Here we go - "Disease X" rears its head right on time for the election cycle:

They really ARE going to do this again. This time though there are so many people on to these scams I think we're going to see a lot of resistance and anger boiling over if they really push this. I have a lot of work to do on that anger issue myself.
I apologise that this is off topic, but I was reading about saRNA's and my mind went in a wandering direction again. I changed the acronym into a single word, sarna, and found that Sarnaism is a nature-worshipping religion in certain places in India with almost five million followers. Sarna, which means 'grove', is a sacred grove of Sal trees in which the community's deity lives. The word has a different meaning in the Santali tribe's mythological beliefs. Sarna means 'it is arrow' (Sar- arrow, Na- it is): "[Upon] seeing the Sar, the woman said, "Sar na, Sar na", which is why their religion is called the 'Sarna religion'. Seeing the Sar = seeing the arrow -> seeing the comet? May you be far sighted.

Sarnaism Symbol (Santals).png
I apologise that this is off topic, but I was reading about saRNA's and my mind went in a wandering direction again. I changed the acronym into a single word, sarna, and found that Sarnaism is a nature-worshipping religion in certain places in India with almost five million followers. Sarna, which means 'grove', is a sacred grove of Sal trees in which the community's deity lives. The word has a different meaning in the Santali tribe's mythological beliefs. Sarna means 'it is arrow' (Sar- arrow, Na- it is): "[Upon] seeing the Sar, the woman said, "Sar na, Sar na", which is why their religion is called the 'Sarna religion'. Seeing the Sar = seeing the arrow -> seeing the comet? May you be far sighted.

View attachment 98032
What is represented by this symbol? Sarnaism, Sarna(Santali), or something else?
Much was to do with the vilification of Andrew Wakefield.

Although not specific to covid vaccinations, yet it is all that too, Wakefield recently produced a movie called Protocol 7. There is only a movie trailer here, and this interview from a different source (who needs to be carefully watched on some subjects):

'Protocol 7' is a true story of big pharma fraud by Dr. Andrew Wakefield​

Dr. Andrew Wakefield's gripping new corporate thriller unveils the shocking truth behind a lawsuit exposing deep-rooted pharmaceutical corruption and data manipulation to inflate Merck's MMR efficacy claims, highlighting a systemic failure within the industry and the financially compromised government regulators.

Controversial gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield has just released a new film exposing fraudulent activity by pharmaceutical behemoth Merck in the corporate documentary Protocol 7.

The film is based on a true story where Merck utilized data tampering to boost efficacy claims of the mumps component of their MMR vaccine. The 3-in-1 combination injection of measles, mumps, and rubella, given to most children at approximately 12 months of age during routine childhood immunization, was then the subject of a False Claims Act lawsuit in the United States, which the documentary details.

Whistleblowers allege that Merck hid the declining efficacy of the shot, leaving government health programs blindsided by the faulty product.

Wakefield explains how Merck initially tested the vaccine's effectiveness against the natural mumps virus, but it failed to show efficacy. Merck then attempted to substitute the test with a weakened vaccine strain, which was not allowed by the FDA. When that didn’t work, they injected rabbits with human blood to create antibodies, resulting in false test results.

Merck then further manipulated data by crossing out undesirable results and altering numbers to fit their 95% efficacy claims. The studies were supposed to be blinded to prevent cheating, but they were not, leading to a systematic fraud that ultimately left the general public with a useless vaccine.

While the court case successfully established that Merck committed fraud, the case was dismissed after the company argued it was irrelevant because the CDC continued to purchase their vaccine. The CDC countered that had they known about the fraud, they wouldn’t have bought it. {yeah right}

This ultimately resulted in the CDC granting competitor GlaxoSmithKline’s MMR vaccine to market, thereby stripping Merck of its MMR monopoly.

Recently, the appeal court in Philadelphia re-heard the case, with hopes that it will overturn the lower court's decision and require Merck to face a jury trial for fraud.

The judge questioned whether this was a safety issue, and Wakefield says it absolutely is.

“Mumps can be trivial in infants but serious in post-pubertal adults, leading to complications like testicular inflammation, infertility, and brain inflammation,” he describes.

"If you have a vaccine that doesn't work [or stopped working], that you received as a child, by the time you're susceptible after puberty, you're at risk of a much more serious disease. That is exactly what has happened. We've seen outbreaks of mumps across the world in highly vaccinated populations, people who've had two or three doses of the vaccine precisely because this vaccine does not work in the way that we are told it works or indeed was in the product license that enabled that Merck to put the vaccine on the market."
The true victims, Wakefield says, are the children, their parents, and the doctors administering the vaccines, who had no knowledge of the fraud and remain without representation in this case that has spanned 12 years.

The lawsuit caused Merck’s monopoly to crumble, but only temporarily.

Manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline's MMR was brought to market until it was found that the mumps strain caused meningitis. “In Ontario,” Wakefield says, “that was recognized and the vaccine was withdrawn very quickly. And they went to purchasing the Merck vaccine.”

Wakefield says Big Pharma is a disgrace, further evidenced by ongoing lawsuits for hiding serious outcomes related to COVID shots, which have been deemed ineffective as a vaccine.

This systematic misconduct marks them as repeat offenders, yet governments continue to do business with them, he says, given the industry’s immense financial power that makes it difficult to achieve justice and enforce proper regulations.

A takeaway is one look at the skyrocketing rates of autism in children, afflicting one in 14 boys, which Wakefield says is the true pandemic.

"If you look at the rate of autism in California now, from the time when I was a medical student, one in 10,000, it's now approached one in 22 children. That is one in 14 boys. That is the true pandemic. That is what we should be worried about. Mortality from measles infection, measles disease, was declining from the 1920s onwards. It was approaching zero without any intervention, vaccines, or antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections. That was herd immunity. If we'd left it alone and done nothing, that would have decayed to effectively zero deaths from that disease. There would have been real herd immunity, but they didn't want to do that. Why? Because there was profit to be made. And they had the perceived success of polio vaccine led them down this road that we should have a vaccine for every disease, irrespective of how serious it is, and every child should get it. And that, rather like the history of antibiotics, where we've gone in less than 100 years from the miracle of antibiotics to the post-antibiotic apocalypse of multi-resistant, highly dangerous organisms generated specifically because of the overuse of antibiotics. We're seeing a similar situation now with vaccines and in 10 years, this landscape will look very different."
Dr. Wakefield was labelled as anti-vaccine after his research was misinterpreted in the late 1990s. He was investigating gastrointestinal issues in children displaying symptoms of autism following injection with the MMR vaccine.

Wakefield discovered the vaccine strain of the measles virus had embedded itself in the gut lining of these vaccinated children, as further shown in a 2021 case where a 17-year-old died from vaccine-associated measles after “The presence of a vaccine strain of measles was confirmed by sequence analysis and genotyping.”
Here's another way that Big Pharma is covering up the vaxx injuries while convincing people that COVID-19 is still a dangerous threat - wastewater testing for the virus:

Here's a link to the "Wastewater Scan Dashboard" where you can choose a disease to monitor to see how "hot" it is in the nation's city sewers at the moment. I set this one to "SARS-CoV-2":

One of the reasons I quit my job was because I was being asked to develop a rapid PCR test to detect COVID-19 in wastewater. I objected strenuously in late 2020 once it became obvious even to the FDA that the PCR test was worthless because it couldn't discriminate between ANY SARS viruses of the last twenty years, let alone COVID-19. Anyone who had ever gotten a cold could test positive, and anyone exposed to any SARS viruses may shed them even though they are "asymptomatic". But my objections were met with deaf ears. Not a single one of the people in my lab - and there were three doctors there - would look into any of the information I had gathered on the PCR test which dated all the way back to the AIDS "epidemic".

And now, that mass ignorance has spread across the country in the form of "sewer testing" for the hot disease of the week. If they decided to test for polio, for example, guess what? They'll find it everywhere, because there are still people shedding polio virus who were exposed to it in sugar cubes long ago (and the polio shots too also spread the disease, as proven in Africa recently). The way things are now, if you - OR YOUR CITY BLOCK - tests positive it doesn't matter if you are sick or not: YOU are a vector that must be quarantined.

I highlight this now because pretty soon I'm betting we're gonna see "Bird Flu" light up that entire map of USA sewers. Bookmark that tab and check it every now and then. Because this is the method that they will use to quarantine city blocks and maybe even entire cities, "for our health" - even in the absence of any real diseases. Those dying from the COVID shots will be all the impetus they need to continue the scam and further erode our remaining freedoms, simply because that PCR test will ALWAYS produce false positives. And I bet anyone who had COVID or the shots will also test positive for "Bird Flu".
If this study was not noticed on it can be checked out. Within the article is a discussion on specific study findings with a link. The link is to Correlations (discussed before on threads) that does 'Research in the Public Interest' with publication paper authors found here.

On August 1st Correlations sent out a news letter mentioning the last article featured in the link below written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D who cites Correlations work.

News Letter brief:

In this newsletter:
1. New report on excess mortality in 125 countries around the world
2. Comment on paper by Fisman et al. repeating claim that the unvaccinated"disproportionately" harm the vaccinated: Incorrect definition and applicationof a parameter ψ
3. Research in progress
4. Newsletter migrating to Substack
5. New donation method: Monero (XMR)

From SOTT:

where one can read further about the data and see the comment section:

Comment: While these numbers are staggering, one wonders what the future portends for other "pandemics", and their mandated responses - which are deadlier.

and the excellent talk that cross references back to Correlations:


"New research produced by British scholars has claimed that vaccination with any of the Covid-19 shots actually lowered the incidence of heart attacks and strokes and therefore outweighed the risks of adverse effects.

Researchers from the universities of Cambridge, Bristol and Edinburgh were able to analyze millions of anonymized health records of adults in England, provided by the National Health Service (NHS) and dated from December 2020 to January 2022. By that point, over 90% of the UK population over the age of 12 had received at least one dose of the jab.

“We studied [Covid]-19 vaccines and cardiovascular disease in 45.7 million adults in England and found a similar or lower incidence of common cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, following each vaccination than before or without vaccination,” said Dr. Samatha Ip of Cambridge, the lead author of the study."

In other breaking news, Ignorance is Strength! War is Peace! Death is Life!

The gaslight is now hitting the Permian oil basin. Is this the next great extinction event?

(I can't believe this is on RT of all places. I'd expect this maybe on the NY Post, but not there. WTF??)
In the EU, they’re steaming full speed ahead with their vaccination passport agenda, the EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19) project launches a pilot program with the European Vaccination Card (EVC). Notwithstanding all the damaging information coming out about the dangers of vaccines as well as the illegality of the covid measures established by various courts in the West, as well as being directly contradictory to European Treaties and the Nuremberg Code, they appeal to human transmissible zoonotic diseases or Disease X. (Actually, they’ve been working on the EVC since in 2018, according to official EU documents.)

So, in September, a pilot program will commence in 5 EU countries, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Greece and Latvia. The approach is based on what Belgium did during the covid time; they linked databases from various sources at the individual level, citing that 'unlike most vaccination campaigns that link data at a coarser level, this approach enabled detailed analysis and personalized insights on exhaustive population data.'


They claim the EVC, which will be available in various formats, ‘empowers individuals to take control over their own vaccination records, revolutionizing vaccination management and ensuring a healthier future for all Europeans.’ Yeah, right. This citizen-centred method of storing and sharing data, rather than relying solely on public health systems, was made possible by the Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN). Developed during the scamdemic for the EU Digital COVID Certificate, the GDHCN is now managed by the World Health Organization. The EU and WHO co-launched the GDHCN in June 2023 to promote a global interoperable digital vaccine passport, based on the EU’s digital health certificate launched during the pandemic. And yes, Hell Gates’ GAVI is heavily involved.

The Defender featured an article, wherein real experts explain why this is all a very bad project. F.i. Dr. David Bell (public health physician, biotech consultant and former director of Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund) says that:

“The trial in Europe is an obvious next step after the recent widening of surveillance under the IHR [International Health Regulation] amendments, which greatly increase the likelihood of recurrent lockdowns to enable mandated vaccination as a way to force mass use, and profit-making, from vaccines.” And:

“Whilst directly against post-WWII conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the spirit of the Nuremberg Declaration, they have the backing of major international agencies and the corporate interests that have become enmeshed with them over the past two decades.”

Catherine Austin Fitts said that:

“The goal is financial control. There is no legitimate public health purpose. The central bankers are hiding behind a health narrative — policies like lockdown are a way to manage inflation and resource demand when monetary policy is highly inflationary.” And

“So far in response to the current bird flu claims, I am told by experts who follow bird flu claims that 99 million birds have been killed in the U.S. and 500 million worldwide. Bird flu vaccines have been shipped to Europe. A vaccine card can be used to try to pressure or force people to take another unnecessary injection.”

I couldn’t find anything in Portuguese mainstream media about this (but I don’t speak or read Portuguese), much less how they are planning to conduct this pilot program. It was really excellent to read that this English language national Portuguese newspaper, which appears online and in print (for free), featured the article from the Defender, even quoting CAF, and questioning this EVC business as ‘really chilly.’

In her article, the journalist says that they’ve emailed EUVABECO to try and understand how this pilot starting in a month’s time will be rolled out. Needless to say, I’m curious as well! Some people say that the whole program won’t work as the EU has already massive problems linking data bases in all areas of society, so this should not be an exception. BTW, Portugal remains one of the EU countries with the highest excess death rates, and one of the highest vaccination rates. In June, the Portuguese government presented their new Covid 19 and flu vaccination campaign, which will kick off in the second half of September, and they expect 'mass vaccination to take place between October and December.' Wait and see, i guess...

In June 20204, hardly noticed by the public, the Austrian parliament has already passed the digital eVaccination Passport:
Reposting this from here:

Full operation of the digital vaccination record decided

(deepl. translation)
The digital vaccination certificate is becoming a reality and has passed the parliamentary hurdle in Austria
- ID Austria is getting its vaccination certificate. This gives the Ministry of Health sovereignty over all Austrian vaccination data.

Largely unnoticed by the public, the Austrian parliament (ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ, NEOS) has renewed the so-called Health Telematics Act. A key part of this is the "eImpfpass", the digitalized, electronic vaccination record. The four parties [out of 5] voted in favor of the "full operation of the electronic vaccination certificate" in the Health Committee on Wednesday. It is not possible to unsubscribe from this digital passport. The data will soon be sent to the Ministry of Health, but also to the state governments. The Epidemics Act (among other laws) will also be amended.

Full control over vaccinations

The new digitalized vaccination certificate, which will be integrated into ID-Austria, Austria's "digital ID" app, is justified with all kinds of propagandistic phrases. According to the government, there is a "considerable public interest" in the e-vaccination certificate, as it could "optimize vaccination care for the population". In addition, the eVaccination Passport enables "improved and faster availability of vaccination information to manage the public health system".

In future, the state will therefore be able to record more quickly who of its citizens has been vaccinated against what. This is highly explosive when you know that only a few years ago, basic rights were linked to a specific vaccination.

Initially, the digitalized vaccination record will go into pilot operation, for which ELGA is responsible. Later, the Ministry of Health will be directly responsible for its operation, according to the plan.

Citizens will be able to receive a "vaccination reminder" via the e-vaccination certificate - whether for TBE, influenza or bird flu - directly on their cell phone. And directly from the Ministry of Health. ELGA reports that the eVaccination card will be linked to the "national vaccination plan" when fully operational. This will then make "personalized vaccination recommendations via the eVaccination Passport possible in full operation". Of course, this also means that the relevant authorities will be able to easily track who does not comply with their "personalized vaccination recommendations".

The parliamentary correspondence reports on the amendment to the law:

"An essential component of the eVaccination Passport is the central vaccination register, which serves to electronically document all vaccinations carried out and vaccination-related information. Providers who carry out vaccinations (eVaccination health service providers) must - from the date specified in a regulation - store information in the vaccination register. This ranges from the personal data of citizens to more detailed information on the vaccination administered and the vaccine. If antibody tests are evaluated, the clinical picture to which they relate must be stated. Vaccination-related information is also stored. In any case, the vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), measles, rubella, hepatitis A and B, varicella, polio and any antibody determinations are stored."

So far so explosive. But that's just the beginning. The government explains that "only a certain group of authorities, organizations and professional groups" have access to the highly private health data stored in the vaccination register. So it's all half as bad. But these "jointly responsible parties" include: "the Minister of Health, the eVaccination health service providers, the pharmacies, the provincial governors, the district administrative authorities, the social insurance institutions and the health advisory service 1450."

Political abuse possible

You don't have to think particularly creatively to imagine the potential for abuse of power through this centralization of vaccination data.

The Epidemics Act will also be amended shortly before the election. The original plan was to introduce a completely new version. However, the ÖVP-Green government abandoned this plan as it would give the FPÖ "ammunition for the election campaign", according to the reasoning. However, this also means that this plan has only been postponed until after the elections in the fall. An FPÖ motion "to protect Austria's sovereignty and healthcare system vis-à-vis the World Health Organization" with regard to the amended International Health Regulations (TKP reported) was postponed.
If this study was not noticed on it can be checked out. Within the article is a discussion on specific study findings with a link. The link is to Correlations (discussed before on threads) that does 'Research in the Public Interest' with publication paper authors found here.

On August 1st Correlations sent out a news letter mentioning the last article featured in the link below written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D who cites Correlations work.

News Letter brief:

In this newsletter:
1. New report on excess mortality in 125 countries around the world
2. Comment on paper by Fisman et al. repeating claim that the unvaccinated"disproportionately" harm the vaccinated: Incorrect definition and applicationof a parameter ψ
3. Research in progress
4. Newsletter migrating to Substack
5. New donation method: Monero (XMR)

From SOTT:

where one can read further about the data and see the comment section:

and the excellent talk that cross references back to Correlations:

Robert Stein at Nuoviso /
mentioned in one of the latest "HomeOffice" session, that the amount of damaged (from the genetic injections) are 300 million people globally. Unfortunately he didn't mention the study or source where this number came from. But at least I know from the past 4 years that those who work at Nuoviso are very thorough regarding any info they relay further to their audience in Germany. (They also correct info in cases they got something wrong).

My assumption is that the 300 million damaged people globally, include all kinds of damages, from severe to light.

Ongoing development of modRNA
What of comes next to mind is the ongoing development and rollout of numerous modRNA products - which all go under the label vaccines, which makes it easier to roll them out (now and in the near future). With the name "Vaccine" you get advantages via present laws and rules, including "temporary approvals", sidelining most if not all medical safety rules - which is simply devastating for humanity given that the modRNA platform is by design is toxic. No exception !

I bumped into an article several months ago - from a site which is filled with all kinds of developments in the works, where mRNA and plays the dominating role. Well the name says it all: Exosome - RNA.

One specific article caught my attention several months - where the idea / experimentations were developed of using "Cows' milk extracellular vesicles used for effective oral delivery of drugs". I mean, let that sink in for a moment...

New research has found that tiny particles present in cows’ milk could offer, for the first time, an effective method for the oral delivery of RNA drugs.


So. Let's say you succeed to encapsulate artificial genetic code within natural vesicles... (e.g. body would readily absorb and assimilate the natural lipids shells who hold the cargo) "Talk about an offer you can't refuse" - meaning; that the temptation is simply too large and good; and they'll go that road no matter what, i am absolutely sure.

C's said a couple years ago; "Tinkering with DNA is at best iffy".

We usually get the (lot) darker versions of manipulation manifest into our realm, with folks that rule the lands though corruption behind (not so closed) doors (anymore). What could possibly go wrong ?
Last edited:

"Via New Zealand Pandemic Plan (emphasis added):

Special powers are authorised by the Minister of Health or by an epidemic notice or apply where an emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002. The power to detain, isolate or quarantine allows a medical officer of health to ‘require persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals, or things to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected’ (section 70(1)(f)). The power to prescribe preventive treatment allows a medical officer of health, in respect of any person who has been isolated or quarantined, to require people to remain where they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as the medical officer of health prescribes [e.g. forced inoculations - Ketone Cop] (section 70(1)(h))…
Section 71A states that a member of the police may do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorized by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71.”"
@New Zealanders, are you aware of this? It's the first I've heard of it. It seems to me that you guys down under are the guinea pigs for testing these extreme measures to see what the public response will be, so they can "moderate" them for greater uptake when implementing their plans for the world going forward. Best of luck to you all, and I hope this dies in its tracks. I do know were they to try this in the US, there'd definitely be some "rebalancing" in response.
@New Zealanders, are you aware of this?

Very stark language.

Maybe not exactly like this, yet many Acts or what have you, likely contain similar language buried within some subsection or other. It seems it is a 5-Eyes thing. In Canada, it may fall under provincial acts, in the U.S. you have federal and state mechanisms, including martial law where near anything might go. If in the future it goes full WHO, we are all in trouble as it will provide an out for local authorities to act as they interpret and deem fit.

The following examples are from a FIOA request to the office of the Ministry of Health in BC, particularity the exchanges between the Chief Medical Officer, Bonnie Henry and her medical outreach: Daresay every country, state and province has similar exchanges on servers, yet BC was one of the worst examples in the world - all done under a mask of sanity and compassion (there were also many carrots and many sticks and lives lost).

I've put it all in a quote box so it is not so long. - 42 pages.

It begins January 5th, 2021 and seems to end June 11th, 2021 - a short email window considering the depth and breadth of it all.

In the main, it was always safe and effective, with no room for anything else. That said, the anything else is being brought to Bonnie's attention. Here are some examples:

1. emails reference that there is no reporting process for mRNA adverse effects. This continues to mention that "_______ (redacted) if these types of neurological symptoms are occurring after vaccinations for heathy middle-aged adults ________ (redacted) then it is quite possible that others are having these types of experience's, but they do not know how to report their concerns, or they are worried about how they will be treated when they report their concerns ... fear of being perceived as someone who is anti-vaccine, fear of not being believed, fear of not being treated respectfully, lack of access to healthcare, lack of awareness for how to report, etc." ✔️It goes on, and is from redacted.
(if not exactly to the above, Bonnie responds) "Needless-to-say I take this very seriously and have been following very closely and considering all options."
Swept with 🧹
2. a number of concerns related to the different mRNA vaccines. These were "Stated as Sever nature of AEFI" (i.e., Adverse Events Following Immunization), and were "(high case fatality and sequela risk)" it said on page 17. This includes "Young age of cases," and "Unusual features which make this a unique clinical phenotype," and, "Excess risk associated with AZ vaccination."
This came from Eleni Galanis of the BCCDC.
Nothing to see here, 🧹under the rug as ppl know.
3. (mentioned elsewhere) is the report that a certain physician was in contact, which speaks to Dr. Charles Hoffe who raised alarms. On April 8th Bonnie says to Monika, "Talk to him first and then let us know whether this is something we should bring to the attention of the Collage. Thanks, b". A follow up from Monikla states that "given this context, do you want me to PHONE {her upper case} Dr. Hoffe as requested by Penny?" There is a Penny CC'ed in a number of emails.
One can gather that the FOIA request is from Hoffe's legal team as his name is not redacted in these many emails, however, it is know that Bonnie and the gang indeed reported Hoffe to the 'Collage' and he was striped of his license to practice (then his whole town burned down - Lytton).
Monika is addressed in the email tread (title RE: Devastating Vaccine injuries among residence of Lytton) on the same day by Carol Fenton, who has, in retrospect, a creepy email footer: "For 2021: "Side effects of the vaccine include hope, optimism, and a sense of a brighter future,"' more or less, may be wrong, it reads as a cool-aid drinking vaccine virtue for the staff.
Charles Hoffe on page 21 has his short letter sent to Bonnie of April 7th, 2021 included.
4. There is an email provided to Monika at the BCCDC and CC'ed to Bonnie. The email is from Dr. Paul Hasselback that ciotes an 'image001.jpg' as an attachement, with the following stated:

PS - 9 days post Pfizer. (S22 means redacted)

"I will complete full investigation when we have done interview and obtained some additional information,: says Dr, Paul.

Does not sound very good in relation to Pfizer and one might assume the s22 individual(s).

5. Page 26 looks to a letter to Bonnie from an s22 who was diagnosed with blood clots "in my lungs on _______ (s22) after receiving the Pfizer vaccine a week before." There is more, yet no continuation - possibly 🧹 under the rug, again.

6. Monika again, this time to Ingrid (Fraser Health) CC'ed to a number of health ppl, including Bonnie. This concerns Global News (email dated May 21) that a man is a VITT case (Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia) after "1st does Apr 5th." with SOB and CT scan to PE.

7. After a few more emails with S22's, on June 7th, one such s22 who seems to be very concerned, writes to Bonnie (Subject: Pfizer Adverse Reaction) to say that "s22 received his Pfizer vaccine on s22. On the afternoon of s22 s22 had a sever stroke. He was s22, his stroke was reported as an adverse reaction..."
The s22 writing goes on to further point out "...Doctors in BC and s22 agree that the vaccine was a catalyst for his stoke. We cannot change this for s22 but investigating this might prevent someone else from suffering the same outcome. Sincerely, s22"

No follow-up email, memory holed.

8. On June 9t, 2021 Just add a screen shot of this one:

and adds on the same day:


"found causally" indeed.

Another 🧹under the provincial carpet - must protect the narrative.

At this point more is said, as one can see an MLA has been made aware, probably the s22 is from his district. Here the s22 explains to the MLA (who they have met a few times) under the same subject line, that this injured s22 had taken AZ and was completly "immobile" and had been to 5 ER visits in 48 hours in extreme pain a s22 DDr suspected GBS and commenced GBS treatment which was a blessing. A few days latter his diagnosis was confirmed as GBS and Bell's Palsy.
His attending Drs believe his condition is a result of the vaccine."
s22 was in a wheel chair and was expected to make full recovery "but the recovery may take a year."
S22 goes on to the MLA that "This morning a CBC radio broadcast mentioned 15 people across Canada similarly affected."

Nothing else.

9. From another s22 to Bonnie (screen shot and there was no response):


10. This gets even more serious as a statistic - likely very light statistic:

From Heather at BCCDC to a Nicola of on AEFI reports:

"We don't get updated rates in time on Mondays so here are the counts:"


Yup, safe and effective.

11. Monika here (page 39) seems to be getting concerned and lays it out for Bonnie. This is longer so will screen shot it:


Note a number of things, such as "We know that overall BC is reporting higher rates of anaphylaxis - arguably higher than the US." and then Monika, via a s.13 this time, starts looking at Pfizer mRNA batch lots.
There is mention of reports of 15 female individuals - "average age 46(range 23-68)" in the AEFI.

12. June 11th, 2021, a Chelsea from VCH (think this is Vancouver or Victoria Children's Hospital) writes:

And that is it in a nutshell.

Most all of this followed V-Day (V for vaccine rollout), and these people knew what was going on and downplayed the lot of it. If they knew, and clearly they did, then these might be considered as high crimes against humanity. That said, I'm sure there were medical staff (one can read between the lines) who were aghast, and yet they were under a powerful thumb of medical tyranny that was very coordinated.

"Via New Zealand Pandemic Plan (emphasis added):

@New Zealanders, are you aware of this? It's the first I've heard of it. It seems to me that you guys down under are the guinea pigs for testing these extreme measures to see what the public response will be, so they can "moderate" them for greater uptake when implementing their plans for the world going forward. Best of luck to you all, and I hope this dies in its tracks. I do know were they to try this in the US, there'd definitely be some "rebalancing" in response.

I heard/listen to something revolving the now totally revealed RKI Protocol files (Robert Koch Institute, German government agency responsible for disease control and prevention, like the CDC) - that the only reason covid camps were not installed during the Plandemic in Germany, was becaue there were not enough staff for it !

Imagine, they (the politicans, Gov, and usual suspects) would indeed have followed the Covid-totalitarian countries like Australia with putting in isolation camps...

Apparently, Germany overall played a much larger roll in the global Plandemic rollout and its creation, restrictions, financing etc, than we fully have realized. Also "Dr" Christian Drosten (behind the Covid PCR test protocol rollout) apparently also had (and still has) a much deeper finger in the whole strategy.
🇮🇱 Ain’t that quaint ?

Oops!...Israel's official data on Covid vaccine side effects lost due to "technical errors"

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman revealed that the Israeli Ministry of Health received 345,200 reports of adverse health effects following the administration of Pfizer's mRNA injection.

However, only 18% of these reports were recorded in the ministry's database. The other 82% were lost due to "technical errors".

There whole article can be read in detail, in german language in the following link:

Note: the guy Englman, reveals himself as another modRNA monkey man who would liked that the israeli gov should have done more against vaccine disinfo - so there is that.

by Legi-Team | Aug 6, 2024

The vast majority of official Israeli government data on the side effects of the Covid mRNA vaccine has reportedly been "lost". The Israeli Ministry of Health has failed to verify 82% of reports of side effects from Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. The missing data was recently revealed in an official report.
State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman revealed that the Israeli Ministry of Health received 345,200 reports of adverse health effects following the administration of Pfizer's mRNA injection. However, only 18% of these reports were recorded in the ministry's database. The other 82% were lost due to "technical errors", reported the Times of Israel.
The Ministry of Health also failed to process a further 33,000 reports from the public about side effects, as it was only able to analyze reports submitted anonymously to a limited extent. In addition, the Ministry's Department of Epidemiology was unable to review and investigate reports containing identifying details due to staff shortages.

The 18% of reports that were reviewed by the Ministry of Health were mostly mild side effects, such as pain at the injection site or low grade fever. There were also reports of more serious side effects that made it to the review stage and were checked by Ministry officials. These included about 200 reports of changes in the menstrual cycles of vaccinated women after vaccinations.
However, Comptroller Englman found that the Department did not promptly follow up on these reports. The Department also reviewed only about 275 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis after the injections. Most of the patients in these cases eventually had to be hospitalized. In his report, however, Englman does not criticize public health officials for failing to investigate the vast majority of vaccine injuries.
Rather, he accuses the Ministry of Health of not doing enough to ensure public confidence in mRNA injections. [🤡] Englman particularly criticized government officials for not taking sufficient action against "anti-vaccine propaganda".

In his view, the government should have developed a strategy to combat "false information" about Covid vaccinations. [🤡]

During the pandemic, Israeli officials repeatedly told the public that the vaccine's side effects were minor and that serious adverse health effects were "rare". These claims were used to justify forced vaccinations. Israelis who refused vaccinations were excluded from schools, restaurants, swimming pools, events, driver's license exams and public areas.
Officials proudly declared Israel a "laboratory for Pfizer" as it was the first country to experiment with the mRNA injections. Israel's introduction of the vaccinations provided the data for other countries to launch their own mass vaccination campaigns.
The country was also among the first to introduce strict vaccination requirements for almost all age groups, in addition to a mask requirement that was violently enforced by the police. These measures were accompanied by harsh rhetoric from the authorities, who blamed deaths and lockdowns on the unvaccinated.

The then Prime Minister Naftali Bennett proposed increasing health insurance premiums for those who refused to be vaccinated.

Bennett also tried to introduce a wristband system to publicly identify the unvaccinated. All this was justified with daily reports from the Department of Health listing thousands of alleged Covid-related deaths in all age groups.

However, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by attorney Oren Shabi, the Israeli Ministry of Health admitted last year that it has no records of deaths in the 18-49 age group without comorbidities.

Among the COVID-19 deaths for which epidemiologic investigations have been conducted and comorbidities disclosed, 0 deaths are recorded in the 18-49 age group without comorbidities.

Many Israelis in this population group were nevertheless forced to be "vaccinated". However, it turned out that the injections had led to a massive and sudden increase in cardiac disorders and associated deaths. A 2022 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study of young, healthy Israelis found that Covid mRNA injections caused a shocking 25% increase in fatal cardiovascular disease. (See

MIT researchers studied emergency calls in Israel over a period of two and a half years (2019-2021). In particular, they examined emergency calls reporting either cardiac arrest [CA] or acute coronary syndrome [ACS] in the 16-39 age group. The study also aimed to determine whether the increase in cardiovascular events was related to COVID-19 or the COVID-19 vaccine. The results showed that from January to May 2021, there was a 25% increase in cardiovascular emergencies compared to the same period in 2019 and 2020, which was solely due to the Covid vaccination.

However, the Israeli Ministry of Health vehemently denied that there had been an increase in cardiac arrests. However, in the same letter to Shabi, the ministry revealed that it stopped recording data on cardiac arrests in 2021, when the side effects of the Covid injection began to increase.
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