Anybody remember that gym owner from New Jersey that kept his gym open during the lockdowns? He was sued to high heaven of course, but last week he won in court. He has been cleared of all charges. Kudos for this guy sticking it out against the state. I don't know if I'd have the courage.

This is a video posted posted below from May 21st 2024 in response to the Pandemic Treaty now awaiting approval from participants.

Eddie Hobbs is an Irish activist, discussing the Killarney Declaration outside the The Global Economic Summit. The World Economic Forum, and Davos event that that took place in Killarney on May 20th 2024, very inspiring.

Ireland fights back against the tyranny of the UN, WEF, WHO Global takeover by stealth.

This is the Killarney Declaration, which can be digitally signed for those that wish to do so.

This is a video posted posted below from May 21st 2024 in response to the Pandemic Treaty now awaiting approval from participants.

Eddie Hobbs is an Irish activist, discussing the Killarney Declaration outside the The Global Economic Summit. The World Economic Forum, and Davos event that that took place in Killarney on May 20th 2024, very inspiring.

Ireland fights back against the tyranny of the UN, WEF, WHO Global takeover by stealth.

This is the Killarney Declaration, which can be digitally signed for those that wish to do so.

Unfortunately the above video link of Eddie Hobbs is not available, no surprise!

This is another link, maybe this will work, holding my breath.

This is a video posted posted below from May 21st 2024 in response to the Pandemic Treaty now awaiting approval from participants.

Eddie Hobbs is an Irish activist, discussing the Killarney Declaration outside the The Global Economic Summit. The World Economic Forum, and Davos event that that took place in Killarney on May 20th 2024, very inspiring.

Ireland fights back against the tyranny of the UN, WEF, WHO Global takeover by stealth.

This is the Killarney Declaration, which can be digitally signed for those that wish to do so.

that link didn't work for me.
Is this the video?
The last time there was mention of the NCI:


was back in this cross post to @Maat here, and the Final NCI Report (5342 pages), November 2023.

I've not kept up and should have, as the NCI has carried on into 2024, wherein they call upon an impressive list of experts to bear witness.

The Terms of Reference were posted on the forum prior, however here are the reference terms for 2024:

...The 2023 hearings were a tremendous success. They demonstrated:
• that the National Citizens Inquiry was a powerful tool to bring evidence to Canadians on theCovid-19 event, and
• the importance of hearing from fellow Canadians about their experience during the Covid-19 event.

Earlier in 2024, the NCI conducted a survey of Canadians and learned that the number one issue Canadians want an inquiry into is still how all levels of government handled the Covid-19 event. In response to this, the NCI is holding additional hearings into the Covid-19 event in Regina on May 30,31, and June 1, 2024.

The Commissioners appointed for the Regina hearings will be expected to:
• rely only upon the evidence called at the Regina hearings;
• prepare a supplementary report to:
o report on the evidence called;
o provide additional positive recommendations that flow from the evidence called, and
o provide any additional thoughts and findings they have at the end of the Regina hearings.

There is a ton of information here and many "mini" reports such as this one that can be downloaded:


Going forward, here is a list of the 2024 witnesses starting in May and continuing into June, and I started (had seen her before discussing VAERS) with Dr. Jessica Rose (very credentialed) who spoke on May 30, 2024.

Dr. Rose's presentation is excellent, and she expands upon what many know - brings the data to date to May 2024, and as is known, the VAERS database is underreported (keep that in mind as she goes through the data), and yet she brings it up - some say underreported x 100, and she takes it down to a conservative x 33, which in itself is astounding given the numbers.

SV40 is brought up, as well as how the DNA actuated in the production and polluted value, and what it is doing in the body.

This was just published

at the "Swedish Doctor's Appeal" Telegram channel in both Swedish and in English. Which by the way are the same folks who stood for the excellent Stockholm "Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences" back in 21-22 Jan 2023 with many international speakers in the subjects.

They wrote:

Prime Minister Abe was killed over not wanting to use the Covid "vaccines" for Japan
as well wished to mediate in the Ukraine War...

Mike Adams' recent interview of Japanese immunology researcher Murakami is astonishing. The Japanese researcher reveals that former Prime Minister Abe did not want the "covid vaccine" to be used and wanted ivermectin to be given as a treatment, but because of this and because he wanted to mediate in the Ukraine war, he was assassinated on July 8, 2022.

Murakami also reveals that from October, mRNA vaccines that self-replicate, i.e. multiply, forever in the body will be tested on humans. The scientist has huge concerns about the consequences. Ironically, the tests will be carried out on humans in Fukushima, where a tsunami caused the famous nuclear accident in 2011.

Murakami also states that like the rest of the world, Japanese MSM does not report on the protests against the vaccine and the WHO's plan to gain world domination over future pandemic management, for example, they wrote nothing about the country's demonstration against the WHO on May 31, the largest protest on this subject ever in the world.

The outright evil people at the top of the power hierarchy, who want to rule and control the world like the evil villain in every James Bond movie, will not surrender willingly. They want to realize their wet dreams of total control of humanity at all costs. They are afflicted with hubris.

Although the recently concluded WHA meeting was, in our view, a major defeat for the WHO, no one who opposes the abandonment of national sovereignty and the imposition of health fascism and a totalitarian global unelected world government should rest easy. We have only run 1 km of the total 42 km of the marathon. Keep on fighting! 👍🏻💪🙏🏻

Here the video at bitchute
(53 minutes)
It had to be in Mexico, of course.

The elections have just been held, the a sector of population is outraged by possible fraud, several media outlets that favored the opposition have strangely given the go-ahead to the winner. These, the media already knew the flu business, and then, I guess, they are moving on to something else.
The fact that Biden denied the entry of migrants makes me suspect that it goes a bit with this bird flu narrative, combined with other narratives.

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