Maybe you have some tips on the current situation.

Last week, our employer informed us that all employees must now take a PCR-test once a week and show the results.

The German government is already openly threatening all companies in Germany with consequences if every company does not ask employees to get tested. This pressure is now being passed on to employees. Next week, we already have to show a test result.

How do we deal with this situation?

I don't want anyone shoving a stick up my nose. I have considerable doubts that the personnel who perform the tests in the pharmacies or in the testing centers are competent to perform this procedure without causing any harm. In fact, there have been some reports that there are not enough medically trained personnel to perform these tests. This increases the likelihood of injury to the nasal cavity, especially potentially the olfactory nerves.

Do you know if it is possible to insist that a mouth or throat swab be done instead of a swab through the nose?

For now, we want to avoid confrontation with the employer by refusing the test and demanding a legal basis or, in the last resort, having us terminated.

We want to navigate through this time as long as we can without going into confrontation.
Maybe you guys have tips on what we can say when we get tested at a pharmacy.
What are our options regarding the employer's requirement that we get tested weekly?
How do you guys handle this?
We had to have the nasal swap to return to the US last week. I told the “tester” that I have sinus blockages due to nasal polyps (true) and deviated septum, and that he wouldn’t be able to go all the way in.

I feigned pain and he only got about an inch in and said, “that should do it.”

It’s all just a game. Who says you have to play by “their” rules?
I don't want anyone shoving a stick up my nose. I have considerable doubts that the personnel who perform the tests in the pharmacies or in the testing centers are competent to perform this procedure without causing any harm. In fact, there have been some reports that there are not enough medically trained personnel to perform these tests. This increases the likelihood of injury to the nasal cavity, especially potentially the olfactory nerves.

Do you know if it is possible to insist that a mouth or throat swab be done instead of a swab through the nose?

For now, we want to avoid confrontation with the employer by refusing the test and demanding a legal basis or, in the last resort, having us terminated.

We want to navigate through this time as long as we can without going into confrontation.
Maybe you guys have tips on what we can say when we get tested at a pharmacy.
What are our options regarding the employer's requirement that we get tested weekly?
How do you guys handle this?
Tell the assistant that you have very delicate nasal blood vessels which are prone to rupture and have had serious nose bleeds in the past due to this. Hopefully this would put them off. I am sure a throat swab would do the job. At my care home we do our own PCR's once a week and no-one is monitoring what goes on. Some people just swab the entrance to the nose.
They are, after all, the official Canadian government organ of news, and here they have picked the right words and people to focus upon in order to drill down their points for Marketplace viewers. Sadly, it seems to be working very well from province to province.

Was watching a short video featured on the OffG, by a teenager filmmaker that I'm certain would not be allowed to grace the frequency waves of the CBC:
Here in Canada, it seems to me at least, the media is making it clear that if you believe the covid pandemic is a hoax you are considered a cult member and a domestic terrorist. This week's episode of the show "W5" on CTV dealt with a minister of a church that has become a leading influence of the anti-lockdown movement in this part of the country. The first part of the report focuses on the minister's anti-lockdown/anti-mask wearing message. It then focuses on some of the controversial elements of this church that have led former members to brand it a cult. It then goes back to the pastor's anti-lockdown beliefs and once or twice, the term "domestic terrorist" was used.
Here is a link to the show:
The trans woman taking on the doomsday church

The article on the website talks about a former member of the church who had left and came out as transgender but that part was not included in the televised broadcast.
FWIW, a book titled 'The Edge of the World' by a Michael Pye that suggest plagues are planned events by the banksters!

The next-to-last chapter in The Edge of the World is about “The Plague Laws,” beginning with the Black Death in the 1300s. Pye writes, “This medieval horror had very long consequences. It is the start of the process we still know of anxious, insistent social controls, of policing lives; and what goes with it, an official suspicion of the poor and the workless, who are never just unfortunate. Our nightmares begin with their nightmares, in the 1340s.” It turns out that plagues helped fuel the rise of a centralized nation-state, and with it the centralized control of labor and taxation, and the concentration of cash flows and capital.


“Plague justified the rules that kept a person in her place. . . . We’ve seen how plague became the reason, just like terrorism today, for social regulation, for saying how children must behave, for taking a worker’s right to choose what work he wanted, for deciding which of the poor are worthy of help and which are just wastrels. Plague enforced frontiers that were otherwise wonderfully insecure, and made our movements and travels conditional. It helped to make the state a physical reality, and gave it ambitions.”
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Religious exemption! "Here I come, to save the day!"

From the article of my previous post:
Students will be able to request exemptions for medical or religious reasons. Students enrolled in online-only programs or off-campus continuing education programs will not be required to be vaccinated.
Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law who studies laws related to vaccines, said she believes Rutgers is on solid ground in requiring a COVID-19 vaccine. But she noted two caveats.

“The wrinkle right now is right now the vaccines are still under EUA, and the other wrinkle is access. But they’re not requiring it tomorrow; they’re requiring it for the fall,” Reiss said.

She added that there is at least a chance one or more vaccines will be fully approved by the FDA by the fall.

“And even if not, although there's not legal certainty, universities have a plausible argument that it’s legal to mandate a vaccine under an EUA,” Reiss said.

Reiss pointed out that the law establishing the EUA process states that individuals who receive an EUA-approved drug must be informed not only of the option to accept or refuse it, but also of the consequences, if any, of refusal. She also pointed out that while the law speaks to the authority of the secretary of health and human services, it does not address whether a vaccine can be required in a university or employment setting.

At least two lawsuits have been filed, one by a corrections officer in New Mexico and one by employees of the Los Angeles Unified School District, arguing that their employers cannot mandate vaccines authorized through the EUA process.

The lawsuit from the L.A. educators, filed last week, argues that the statute establishing the EUA process "reflects a fundamental, public policy goal of striking a balance between giving people the option of having access to experimental medical products during public emergencies, while also assuring that no one is forced to accept administration of such an experimental medical product."

The suit argues that a vaccine mandate "effectively usurps that public policy objective and stands in violation of clear federal statutory authority and guidelines."
“I think they’re comfortable with the legal authority supporting this policy, and I think they are totally right,” Yang said. “Colleges and universities do routinely require vaccines, such as MMR [measles, mumps and rubella], chickenpox. I don’t see why the COVID-19 vaccine would not be put within the same category. Under the existing federal statutes and case law, colleges and universities have a broad discretion to require vaccination as a condition of a full return to campus.”

Peter Lake, the Charles A. Dana Chair and director of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy at Stetson University in Florida, said colleges will have to recognize potential exemptions.

"Obviously, there’s disability law that’s applicable. Public schools may have some issues with religious exemptions. But broadly speaking, unless there’s a major change in precedent, it’s not unheard-of to have required vaccinations," he said.

"I think we’re likely to see that persist," he continued. "I think the harder thing is what kind of penalties are imposed. That's going to be tricky, especially with open campus life. We have controlled access with a lot of K-12, but with open campuses, that is much trickier to police the boundaries of that."

"... colleges and universities have a broad discretion to require vaccination as a condition of a full return to campus."

And so, students choosing exemption will have to utilize the online-only programs it would seem. That the mRNA genetic modifying "vaccine" is being equated with MMR and chickenpox vaccines really needs to be challenged.
And I'm wondering by how much they are planning to reduce the UK population? In 2019 there were 66.65 million people. They've got a lot to work with, obviously. I wonder if they have a quota?

Lol, I didn't realise this but my theory aligns with Geert's theory about there being an explosion due to mutant strains linked to the vaccine. Ha! Wrote that before Geert came out with his letter.

Separately, if you're to believe Boris Johnson's father, the ideal population size for the UK is between 10 to 15 million. Sooooo, lots of people have got to go!

Busting Covid myths: Top international experts explain why those Covid temperature tests aren't just pointless — they're dangerous

Last year, scores of businesses, from fitness facilities and salons to pubs, restaurants and offices, required anyone who entered to have their temperature taken. A fever is one of the three officially recognised signs of Covid-19, along with a cough and a loss of taste and smell. The theory is that if you weed out those running even a mild temperature, you pick up hidden Covid cases. Those with a temperature above a normal 37 degrees must then isolate and take a test, removing them from the environment and curbing the spread of infection.
But speaking to The Mail on Sunday's Medical Minefield podcast, top international experts say temperature scanning is, at best, 'futile' and at worst, 'dangerous'. Dr Jeremy Deuel, a Covid safety researcher from the University of Cambridge who has studied this, said: 'Temperature screening has been proven to be ineffective for identifying Covid-infected or infectious people.'

In the US, where public health experts have been warning against the use of temperature scanners for months, Dr Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California San Francisco, says the measure is simply 'for show'.
Traditional thermometers are held to the body, or placed in the mouth or another orifice, to directly measure body heat. But temperature scanners – non-contact thermometers – work differently. These are either cameras or gun-type machines that contain sensors that pick up infrared energy emitted by the skin. The machine then uses a calculation based on this reading to estimate core body temperature.

These devices are widely used in industry – by maintenance workers, for instance, to help them locate burst pipes inside walls that may be leaking hot gas. But they are not recommended as medical tools. In July last year, Public Health England issued a statement warning of the 'problem' of using temperature checks to spot Covid-19, describing the scanners as 'not very accurate'.
The main problem is that infrared energy is essentially a measure of surface temperature – and this is not a true reflection of body temperature. Being outside on a hot, or cold day, can alter skin temperature to the point the scanner would be rendered totally ineffective.

A recent Chinese study found even wearing a facemask can raise the temperature reading of a scanner by two degrees. In August – at the height of summer – the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr Anthony Fauci, announced his own organisation had banned temperature scanners, after a device read his temperature to be 39C – which would be a near-fatal fever.
The most accurate measure of core body temperature is to take it via a thermometer under the armpit, under the tongue or inside the ear or rectum. Studies have consistently shown that temperature checks fail to catch people infected with Covid-19.
Some employers are using [temperature scanners] as cheap alternatives to safety controls that are robust and effective,' says Shelly Asquith, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Officer at the Trades Union Congress (TUC), which represents 48 trade unions and 5.5 million workers across the UK.

'It's much cheaper to check everyone's temperature on the way in, rather than invest in proper ventilation and social distancing. But it creates a false sense of security. 'It needs to be made very clear to employees that this is not a very reliable measure and it doesn't mean they're safe.'

[Dr Gandhi] points out that, once the majority of the population is vaccinated, there will be no need for Covid-safe measures: 'We'll be immune.'
False statement. Dr. Gandhi is a small part of this article, but it's a reminder not to swallow anything whole.

Anyone has any idea what this can be?

My dad who is diabetic had the first shot from Pfizer a couple of week's ago.. he had no immediate reactions but I've recently learnt that he's constantly complaining of thirst - for about 2 - 3 weeks now. More often than not he's now drinking around 8 pints of water daily, including getting up in the middle of the night due to thirst.

He's been monitoring his blood / sugar from the prick tests he has and all seems normal on that front?

At the moment they are just taking this increased level of thirst is a thing that will pass but obviously I immediately thought back to the vaccine as soon as I heard about it.

What can make someone excessively thirsty all the time?
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Here in Canada, it seems to me at least, the media is making it clear that if you believe the covid pandemic is a hoax you are considered a cult member and a domestic terrorist. This week's episode of the show "W5" on CTV dealt with a minister of a church that has become a leading influence of the anti-lockdown movement in this part of the country. The first part of the report focuses on the minister's anti-lockdown/anti-mask wearing message. It then focuses on some of the controversial elements of this church that have led former members to brand it a cult. It then goes back to the pastor's anti-lockdown beliefs and once or twice, the term "domestic terrorist" was used.
Here is a link to the show:
The trans woman taking on the doomsday church

The article on the website talks about a former member of the church who had left and came out as transgender but that part was not included in the televised broadcast.

It is my general appraisal that canadian instititutions and every underlying employee are a criminal, armed gang holding the Sovereign people hostage and robbing them, to then pay themselves salaries off the proceeds of their crimes. The comorbid media supports their crimes, it's nothing new, what's surprising is how deeply they seem to have programmed themselves to believe they are respected.
There are videos that right now circulate mostly in Germany and Austria about regular people (not scientists) looking through basic microscopes at nasal Co Vid cotton swab tests and protective masks and finding suspicious fibers that tend to move when heated.
Do you know anything about it?
Is it a hoax or there is something to it?
This Russian blogger discusses this issue and shows ohw to find those videos:
This blogger says that these fibers remind him of the fibers people take out of their eyes after chem trails.
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Full articule Translated: Google Translate

Reasonable doubts about the origin of the virus… Regarding Fauci's reply to Redfield​

Reasonable doubts ... Regarding Fauci's reply to Redfield

By Pablo Javier Davoli **

I.- Robert R. Redfield (h.)
Is a renowned American virologist and immunologist. Between 2018 and this year (until January), he served as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and administrator of the Agency for the Registry of Diseases and Toxic Substances (ATSDR) . Both organizations constitute US public agencies, national or federal. The first of these depends on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of the central US Government. The second is part of the structure of that department.
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