchers have decided to abandon their project anyway.

In particular, other unpublished British research involving 5,000 patients had shown no difference in the results between patients given the drug and a control group, project leader Andy Hoepelman told the AD.

In addition, there were too few corona virus patients taking part in the Dutch study, which needed at least 1,000, Hoepelman said.

The Dutch study aimed to look at the impact of the drugs on patients who had been admitted to hospital but were not in intensive care, comparing their effects with those on standard treatment.

Source: Leiden coronavirus vaccine trial brought forward to July -
Leiden corona virus vaccine trial brought forward to July

June 11, 2020

A vaccine against corona virus which is being developed by pharmaceuticals subsidiary Janssen Biologics in Leiden will be tested on humans as early as July, the company has announced.

The company, which is owned by American multinational Johnson & Johnson, had scheduled the trial phase for September but said positive results had allowed researchers to bring it forward.

The Netherlands, which has pledged to ‘promote and facilitate’ production of the virus [vaccine] but has not invested in its development, has strict regulations surrounding testing which means that trials will take place in Belgium and the United States.

Some 1,045 healthy adults between 18 and 45 will take part in a randomized double blind study which will give researchers answers as to the safety of the vaccine and its ability to make the body produce antibodies.

The production of the vaccine will take place in Leiden, the United States and possibly Asia, the company said. Despite the lack of testing results, a goal of a billion doses has already been set for 2021.

‘If the vaccine doesn’t work we will have to destroy it. That is the risk we are taking,’ lead researcher at Janssen and UvA virology professor Hanneke Schuitemaker told the AD [in Dutch]. ‘But if it does work we want to be able to give it to the world as quickly as possible.’

However, the paper notes, despite pledges by Janssen that the vaccine will be fairly divided among countries, president Donald Trump, whose government has invested half a billion dollar in the development of the vaccine, may want to lay claim [in Dutch] to the vaccines produced in the US.

Similar coverage: Leiden pharmaceutical to start human testing coronavirus vaccine next month
I hope this video doesn't get taken down... this nurse details the horrific policies and procedures of a NY city hospital regarding covid: medical murder for profit! This is heartbreaking and enraging and I hope her message can be spread before she is silenced.

So it appears that patients were put on those vents when they definitely did not need it, and that killed them! This is heartbreaking.
There are hardly any more masked people outside towards my home. Except in stores where everyone wears it, except me. Same with the optician. Everything is strange! In any case, the employees seem to me more friendly with me than before the "plandemia". I may have some ideas, but I have the impression that they appreciate that I am not wearing a mask. That must change them from all those covered faces that parade past them all day.
My company has a new sign indicating the wearing of a mandatory mask. ??? Yet no one wears it. (Although some wash their entire arms with hydroalkolic gel.) :-) Maybe this concerns visitors? I don't know, anyway I work at night with very few people, and nobody can force me to wear one.

I am not good at English but still:
You have to believe that wearing a mask decreases the oxygenation of the brain to translate in this way! :lol:
This is a little off topic but I thought I'd add my two pennies nonetheless. I developed an abscess on my back on Sunday, a great oozing boil, very painful. It had grown on a cyst, which my GP said not to worry about, fateful last words eh? Anyway, seeing a GP on lockdown was impossible. I had a telephone consultation, whereas I was asked to attend the surgery for a quick look at the boil by a nurse. On arrival I had to phone reception, where someone would come out to meet me, all face masks and gloves, naturally. I was allowed in for a quick perusal by the nurse. He told me to go to A&E asap. I did the next day, waited 4 hrs before being told it was too late in the day to perform an op. So this brings us to Wednesday, and I went again to the A&E dept. This time they had a bed for me, and could arrange an op to drain the boil. By this point it was extremely painful, and very uncomfortable when sleeping. Since Sunday I had maybe 4 hours sleep, very stressful.

In my folly, I thought it would just be a quick local anaesthetic and a wee lancing procedure. No such luck! I had to have a general anaesthetic, and have to stay in the hospital overnight. I brought no stuff with me bar £20 and my Mobile phone. The ward I was in was a kind of organised chaos. There were nice guys in with me in the ward, each suffering their own ailments, and we had good conversation, but I was moody because I had no tobacco to smoke on the sly outside. The nurses were helpful and communicative and the doctors were good too. However, having got there at 8.30am, I had to wait nearly 12 hours before my operation! This I wasn't prepared for and I got a little sharp with the nurses for not keeping me in the loop about the delays (they initially scheduled me for a 2pm op, it was nearer 8pm when it happened).

This was my first hospital experience since 1985, so I was a bit anxious as the operation loomed, but the staff were great, kept my spirits good with a little light humour. I had totally forgotten what an operation was like! One second I was breathing oxygen through a mask, the next second, gone! The next thing I remember is the surgeon laughing at me, because after awakening I was graping at thin air beneath my bed, trying to retrieve a non-existent alcoholic beverage. He found this funny, I was way too discombobulated to agree.

They insisted I stay the night for observation, because I had a gaping wound on my back. The following 6 hours were weird. There were two patients on the ward who were very unstable, wailing and moaning all night. One kept saying in a corybantic tone "I'm dead, I'm dead!", and the nurses were continually trying to get him to shut up and go to sleep. On a few occasions I was tempted to do the same! The other was a very stressed sounding woman who was literally screaming her head off. I got very little sleep last night, but I awoke to the morning hustle and bustle of a hospital ward beginning its daily routine. They offered me porridge or cereal for breakfast, which I refused. I foolishly made a request for bacon and eggs, and they laughed! I'd rather go hungry than eat crap.

Anyway, morning came, admin duties were seen to, and my op wound was re-dressed by a nurse, and then by about 12.30pm I was gleefully discharged. I still think c-19 is a big crock of shite, but I have a renewed respect for healthcare workers, how they keep their heads amidst all the chaos around them amazes me. I walked 2 miles home from the hospital, very tired, and then had probably the most satisfying cigarette of my life. The NHS have come in for a fair bit of stick in years past before this pandemic, but today I have some love for them. Now I've got to prepare for my gash to be re-dressed every day for the next week or so. I really hope this cyst/boil doesn't resurface. I know it's small beans as far as ailments go, but it allowed me a fascinating glimpse into the world of a group of workers I hadn't really focussed on, despite the pandemic. And there wasn't a single covid-19 patient in the hospital during the time of my stay there, as it happens. No real surprise there.

It's been a pretty strange week as it goes, just glad I've come out the other side with nothing major to worry about. But I'm very grateful that I live in a country that has socialised healthcare.
This article is a month old, but mentions a legal challenge being bought against the UK govt questioning the legality of the lockdown.

Here are the details that the Coronavirus Act 2020 is being challenged on. The legal work is being handled by Tilbrooks Lawyers who declare that the Coronavirus Act 2020 is null and void.

Quick overview:
- The coronavirus has not been legally, medically or scientifically recognised as a disease or virus because it has not been subject to the Koch Postulates.
- The govt acted Ultra Vires (beyond ones legal power and authority) and against the Rule of Law in implementing the lockdown. One of the Four Pillars of the Rule of Law is that a Law must have stability and certainty.
- The Act facilitates misreporting of deaths and encourages guesswork in diagnosis.
- Excess mortality has been caused by inhumane suffering, fear and neglect caused by the lockdown itself and lifesaving treatments deferred or fear of seeking urgent medical help.
- Existing legislation including "Infectious Diseases Act 1984 and if this was not sufficient the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 should have been used. This would have protected our Human Rights, as s20 of the Act demanded, along with other requirements and protections under the Act including "due proportion."
- Calls into question the PCR test.
- "Shamefully, the Coronavirus Act 2020 has been written as an 'Enabling Act' worse than even Hitler in Nazi Germany had. It is an abomination that has been used by the Government to illegally seize absolute power and control and has no place in a modern Democracy."
- Calling for a banning on any further testing because "results are being weaponised and used to deprive us of our Democracy, Human Rights and Freedoms, also our finances are being affected and our economy destroyed all based upon false results."
- Lockdown and Social Distancing did not work in 1918.

We are The People's Brexit, a group of Solicitors, legal researchers and campaigners. We have been extensively researching the current legal situation since the illegal 'lockdown' deprived us all of our Democracy, Human Rights and Freedoms.

We have now established that The Coronavirus Act 2020 is null and void. There are many reasons for this, the main one being that S1(1) of the Act defines 'coronavirus' as being 'covid-19' or it's other name 'SARS Cov-2'. However, by virtue of the fact that it is not legally, medically or scientifically recognised as a disease or virus it cannot be legislated against, and this makes the whole Act null and void.

The reason for this is that 'covid-19' has not been subjected to the 130 year established legal, medical and scientific procedure that recognises if it is actually a disease or virus or not, which is known as the Koch Postulates.This involves purifying and isolating the 'disease' or 'virus' and proving that it actually causes the illness that it is claimed that it does.

The Government has acted Ultra Vires and against the Rule of Law. Further, there are a multitude of procedural and legal errors made when the Government enacted this legislation. Including enforcing the Act on 23rd March with the 'lockdown' before it actually became law with Royal Assent on 25th March. In addition, the Act facilitates misreporting of deaths from various illnesses that it is claimed are also suffering with 'covid-19' as doctors are told to just use guesswork as to cause of death. This has been happening since the 10th March, long before the Act became law and allows the 'covid-19' statistics to increase rapidly. There is no doubt the figures are being manipulated and any excess mortality is due to the terrible inhumane suffering, fear and neglect caused by the 'lockdown' itself. With lifesaving treatment cancelled and people too terrified to seek urgent medical help.

Also, existing legislation should have been used for a Pandemic such as the Infectious Diseases Act 1984 and if this was not sufficient the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 should have been used. This would have protected our Human Rights, as s20 of the Act demanded, along with other requirements and protections under the Act including "due proportion", Parliamentary scrutiny and a duration of only 30 days maximum. This is outlined in the Department of Health's report 'UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011'.

This report made it clear that the Rule of Law should be upheld and life should carry on as normal for the healthy. Not the deliberately induced fear and hysterics and disproportionate reactions as an excuse for taking away our Human Rights, Civil liberties and destroying our economy in the process.

Shamefully, the Coronavirus Act 2020 has been written as an 'Enabling Act' worse than even Hitler in Nazi Germany had. It is an abomination that has been used by the Government to illegally seize absolute power and control and has no place in a modern Democracy.

As 'covid-19' has never been isolated and proven to be a virus or disease, it cannot be tested for. Instead of 'covid-19' being tested for, what is actually being tested for is genetic material and a RNA sequence based upon lung fluid extracted from Chinese patients. This genetic material is found in everyone and at higher levels in very ill people suffering from any illness.

Further, the test that is being used is called the RT-PCR test and the inventor said it should NEVER be used for diagnostics. This is because it is not a 'gold-standard' test that would give 100% accuracy. In fact, there is a false positive rate of 80% for this test. This means that the test is meaningless as it is just testing for genetic material and not coronavirus and even that is only a real positive for one in five people. Other tests being used are as bad or even worse. Further, using these tests anyone can test either positive or negative depending upon how many cycles the specimen is amplified by and as such the tests can be easily rigged.

We want the Government to be immediately banned from conducting any further 'coronavirus' testing. They are not really testing for 'coronavirus' but these results are being weaponised and used to deprive us of our Democracy, Human Rights and Freedoms, also our finances are being affected and our economy destroyed all based upon false results. People are also dying as treatment is being denied as the NHS focus is only on so-called 'covid-19'. People have also been so frightened by the relentless Media brainwashing that they are now not requesting urgent medical help when they need it.

Further, the 'lockdown' and 'social distancing' were measures that were forced upon us and were based upon advice by Government 'advisors', from 'modeling' estimates and reports not even peer reviewed.These 'advisors' from Imperial College, including Professor Neil Ferguson have a track record of complete failure, including the slaughter of millions of healthy animals and the ruin of livelihoods during the Foot and Mouth debacle. These absurd measures have no proven medical or scientific effectiveness and even the opposite is true and these measures are considered "dangerous" by many top international doctors.

This is even reinforced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) themselves in their report 'Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza, National and Community Measures' from 2006, which is on the official American Government Health website, the writers of which include current members of SAGE, Government 'advisors'. This report criticises forced isolation and quarantine branding these measures "ineffective and impractical".

It also states that "Legal authority and procedures for implementing interventions should be understood in advance and should respect cultural differences and human rights."

Cruicially the report states that at Phase 6 of a Pandemic, when a Pandemic is officially declared (WHO declared it to be a Pandemic on 11th March 2020), measures such as tracing and quarantine should not be attempted. This means that according to the WHO themselves neither the UK or the rest of the world should have been put in 'lockdown'. It states "Patient isolation and tracing and quarantine of contacts should cease, as such measures will no longer be feasible or useful." We feel that the 'NHS tracing app' and the 25,000 'tracers' are yet more infringements of our rights and privacy and is an outrage and illegal. This also has the sinister potential to be weaponised and used to terrify the population into thinking they have so-called 'covid-19'. Also the potential to keep a 'Pandemic' going indefinitely.

Further the report concludes 'lockdown' did not work back in 1918 even during war and under desperate, disadvantaged circumstances and the absurd 'social distancing' measures currently being demanded did not even get a mention!

Please read it in full:

Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza, National and Community Measures

This case is about DEMOCRACY and righting a wrong that has been done to us all. The Coronavirus Act 2020 needs to be IMMEDIATELY null and void and fake 'coronavirus' testing must be IMMEDIATELY banned.


Initially we need to raise £30,000 but then we will need to raise over £125,000 to get our lives back to the old normal they should be. Please contribute to our action and help us get our powers back where they belong, with us the People not with the Politicians. We should not be at the mercy of them and their failed 'advisors'. We will also be seeking retribution.

We will be helping and showing the way to the rest of the world that they do not have to accept this either. The UK is supposed to be the 'Mother of Democracy' but we now find ourselves in an enforced Dictatorship based upon false evidence and fake and draconian policies that were not even effective in 1918 before modern medicine, let alone in the 21st Century.

Thank you for your support, together we can overcome this deception and insanity and get the lives we deserve back again for us, our children and our grandchildren.

We owe it to them to not allow their future to be ruined by the compromised, by fools and by Politicians.

As stated by Catherine Austin Fitts:

So I litigated for 11 years up against the Department of Justice and they repeatedly broke the law - and we're free to break the law - but ultimately we were essentially able to win. And the reason we were able to win is if you got in and you worked the situation, whether it was in the courts or in the legislature or all the different aspects of how our day-to-day system is governed, and you brought the facts forward and you brought the law forward and you exercised the attention you needed to fight on the basis of the law… well they couldn't look you in the eye and say ‘No, we want to break the law!’ They couldn't say it in a formal capacity –‘Oh we're going to break the law to get round you’ and that's why it takes a significant effort of push back and that's what's got to happen. It's not enough to just shoot somebody if they come in to your house and take your kids; you've got to go into court, you've got to go into the Statehouse. There are all sorts of organizations who you can - you know for example in Tennessee we have a very good Sheriff Association, we have a very good Tennessee firearms Association - you have lots of civic organizations who are dedicated to maintaining human freedoms. But you've got to get with them and you've got to make clear it's this bad.

So maybe it will be the legal challenges that bring the whole farce undone!
This is a little off topic but I thought I'd add my two pennies nonetheless. I developed an abscess on my back on Sunday, a great oozing boil, very painful.

Actually, it is interesting. I used to see two or three patients with boils per year. During the lockdown, I saw more than a dozen in just those few months, the last one just yesterday. The nurse wouldn't believe me when I told her that we were expecting another person with the same problem after attending someone for the same problem. It was practically speaking one person after the other.
Headline in Thursday's newspaper:
Ohio facing $2.4 billion budget hole

Likely tomorrow's headline:
Dr. Amy Acton resigns as state health director; Democrats cite criticism from GOP lawmakers
Acton became both a beloved and polarizing figure to Ohioans for her candid, personal talks at televised coronavirus news briefings and for issuing orders closing down parts of the state’s economy that some found excessive.

In other news:

Outdoor visits now allowed at assisted-living facilities with accompanying picture of masked senior in wheelchair spaced 6 feet from the sitting masked daughters - outside.

Ohio’s nursing homes and long-term-care facilities filled with the elderly and ill account for 24% of all virus cases statewide — and, with 1,745 dead, about 71% of all fatalities. Thirty-nine percent of virus victims have been between the ages of 60 and 79, while those age 80 or older account for 53% of all deaths.

The cumulative Ohio totals: 40,004 virus infections and 2,490 deaths. [Pop. 11.7 million]

County fairs are back on in Ohio, with an infusion of cash coming from the state to help them make coronavirus-safety improvements. Each county will get $50,000 in state money if they conduct a junior fair and $15,000 if they do not (subject to State Controlling Board approval). [Apprx 94 county and independent fairs are held each year]

Many Ohioans told to repay jobless benefits - since March 15, new claims have inundated the unemployment system at a level not seen since the Great Depression. People waited weeks and months to have their claims processed and money disbursed. And an increasing number are being ordered to give it all back - about 3.5% of the people who have received benefits. One such person received a bill for $3000 and 45 days to repay or the case would be sent to the attorney general's office. Another person must repay $5000 - all the benefits that had been received.

And so it goes as the corona insanity significantly impacts the welfare of the hapless state residents.
Interesting to see how these developments will pan out:

- Italy has reopened its ports to NGO migrant taxis after it legalized some 600,000 migrants a few weeks ago (Italy grants mass amnesty to 600,000 illegal migrants, Salvini calls decision a betrayal) and the German based migrant transport NGO apparently can't wait to 'do business again' (Sea-Watch 3 back sailing the Mediterranean).

- Italy's intelligence services now warn that 20,000 migrants in Libya are ready to invade Europe (Italian intelligence warns 20,000 migrants in Libya ready to invade Europe), while the United nations Office of Drugs and Crime revealed that a staggering 650,000 migrants in Libya are waiting to come to Europe. Since January, a total of 3,366 migrants have landed in Italy, compared to 667 in the same period last year, Italian newspaper Il Giornale reports. That’s more than a 400 percent increase in just one year (650,000 migrants ready to leave Libya for Europe, UN report reveals).

- Europe's external borders will open on 1st July (EU's external borders 'should reopen from July 1'), so all clear for Mr Soros and cronies to further direct the flooding of Europe with migrants who are used as black blocs to further the social-chaos-agenda across Europe while they also come in handy to the much proclaimed 'second wave' of covid19 that will manifest (EU coronavirus advisor: Europe will see ‘second wave’ and Europe warned of second waves of COVID-19).

Phew, never a dull moment it seems:cool2:
It's a coolest gizmo on the street! :-P

I'm guessing it could also be used for self-defense to give some attacker a hard poke in a sensitive spot. You've got to love engineers. In lieu of, you can always carry a plastic sandwich in your pocket to put over the hand when protection is desired--when using the hem of your T shirt won't do. "What a world! What a world!"
I wrote previously about how my company would require wearing masks for employees who went back on site. New update today:

When you arrive at your office, you’ll receive a care package with:
• Insulated lunch bag;
• Two face coverings;
• Personal thermometer;
• Hand sanitizer;
• Antimicrobial brass safety key to prevent direct contact with surfaces; and
• Small first aid kit.
New building signage makes it easy to observe social distancing in elevators,

I have no idea what a "brass safety key" is.

They are definitely taking the covidiot measures seriously at you POE. :rolleyes: Working in grocery retail we've got all the signs, stickers on the floor and plexiglass every where they can think to place it. When the mandatory mask were introduced, I posted that I obtained a medical waiver and so far it has held. Over a week ago they emailed us that they were going to order those stupid face shields for those of us with a waiver. In preparations for that I again took my paperwork to my appointment with my holistic practitioner and she also updated it for me. I have been prone to headaches and that was my excuse to get out of wearing the shields. When the manager came to me, he asked if I wanted one instead of requiring that I wear it and that seems to be the exception the rule. I told him no thanks and had updated the waiver if he needed it but he didn't. The only reason I can guess is that our team consistently remains the top department in the district and that gives me a little leeway. When online shopping exploded the regular FE manager took a virus vacation which worked in our favor and the team pitched in as much as they could to deal with amount of volume that we were not used to.

As the lead of the team, I've tried to foster that team work by example and working with them on things like schedules and the like. While we had a good team before this happened, the new people hired threw the dynamics off and it has been a challenge to get it back. I have also noticed that the employees wearing a mask in our department are quieter and the older ones are tired. I know I am even without wearing one. There have been a few employees throughout the store that complain bitterly about the mask and have asked why I don't have one. When told about the medical waiver as an option, none of them have pursued it. Some said they were going to quit wearing them but so far that also has not happened.

It's been interesting to watch the customers with and without mask. So far it seems to be split in the middle but that's an average because at times there are more of one or the other in the store. The ones who wear them rarely wear them completely the whole time while in the store. I have noticed the one who do not wear one will come to ask me more questions than the ones who do. So far I have heard about one customer, a couple, who complained that I wasn't wearing one aside from weeks ago where I had a customer who wasn't wearing a mask demand to know where mine was? Hmmm... hypocrisy anyone? It seems that those who demand to know where my mask is without wearing one just don't want to be inconvenienced and since they can't do much about the other customers who don't wear them, they have to try and force our compliance. I understand that I should have and use external consideration when this comes up... but for several reason I cannot apply it. Not just because most of us understand the insanity of the mask but because I have put in a real and prolonged effort at getting my health to where it is today. I don't want to lose any ground with that because it was difficult at best and this job is a highly physical one where I go outside to load groceries into cars regularly and the heat can get unbearable at times especially behind the air conditioned cars where the heat is to worst.

Oh and we are now selling that brass safety key thing too. On the last note I also have received more personal emails from the CEO in the last few months than the entire 7 years at this company. Most of it is just PR and means so very little except how they want us to believe that the company really cares about the safety of it employees. We know that their actions didn't even come close to their words before this all happened.
I'm guessing it could also be used for self-defense to give some attacker a hard poke in a sensitive spot. You've got to love engineers. In lieu of, you can always carry a plastic sandwich BAG in your pocket to put over the hand when protection is desired--when using the hem of your T shirt won't do. "What a world! What a world!"
Sorry I omitted bag after sandwich--it was early :rolleyes:
Another good article:

“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” –Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction

“I was just driving and thinking about ideas and suddenly I saw it,” Mullis recalls. “I saw the polymerase chain reaction as clear as if it were up on a blackboard in my head, so I pulled over and started scribbling.” A chemist friend of his was asleep in the car, and, as Mullis described in a recent special edition of Scientific American: “Jennifer objected groggily to the delay and the light, but I exclaimed I had discovered something fantastic. Unimpressed, she went back to sleep.”

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