Hello, could you explain the terms that you abbreviated? I find the subject interesting, but I don't know what those letters refer to.
Sorry about the abbreviations. An error has also crept in. It is not MIC-A but MIS-A.
About 80% of Post Covid and Post Vax are multisystem diseases and dysautonomias that occur individually or together.
MCAS --> Mast cell activation syndrome
MIS-A --> multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults
POTS --> postural tachycardia syndrome
EDS --> Danlos Ehlers syndrome

I actually see many patients in my practice who have all 4 syndromes in some form. For me as a physiotherapist, it's really exciting in terms of diagnostics - especially the hypermobility in connection with EDS. EDS is said to be a very rare disease - today's studies have proven that this was a big mistake. I estimate that 50% of my patients here are also affected before corona. Unfortunately, a genetic test would have to be carried out to confirm the diagnosis. But it can be determined almost exactly by means of appropriate movement tests and a skin test . In my case, I am affected myself with my mother's hereditary line.
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Here in Germany as well. I have tried to look at it analytically, also in relation to my own symptoms.
Since March there has been a high pollen load/exposure probably due to chemtrails/ rain and darkness since October 23/ new corona mutation
It was a big problem in my practice to differentiate and assign symptoms. The enormously high number of multiple inflammations per person was striking. I myself have the feeling that I have been under constant virus attack for months. Diarrhea, jaw cysts, pain in the right hip joint, sciatica on the right, pain in large joints..... a colorful picture.
Several colleagues confirmed to me that every third patient in the practices now has an inflammation of the sacroiliac joint and we have no therapeutic option.
Since 2 months there is a strongly increasing curve for Corona with different symptoms. Some have eye inflammation without signs of a cold. Others became very ill within minutes and were in bed for 2 weeks with flu symptoms. I hear that many have pneumonia, embolisms, dizziness. Another interesting area is spontaneous fractures of the base of the 5th metatarsal, tendon ruptures. We know many people who suddenly have holes in their hearts. Patients with multiple apoplexies who recover relatively well.
In terms of age, it is the 35 - 65 age group.
It feels like everyone here has diarrhea and dizziness.
The connection between MCAS, POTS, MIC-A, dysautonomia, Danlos Ehlers syndrome and the microbiome is interesting.

I'm curious if this uptick in inflammatory symptoms and disease became more evident after the major solar storm we had in early May? I ask because of the incredibly interesting comments from the Cs in the last session.

(Joe) Okay. Are there any effects on human beings from an event like the one from last week?

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) And would the answer to the question of what those effects are, be: ‘Depends on the person’?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So, they can be positive or negative?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) I see. Does it involve DNA changes, essentially?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (Joe) What is the most common effect, let's say, on human beings from such things?

A: Quickening.

Q: (Joe) Okay. So, is that in any way similar to the purported effects of the Wave about hyperkinetic sensate and amplifying what is in a person?

A: Minor similarity.

Q: (Joe) So, what does quickening mean, then, in terms of the solar flare effects, or solar storm effects?

A: Whatever is present is "jumpstarted".
What exactly did they mean by "quickening" and "jumpstarted"? To me it sounds like if there was a seed of something already within (good or bad) could have been given some kind of turbo boost after the solar storm.

A day after the solar storm I experienced a weird brain inflammation type of event that I assumed was a virus, took ivermectin and a bunch of other supplements and it abated. Then right after that ended my tongue and inner mouth became inflamed, none of my rinses worked so I nuked it with garlic, unfortunately that triggered the worst Interstitial cystitis flare I've had since 2017.
It seems that covid variants are doing the rounds or perhaps another strain of virus ? Lots of people going down with upper respiratory infection of quite a severe nature -accompanied by hi fever /sweating -I noticed alot of people also in uk presenting with this also most have tested positive for covid - good sense to pay heed and stick with the protocols as safety and protection measures - personally Im stepping back from playing music in pub sessions - we re in the tourist season here and every where is very crowded ! cold and damp here in w ireland !
Here as well.

Is anyone keeping tabs on Geert? I have, he's uhmm, highly pessimistic.
Could you provide a short synopsis on what is in that video? I think many here appreciate if context can be provided with posts, otherwise this becomes just another copy-paste jungle. I know this can happen when you're eager to share something, I've been guilty of this myself. :-)
Okay, so most people should already be familiar with the work of Geert Vanden Bossche (GVB). He's the vaccinologist who came out early in the pandemic saying you shouldn't vaccinate during a pandemic as you then encourage immune escape variants. Furthermore you fundamentally take away the ability of the immune systems of vaccinated people to fend off these variants. Ultimately, you end up with wave after wave of infection which is meant to end with a variant that finally takes out those whose immune systems have been fundamentally changed.

GVB has stuck by his theory throughout and whilst he has gotten the timeframes wrong (imo), I believe there's an element of truth to what he's saying. I'm not sure about the "Godfather" variant that will finally wipe the slate clean but I think he's right about the "wave after wave" of infection. Makes you wonder where it will all end?

Anyways, they are saying that we're now at an advanced stage with the latest variants and you'll start to see people presenting with pneumonia like infections. Underneath these will be some ongoing autoimmune illness that will develop undetected and will present differently for different people. Ultimately, it doesn't end well.

GVB is interesting as he doesn't touch adverse effects at all. So you have what he's saying plus the reality of adverse effects on top which makes for quite the combination.

They also say that the new "Godfather" variant may get labelled something different e.g. bird flu or whatever.
It seems that covid variants are doing the rounds or perhaps another strain of virus ? Lots of people going down with upper respiratory infection of quite a severe nature -accompanied by hi fever /sweating -I noticed alot of people also in uk presenting with this also most have tested positive for covid - good sense to pay heed and stick with the protocols as safety and protection measures - personally Im stepping back from playing music in pub sessions - we re in the tourist season here and every where is very crowded ! cold and damp here in w ireland !
Here in Northern California I know several people who are sick with either Covid or some sort of nasty virus that doesn't "test positive" for Covid. Both my son and husband have come down with an illness. So far, I'm fine and am able to take care of them.
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