Crystal Requests!

At one point, not long after I received the crystals..I left my water crystal in a jar of water for an extended amount of time. I don't remember exactly how long now but it was in the same jar of water for several days. I didn't leave the crystal in the water with the intention of charging it and I kept it away from sunlight and moonlight while it was in the jar...I just realized after the fact that the crystal probably shouldn't have been sitting in the water that long. Would the crystal being in water that long deactivate the charge?

Personally, I trust the original charging and keep them out of the sun or especially the moon. Why try to improve on the orignal source of the crystal's charge? The water crystal is charged for more than one gallon of water I would think. I see no expiration date on it. :-)
At one point, not long after I received the crystals..I left my water crystal in a jar of water for an extended amount of time. I don't remember exactly how long now but it was in the same jar of water for several days. I didn't leave the crystal in the water with the intention of charging it and I kept it away from sunlight and moonlight while it was in the jar...I just realized after the fact that the crystal probably shouldn't have been sitting in the water that long. Would the crystal being in water that long deactivate the charge?

That shouldn't be a problem! It is designed for water. But you can place the jug next to your other crystals, and sing/pray to it too once in while. :-)

So I lay out my crystals, tuned up my guitar, read to them and then sang to them, at 8 pm. Quite relaxing, actually. I'm set to do 7 days in a row, and then at least 3 days a week after that, with an emphasis on Thursday - is that still the important day?

Laura explains in the booklet that you can do it daily, or just whenever you can. Three days a week is still really good. And as far as I know, there is no more importance on doing it on Thursdays, but many people choose Monday and Thursday (+ another day), like for EE. Up to you. :-)

Hello All, @Chu,
Could you please PM me the IBAN account on which i can make a donation ?

I have juste one question : the nature of the stone is the quartz (crystal, or named "cristal roche" in french), or it can be any kind of stone ?
I was in fact wondering if only quartz can be charged as you did, or other type of stones can also be used ?

I send you the IBAN. Thanks! And yes, there are other stones, though most of them are quartz.
Mon Cristal d'Eau de Guérison, quelques fois je le laisse à côté de moi avec mon Cristal de la Maison pour qu'il ne reste pas dans l'eau d'une bouteille en plastique pour qu'il ne s'imprègne pas du plastique quand je sais que je ne boirai pas toute l'eau...
Ainsi il est près de moi quand je prie seule ou avec le groupe et chante sa chanson...
Maintenant je me demande si j'ai bien fait ?...

My Healing Water Crystal, sometimes I leave it next to me with my Crystal of the House so that it doesn't stay in the water of a plastic bottle so that it doesn't soak into the plastic when I know that I won't drink all the water .
So he is close to me when I pray alone or with the band and sings his song...
Now I wonder if I did the right thing....
Sounds good to me. I don't think you have to keep your water crystal in the water at all times, although some do for convenience.
Well, this is interesting... I've never overthought about how to use water crystal. I, through the years, I do the same thing. In the evening, get a cup of water (250ml), put to this cup the water crystal, and after night, just after I get up from bed, I drink this water and take out the crystal, then use it again in the evening.

I wonder how helpful the water crystal; however, as I feel good, I consider that this is also the crystal's merit.
What I'm reading is that putting the crystals in light or in water with intent to charge is what drains the charge. I've put my water crystal in a jar of water on my bedroom windowsill, with intent to let the sunlight charge the water - but not the crystal. A subtle distinction, but I feel to get a replacement nonetheless.

Thank you, Chu, and chateau team, for helping us with the hardware for our 'innernet' connection!
That shouldn't be a problem! It is designed for water. But you can place the jug next to your other crystals, and sing/pray to it too once in while. :-)
I don't think my water crystal has been out of water for all the time I've had it. It lives in a jug of water on my counter that I pour into a glass and drink from, and keep adding more water to the pitcher. The only time I take it out is for the Crystal Connection meeting on Sunday when I put it in a glass and line it up with the other crystals to read and sing to. After the meeting, I put it back in the jug of water.
Hello Chu, I made a donation that was well received on Sott (with Stripe) but the message I sent from my mailbox with my order of crystals attached was not successful. I received a message informing me of the non-receipt on the mailbox: Was your mailbox full? How can I proceed now Chu?
At one point, not long after I received the crystals..I left my water crystal in a jar of water for an extended amount of time. I don't remember exactly how long now but it was in the same jar of water for several days. I didn't leave the crystal in the water with the intention of charging it and I kept it away from sunlight and moonlight while it was in the jar...I just realized after the fact that the crystal probably shouldn't have been sitting in the water that long. Would the crystal being in water that long deactivate the charge?

My water crystal lives in the jug of water on my desk. I drink from this jug all day and it is replenished every day. The crystal is never taken out of it. But it could be. Well, I take it out when I wash the jug now and then. I even wash the crystal.
Hello Chu, I made a donation that was well received on Sott (with Stripe) but the message I sent from my mailbox with my order of crystals attached was not successful. I received a message informing me of the non-receipt on the mailbox: Was your mailbox full? How can I proceed now Chu?

Weird... Could you send me a PM with your PDF, then? Thanks!
My water crystal lives in the jug of water on my desk. I drink from this jug all day and it is replenished every day. The crystal is never taken out of it. But it could be. Well, I take it out when I wash the jug now and then. I even wash the crystal.
I have a ceramic water filter and my water crystal remains in the receptacle that contains the filtered water. It gets a rinse occasionally, but for the most part it stays in the water.
Hello Chu, I made a donation that was well received on Sott (with Stripe) but the message I sent from my mailbox with my order of crystals attached was not successful. I received a message informing me of the non-receipt on the mailbox: Was your mailbox full? How can I proceed now Chu?

The e-mail address should be:
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