Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Actually, just today as I was driving a coworker to work with me, I pointed out 4 cars running a red light, and before that a truck going 20 mph below the speed limit.

This has been ongoing. Each day I see cars run red lights. This has been for months now- everyday! If I have a passenger in the vehicle with me, we talk about it, and notice that it is happening far more often than I or they remember.

It could be a bias now noticing it, but running a red light is something a driver will notice, even just for safety reasons. Many people are not paying attention, and it is different than perhaps absent-mindedness. It could be disassociation too. I would credit vaccine damage here, but it's an observation, and I don't have data to back that up with. FWIW

On a sidenote, I've noticed more cars that have been obviously in an accident on the road too. It may be that repairs are not done for whatever situational reason, but it is noticeable. It wasn't before this gene therapy, maybe a car or two once awhile. Now I can't help noticing all the damaged cars lined up at a stop light. I haven't counted them all, but maybe for a week or so that'd give some better data to work with and discuss.

I drive alert, and defensively these days! There is a real difference happening, and when I ask people around me, most are noticing the difference.

Thanks for asking about this, it was on my mind earlier today.
Also I have noticed some serious deterioration of mind with vaxxed people around us... Not so much directly as I tend to avoid them (sorry) but from my own parents and people helping me around the house or while working with others. Definitely something up with that - in my mind.

I'm noticing not so subtle changes in people that I have come to know... At the beginning I put it off to the early days after their vaccination but some seem to be permanently changed (1 month later)? Over a period of a month (?), and I am very curious as to what will surface in the near future.

My father (age 79) has definitely lost a lot of his spunk (vibrating presence) and his wife tells me he has been sleeping way more than before - on her part, not much change from my perspective - yet again my dad had health issues before the vax, so? Wait and see, I guess... (They had their vaccines in Florida several months ago, now that they are back in Canada, it hasn't improved yet)

I hired a man to help around the garden and such, he was in his 2nd week after the vax, and in the space of one week he seriously changed, no strength, constant headaches, (said to me that he thought he was dying during first week?) didn't show up one day out of 2, even after I went to pick him up he could hardly nail a board or put in a screw, whereas before the vax he could follow me in all sorts of projects. I asked him to relax and asked that he return after 2 weeks, just to see what he is living.

It is quite heart wrenching I must admit...
Has anybody else been observing a general uptick in absentmindedness lately? People forgetting steps in routine tasks, more car accidents, missing emails, missing deadlines, etc.? I'd like to wait on data before further on the subject, but if the experimental mRNA injections are causing neurological problems, it should show up in the car accident data.
Indeed! In our small town, there was a substantial uptick in car accidents. In a 24 hour period, there were four car accidents and two of the four had fatalities! The trend has continued, and our local paper even wrote an article about it a few days ago, with the sheriff asking people to stay aware. I call them "vaccidents".
A relative (80) called me and first told me that she had already had her vaccination because of her age. And in the same breath she told me about one of her friends who went to hospital one day after the vaccination because of a brain haemorrhage and died the next day.

It's so sad that some people either don't see the connections or don't want to see them.

A colleague at work had a middle ear infection and hemifacial paralysis shortly after the vaccination... he couldn't close one eye for three weeks... but of course it has nothing to do with the vaccination :umm:
Has anybody else been observing a general uptick in absentmindedness lately? People forgetting steps in routine tasks, more car accidents, missing emails, missing deadlines, etc.? I'd like to wait on data before further on the subject, but if the experimental mRNA injections are causing neurological problems, it should show up in the car accident data.

So what if I get fired, vax passports happen, or they try to fine me? I've been a marginalized criminal vagabond before. How do you think the portion of society that doesn't have white collar jobs or access to the financial system gets by?

Well, I work in financial services with artificial intelligence, and I certainly don't trust bankers or AI geeks!!!

Get well soon, at any rate.

Exposure to the vaxxed had been leaving me feeling like garbage for at least a few hours - that strange sick feeling in the air leading to general malaise - but somehow it's not such an issue lately this week. Maybe they're not spreading so much of whatever anymore? Maybe their inflammation is going down? Maybe the unmasking has helped? Additional Vit D from sun exposure? Just spitballing here.
My co-workers are wearing Astrazeneca.

Family members I have contact with have both doses of Pfizer.

I am eight hours working on a car with a colleague wearing Astrazeneca.

So some "material" has been transmitted to my insurance.

Surely I already have a nice mix of whatever vaccinated people transmit.

And yes, for a few days I have noticed that my mind is less "sharp". I realize that I have to concentrate to be "attentive." And I have also noticed it with my co-workers. The level of ... let's say ... "erudition" in work activities on various occasions is surprising. Like a small child speaking and difficulty conveying a message.

Coincidence or not, I think being alert and "watching" helps. And have an active mind. I am continually reading. And when I read I meditate, and this is because of the type of reading, you know.

Some of us have not yet vaccinated, but we are among "them".
Indeed! In our small town, there was a substantial uptick in car accidents. In a 24 hour period, there were four car accidents and two of the four had fatalities! The trend has continued, and our local paper even wrote an article about it a few days ago, with the sheriff asking people to stay aware. I call them "vaccidents".

I thought I was hearing a lot of sirens around the area I live in. Recently, I was in a taxi when a police car came flying by and the taxi driver mentioned that there's been quite a few accidents recently! So maybe there's something going on here...

Separately, I learnt from my sister that my father had a momentary lapse in concentration when he was driving her the other day. He temporarily drove on the wrong side of the road! This is quite unusual as my father is a very good driver with decades upon decades of driving experience. I also checked in with my mum regarding my dad and she said it was complicated - his diabetes seems to be under control again after they changed his meds but now he's becoming super forgetful. He's only late 50s, not even 60 yet! Not sure what is going on with him since he took his jabs but I'm observing.

Funny thing is my younger sister recently told me she wanted to take the jab too. I was like that's fine with me, I'll also observe you like I'm doing with our dad - she busted out laughing and is now of the position she doesn't want to be a guinea pig. She's just going to lie about her vaccine status as she thinks if you don't get vaccinated you'll be discriminated against and bullied.
That's s so weird. I was quite skeptical about the videos at first, but I've watched a few that don't seem to be faked and the people seem sincere. Also, in some cases they aren't even putting pressure on the magnet against the skin - you can actually see the magnet 'fly' towards the skin through a gap of a milimiter or two, similar to what you see when playing with two ordinary magnets and they 'pull' each other. In another video, a Spanish old lady and her husband go back to the vaccination center and complain about this magnetic effect and want to know if they should get the second shot. The nurse just says something like 'well, nobody forced you to take it, you should tell the pharmaceutical companies cause I just work here, if I were you I wouldn't take the second shot'. Again, that sounds like a totally natural conversation of people who are genuinely puzzled and concerned - not staged.

We also watched a video of a couple of Spanish and an Uruguayan doctors discussing and speculating about this magnetic effect. They seem to think that there are metallic particles being added to the vaccine (however, what Turgon describes above suggests it's not just metal, but something magnetic, as it was a quarter that got stuck!). They showed a picture of a woman who placed a magnet used in magnet therapy on the spot of the shot and left it there for a few days. Eventually, the paper bit surrounding the magnet was stained in dark with some sort of metallic residue, and her skin looked 'tatooed' with the same thing. The supposed explanation is that the magnet pulled out the particles through the pores of the skin, which is why they even recommend doing just that if one gets the shot. Here's the image:

View attachment 45752

The text reads: "IMPORTANT: Biomagnetism therapies show that Covid vaccines contain some kind of metallic nanoparticles".
We use both magnetic and non magnetic pellets like that at my clinic all the time. FWIW its quite normal for them to turn a dark color like that both on the bandage and on the skin, I think the adhesive reacts with the person's skin oils or maybe it oxidizes from the air. If it was contaminated with metal nano particles I would expect them to be all over the magnet, not on the adhesive. Just my two cents.
I'm reading through some of the responses about the magnet sticking to the arm and whether it's true or not, but a person I know put a quarter on the place he got the Pzifer jab and it stuck to his arm! I had no idea about this beforehand, a friend of mine who was there showed me the videos floating around the internet - I didn't believe it - we tested it out right then and there and it only stayed on his arm in the place that he got injected. We tried a handful of other areas on his arm and shoulder, tested it out on his other arm and it was only in that one place. Whether that was a fluke, the observers affecting the outcome, some sort of metals lodged in his arm, nano-particles - who knows. But I saw what I saw.

He said that for about two weeks or so afterwards he was really tired and could barely get out of bed. The landlord where I work said the same thing, except he was out of commission for a month with no energy. I see him around the property everyday and wondered what happened to him. Although when I went to ask him about it afterwards and find out which jab he got (Pzifer) he changed his story around and said it only lasted a day and then tried to convince me to get it too. :rolleyes: The programming is so deep that he tried to 'sell me' on the idea by downplaying what he went through. Makes me wonder how many other people are suffering through side-effects but aren't saying anything about it because they've bought the lies so much.
That sounds like a surreal experience for sure! I don't think coins are usually magnetic are they? If not I'm thinking there must be something else going on to explain what you saw.... Maybe the tissue around the shot in your friend's arm was inflamed in a way that made it sticky? Have you tried repeating the experiment since then? Just curious....
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@EGVG none of these things are normal
Ya know, I think that these things are normal; a lot of people are having these reactions. It's just that these reactions are horrible and not something that is good for the person and shouldn't be happening. They are debilitating and life-threatening.

Also, these are not vaccines EGVG. They are experimental injections and the people are the experiment.

If you have been following Laura and Cs as you say you have been, then you will know that the Cs, as well as Laura, have condemned these injections as a very bad thing.

Also, the pharmaceutical companies don't care about any of us. All they care about is making huge amounts of money and getting control over us through medications.
Thanks to everyone who has shared their stories. Each one is another dot to connect.

Around the end of March, I began having a very strange, sharp stabbing pain in my right hip like nothing I've ever experienced before. There was no physical cause I could determine. It would come and go, every few days, sometimes it didn't occur for a week or more. But it kept coming back.

My partner and I don't have a lot of contact with vaxxed people, but some contact is inevitable. One place is at my partner's weekly band practice. Last Friday as we were preparing to go to practice, I mentioned that my hip hadn't hurt for a week. Saturday morning when I got up, the pain came back with a vengeance. Started putting two and two together, and thinking back, could connect the pain to contact with people who have had the shots.

Up until then, the only thing we experienced was feeling low energy the day after vaxxed contact. When discussing the pain I was experiencing, my partner said he had been having strange pains in his joints for about three weeks. It almost feels like tingling under the skin, but the source feels electromagnetic. It's really intense pain, enough to make me flinch or jerk. It has seemingly no relation to any old injuries. It does not feel like the source of the pain is in 3D. Today is the first pain free day since Saturday. My first line of defense is to up the vitamin C, it does help alleviate the intensity of the pain.

I've been experiencing joint aches/pain in my hips and knee for a few weeks now. But I cannot say it is a result of being near vaxxed people, as I hardly ever go out. Since a few of us here have experienced this, perhaps it has some other cause? Something in environment/atmosphere?
My father (age 79) has definitely lost a lot of his spunk (vibrating presence) and his wife tells me he has been sleeping way more than before - on her part, not much change from my perspective - yet again my dad had health issues before the vax, so? Wait and see, I guess... (They had their vaccines in Florida several months ago, now that they are back in Canada, it hasn't improved yet)
It's the same for my father. He has health issues before the vax but now he's spleeping all day long much more than before ! I don't know what thinking about that.
Indeed! In our small town, there was a substantial uptick in car accidents. In a 24 hour period, there were four car accidents and two of the four had fatalities! The trend has continued, and our local paper even wrote an article about it a few days ago, with the sheriff asking people to stay aware. I call them "vaccidents".

I recently took a vacation to Florida which was a 12 highway drive from where I live in VA. Naturally, on a long stretch of road one would expect to see some accidents and poor driving, but what I saw seemed a bit unusual. For example, I saw someone rear end another person while stuck dead in 5mph traffic. That takes some real lack of awareness to do! Just a little later traffic was moving swiftly along at 80mph in the fast lane without to many cars on the road. For no discernable reason, the 2nd car in front of me rear ended the 3rd car in front of me and both cars slammed their breaks (to 0mph) which sent the rest of traffic behind them into high speed dodge-mode. Somehow, all the cars behind them were able to make fast acting evasive moves that very, very easily could have been a multiple car high-speed accident! I myself ended up swerving off into the highway grass to dodge all the action.

Thankfully, I made the trip there and back without any accidents myself, however I will say that I had vigilant awareness turned up to the max! I would absolutely say that the trip felt distinctly more dangerous than the last time I made it about a year ago which was right before the Covid lockdowns began. Frankly, the trip felt so dangerous that I doubt I'll drive down there again anytime soon. Furthermore, I plan to stay off the road as much as possible even in my local area. Driving around no longer feels 'fun' and 'harmless'.
A colleague at work had a middle ear infection and hemifacial paralysis shortly after the vaccination... he couldn't close one eye for three weeks... but of course it has nothing to do with the vaccination :umm:
That would be classic Bell's Palsy! It starts with what you think is an ear infection, but it is actually a viral infection in the 7th cranial nerve. Usually the paralysis sets in within 24 hours. Last time I checked here in the US, there were 598 cases of Bell's Palsy post vaccination (reported, don't know how many more that were not).

Luckily, it is temporary paralysis, but it does leave some nerve damage and some anomalous nerve connections. For example, the eye on the affected side will water when eating sour foods (aka crocodile tears). The 7th nerve regenerates, but may hook up to the 5th (Trigeminal) nerve, hence weird things like that occur after recovery. It has everything to do with the vaccination!!!!
That sounds like a surreal experience for sure! I don't think coins are usually magnetic are they? If not I'm thinking there must be something else going on to explain what you saw.... Maybe the tissue around the shot in your friend's arm was inflamed in a way that made it sticky? Have you tried repeating the experiment since then? Just curious....
No I haven’t repeated it although the quarter experiment was tried about two weeks after he got the injection. Would the area still be inflamed after that long?
C.A. Fitts interviews Dr. Tenpenny (1.5 hours) they give each other a few OMG moments throughout the interview.

A few points from the interview. Lot numbers can carry different substances. Moderna has 30 – 50 different recipes they can use. Tenpenny says maybe its aliens? Fitts says no, mankind is smart enough to do this, they use complexity and incompetence as a cover. “Entrainment” porn used as entrapment. 4 African presidents who stood up the to the covid hoax are dead. SAGE article (60-70% to be sick or die) read aloud. What’s going on down in Antarctica? Up to 100 trillion dollars in black budgets. We really cant know 'what' is in these injections. Christian/Bible talk toward the end of the interview.

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